Folk recipes for dry and cracked hands. What to do with very dry hand skin at home

Dry hand skin is a significant problem for many women. Nowadays, it is important to keep our hands well-groomed and healthy. You can judge a person’s age, cleanliness, and how he eats by looking at his hands. Itching, sores, redness, unsightly appearance– all this occurs due to the dryness of our skin. But this problem can be solved. You can make your skin more hydrated and aesthetically pleasing at home. To get rid of this problem, it is necessary to treat dry hand skin and get rid of the causes that cause dryness.

Dry hands most often affect women. We are the ones who bring order and cleanliness to the house, we use a large number household chemicals. It destroys the epidermis layer, thereby depriving the skin of protection. The skin of your hands is mercilessly dried out by frost, wind, water, especially hot water, incorrectly selected creams, staying in air-conditioned rooms, and diets.

Dry skin begins to turn red, itching, pain, and cracks appear. An infection may occur and dermatitis may develop. Sun rays and heat dry out the skin and accelerate the aging process. Lack of vitamins also contributes to dry hands. Spring and autumn are the seasons of vitamin deficiency. Dry skin may be congenital, but this problem can be combated and a noticeable result can be achieved.

You can cure dry skin on your hands using home remedies:

1. Always use a well-moisturizing soap to wash your hands. Avoid contact of hands with powders and detergents. Wear gloves.

2. After contact with water, each time apply a moisturizer, preferably without fragrance, containing avocado and cocoa oils.

3. Make exfoliating masks and scrubs. This will help get rid of dead skin faster, and the creams will be absorbed better.

4. In the cold season, wear gloves, and in hot weather, protect from direct rays of the sun. In autumn and spring period eat vegetables, fruits, vitamins.

5. Humidify the air in the room, especially during the heating season.

6. Take paraffin baths. This procedure is very simple. Lubricate your hands with cream and dip them into warm paraffin. Once hardened, remove it. After several procedures, your hands will be much softer.

7. You can also coat your hands with Vaseline, put on gloves and leave them on overnight. In the morning you will notice a positive result.

If you follow these simple rules, you will cure dry hand skin very quickly and effectively. If the problem is congenital, consult your doctor.

Very dry hand skin can be cured with homemade masks and compresses:

1. Weld oatmeal, drain the water, add vegetable oil. Keep your hands in this mixture for 15 minutes. Apply the mask before going to bed.

2. Also make a sour cream compress at night: squeeze lemon into a glass of thick sour cream, mix the resulting mass with the yolk. We wet the gauze in this mixture and put it on our hands, put cellophane and a towel on top. Keep the compress for 15 minutes, remove the remaining mixture with a cotton pad.

3. A honey compress will help your skin perfectly. Mixing glasses olive oil, a glass of honey and one tsp. salicylic acid. Heat the resulting mass in a water bath, add salicylic acid. Apply the warm mixture to your hands, place cellophane and a towel on top and hold for 20 minutes. Remove the remaining compress with a cotton pad soaked in lemon juice.

4. Make a mask with olive oil. Take olive oil, heat a tablespoon of it, add lemon juice to it, about one spoon, and one tsp. any hand cream. Beat the whole mixture well. Apply a warm mask to clean skin of your hands. Put cotton gloves on the mask and leave it on overnight. In the morning, the skin will become smooth and soft. Do the mask once a week.

5. An egg mask is good for chapped skin. Beat one yolk with one teaspoon of olive oil and add two tablespoons of banana pulp. Lubricate your hands with this mask; on top you can put on plastic gloves or disposable bags, securing them with elastic bands. Place your hands under warm water for 10 minutes.

If you paid attention to our article, you are probably also worried about dry skin on your hands. Let's look together at the main causes of dry skin and select products for prevention and restoration.

Causes of dry hand skin

Dry hands have a number of causes. The skin of the hands produces the smallest amount of fat necessary to create skin protection. The fat composition that is present is lost quickly upon contact with water, chemical products, and dirt. All this activity, together with mechanical damage and lack of hand care, causes peeling, cracks and wounds on the epidermis.

Dry hand skin can lead to various diseases.

It can also contribute to the appearance of dermatitis on the skin between the fingers and outside, the manifestation of allergic reactions, the appearance of eczema and other troubles.

Natural causes

We partially lose the fat layer on our hands even when we simply touch some surfaces or objects. This problem is not limited to adults only, but can also occur in children.

In addition, there are also atmospheric phenomena that contribute to dry skin:

  • wind action;
  • freezing;
  • UV radiation;
  • dry air;
  • direct sunlight.

A poor environmental situation and harsh climate (dry summers, frosty winters) can also cause you to have dry, rough hands.

Excessive dry skin has not only an unpleasant aesthetic appearance, but also a disastrous result. By losing the natural protection that protects the skin from harmful microbes, viruses and bacteria, we risk becoming infected dangerous diseases.


Another cause of dry hands can be a chronic disease. If a person has endocrine problems or diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases or anemia, then the skin of his hands will be dry. If the body poorly absorbs vitamins and microelements from food, all organs will suffer, and the skin will suffer first.

Dry hands can be caused by the early stages of psoriasis, which is associated with a malfunction of the immune system.

Inferior and poor nutrition can also easily cause excessive dryness.

Vitamins will help get rid of dry skin

You can avoid dry skin by taking vitamins. But first of all, it should be understood that the dermis needs constant nutrition.

Don't forget about vitamins and microelements

To do this you need to take:

  1. B vitamins. They are the ones responsible for metabolic processes in the body. Vitamins will saturate the skin with essential microelements, which will promote its renewal, as well as significantly strengthen weak nails.
  2. Vitamin C. Thanks to it, the skin is saturated with oxygen and its aging is prevented. There is also comprehensive protection of the epidermis from aggressive UV rays.
  3. Vitamin A. This vitamin is responsible for the regeneration of the body's skin. If the skin on your hands is very dry and cracks until it bleeds, this is a clear factor of vitamin A deficiency.
  4. Vitamin E. Gives skin radiance and elasticity.
  5. Biotin or vitamin H is called the beauty vitamin. Equally beneficial for skin and hair.
  6. The vitamin is considered skin immunity. Maximum care for the skin, saturating it with microelements, promotes better production of dermal fat cells.
  7. Vitamin K improves the structure of the epidermis.
  8. Nicotinamide is able to establish the correct water balance in the skin.

What to do at home

If you do not try to solve the problem using available methods, then specialized treatment will be necessary.

Often, the problem of dry hands is easily solved. In addition to taking vitamins, you can use cosmetics and skin care treatments. Folk remedies involve the use of products that are available in every housewife's home. Let's look at the most popular methods that will help soften, moisturize and restore the skin.

Hand baths

Try a starch bath to restore tired hand skin

To restore the skin on your hands, you can take a starch bath several times a week.

Option 1

Method of preparation: dissolve a teaspoon of starch in 1 glass of water, stir until smooth. Then add water (up to 40 degrees) so that the total volume is 1 liter. Dip the brushes into the resulting solution and hold them for about 20 minutes. Then you need to dry your hands terry towel and apply nourishing cream.

Option 2

There is another way to bathe with starch, which will help you quickly get rid of dry hands: stir 2 tablespoons of starch with 1 liter of water, keep your hands in the solution for up to 15 minutes, then lubricate them generously fish oil. This procedure is done at night.

Effective oils for dry hands

Hand baths based on butter, olive or vegetable oil

What to apply to dry hands when creams don’t help and there’s no time to do baths? Oils will help here. Olive, creamy and even sunflower oil - good way getting rid of peeling skin. It is recommended to purchase pharmaceutical burdock oil and lubricate your hands with it at least once a day.

How to fix the problem with cream

Cream - an effective and proven means for moisturizing hands

Hand cream can provide proper care for the skin, eliminate dryness, relieve redness and peeling. Cosmetic products are divided based on their action.

1. Silicone hand cream from the "Svoboda" factory, 2. Restoring hand cream Armakon, 3. Nourishing hand cream BULGARIAN ROSE SIGNATURE SPA, 4. Healing hand cream "Svoboda"

  1. Silicone. They have hydrophilic properties, moisturize and soften the epidermis. Silicone in combination with glycerin gives a greater effect without clogging pores with excess components. This cream is quickly absorbed into the dermis and instantly brings it into best view. It is suitable for use during household work or work with rubber gloves (Freedom, Vitex, Silicone).
  2. Revitalizing cream provides skin regeneration, creates preventive measures effects through the development of a protective barrier on the dermis (Tulsi, Muse Restoring, Armakon).
  3. Healing creams used on problem areas. If the palms, hands, and skin have wounds, cracks and cuts, then this cream causes cell renewal as quickly as possible, promoting the speedy healing of wounds, creating a protective invisible film (Freedom, Phytocream, Shi Fei Shi).
  4. Nourishing cream designed to provide hands with the necessary care. It maximally saturates the hands with fatty elements, nourishing every cell of the dermis (Vitex, BULGARIAN ROSE SIGNATURE SPA, Nika).
  5. Hydrophobic- designed to work with chemicals. It protects the skin as much as possible, covering it with a thin film. The use of this cream is a good preventative measure against rough and flaky dermis (Barrier Cream, Tulsi, Muse Restoring).

The best hand masks

  1. Honey mask: 1 tsp. honey is added to 1 tbsp. l. milk and 1 tbsp. l. oil (vegetable or olive). Add to the resulting mass oatmeal(2 tbsp) and carefully mix the ingredients. The resulting paste should be applied with massaging movements to your hands and put on cotton gloves.
  2. Oatmeal mask: Oatmeal can be ground in a coffee grinder or used as usual. Take 1.5 - 2 tablespoons of flakes, 1 tbsp. l. warm water, glycerin and oil, add 1 tsp. lemon juice and mix the ingredients thoroughly. The mask is applied for 15 minutes, then washed off with water at room temperature and the brushes are carefully wiped with a terry towel.

Proper care for dry hand skin

As you can see, dry hands are influenced by a variety of factors. This and external environment, daily work activity, lack of vitamins in the body, improper diet, chronic diseases or simply lack of proper hand care.

To avoid problems with the skin and further harmful consequences, you must adhere to basic rules for hand care:

  • wash dishes, floors, windows and other objects that involve contact with chemicals, only with gloves;
  • periodically take a complex of vitamins;
  • use nourishing hand cream daily;
  • Make preventive masks and baths 1-2 times a week;
  • lead healthy image life;
  • eat right and nourish your body as much as possible healthy products(porridge, vegetables, fruits, herbs).

If you follow these simple rules, the problem of dry hands will disappear forever!

Useful materials

Every woman, young and old, knows that taking care of her hands is important and necessary. In frosty weather, with changing seasons, with frequent contact with water, dust, various detergents and household cleaning products, hands often feel discomfort. Hand baths for dryness and cracks at home will help you cope with it.

Prevention of dry hand skin

There are quite a few reasons and factors causing the problem of dry hand skin. Play a role not only external environment, but also the body’s vitamin balance, individual genetic characteristics and overall health. To keep your hands looking perfect, take care of them daily. For this follow the recommendations below:

  • Keep your hands clean: When washing, use mild soap or a special moisturizer;
  • After washing thoroughly dry skin so that the droplets do not cause excessive dryness when evaporating;
  • Use individually selected creams and lotions, moisturizing dry skin of hands and saturating vitamins;
  • Use in winter protective and nourishing cosmetics, wear gloves or mittens;
  • In summer take care of your hands with dry skin and cracks from exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Use gloves made of rubber to protect hands during prolonged contact with water;
  • If you are making repairs or simply decide to update any surface with paint, do not remove any drops that get on your hands with solvents. Take advantage vegetable oil;
  • Don’t forget to nourish your body with vitamins and minerals during the off-season.

You will achieve the maximum effect if you take a comprehensive approach to eliminating the discomfort caused by dryness, roughness and the appearance of small cracks on the skin of your hands. Therefore, pamper dry hands with warm, pleasant and, of course, healthy baths.

Herbal infusions for dry hands

Herbs have long been used in folk medicine and cosmetology. They have a moisturizing, soothing and antiseptic effect on dry hand skin. Combining linden with eucalyptus relieves inflammation and itching from peeling skin, softens it. Prepare an infusion from these ingredients. It is enough to take 4 teaspoons of the crushed mixture and pour 300 ml hot water and wait 30 minutes. Same recipe The infusion is prepared from linden or eucalyptus separately.

What herbs can be used to make decoctions that save from dry hands and cracks?

Along with natural infusions, the following decoctions are excellent for solving the problem:

  • Oak bark
    Bark tincture perfectly relieves redness of any nature.
  • Refreshing mint
    An ideal remedy for eliminating dryness and cracks on the skin of the hands.
  • Bird cherry
    Bird cherry relieves swelling from the hands, heals bruises and fights dryness.
  • Chamomile.

Do not immediately plunge these gifts of nature into boiling water. First fill with cold water, and then bring to a boil. Wait 10 minutes. When the broth has cooled and infused a little, pass it through a medical bandage or gauze. The beauty of decoctions is that way of using them is not limited to baths. You can apply compresses or wipe with a soft cotton swab.

Sauerkraut – a remedy for excessive dry hands

For lovers sauerkraut especially lucky. Her juice copes wonderfully with the problem of rough and rough skin. However, cabbage juice should not be used too often, since active substances juice can cause redness of the skin of the hands. Limit yourself to two treatments per week.

After use, lubricate your hands with an oily or rich nourishing cream. Additionally, you can wrap it in cotton cloth or hide your hands in gloves for a while.

Baking soda solution for dry skin

You probably have baking soda in your kitchen. If so, make it a magnificent bath: Dissolve a dessert spoon of powder in a liter of heated water. Add sea salt if desired. Be careful: if there are wounds on the skin, then upon contact with salt and soda, an unpleasant tingling sensation may occur.

Sea salt to moisturize dry hands

Many representatives of the fair sex love to take a bath with the addition of sea ​​salt. Pamper the same with your hands. Dilute 12 grams of product in boiled water. This gram is usually taken for 1 liter of liquid. Immerse your hands in the solution for 7 minutes, then wipe gently dry without creating unnecessary friction. Do the procedure 4 times with a break of seven days and give your hands some rest. Repeat the course if your hands are dry has not been eliminated.

Oils are a source of nutrition for dry skin

For a long time now has become common using essential and vegetable oils to prepare a variety of masks and creams. You can choose the type of oil at your discretion. Sunflower, olive, vegetable oils are suitable. Hold your hands quarter of an hour in oil that is diluted a small amount water. Then blot with a soft cloth, apply the cream liberally and let it absorb well. After the procedure, remove excess cream with a dry cotton pad.

Fermented milk ambulance

Fermented milk products- an indispensable assistant in restoring and maintaining female beauty. It can help not only hair, but also dry skin on hands. You can learn more about masks made from kefir and milk from this

Serum baths are ideal for hands. Whey can be replaced with yogurt. The only one a nuance that is important to know about- do not use cold product. An effective remedy will be if you preheat the whey. Rinse off the composition with warm water twenty minutes after application. Finally, apply cream to your hands.

After boiling the potatoes, take your time pour out the water. It is perfect as a bath for dry hands. Cracks, peeling and redness of the skin are treated with procedures lasting 1/2 hour.

Healthy oatmeal

Cook porridge in water oatmeal. Let it cool a little. Pour the porridge into a convenient bowl and place your hands there. The procedure will be completed when the mass has completely cooled down.

Softening starch

Baths of starch diluted in water will give softness to women’s hands, which are characterized by dryness and cracking. Maintain proportions when preparing the mixture. You will need half a liter of warm water and ½ tablespoon of starch. Choose the frequency of use yourself depending on the degree of dry skin.

There are many other recipes for making your hands soft. You can find them

Vitamin bath

The ideal option would be to dilute freshly squeezed water in water. lemon juice. If lemon is not available, it will also work. citric acid. The bath will not only moisturize dry skin, but will also have a beneficial effect on the color of your nails. She will save them from yellowish tint after using decorative varnishes.

Raspberry-chamomile tandem

This summer product works great with chapped skin after visiting the beaches and swimming pools. You will need half a faceted glass of crushed chamomile flowers, water and raspberries. Chamomile can be taken dried or fresh. First cook chamomile and raspberry infusion. The recipe is identical in both cases. Pour hot water, not slightly brought to a boil, over the product. Leave for 30 minutes, insulating the containers with a towel or fabric teapot cap. After that skip liquids through gauze or a bandage: after you mix the tinctures, the bath will be ready.

Try to do the bath for no longer than 10 minutes, as it will then lose its beneficial properties.

Healing cracks with nettle

Crumble a small handful into a bowl dried leaves nettle, supplement it with calendula inflorescences. Put them in half as much as nettles. Fill in hot water and let the mixture cool slightly. After put your hands in into a bowl with the contents for a quarter of an hour. Complete the procedure by lightly massaging your hands with nourishing cream.

Flaxseed gruel

Crush a small handful flax seeds. Add a few drops of mineral oil. Fill the mixture with water until you get a paste.

The peculiarity of a linen bath is that after immersing hands into the prepared mass, they need to be rubbed. The bath serves as a kind of peeling.

After completing the cleansing process, rinse your hands in water and lubricate the treated area with a light cream.

When using hand baths with dry and cracked skin at home, it is important to remember the possibility of allergic reactions to individual components or mixtures thereof. Therefore, we urge you to use these remedies for dryness and cracks with caution.

Man's hands demand special attention and careful care, in its absence problems such as excessive dryness and flaking arise. But sometimes skin irritation is a consequence of a serious illness. Therefore, excessive dryness of the hands cannot be ignored; if it occurs, appropriate measures must be taken in a timely manner. You can restore your skin to its healthy appearance at home by following certain recommendations and using traditional medicine.

Causes of dry skin

To successfully eliminate the problem, it is necessary to identify the causes of peeling of the skin. Eliminating them will help speed up the healing process. Dry hand skin can be a result of the following factors:

  1. 1. Harmful effects of weather conditions. In most cases, the skin becomes very dry and peels after prolonged contact with direct sun rays in summer and after being outdoors in winter without gloves. Windy weather and excessively dry air in the apartment also negatively affect the condition of the skin.
  2. 2. Lack of vitamins. Vitamin deficiency occurs due to lack of adequate nutrition. A lack of vitamins A, C and E leads to skin problems. People who follow a diet often experience cracks in their hands. The occurrence of such painful wounds is dangerous for the development of dermatitis and other skin diseases.
  3. 3. Improper hand care or complete lack of it. If a woman does not use suitable cosmetics, then skin problems cannot be avoided.
  4. 4. Prolonged contact with hard water and household chemicals. Various washing powders, bleaches and dishwashing detergents irritate the skin of your hands, causing them to become dry and flaky.
  5. 5. Availability chronic diseases. Problems such as too thin and dry skin on the fingers and severe itching are symptoms of diseases of the internal organs.
  6. 6. Anemia. This cause of skin problems often occurs in women during menstruation and pregnancy, and in people in the postoperative period.
  7. 7. Allergic reaction. In most cases, it occurs on hygiene products - soaps, shampoos, shower gels. Allergies can also be a consequence of taking medicines. Often the use of weight loss medications leads to problems in the form of peeling of the skin.
  8. 8. Hormonal imbalance. This cause of skin problems is typical for adolescents during puberty and for women during menstruation, pregnancy and menopause.

Excessive smoking and hobby alcoholic drinks lead to premature aging of the skin. It is for this reason that many men experience peeling of the skin.

Important: if even a rich, high-quality cream does not help cope with dryness after prolonged use, and you cannot independently determine the reason why the skin on your hands is constantly drying and peeling, then you should consult a doctor. It is extremely rare that such problems are a symptom diabetes mellitus, dangerous pathologies of the liver and kidneys, disorders in the digestive system. Independent actions in such cases can further worsen the condition of the skin, and untimely medical care lead to complications of the disease.

If your child’s skin is peeling, you should urgently visit a pediatrician.

Therapy with folk remedies

To treat dry skin at home, use various baths, masks and compresses. The most effective folk remedies against dryness and flaking of the skin are given in the following table:

Means Rules of application
Olive or vegetable oilIt is mixed with warm water at the rate of 3-4 tablespoons per 1 liter of liquid. You need to keep your hands in the prepared solution for 10-15 minutes
PotatoIt must be boiled in its uniform. The finished potatoes need to be peeled, thoroughly crushed and a little milk added until a thick paste forms. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin for 20-25 minutes. Potato decoction is used for baths. You should keep your hands in it for at least 15 minutes
Cabbage juiceIt is recommended to soak your hands in the juice of pickled cabbage for 15-20 minutes
EggsTo prepare a medicinal ointment, you need to combine 1 egg yolk with honey and olive or vegetable oil (1 tablespoon each). The resulting composition is applied to the skin for 15 minutes.
Saline solutionTo prepare it, you need to dissolve 2 tablespoons in 1 liter of water. You should soak your hands in the resulting solution for about 15 minutes.
GlycerolIn half a glass of warm water you need to add 1 tablespoon of the product and the juice of half a lemon. The resulting liquid must be gently rubbed into the skin.
AloeIt is recommended to thoroughly treat problem skin with the juice of the plant and leave for 10 minutes.
Infusions of medicinal plantsChamomile, calendula, nettle and sage will help restore the beauty of your hands. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials with 2 glasses of water, leave for half an hour and strain. You should keep your hands in the resulting liquid for at least 10 minutes. It is recommended to carry out the procedure twice a day
WheyKeep your hands in the warm liquid for at least 20 minutes
Sour creamIt needs to be mixed with honey in proportions 1:3 and applied to the skin for 10 minutes.
BranAn infusion is prepared from them. To prepare it, add half a glass of bran to 2 liters of boiling water. Keep your hands in the cooled infusion for 15-20 minutes
CarrotFresh vegetables need to be grated. To half a glass of grated carrots, add 2 tablespoons of sour cream and vegetable or olive oil. The resulting product is applied to the skin for 20 minutes.
BananaIt is used as a mixture for a mask. To prepare the product, you need to thoroughly chop the banana with a fork, add 1 tablespoon of honey and butter or cream. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin with massaging movements, trying to rub in the mass. It is recommended to leave the product on for at least 15 minutes.

After any bath or mask, you need to rinse your hands with clean warm water, wipe your skin dry and moisturize it with a rich cream.

The use of the above tools will help in as soon as possible get rid of dry skin and flaking. Positive result will be noticeable within 3 days. The total duration of therapy should be at least a week.

Preventing dry hands

To avoid dryness and flaking of the skin in the future, you should properly care for the skin of your hands. Care does not require much time and effort. The rules that must be followed are given in the following table:

Measure Execution
Protect hands from exposure to harmful weather conditionsIn cold weather you must wear gloves. Do not go outside in cold and windy weather with wet hands. Before going out into the fresh air in sunny weather, it is recommended to apply cream to the skin. It will create a protective film, which will prevent damage to the skin.
Humidify the air in the apartment using a spray bottleThis measure will prevent the skin from drying out.
Eat rightA nutritious diet will help avoid vitamin deficiency. The daily menu should include meat and fish, dairy products, vegetables and fruits
Use special gloves when handling household chemicalsThey will help protect your skin while washing dishes, doing wet cleaning, and doing laundry. When choosing rubber gloves, you should choose a product with a fabric lining, since contact with rubber also negatively affects the condition of the skin.
Wash your hands correctlyIt is necessary to wash your hands in warm water and then rinse them in cold water. This will help improve blood circulation. After washing your hands, dry them thoroughly with a towel
Choose only high-quality hygiene productsAll soaps, shampoos and shower gels must be of high quality. High-quality hygiene products that are gentle on the skin contain glycerin.
Proper hand careIt is necessary to moisturize the skin generously every day with a rich, nourishing cream - at least 2 times a day and each time after contact with water. You should use a hand scrub at least twice a week - using it will help cleanse the pores of your skin. You also need to carry out cosmetic procedures such as baths and masks. It is recommended to use them at least once every 3 days.
Prevent the development of chronic diseasesIf health problems arise, appropriate measures must be taken immediately. If you feel worse for no apparent reason, you should consult a doctor. Such measures will help detect a hidden disease at a very early stage of development and prevent it from becoming chronic.
Limit contact with possible allergensHaving a tendency to peeling skin, it is important to prevent the occurrence of allergic reaction to various stimuli
Give up bad habitsQuitting smoking and moderate alcohol consumption will promote rapid skin recovery

By adhering to the simple recommendations listed above, you can not only preserve the youthfulness of your hand skin for a long time, but also improve general condition health and significantly increase life expectancy.

Dry hands bother many women and men. Today it is easy to keep your hands healthy and well-groomed. If you treat dry skin on your hands at home, they will always look young and healthy.

Important! Dry skin often causes various wounds, redness, and possible itching. So dry skin is not only a discomfort, but also unpleasant side effects.

Main causes of dry hands

Most often, it is female representatives who suffer from dry hands. The reason is constant exposure to household chemicals. As a result, the epidermis is destroyed and the skin of the hands has no protection left.

In addition to domestic exposure, it is necessary to note severe frosts, wind and not the best tap water. Dry hands can even be caused by constant exposure to an air-conditioned room. And the cream does not always save you from the problem in question. So treatment of dry hand skin at home must be carried out only with proven methods.

Important! It happens that the skin of your hands dries out depending on the time of year.

Home treatments and care:

  • the soap you use to wash your hands should have a moisturizing effect;
  • It is strictly forbidden for your hands to come into contact with household chemicals, dishwashing detergents, or floor detergents. To avoid this, it is not at all necessary to hire a cleaner: just use gloves;
  • If possible, after each hand washing you should apply a nourishing cream to them. Buy unscented creams with added avocado or cocoa butter;
  • You need to do masks and scrubs every 10 days. They remove the top, dead layer of skin (detailed recipes for homemade mixtures are given below). Getting rid of dead skin allows creams to penetrate as deeply as possible under the skin;
  • In winter, you must wear gloves outside. If it’s summer and hot outside, then the skin of your hands should be protected from direct sun;
  • in autumn and winter you need to take additional vitamin complexes, and in spring and summer just eat a lot of vegetables;
  • during winter, when heating is used in the room, the air must be additionally humidified;
  • baths with healing paraffin will restore tenderness. You need to lubricate your hands with cream, and then dip them in warm paraffin. Remove paraffin after it becomes hard. Hands will become softer after several such procedures;
  • Lubricate your hands with Vaseline, put on gloves and sleep like that. After waking up, you can notice that your hands have become much softer, and there is no trace of dryness left.

Homemade masks and compresses


To treat dry hand skin at home, use regular oatmeal. It needs to be boiled in water, then drain the water if it is not completely absorbed. Add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. Place your hands in the porridge and hold there for 20 minutes.

Thick fat sour cream

In this case, take a glass of thick, fatty sour cream. You need to squeeze the juice of one lemon into it, beat in the egg yolk. When you achieve a uniform consistency, you should moisten the gauze, then apply it to your hands. Wrap the top in cellophane and put on gloves (you can just wrap it in a towel). Hold in your hands for about a quarter of an hour. Remove whatever remains using a cotton pad.

Honey compress

The same amount of honey is added to 0.2 liters of olive oil. All that remains is to add a dessert spoon of salicylic acid to the medicinal mixture. Warm in a water bath and apply to hands. Wrap in cellophane, top with a towel and leave for 20 minutes of complete rest.

Olive oil

You can make your own recipe using olive oil. Pour a large spoonful of lemon juice and a small spoonful of regular hand cream into a heated tablespoon of olive oil. Whisk the mixture and apply while warm to clean, dry hands. Put on gloves and sleep like that. It is enough to do this hand mask once every ten days.

Yolk and banana

In this version of the mask you need to beat the yolk chicken egg with a small spoon of olive oil. Add two large spoons of banana pulp to the mixture. Lubricate your hands with the mask, wrap the top with cling film and put on gloves. Then immerse the wrapped hands in warm water for 10 minutes.

You can easily treat dry skin on your hands at home. But, in addition to nourishing masks and compresses, we must not forget about proper nutrition, sufficient quantity vitamins in any season.