Build your dream home with your own hands. The guy built his dream house in record time

Buying a home can be a physically and mentally draining experiment. You can spend months looking at houses before you find the one you want to live in. You may have to change a few things before you love your home. But all the typical problems when buying a house can be easily avoided if you build new home. It is much easier to start from scratch, although this can also have several significant disadvantages.

The only way to find a new home without adapting to something old is to build it yourself. This sounds scarier than it actually is, because you don't have to literally build it with your own hands. No one requires you to walk around a construction site with a hammer in your hands, tied with a tool belt, but you will have to fully control the process, otherwise you may not get the result you expected. But your home will definitely have everything you want, and even more. If you have already thought about building your own home, then congratulations, you have done it right choice. Here are some tips to help you get started building your dream home.

Selecting a site

If you don't already have a piece of land to build on, you need to find the perfect location for your new home. This aspect is the most important part of building your own home, since you will have to make a careful selection. If you imagine nice house like a building surrounded by forest, find such a place. If you prefer to be closer to civilization, look at sites in the suburbs - the options are endless! After purchasing a plot of land, do not rush to start construction. Spend as much time as necessary developing plans and drawings for your new home.

Inventing a house

Now that you already own the land, it's time to proceed to the next stage - inventing a house. This will be the most important part of the entire process. First, you need to think about every little aspect of the house. Secondly, you need to decide what the bedroom will be like. Will you have a traditional style bedroom or something more exotic? What about the bathroom? Will you put a nice bathtub in it or something else? Will you have a pool or garden? Thirdly, this is the stage of complete control over the flight of thought, which will be embodied on paper.

You can find many home design plans online, or you can hire an architect to draw up the plans. Of course, if you turn to a local architect, it will cost a significant amount of money. Remember that at least minor changes must be made to any drawing in order to pass local inspections and obtain a building permit.

Who will build your dream home?

Building a house is a daunting task that can be made a little easier. You have two main choices: you can hire builders or build it yourself.

Inviting builders is the easiest way, but it will cost much more. Builders will take into account every aspect at any stage of construction. If you decide to hire construction team, there are some tips to avoid spending too much money on them:
— The main thing is the reputation of the builders, because there are always good and bad workers.
— A newcomer to the profession is not the best choice.
— Choose builders with an excellent reputation and real examples of delivering houses on time and within budget.
- Always ask to see samples of previous work. It should not be a problem for builders to demonstrate already ready-made houses. This is a great chance for them to gain your trust, and for you to learn something about their work first-hand.

Deciding to build a house yourself will save a lot of money. However, this activity is not for everyone, because it requires experience in different fields. This self-employed builder must personally manage and supervise all contractors. There are several points to consider if you decide to build a house yourself:
- “Your own builder” becomes your own boss, and if you don’t have experience in building houses, this may not be the best decision.
— You can hire a local builder, but have complete control over his work. This will help save money, but at the same time it is more difficult than leaving all the work in the hands of an experienced foreman.

The only way to get your dream home, which has everything you want, is to build it. You have complete freedom to come up with your dream home completely according to your needs and desires, because everything is in your hands.

The construction of a summer house, cottage or even villa opens up real scope for the imagination of both the customer and the architect. You can experiment as much as you like with appearance And internal layout, it is up to you how to turn your future home both in a classic mansion and in a spaceship heading into the sky. However, the construction of mansions has its own fashion and current trends. Thus, today, when building cottages, they strive to increase the glazing area, terraces are reinforced with balconies, and wood has practically been replaced by laminated veneer lumber and quickly assembled panels. In this regard, we decided to dwell on today’s current trends in the construction of country cottages.

Harmony in line geometry

Today modernism in all its manifestations is welcomed. In houses of this design, one should remember about harmony and geometry; everything should be thought out and calculated: degrees of angles, colors, shapes. In addition, today this style is becoming affordable for everyone; the time of its availability only for the rich has passed.

It can be implemented even in a house 6 by 6 meters or in a one-story panel building designed for 2-3 people. You can even create a “strict” mood with the help of colors, for example, by painting the walls and roof orange and black.

Folk elements meet

Severity and angularity are alien to you? Then let's remember historical traditions, for example, about the wooden houses of wealthy peasants Tsarist Russia. Today, the revival of cultural traditions is gaining momentum and they are increasingly being implemented in modern life. You can complement traditional motifs with modern materials (stone, brick, etc.).

If European traditions are closer to you, then take a closer look at houses of the “northern” type, the so-called. Norwegian. Such houses seem to be flat, stretched along the horizon, reminiscent of untreated wood. You can experiment with the height of such a house, but the traditional use is one or two floors. Such houses look great on large areas with plantings, varied terrain, and are convenient for everyday life. And remember about another tradition in the construction of country houses, also borrowed from the north - ascetic colors.

Wood is the base

Of course they are modern materials, like brick, concrete and stone are popular, but wood today competes well with them. Several reasons can be identified here, both the economic recession and the introduction of new technologies in wood construction. For example, from laminated timber you can build a small elegant gazebo or a huge mansion with many rooms. Also today, sip panels are actively used in construction (there is artificial insulation inside them, and wood on the outside), and a house made of such material can be assembled in just a couple of weeks.

Love the balconies!

A country house beckons to gather a large group of friends and relatives, but where is the best place to accommodate everyone? Of course, on a comfortable terrace. You can arrange it either in a house reminiscent of a traditional peasant house or in an expensive huge cottage. But if your house has several floors, then we advise you not to limit yourself to just the terrace: take a closer look at the fashion for arranging spacious open balconies. Although this is not the most current trend for Russia, because due to the climate you can only get comfortable in the summer, this trend is increasingly entering our lives for houses of any type.

Paradise behind the glass

The motto of the Russian suburban construction today is the desire for more Sveta. Unfortunately, in our country there are few sunny days, and in the winter months the daylight hours are even shorter, so you always want to put large windows in your cottages. In order not to lose a single drop of light, sometimes the facade is made entirely of glass. Large windows will look good both in guest houses for a large number of guests and in simple cottages. Natural light will always make life more pleasant and fill every day with a joyful mood.

Gazebos in the snow

Today, thanks to frameless lighting technology, it is possible to build a comfortable gazebo in which you can have a great time spending your free time even in severe February frosts. Of course, additional heating of such a gazebo requires additional expenses, but if you want more open space in winter, then the cost of heat is worth it. In addition, the gazebo can be made unique, a real original work of art. For example, use eco-friendly solid tree trunks in the design or make its façade round, succumbing to the influence of the mood of the land of the rising sun.

A place for everyone

There are no strict rules for the interior design of the cottage; here you are given scope for flights of fancy. You can either cover the walls with wood or mix several design ideas in the decoration. The same can be said about the layout: it all depends on your preferences. Who said that, for example, the first floor should be given over to the kitchen and utility rooms, and not to a real spa center for the owners of the house?

But still there is one main modern trend in the layout of cottages: a preference for large spaces. Do not try to divide the area into several small bedrooms; give preference to a large dining-living room, where you and your whole family can comfortably spend time.

Towards experiments!

Of course, it is much easier to build a cottage according to a standard design. But if you have a free budget, then do not skimp on developing an original design project, do not be afraid to experiment: if you are a fan of the works of John Tolkien, then why not make the house look like the home of the hobbit Bilbo Baggins? But if you decide on such an extraordinary experiment, then choose a really good and experienced architect.

Apr 17, 2017 Sergey

I would like this story to help those who are starting to plan their summer cottage. Regardless of how this will be done, with the help of specialists or on your own.
In general, a summer cottage plot is a fenced part of land in a field or meadow. Or maybe even in a grove or forest. It is this area that you need to turn into the vacation spot of your dreams. Maybe you bought a dacha with a house and you are quite happy with it. Then the entire dacha should be decorated in accordance with the style of the house. This is not an easy task either. Maybe you would like to have a garden in Japanese style, and your house is purely Russian, chopped up. So it turns out that a plot without buildings is in some cases better than with a house. After all, the fact that the dacha is a “blank slate”, so to speak, has its advantages. You can arrange everything on your hacienda according to your taste and according to the amount of finances. By the way, you will need to plan everything even if a professional takes care of your site. Sometimes it will be difficult for another person to understand what exactly you want to see on your site. Such nuances as the natural landscape, the height of groundwater, the quality of the soil for common man little is said about it. But nevertheless, if you yourself decide to plan your site, you will have to face the same problems.

If you read a little about planning summer cottages, you will read everywhere the phrase that this is a responsible matter. Indeed, a lot will depend on what and how you plan. Not only your comfort and the comfort of your household, but also relationships with your dacha neighbors will depend on the layout of your dacha plot. And also the quality of life outside the city will need to be brought as close as possible to urban conditions. There are several everyday tricks in planning that, due to inexperience, you may not know about. Well, you also need to know about some of the rules specified in the legislation.
To begin, make a plan in which you indicate everything that you would like to have at your dacha. do not forget to consult with your family and listen to their wishes and advice. For example:
1. What will the site be used for? For summer holidays and growing vegetables and fruits.
2. How many people will live in the summer, will children come? Four adults and two children
3. Will there be guests coming? Once every two weeks, three people.
4. Are there any pets? Cat and dog.
Well, a little more in the same spirit. The more questions you ask, the easier it will be to determine your site plan. After studying the resulting list, it will be possible to sketch out a graphic plan for the summer cottage. To make the task easier, mark out three zones for yourself. This is a residential area, a garden and vegetable garden and of course a recreation area. On a simple checkered piece of paper it will be very convenient to keep the scale and drawing out a plan will not be difficult. It would be better if it was a whole notebook. After all, over time you will have to plant trees and create beds. Believe me, it is better to write down everything and mark it in a notebook than to tie names to the trunks with seedlings and put pegs with a note about what is planted here. Well, if you want to become an avid gardener, then you will simply need records of crops and harvests. In such a notebook everything will be safe and sound. On the legislative part of planning a garden plot. You should definitely read some documents to avoid any troubles later. Believe me, they will come in handy more than once: “SNiP 30-02-97*. Planning and development of territories of gardening (dacha) associations of citizens, buildings and structures" (adopted and put into effect by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 18-51 dated September 10, 1997, as amended on March 12, 2001), as well as "SNiP 21-01 -97*. Fire safety of buildings and structures" (adopted and put into effect by Resolution of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation dated February 13, 1997 No. 18-7, as amended on July 19, 2002).
As for the everyday tricks and knowledge of professional architectural designers. Let's go through the zones and see what can be taken into account when planning a dacha.
For the residential area, it is best to determine the northern zone of your hacienda. But you should pay attention to neighboring areas. To avoid any misunderstandings, pay attention to what will be located next to your house on the neighbor’s estate. There is such a thing as beautiful views. It is better to consider what you will see from the window, a “beautiful view” or a neighbor’s toilet. But it’s a good idea to place the porch of the house on the south side, and it will also be great for sunset. Having determined the location of the house and adjacent buildings, proceed to marking out communications. Running to get water for irrigation, not to mention other needs, to the other end of the street will only be fun for one day. And if you also build a bathhouse, you won’t get any water. So running water, electricity, a sewer network, all this is necessary. This issue also needs to be approached very seriously. Communications on garden plot a little different from the city ones. There is a little trick here too. Some things, such as water for irrigation or a drain pipe, will be very convenient to hide under the garden path. Very convenient for repairs and cleaning. Entrances to households The same should be noted immediately in the yard and house. This will require quite a bit of space. A little about outbuildings. Many gardeners complain that these buildings look unsightly. So take note to give an aesthetic appearance to sheds for tools and other needs. Otherwise, the appearance of your utility unit will spoil your mood.
After you have dealt with the residential area and all the ensuing consequences, you can begin to garden. The correct distribution of beds and flower beds, as well as trees and shrubs, will delight you with lush flowering and a rich harvest. When laying out a garden, you need to take into account the natural landscape of your site. By the way, the garden may not have clear boundaries. For example fruit trees can be planted around the perimeter of a residential building. When choosing fruit varieties, you need to pay attention not only to the taste of the fruit but also to the decorative qualities of the variety. With the right selection of trees, you can get an excellent harvest of useful fruits and decorate your plot with dignity. Just don't be overzealous. Remember that trees need space. One more little tip. Trees should be planted immediately in a permanent place and not placed among them with beds and shrubs. The fact is that while tree seedlings are small, beds with strawberries, for example, feel great. But as the trees grow, shade appears, and in the shade good harvest don't get it. It’s a good idea to place beds with vegetables next to the seating area. This will allow you to treat your household and guests fresh vegetables, for example, a cucumber or strawberry, straight from the garden. But shrubs and vines can be used for decorative fencing. So the zones on the site will be beautifully divided and the secluded corners of your garden will be hidden from prying eyes. Where to place the flower beds is a matter of your taste. Flowers can decorate the house and garden, and even the playground. If your site has a natural slope, do not rush to level everything, use this place for a lawn. When watering the grass, the water will not stagnate.

Now we can talk about the most favorite area on the site, the recreation area. Here you can let your imagination run wild. Needless to say, in this area of ​​your site you can combine both a garden and a flower garden. A children's playground would be very appropriate and should be placed in the shade of trees. It’s also better if it can be viewed from a house or gazebo. Having a small pond in the garden is probably the dream of every owner of a summer cottage. A decorative pond is great for relaxation and relaxation. By placing it next to the gazebo you will enjoy peace and beauty. In general, whatever your soul desires and your capabilities allow. As for the style of your garden, it is also a matter of your taste and desire to care for it.

The most important thing in planning your dacha plot is to do everything so that you and your family and friends would enjoy being at your dacha. And of course I wanted to return there.

Many people dream of owning their own home. To make your dreams come true you can for many years save money or commit yourself to a mortgage. Or you can do like Steve Aren, who built his dream home from inexpensive materials. Steve spent $9,000 on the project, which is not a lot for a separate home. With this modest amount of money, Steve managed to build modern house, which has everything you need. All work was completed in a record 6 weeks! It all started with the purchase of a small plot of land in Thailand.

Steve purchased a plot of land from his friend. This land was part of a farm where mango trees were grown.

Concrete blocks were used to build the domes that form the basis of the unusual structure. Brickwork covered with a layer of plaster.

Construction of the foundation of the house cost Steve only $6,000. Of course, this price is also due to the fact that materials are cheaper in Thailand than in other regions.

To give the house a finished look, Steve painted the walls with terracotta paint. A house of this design fits organically into the surrounding landscapes and does not disturb the mood of the farm.

The interior design cost $3,000. And it's worth every penny! What is this fireplace worth?

The bedroom looks like it came straight out of a fairy tale book. On such a bed you only have good dreams.

This is what the house looks like from the outside. The view is simply amazing! Two friends with little experience in construction helped Steve build the house. Only 6 weeks passed from laying the foundation to finishing the finishing!

On top of one of the domes, Steve built a terrace under a canopy of natural materials. You need to climb it using steps that are built into the walls of the house.

It is convenient to sit on such a terrace in sunny weather. Enough space for a whole company.

The view from inside is also incredible. If it's windy outside, you can relax by contemplating beautiful views from the round windows of the house.

Steve's shower room looks like a real spa. The room resembles a tropical waterfall.

Each individual interior detail is designed in accordance with the overall concept. The bamboo stem washbasin maintains the tropical forest atmosphere.

REALTY.TUT.BY is hosting the “My Family Home” competition. We publish stories about how people restored old buildings or built new housing. The winners will be chosen by voting by TUT.BY readers. The authors of the best works will receive prizes from our partners.

Olga says:

My husband and I have always dreamed of our own dacha, where we will definitely come to relax with the whole family. But, like most people, there was no money for such a purchase. And finally they decided to build on their own. Many thanks to the parents who helped us a lot.

It all started with choosing a site. We bought it 45 km from Minsk, for almost 1,510 rubles ($770). It looked terrible: neck-deep thickets of nettles, bushes and raspberries filled all 10 acres. We dug, sawed, uprooted, collected garbage and brought the earth back to normal. The design of the future dacha and its approval reduced our budget by 590 rubles ($300 equivalent). Installing a light meter and connecting it costs another minus 420 rubles. All the paperwork took about a year.

And now, finally, we have become the owners of our own plot. We are very lucky that one of our relatives is a builder. They could consult him on all questions. At the family council, it was decided to make the foundation a pile. We rented a drill for piles for 33 rubles (17). They brought a car of sand and a car of crushed stone - they paid another 295 rubles (50 and 100 dollars). The fittings cost 390 (200 conventional). After pouring the piles and calculating the cost of cement consumption, they decided to pour the foundation using a concrete mixer: 10 cubic meters of concrete with gravel and their delivery cost 1,175 rubles ($600). Mom's old furniture was scrapped at work. It needed to be disposed of. So the cabinets moved to our dacha and became part of the formwork.

It's time for the blocks. For 30 cubic meters with delivery they paid 3,430 rubles (1,750 conventional units equivalent).

The foundation inside the house was painted with bitumen mastic so that it would not absorb moisture. We are planning a stone finish on the outside. The builder laid the first row of blocks, showing us “how to do it,” and did the rest ourselves.

My husband and I brought up the blocks, my dad laid them down, and my mom caulked the seams. When my parents couldn’t do it, my husband and I took on the task of building walls. I don’t even remember how much glue it took to make the blocks.

To complete the construction, we had to buy another 17 cubic meters. We paid 1,450 rubles ($740) including delivery. We made two monolithic belts: the first - in front of the beams on the 2nd floor, the second - for the roof. Perhaps two were not necessary, but we decided that it was more reliable.

Now it's the roof's turn. Beams, rafters, unedged and edged boards cost us 1,665 rubles (850). They were installed by six people, including two women. Since my husband is afraid of heights, my father and I took on the lathing. Purchase of metal tiles - 2550 rubles. (1300). How to put it, we read on the Internet. We also ordered screws and film there. It cost twice as much as in the store.

A friend gave me the garage door. I didn’t even have to pay for installation because we did everything ourselves. Only the castle, corners and bricks for the pillar were included in the construction bill - about 245 rubles (75+50).

We already bought the windows, but didn’t have time to install them. We will study the theory over the winter, and in the spring we will try it in practice. 9 windows reduced the family budget by 2156 rubles. ($1100)

If you have a dream, don't give up. It can become reality!

Good luck everyone!

Comments Andrey Osinsky, Deputy Marketing Director of Alutech Trading House LLC: Olga, thank you for the detailed story about all the stages of building a house from scratch. I think that many, having read it, will decide with their whole family to realize the dream of a cozy home outside the city. I would especially like to praise the skill of everyone who helped you build the house. It is clear how you tried to complete all the work as carefully and according to theory as possible. And judging by the photos, you are doing a good job. I support the decision to postpone the installation of windows until the hardware has been studied. Considering that 80% of the heat is evaporated through them, before starting work it is better to decide on both reliable windows and the installation method. A good move in your case would be to install protective shutters. Now is the ideal moment to install them with minimal visibility from the street. And you can appreciate the benefits of the installation first in the summer: protect the furniture from fading and keep the rooms cool. And then in winter, roller shutters help to spend less resources on heating.

I wish you success in finishing your house! Easy repairs and successful participation in the competition!

Dreams come true - a country house has been built!

Building my own country house has been my long-time dream. I really wanted to have a dacha not far from a forest, so that in summer and winter I could go out into nature: in the summer I could grow flowers, vegetables and fruits at my dacha, and walk through the forest picking mushrooms and berries. And in winter, breathe in the fresh frosty air while skiing. And finally, in 2011, my dream came true! My son Alexey and I built on what we bought three years earlier summer cottage house, turning to one of the famous Moscow construction companies for services.

Initially, we, too, like many summer residents, judging by the published stories, wanted to build a house ourselves. It’s so cool to build a house yourself!!! But we are lucky that there are wonderful relatives in our family who convinced us not to engage in self-construction, so as not to drag out the construction of the house for years. They went through many years of independently building their houses and now do not recommend doing it, because imperfections haunt them to this day. We are very grateful to them for their advice, which we followed. That’s why my son and I turned our attention to construction companies that are represented in the country house construction market in fairly large numbers. First of all, we made inquiries about which companies were located nearby and whether they had their own exhibition grounds in order to see with our own eyes the objects they were building. After reviewing the exhibitions of several construction companies, studying their construction projects and the agreement that one or another company is ready to sign with us, we settled on one of them. The selected company builds both brick and wooden houses. Of the wooden houses, we gave preference to a house built according to frame technology, given its many advantages over others. Thus, the construction of a frame house is characterized by low operating costs, short construction times and affordable price. Besides this, frame house, due to the lightness of its design, does not require a powerful foundation. One of the most important advantages is that frame buildings retain heat very effectively; walls 150-200 mm thick are already suitable for permanent residence. The density of walls and joints, ideal surface geometry, waterproofing and windproofing membranes lead to the absence of drafts and airflow. We did not intend to live in our future house permanently, and therefore it was very important to us how the frame walls would react to temperature changes. It turned out that such walls are absolutely indifferent to temperature changes, and therefore, in conditions of intermittent use, there is no need to maintain the temperature regime in our absence. Arriving at any time for a short period, the house warms up quickly, within an hour, which suits us especially during the cold season. Thus, having carefully studied the advantages and disadvantages of wooden houses, we entered into a contract agreement with a construction company for the construction of an individual frame house.

To country house IC became comfortable and as convenient as possible for us; before actual construction, it was necessary to correctly plan the zones and determine the size and purpose of the rooms. Therefore, before concluding a contract to build our own house, we familiarized ourselves with the layout of a large number of proposed options. Considering your financial possibilities, we chose a frame house with an attic, the building area of ​​which is 48 sq. m. m, total area – 71.60 sq. m, living area– 50.24 sq. m. We especially liked the fact that the ceiling height in the house on the first floor is 2.5 m, and on the second floor, which is the attic, 2.4 m.

Rice. 1. Plan of the 1st floor On the first floor, as can be seen from Fig. 1, there are two residential premises - a kitchen and a room - and two non-residential ones - a bathroom and an entrance hall. All rooms are separated by doors. We combined the large room with the kitchen and transformed it into a kitchen-living room, dividing it into zones for greater comfort. One of them is a working one, where food preparation will take place. The second zone is intended for relaxation, that is, this is the dining room where the family will eat. The bathroom has a sink with a countertop, a shower cabin and a toilet.

Rice. 2. Attic plan On the second floor, as shown in Fig. 2, there is a room and an attic. After insulating the attic, we plan to make another separate room with a door by erecting a partition. Having decided to build a house, we came to the site to choose a place for the foundation of the house. Preliminarily familiarized yourself with Federal law“On gardening, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens” dated 04/15/1998 No. 66-FZ, so as not to inadvertently violate the rights of neighbors due to the location of the building. And finally, the place for the house has been determined! Almost like according to A.S. Pushkin: “A house will be built here”!

And away we go... Construction of the house began with laying the foundation on screw piles. Installing such a foundation on problematic soil is its undeniable advantage. Wells of a certain diameter were drilled using a drill, reinforcing elements were installed in them, and then they were filled with concrete.

The piles were placed around the entire perimeter of the facility under construction. Their number is determined by the total weight of the building and operational load. Depending on the loads that act from various elements of the structure (floor, walls, roofing, partitions, etc.) and the time of operation, a certain diameter of internal piles is selected.

The waterproofing consisted of 2 layers of roofing felt along the top of the foundation. Fire protection was carried out on the floor joists, bottom trim and foundation trim in 2 layers.

Meanwhile, they brought to the site building materials: beams for the frame, softwood cladding for frame walls, beams, boards for flooring, floor beams and load-bearing beams for the ceiling, beams for the porch, rafters, baseboards, platbands, heat and water insulation materials, insulation, metal tiles and much more.

After installing the foundation, the builders began building the frame for the walls. The outer frame walls of the house were mounted on an antiseptic mounting board and lined with 12.5 mm sheathing on the inside using a vapor barrier, and on the outside using a wind-moisture-proof, vapor-permeable membrane. The frame partitions are hemmed on both sides with 12.5 mm kraft paper sheathing. The floor beams rest on the foundation. For the subfloor, instead of plywood, moisture-resistant OSB 6 boards were used, and a wind- and moisture-proof vapor-permeable membrane was laid on the subfloor. The floor was laid with 35 mm boards for vapor barrier. The insulation of the floor of the 1st floor was carried out up to 150 mm with insulation included in the delivery package.

The gable roof system is rafter.

The roof is a red “Cascade” metal tile, which was laid and secured to a sheathing of the required size.

The entrance and interior doors of the house are paneled. Wooden glazed windows with sealing. All elements of the attic: gables, side walls and partitions are framed, non-insulated, lined with 12.5 mm sheathing. The ascent to the attic is carried out via a single-flight staircase with three winder steps at the bottom. The house has a small porch that creates coziness.

Ugh! Finally, the construction of the house is completed! And only two months have passed since the start of construction! My wonderful relatives were right!!! The house was built in a fairly short time! However, I cannot say that the process of building the house went smoothly and without a hitch. After all, you have to handle a construction campaign with your eyes open!)) As, indeed, with all builders... We constantly had to monitor the construction site so that the lining and boards were of the exact grade specified in the project, so that tolerances for cracks in the floor and ceiling turned out to be within acceptable standards so that the technology for fastening materials complies with GOST. And my son and I overcame all the difficulties that arose in the process of building the house. True, the construction period has been extended from one month to two. But this is sheer nonsense compared to many years of unauthorized construction! Now all that remains is to treat the house with a special impregnation to protect it from moisture, fungi, mold and microorganisms.

Since lining during the construction of a frame house, like any material based on natural wood, requires mandatory maintenance, we impregnated the exterior finish 2 weeks after construction, and the interior country house- one month after completion of construction, in accordance with the Rules for the operation of wooden houses. We did not hire builders for this work. The son himself turned into a steeplejack and processed external sides at home with Texturol, and I used it to treat the walls inside the house.

Finally, the house was treated, and thanks to impregnation it acquired a noble color!

In order for our “hut on chicken legs” to acquire a complete and attractive look, it was necessary to cladding the base pile-screw foundation basement siding. And son Alexey successfully carried out this work, covering the base of the house with special siding along the entire perimeter.

That's it now! The house was built and finished in a relatively short time, and you can live in it! And since then it has been our family’s favorite vacation spot.

As I mentioned earlier, insulating the attic was not included in the design of the house being built. And at that time we could not afford to insulate it due to the additional costs, because the house was built on credit. But the attic in wooden house- the coldest place in winter and the hottest in summer. And therefore, the thought of insulating the attic is constantly present in our heads, because the advantages of an insulated attic are obvious. In winter, it is warmer because the thermal insulation will retain the heat rising upward, and in the summer, on the contrary, the insulation will not allow the heat from the roof heating up in the sun to penetrate. Currently, a large number of insulation materials are offered on the market of thermal insulation materials. Each of them has its own certain positive qualities. The variety of insulation materials makes it difficult to make a choice, and therefore this process must be approached with special care. And, in my opinion, you need to follow this rule: to choose a quality material, you need to contact well-known insulation manufacturers. Such insulation includes Rockwool insulation, produced by the company of the same name. The Rockwool company is the undisputed world leader in the production of basalt-based thermal insulation - stone wool. The insulation of this brand has very low thermal conductivity, which ensures its effectiveness as a heat insulator; it is a non-flammable material and is effective in fire protection, it belongs to the NG flammability class; it has good soundproofing characteristics; has water-repellent properties. High resistance to deformation loads allows long-term operation without reducing the thermal insulation properties; vapor permeability ensures the “breathing” of insulated surfaces; it is environmentally friendly. The high density of the insulation helps to increase its service life. All of the listed advantages put Rockwool insulation at the top of the rating among other insulation materials, which is what attracted our attention. Moreover, in addition to insulating the attic, our next dream is to build a bathhouse, which certainly needs to be insulated with high-quality material.

So I decided to take part in the competition, telling my construction story. In the photo above you can see that our house has a wonderful patio, which our son built with his own hands. But that's another story...

The entry is posted in the sections: construction and repair, frame houses, stages, Rockwool Other posts about frame houses

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