Where are dielectric gloves checked? Dielectric gloves: requirements of the state standard

Product Description:

Dielectric gloves, which are made of special rubber, help protect human hands and palms from severe electric shock. It is important to know that these products can only be used in electrical installations in which the voltage does not exceed 1000 V. Regular verification dielectric gloves, is mandatory, since human safety depends on the quality of the product.

What are gloves made of and where are they used?

Dielectric rubber gloves are used to protect human hands when carrying out repair or other work in electrical installations. Each product must have special markings.

The main advantages of this protective agent:

  • The gloves are moisture resistant;
  • The material itself is durable, so it is quite difficult to simply damage a dielectric glove;
  • The product is not subject to deformation;
  • Gloves are made of special rubber - latex;
  • Gloves help protect a person from electric shock.

Based on safety regulations, dielectric gloves should be tested once every 6 months. Strength testing of such products is carried out in specially designated laboratories, where specialists, using special equipment, carry out a series of tests and checks.

How to check products

The latex coating is exposed to high voltage(6 kV). If the product conducts a current of more than 6 mA through itself, the gloves are written off and are prohibited from being used, as this is dangerous to human life. High-quality and timely testing of dielectric gloves is extremely necessary, since due to the damaged surface of the product, a person who carries out repair or any other work in electrical installations is exposed to serious danger.

Testing rubber gloves and other similar products is the key to human safety and health. Also, by testing on gloves, defects can be identified. It is always important to remember that testing should be carried out regularly. As mentioned, rubber gloves should be checked every 6 months. And if the product has not been checked for more than 6 months, it is strictly prohibited to use it in electrical installations.

In conclusion

It should always be remembered that the use of low-quality or unsuitable dielectric products when working with installations in which high voltage is present can lead to very negative consequences. In simple words, the use of such a low-quality glove or other product is a direct threat to life. Each dielectric device, product or apparatus should be tested regularly.

The date of the required next inspection is indicated on the product or tool itself in the form of a stamp. Compliance with the timing of all subsequent inspections of dielectric gloves or other products is the main guarantee of their safe use. That is why, before starting to work with an electrical installation, gloves or other protective clothing should be checked and look at the stamp that is placed there.

Standards and frequency of electrical tests.

When working with devices that have direct access to electrical current, you must take all precautions for your own safety.

Today, the designs of devices and electrical installations already provide for a modern protective measure, which is aimed at the safety of workers.

But these latest developments cannot 100% protect workers from electric shock.

Therefore, there are a number of individual means with the main task of protecting a person from direct contact with current.

Such means include dielectric gloves, boots, galoshes and much more. They are made of special rubber, which is highly resistant to electricity and has excellent elasticity.

But here we will consider only one type of the above remedies. personal protection- these are dielectric gloves.


They are used in installations in which the electric current does not exceed 1000 (V). The main substance in the composition is high-quality rubber, or latex.

Dielectric gloves can be seamless or, conversely, with a seam; there are also five-fingered and two-fingered options. As for the size of the glove, it is standard - it is 350 mm. The width should be much larger than the hand so that the worker can wear a regular glove under the special one; this is necessary so that the person’s hands do not freeze while working.

The glove sleeve must be worn strictly over clothing; tucking or tucking insulating gloves is strictly prohibited. Workers' clothing should not prevent them from wearing gloves. They should fit freely on your hand.

Using dielectric gloves

Before working with electrical appliances, it is better to protect yourself than to have unpleasant consequences later.

The very first thing you should do before putting on gloves is to test them.

So let’s figure out what checking dielectric gloves involves.

Check before use

Dielectric gloves are checked according to the following criteria:

  • Availability of a stamp (test date and expiration date).
  • Mechanical damage.
  • Humidity.
  • Contaminated gloves.
  • No punctures or cracks.

The shelf life of gloves is determined after a preliminary test. If they pass the test, they put a stamp on which the date of the next test should be indicated.

The gloves should be inspected for external damage; there should be none. If any, gloves must be replaced.

Dielectric gloves must be clean and there must be no moisture on their surface, this is unacceptable!

If there is visible contamination, they should be washed and dried before use. The room where gloves are dried should be at room temperature.

Many punctures or cracks cannot be seen by eye. To determine such damage, the following steps should be taken: place the glove on a flat surface, and then twist it towards the fingers. If there is damage on it, then air will be released from the holes.

  1. In order to protect the gloves, it is allowed to wear mittens over them, which can be either canvas or leather.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to roll up the edges of gloves, as this compromises the safety of the worker.
  3. Before use, it is allowed to disinfect gloves; this can be either a soap or soda solution. But after this you should dry them well so that no moisture remains on them.
  4. The entire check should be carried out independently and immediately before putting on gloves. You should not have someone else perform this procedure.
  5. And lastly, and most importantly, do not ignore safety rules. Dielectric gloves protect workers' hands and fingers from the effects of current.

Testing of dielectric gloves

This protection item performs important function Therefore, in order to ensure that the gloves are suitable for use, special tests are carried out to determine their suitability.

Inspection of dielectric gloves should be carried out every six months.

There is a special installation for dielectric gloves and other personal protective equipment. Gloves are attached to this installation. Water is collected in a special metal container (small bath) and gloves. The minimum water temperature should be 10 degrees, and the maximum - 40. The water level should be 50 mm below the edges of the bath. The edges of the gloves (on all sides) and the bath should be dry. A special electrode is lowered into the glove, then a current (the voltage of which should be 6 kV) is applied to this electrode and to the body of the bathtub.

Normally, the current that passes through the gloves cannot be lower than 6mA.

The test itself does not last too long, about a minute.

Test outcome

After the test, be sure to dry the gloves.

If dielectric gloves have not been tested, they should absolutely not be used. This can be life-threatening!

If dielectric gloves pass the test, then a corresponding stamp is placed indicating the date of the next test, and an entry is made in a special logbook for checking personal protective equipment against electric current. And at the end of everything, a test report of protective equipment is issued. The protocol indicates the laboratory in which the test was carried out, the performers of the process itself and all the nuances of the test (current frequency, requirements, etc.). At the end, the head of the laboratory and the person who carried out the inspection sign and date it.

Dielectric gloves. Price

Pricing policies vary. It all depends on criteria such as material for manufacturing, manufacturer, type.

An easy way to find the things you need is online shopping. For example, you can find dielectric gloves there, the price of which will be 250 rubles. In principle, prices vary from 250 to 500. It all depends on demand and the above criteria.

For example, dielectric latex gloves can cost 500 rubles, or more, if the manufacturer is Switzerland.

If gloves are more expensive, then this does not say anything about the quality; you can also purchase low-budget ones that can guarantee high protection against current.

Before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with all the criteria for choosing gloves and consult with an experienced seller.

Gloves are mandatory personal safety equipment for any electrician or worker associated with high-power electrical devices (machine operator, welder, auto mechanic, etc.). We suggest considering which dielectric gloves are more effective - rubber or latex, how to test them for impermeability, where to buy these accessories and what their purpose is.

The production of dielectric gloves is considered one of the most affordable types of business because very cheap materials and simple processing methods are used. For production, latex, silicone or rubber is used, depending on the purpose. After which on high temperature The cheese is melted, mixed with some additives and dropped onto an automatic line. Here the work system is very similar to steel casting. It is necessary to fill a special form with a liquid dielectric solution, after which the future gloves are placed on a special cooling mechanism.

It should be noted that the standards by which the composition, marking and verification at the end of the work are checked are prescribed in GOST for dielectric die-cut gloves (OKDP is taken as the basis, see photo).

Here, not only cooling is carried out, but also the structure is strengthened using contrasting temperatures. Hot rubber molds are lowered for a certain amount of time (3-5 seconds) into cold water, and so on hundreds of times until the material cools and takes the shape we need.

Next, if necessary, gloves are insulated. It should be noted that the lack of insulation is not a disadvantage, and the price for such dielectric suture and seamless gloves is significantly lower than for models with fabric upholstery. But it is very inconvenient to work in winter, especially in extreme conditions; in addition, a greenhouse effect can be formed, which could have been avoided with a fabric layer.

What types of gloves are there?

Depending on the maximum permissible voltage level, there are the following types of protective gloves:

Let's look at each type separately.

Class 00– these are the weakest dielectric protective safety gloves; latex is mainly used for their production; accounting and testing are carried out on special equipment. They are designed to work on low-power installations, these are household electrical appliances.

Class 0– these gloves can be used without additional protective equipment to work on electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 volts. This can be done by relatively weak production mechanisms and lines.

For more serious work, say, on medium-power machine equipment, gloves with a tolerance of up to 7500 volts are used, this is class 1.

Class 2- These are, in most cases, dielectric silicone gloves tested to protect against voltages of 10,000 volts. These are one of the most widely used means of protection, because... the scope of application is very wide: powerful machine tools, automotive technology, etc.

The remaining classes can be classified as special protective accessories; these are means of protection against high-power loads (industrial electrical equipment, machine tools, etc.).

When you have selected the right type of gloves, be sure to read the description given by the manufacturer. Accessories are sold in any electrical store, on the market or from the manufacturer. Average cost by major cities(Moscow, St. Petersburg, Togliatti, Ulyanovsk, Khabarovsk, Kharkov, Yaroslavl, Rostov-on-Don, Petrozavodsk, Omsk, Perm, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk, Kazan, Kyiv, Yekaterinburg, Dnepropetrovsk, Voronezh, Volgograd, Vladivostok, Almaty) - ranges from 100 rubles to several thousand (although, for example, the Volzhsky plant offers us gloves from 80 rubles per pair).

When purchasing, check the product passport and its characteristics, the document with the price or the price list is not so important here, believe me, it is much more dangerous to buy counterfeits of imported gloves made of dielectric materials, which may simply not withstand the specified number of volts. We recommend giving preference to brands such as hivamat, knipex, Azri, Aktau, which can also be ordered online by visiting online stores.

Checking (testing) dielectric gloves

Remember, during operation and when purchasing gloves, be sure to check the integrity of the material. This can be done for free: you pump the glove with air, then tightly close the main hole and lower the glove under water. If there are no air bubbles, then the glove is completely intact, but as soon as this phenomenon is noticed, you need to urgently change the protective accessories.

There is another way of more serious verification; it requires accessories with high classes (from 2). We fill a metal container with water, the water must be at a temperature of 37 degrees, a deviation of 5-7 degrees in both directions is allowed.

The quality certificate of conformity describes in detail in which cases dielectric gloves are not suitable for work (no additional verification is needed here):

  1. Hole, cut or tear;
  2. Presence of a foreign object in the structure;
  3. Rotten areas;
  4. Gloves are too soft, hard, sticky or inelastic.

Sometimes manufacturers provide inaccurate data in the instructions regarding throughput; here you need to test dielectric gloves as follows.

We lower the mittens into the water, then fill it with about 5 centimeters of water, and connect our homemade tester to test transformer. And we supply voltage at 6 kW. You need to connect as follows:

  1. The transformer output is connected to the container, we ground it;
  2. We attach the second transformer contact to the switch, which has several positions (as an example, we took two). Figure testing gloves with a transformer
  3. Adjusting the switch positions. The first option should be connected in this way: transformer installation + lamp + electrodes, and the second option: transformer installation + especially sensitive ammeter-electrodes.

The rubber mat, helmet and sleeves are also checked.

Where can you test dielectric gloves, say, electrosoft (electrosoft), except at home? Each city has a special laboratory (in Moscow it is MIEE), where the state-tested verification technology is fully maintained, the cost of this procedure is about 100 rubles, and the duration is on average half an hour.

Storage rules

It is very important to comply operating conditions use of protective accessories. Thus, their durability is significantly increased. What kind of care do dielectric gloves, boots, galoshes, rugs, etc. need?

  1. Mittens should be stored in a dark and very dry place;
  2. The place where you can hang dielectric gloves ev, en or tu should be as spacious as possible, because Accessories often leave marks chemical compounds, gases, oxides of various metals;
  3. Avoid hitting straight sun rays for rubber, latex and silicone. Fluorescent light is also especially harmful;
  4. How to properly store gloves: wipe them with a dry natural cloth. Place rubber insulating gloves into the glove box, fingertips facing up, and hang in place. You cannot keep the mittens in a horizontal position, twisted or even crumpled. Drawing of storing gloves
  • choose your size carefully;
  • any dielectric gloves have an expiration date (the instructions for the selected series will help you with this), and by purchasing accessories in bulk (say, a set), you can save a lot;
  • most often the set or kit also contains a first aid kit, a helmet and cotton gloves;
  • In any case, we recommend visiting an electrical store for these purposes;
  • when returning, draw up a protocol, it will help you receive compensation for low-quality electrical goods that could cause damage to health (in St. Petersburg, fines reach tens of thousands of rubles);
  • The gloves must have a manufacturer's stamp.

Working with electricity is especially dangerous, which is why safety rules must be followed. During electrical installation work, the equipment must be de-energized (including all circuit breakers and fuses turned off). More details below.

Types of electrician gloves

Work with the equipment only with insulated tools after checking according to the rules (the dimensions are checked by the laboratory, markings are applied, and they are tested there). You should turn off all wires from the sockets.

When the network is de-energized, it is necessary to post on the panel the message “Repair work in progress!”

When performing repairs, do not touch metal surfaces with your body, if possible, stand on dielectric mat. Not able to perform electrical work alcohol intoxication, since at this time the resistance of the skin decreases to a minimum and there is a high risk of electric shock. The most important attribute of an electrician is special equipment that allows you to reduce the risk of electric shock to an absolute minimum. TO this species clothing includes dielectric gloves, boots, galoshes, etc. The most important thing in the work of an electrician is gloves - this is the main means of insulating an electrician to protect his hands from contact electric shock. They are intended for use at significantly low temperatures: from +50 o C to -40 o C, with relative humidity from 85 to 95%.

By type, gloves are divided into:

  • Two-fingered;
  • Five-fingered;
  • Seamless;
  • With seam.

They are also divided into 2 subcategories - for electrical installations up to 1000 V (these models are prohibited from being used when working with voltages above 1000 V) and more than 1000 V, where they are used as an additional protective device. Often at low temperatures in rooms where electrical work, ordinary knitted gloves are worn under rubber gloves.

Principles of testing dielectric gloves

When using rubber dielectric gloves, you must follow the operating rules, and before that you need to carry out a certain test on them: place the gloves in a bath of water, filling them with water from the inside.

It is possible to test several gloves at once.

Voltage should be applied between the bath body and the electrode lowered into the water. If a breakdown occurs, the gloves are rejected. You can also test gloves in laboratory conditions. After checking, write down all data in the protocol. Bot verification is allowed in the same way.

This type of verification has its advantages, the main ones being:

  1. High accuracy due to electronic equipment.
  2. A developed interlocking scheme that will ensure the safety of electrical tests.
  3. Availability of a regulator for testing control.

This product is a must-have when working with electricity to protect against step voltages. They are worn on ordinary clean and dry shoes; in addition, they must have a length of at least 160 mm, consist of a rubber upper and a corrugated sole, inside of which there must be a textile lining, and reinforcing parts must be located inside the boot.

Rules for checking dielectric gloves

Before you start using this product, you must check it for punctures and cuts by filling them with air, and also pay attention to the presence or absence of contamination; in the first case, the contamination must be removed; if this fails, further use should be discontinued.

After inspection, you can begin to use, following certain rules:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to roll up their edges.
  2. It is allowed to wear mittens over gloves to avoid mechanical damage that may occur.
  3. Periodically wash them with a soda solution and then dry them.

Only by observing certain requirements can you use rubber gloves safely and increase their service life. Rubber gloves are the main attribute of an electrician, providing electrical insulation properties and capable of withstanding up to 1000 V of electric current or more.

They can be used without the use of other electrical protective equipment when working with manual drives of disconnectors, sockets, switches.

In addition to gloves, an electrician uses a mat, boots or galoshes as an additional protective agent, which are also checked before use.

Length of dielectric gloves according to GOST

It is worth remembering that any dielectric medium must be periodically monitored. Electrician's gloves are most often made from the following materials - rubber and latex. In some installations, gloves specifically marked " may be used. Ev", made in accordance with GOST. This sample allows you to work under voltages of more than 1000 V. What dimensions should the gloves be and what is their length?

Also, the dimensions of the gloves depend on the type of purpose:

  • For sophisticated works;
  • Regular;
  • For tough jobs.

In terms of wall thickness, for hard (rough) work it should not exceed 0.9 cm, and for thin work - 0.4 cm. Ideally, they should be easily put on outerwear(sleeves). The minimum permissible length is set to be at least 35 cm.

Requirements for rubber gloves for electricians

Gloves must be two-layer, and the inner and outer layers must differ in color; by the way, the color may be different. But the main thing is that the front side of each glove is marked with a number.

The list of each batch released must indicate the following:

  • Product name;
  • Production date;
  • Number of pairs;
  • Type and numbers;
  • Trademark;
  • Expiration date and warranty.

Before use, tests are carried out on gloves, the results of which are recorded in a protocol. If the results are unsatisfactory, then an additional test is carried out on 2 products selected from the same batch; if the gloves are retested, then this result expands the boundaries to the entire batch.

If not, then they are transferred to the acceptance category that does not meet the requirements.

After transporting the gloves from one climate zone in another, before unpacking, they should be kept for a day at room temperature, they should be protected from direct sunlight and located at a distance of at least 100 cm from heat-emitting devices. Do not expose gloves to substances that destroy rubber.

What is the service life of dielectric gloves?

Provided you store it carefully and follow all the rules, the manufacturer promises a long service life. The warranty period is usually indicated on the packaging. The average is 1 year from the date of manufacture, but it is worth considering that the frequency of quality checks is once every six months.

If you do not follow the safety rules, an electric current will strike the entire body of the repair worker, a sharp spasm of all muscles and breathing will occur, cardiac arrest will occur, and subsequently death will occur.

But there are people whose upper skin does not conduct current at all, therefore, these people do not feel the shock wave. If the shock wave hits a person, then this can be understood by the signs, and therefore, first aid can be started faster.

Signs of electric shock:

  • A sharp fall of a person;
  • Impaired vision (the pupil does not respond to light changes), speech understanding;
  • Stopping breathing;
  • Convulsions and loss of consciousness.

The shock wave can only hit the outer layer of the skin, forming a burn, or it may not affect the external parts of the body at all, but paralyze the heart and respiratory system. You should immediately eliminate the source where the current is coming from, since under its influence, a person will not be able to independently let go of the reins; it is important to ensure their own safety. Check the victim’s pulse and breathing, if they are absent, call an ambulance and begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Find the source of current input and output. Cool the impact area cold water(15 min). Cover burns with clean gauze.

What are dielectric gloves (video)

If a person remains alive, then further disturbances in the functioning of his body follow, such as loss of skin sensitivity, headaches or dizziness, a feeling of weakness and memory loss, hearing impairment, vision problems and much more. During rehabilitation, it is necessary to periodically visit a doctor. It is important to be especially careful when working with electric current, observing all safety and operating rules.

For those who work with powerful electrical installations, it is necessary personal protective equipment. For this purpose, rubber boots, mats, and gloves are used. The rubber has a special composition that has increased electrical strength. Dielectric gloves protect the specialist from electrical injuries.

GOST for dielectric gloves seamless establishes the necessary conditions for the material from which they are made, production technology and operating modes under which they are used.

Requirements for dielectric gloves

Dielectric gloves are made from natural rubber according to GOST 12.4.183-91 “System of occupational safety standards. Materials for hand protection. Technical requirements".

Seamed gloves are produced by stamping from pieces of sheet rubber. There is no GOST for them, but they are produced in accordance with TU 38305-05-257-89. The materials from which gloves are made must meet quality indicators, standard requirements and provide protection from electrical injuries.

Dielectric gloves release For electrical installations:

  • with voltage up to 1000 V - as the main protective agent (marked En);
  • with voltages above 1000 V - as auxiliary protection when working with measuring rods, high voltage indicators, clamps (marked EV).

Products must have a length of at least 35 cm. Glove width should be such that when working in the cold it is possible to pry insulating gloves. Products must have spacious trumpet so that it can be easily put on over clothes, including winter ones.

How to use protective gloves correctly

When using dielectric gloves, you must act in accordance with operating rules:

  • Before purchasing gloves and before starting work, you must pay attention to best before date.
  • Can only be used dry products.
  • It is necessary to carry out visual inspection and determine if there are any cuts, dirt, or punctures on them.
  • For checks tightness you need to fill the gloves with air.
  • Check for stamp availability verification dielectric gloves;
  • They must be worn to their full depth; the edge of the gloves must be worn over the sleeve of the workwear. Prohibited roll up the edges of gloves!
  • To protect products from mechanical influences You can wear gloves made of leather or canvas over them.
  • It is forbidden to clean gloves with gasoline, acid solution or alkali.. For this purpose, you can only use water, soap or soda.
  • Storage rules It is not allowed to store products near open fire, heating devices. Storage temperature should be from 0 to +25 degrees. WITH.

Important! It is dangerous to life to use dielectric gloves that have expired!

The material from which the gloves are made may dry out, become brittle. As a result, the level of protection of the gloves will be significantly reduced. Brittle material may collapse at the wrong moment.

Verification of dielectric gloves

During the entire period of operation, products must undergo periodic verification. To do this, pour water into them and place them in a bath of water, leaving the upper edge of the gloves dry by 4-5 cm. Water is used at room temperature.

Immersed in the glove electrode. Voltage is supplied between it and the body of the water bath. If the current passing through the glove exceeds the norm, then it must be rejection. Verification period dielectric gloves – Once every six months.

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