Fire water supply summary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Requirements for fire-fighting water supply

Fire water supply- this is a system of devices for supplying water to the site of a fire in sufficient quantities and with a given pressure (Fig. 56). It includes an alluvial station that takes water from a source (well, artificial or natural reservoir), a network of pipelines and devices that ensure water delivery:

– to fire hydrants (Fig. 57), located along the external fire water supply network and intended for extinguishing buildings from the outside (external fire extinguishing);

– to fire hydrants and water supply network devices located inside buildings (internal fire water supply), intended for extinguishing fires inside buildings;

– for automatic and semi-automatic fire extinguishing systems - sprinkler (Fig. 58) and deluge (Fig. 59) networks (mainly for indoor extinguishing).

Rice. 56. Fire water supply

Rice. 57. Fire hydrant

Rice. 58. Fire sprinkler system

Rice. 59. Deluge fire extinguishing network

External fire networks, as a rule, are combined with household and drinking water supply (less stagnation of water in pipelines and, therefore, less corrosion and wear, greater durability; lower costs for the manufacture and installation of networks).

The parameters of the elements of a combined fire-household-drinking water supply system are calculated (power of the pumping station, pressure, volume of supplied water per unit of time, pipeline diameter, etc.) from the condition of water consumption for all these needs simultaneously according to SP 8.13130.2009 and SP 10.13130. 2009 taking into account: fire resistance of buildings (lower degree of fire resistance - higher consumption), categories of premises and buildings according to fire hazard (higher category - higher consumption), width of buildings (over 60 m - higher consumption), the number of simultaneously operating fire extinguishing jets inside the building ( for industrial buildings - from two to four jets) with a water flow rate for all jets from 5 to 100 l/s.

When calculating water consumption, the possibility of starting and extinguishing two fires at once is additionally taken into account. Two fires should be counted on if the area of ​​the enterprise is more than 150 hectares, or if the combined fire water supply (drinking-fire-service) serves not only the enterprise, but also a village with a population of over 10 thousand people.

The water supply must ensure fire extinguishing for at least 3 hours (for buildings of fire resistance degrees I and II with non-combustible load-bearing structures and fire hazard categories G and D - 2 hours, timber warehouses - 5 hours).

Fire water supply can be performed at low and high pressure.

Plumbing low pressure must provide free pressure (height of a compact stream of water) at ground level of at least 10 m. Water from it is supplied to the fire site using auto pumps and motor pumps.

High pressure water supply must provide pressure for direct supply of water to the combustion zone. In this case, the height of the compact jet must be at least 20 m at full flow rate and the fire nozzle is located at the level of the highest point of the tallest building. Fire water supply systems are usually created at low pressure; high pressure - created only with appropriate justification. High blood pressure In the internal fire extinguishing water supply system, fire extinguishing is created using additional pumps installed in buildings and turned on only during a fire.

The free pressure in the combined water supply network should not exceed 60 m, and the hydrostatic pressure at the lowest point of the water supply system should not exceed 0.45 MPa. Exceeding these values ​​threatens the possibility of rupture of pipes, threaded connections, shut-off and water fittings, fire hoses, and also makes it very difficult to control manual fire nozzles (the jet thrust is high, it is very difficult to hold the fire nozzle).

The external fire-fighting water supply network is usually of the ring type. Place it at a distance no closer than 5 m from buildings and no more than 2.5 m from the roadside highways. Water intake hydrants are installed on the network in such a quantity as to ensure fire extinguishing of any building, structure, object or part thereof from at least two hydrants (if the required water flow for external fire extinguishing is 15 l/s or more) or from one hydrant (less than 15 l /s) taking into account the maximum length of the laid hose lines 100-200 m (depending on the type of fire equipment connected to the hydrant).

Fire hydrants must always be in in good condition, and in winter - insulated and cleared of snow and ice. Appropriate signs (volumetric with a lamp or flat with a reflective coating, resistant to atmospheric influences) must be installed at the hydrants and in the direction of movement towards them. They must be marked with numbers indicating the distance to the hydrant.

The diameter of the pipes of the combined external water supply in cities and on the territory of production facilities must be at least 100 mm, and in rural settlements- not less than 75 mm.

If obtaining the estimated amount of water directly from the water supply source (a well with a pumping station) is impossible or economically unfeasible, then the water supply system includes special reservoirs, artificial reservoirs (at least two), each of which must contain at least 50% of the required (calculated) water supply. volume of water.

The fire volume of water in the tanks of water towers must ensure the extinguishing of one fire outside and inside the building within 10 minutes, while at the same time the greatest consumption of water for other needs.

The maximum recovery period for the fire volume of water should be for industrial enterprises with premises of fire hazard categories A, B, C - 24 hours, D and D - 36 hours; for settlements and agricultural enterprises - 72 hours.

Reservoirs (lakes, rivers, artificial ponds) from which water is drawn for fire extinguishing must be equipped with an entrance with hard-surfaced platforms (piers) measuring at least 12 ´ 12 m for installation of fire trucks on them at any time of the year.

Fire tanks or artificial ponds placed on the condition that each fire must be extinguished from at least two adjacent reservoirs, taking into account the service radius: 200 m - if water is supplied to extinguish the fire by auto pumps (fire trucks) and 100 m - by motor pumps. But these tanks should not be closer than 30 m from buildings of fire resistance degrees III and V and 10 m from buildings of fire resistance degrees I and II. Otherwise it will be impossible in fire conditions and high temperature place fire fighting equipment between tanks and burning buildings.

If it is difficult to directly collect water from a fire reservoir or reservoir using autopumps or motor pumps, receiving wells with a volume of 3-5 m 3 should be provided near them, connected to the reservoir by a pipeline with a diameter of at least 200 mm. On the pipeline itself, in front of the receiving well, a well with a valve is installed, the steering wheel from which is brought out under the manhole cover.

Internal fire extinguishing is carried out from fire hydrants installed inside buildings in the parking areas of the internal fire water supply in fire cabinets. Each fire hydrant (fire cabinet) is equipped with a fire hose 10, 15 or 20 m long and a fire nozzle. The fire hose must be connected to the valve and fire nozzle.

Fire hydrants(fire cabinets) are placed at a height of 1.35 + 0.15 m above the floor (for ease of use). Fire cabinets must have openings for ventilation and devices for sealing. It is desirable that the fire cabinet doors have a transparent insert for visual inspection of the configuration. At least once a year, it is necessary to roll the fire hose onto a new slope to avoid damage to the hose at the bends, and check the condition of the fire hydrants at least once every six months.

Fire cabinets provide the possibility of placing hand-held fire extinguishers, means of protection and rescue of people (automatic rope release device, 2-3 self-rescuers, first aid kit, set of non-mechanized firefighting tools).

When determining the installation locations of fire hydrants (fire cabinets), it is assumed that in industrial and public buildings each point in the room should be irrigated with at least two jets: one and two adjacent risers, i.e. from two different fire cabinets, taking into account the length fire hoses used. They are installed mainly at entrances, on the landings of heated staircases, in lobbies, corridors, passages and other most accessible places. But their location should not interfere with the evacuation of people in case of fire.

On the doors of fire cabinets there are instructions on the procedure for opening them, on the contents and procedure for using the fire extinguishing means contained in them, means of protecting and rescuing people, and on the procedure for turning on the booster pump. In addition, the serial number of the fire cabinet, the abbreviation of the fire hydrant “PK”, fire safety signs indicating the fire hydrant, and fire extinguishers are placed on the outside of the door. The color of the fire cabinet is red.

If there is a constant or periodic lack of water in the internal fire-fighting water supply system, it is necessary to install fire pumping units that increase the pressure. They are located in rooms made of non-combustible materials on the first and not lower than the first underground floors of buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance. Starting pumping units can be manual, remote (start buttons are located in cabinets near fire hydrants), or automatic.

The signal from the automatic or remote control must be sent to the fire pumping units after automatically checking the water pressure in the system. If there is sufficient pressure, the start-up should be automatically canceled until the pressure drops, requiring the pumps to be turned on. An excessive increase in pressure can damage the plumbing system and the building may be left without water. To the fire station premises (or other premises with 24-hour occupancy) simultaneously with remote or automatic switching on pumps, as well as their emergency shutdown, light and sound signals must be sent to alert the personnel on duty.

Boost pumps must be provided with a power supply of increased reliability. In case of a sudden shutdown of the main source of electricity, another backup, independent source of power must be introduced. With an estimated water flow of more than 2.5 l/s, the transition to the second source should occur automatically (I reliability category), and with a water flow of up to 2.5 l/s - by manual activation or start (II category).

Regulatory documents allow the provision of natural or artificial reservoirs as sources of external fire-fighting water supply for settlements with a population of up to 5 thousand people. It is allowed not to provide fire-fighting water supply for settlements with a population of up to 50 people. when developing buildings up to two floors high, for industrial buildings of I and II degree of fire resistance with a volume of up to 1000 m 3 (except for buildings with unprotected metal or wooden load-bearing structures, as well as with polymer insulation with a volume of up to 250 m 3) with fire category D production and explosion and fire hazards, etc.

Internal fire-fighting water supply is not required to be provided in residential buildings with up to 12 floors, in administrative buildings of industrial enterprises, dormitories and public buildings with a volume of up to 5000 m3, office buildings with a height of up to 6 floors, in industrial and warehouse buildings with a volume of up to 2500 m3 and some others.

4.7. Public address system
and management of evacuation of people in case of fire

Warning and evacuation management system(SOUE) is a set of measures and technical means designed to timely inform people about the occurrence of a fire, the need to evacuate, the routes and order of evacuation. This is achieved by one of the following methods or a combination of them:

1) supply of light, sound and (or) speech signals to all premises with permanent or temporary residence of people;

2) broadcast of specially developed texts about the need for evacuation, evacuation routes, direction of movement and other actions to ensure the safety of people and prevent panic in the event of a fire;

3) placement and lighting of fire safety signs on evacuation routes within the required time;

4) turning on evacuation (emergency) lighting;

5) remote opening of emergency exit door locks;

6) providing communication between the fire post (control room) and fire warning zones, etc.

According to SP 3.13130.2009 “Warning and management system for evacuation of people in case of fire”, the sound level of SOUE sound annunciators must be 15 dBA higher than the normal noise level in the protected room and at least 75 dBA at a distance of 3 m from the siren, but not more than 120 dBA anywhere in the protected area.

The fire alarm system should turn on automatically when a signal is received from automatic fire alarm or fire extinguishing installations. Remote, manual, local activation of the SOUE may be provided if the building (structure) in accordance with regulatory requirements is not intended to be equipped with automatic systems fire alarm or fire extinguishing.

Location of buttons for manual activation of the SOUE(“panic” buttons) should be indicated on fire evacuation plans. The instructions for these plans must contain information about who has the right to activate the panic buttons.

The procedure for the action of the security post personnel on duty when the emergency warning system is triggered must be set out in the instructions posted at the security post.

Depending on the notification method, dividing the building into warning zones and other characteristics, the SOUE is divided into five types, shown in Table. 12.

Table 12. Main types of SOUE and their characteristics

Characteristics of SOUE Availability of the specified characteristics in various types of SOUE
Notification method
sound (siren, tinted signal, etc.) + + * * *
speech (transmission of special texts) - - + + +
a) flashing light alarms; * * * * *
b) light annunciators “Exit” * + + + +
d) light annunciators indicating the direction of movement of people, with a changing semantic meaning - - - * +
Dividing the building into fire warning zones - - * + +
Feedback fire warning zones with a fire post room - control room - - * + +
Possibility of implementing several evacuation options from each fire warning zone - - - * +
Coordinated control from one fire control room post of all building systems related to ensuring the safety of people in case of fire - - - - +

Note:“+” - required; “*” - allowed; "-" - not required.

Buildings are equipped with a fire alarm system of the appropriate type in accordance with SP 3.13130.2009. For example, one-story industrial and warehouse buildings, car parks of all fire hazard categories must be equipped with fire alarm system of the 1st type, categories A, B with a number of floors from 2 to 6 - type 3, categories B with a number of floors from 2 to 8 - 2- th type, etc.

Design, installation and maintenance of SOUE are carried out by specialized organizations that have the appropriate licenses.

4.8. Automatic installations fire fighting
and fire alarm

Automatic fire extinguishing installations (AUP) designed for automatic detection and extinguishing of fire in its initial stage with simultaneous sounding of a fire alarm.

Automatic fire alarm installations (AUPS) are designed to detect a fire in its initial stage, report the location of its occurrence, and send an appropriate signal to the security post (duty post).

The current practice of designing AUP and AUPS is such that the AUP simultaneously performs the functions of an AUPS. AUP and AUPS systems protect buildings, premises in which flammable and combustible substances are stored or used, valuable equipment and raw materials, warehouses for petroleum products, varnishes, paints, book depositories, museums, electronic computer facilities, etc.

Sensors that respond to fire factors (fire, smoke, gas, elevated temperature air, increased rate of increase of any factor, etc.), in the AUP and AUPS systems there are fire detectors (FD). PI is installed in the premises to be protected. In the event of a fire, the PI sends a signal to the fire alarm control device and to the control device. There, the signal is processed and sent to the fire department post (or to the duty personnel post), where it informs about the situation that has arisen, indicating the room and area where the PI was working.

When two or more PIs are triggered simultaneously (and they are usually placed in each room at least two), the control devices, depending on the program embedded in them: turn on the warning system and control the evacuation of people in case of fire (SOUE), turn off the power supply to the process equipment, turn on the smoke removal systems, close the doors of the room where the fire that has arisen is supposed to be extinguished with gas fire extinguishing agent, and at the same time delay the release of the fire extinguishing agent for the time during which people must leave this room, and if necessary, turn off the ventilation; in the event of a power failure, the system is transferred to a backup power source and a command is given to release the fire extinguishing agent into the combustion zone.

The choice of one or another type of PI depends on the predominant type of fire factors occurring (smoke, flame, etc.). For example, in accordance with SP 5.13130.2009, industrial buildings containing wood, synthetic resins or fibers, polymer materials, textiles, rubber products are protected with smoke and thermal PIs; premises with computer technology, radio equipment, administrative and public buildings - smoke PIs, etc.

The number of automatic fire detectors installed in one protected room depends on the area of ​​this room, ceiling height, average area controlled by the selected PIs, the distance between PIs and the distance to the wall. For example, point smoke detectors with a height of the protected room up to 3.5 m control each area up to 85 m2, and can be installed at a distance of 9.0 m from each other, and 4.5 m from the wall.

AUP are subdivided by design:

– on sprinkler systems (see Fig. 58),

– deluge (see Fig. 59),

– sprinkler-drencher,

– modular;

by type of fire extinguishing agent used:

– water (including with finely sprayed water, drops - up to 100 microns),

– foam (including high-expansion foam),

– gas (using carbon dioxide, nitrogen, argon, various refrigerants, etc.),

– powder (modular),

– aerosol fire extinguishing,

– combined fire extinguishing.

The type of fire extinguishing and alarm installation or their combination, the extinguishing method, and the type of fire protection equipment are determined by the design organization for each facility individually. This organization must have the appropriate license to design, install and maintain such systems. The register of these organizations is maintained by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. After the fire automatics installations are put into operation, the head of the organization, by his order (instruction), appoints persons responsible for their operation (usually these are employees of the departments of the chief mechanic, chief power engineer, and instrumentation service).

Daily round-the-clock monitoring of the operation of the automatic fire control system and automatic fire control system is carried out by operational duty personnel (shift service, fire station), who must know the procedure for calling the fire department, the name and location of the premises protected by fire automatic fire control systems (aumatic fire control system, automatic fire control system), the procedure for maintaining operational documentation and determining the operability of these systems .


Academic discipline“Fire safety” is a discipline of the professional cycle in the State educational standard of higher vocational education in the preparation of bachelors in the areas of bachelor's degree 03/20/01 “Technosphere Safety” and 03/18/02 “Energy and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology”. When studying this discipline, students will become familiar with the fire hazardous properties of substances and materials, classifications of fires, technological environments, building materials, buildings; learn about the fire safety system, rules and possibilities for organizing a fire safety regime at the enterprise; master the fire detection and extinguishing system. The manual will allow you to find out what means are used to extinguish fires, what elements a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher consists of and what is the principle of its operation; familiarize yourself with firefighting equipment, warning systems and evacuation management in the event of a fire.

After studying the discipline “Fire Safety”, the student must know statistical information about the occurrence of fires in Russian Federation, the number of dead and injured people, material damage caused by fires; what a fire is and what are the conditions for its occurrence at work, at home, in the forest; classification of fire hazardous areas, technological environments, building materials and buildings for fire safety, their categorization; procedure for action in case of fire, procedure for the fire safety regime of the enterprise, liability for violation of fire safety requirements. In addition, after studying the theoretical part, the student must master the practical skills of assessing the fire hazard of production areas, premises, buildings, and territories; using different types of fire extinguishers; methods of writing instructions on fire safety measures, conducting fire safety briefings, developing schematic plans for evacuating people in case of fires, self-rescue in case of fire and rescuing other people and property.

All of the above will allow us to prepare bachelors with modern knowledge and practical skills in the field of fire safety.

Internal fire (combined - drinking water and fire-fighting - or independent) water supply system is designed to extinguish fires in the initial stage of occurrence, as well as to extinguish fires as auxiliary means, in addition to jets from fire engines.

Internal network The water supply works constantly under the pressure of the external water supply. If there is insufficient pressure in the external water supply during hours of maximum water consumption and sufficient pressure during hours of minimum water consumption, a scheme with a water pressure tank is provided. The tank is installed at a height that ensures normal operation of the overhead fire hydrants. If there are no conditions for installing the tank, apply pumping units. The internal water supply networks of industrial and fire water supply systems are made of non-galvanized steel and cast iron pipes. Inputs are mounted from pipes with a diameter of at least 50 mm. The network is equipped with fittings for proper and uninterrupted operation: valves, drain valves, safety valves, pressure gauges, water meters, etc.

The water meter installed at the inputs is designed to pass the maximum consumption of drinking water and water for internal fire extinguishing. In the event of an accident, the valve installed on the second input opens.

For large fire extinguishing costs (industrial bases, warehouses, etc.) and small household and drinking costs, instead of a conventional water meter (turbine type), a combined water meter is installed, which takes into account both large and small costs. If this is not available, water meters are installed with a bypass line and an electric valve that opens automatically when fire pumps or automatic devices that ensure their start are started (buttons at the fire hydrant, relay, etc.). Security workers must know the location of the water metering unit and its structure.

Requirements for the installation of fire water pipelines. Internal fire water supply is not installed:

In laundries, bathhouses, schools;

In residential buildings up to 12 floors;

In nurseries, kindergartens, clinics, canteens, and seasonal cinemas built into residential buildings (up to 12 floors);

In industrial buildings in which the use of water in a fire can cause an explosion and intensify the fire;

In industrial and auxiliary buildings where there is no drinking or industrial water supply and external fire extinguishing is provided.

Internal fire hydrants (Figure 2.17) are installed on all floors of heated buildings, except for attic spaces, in which an internal fire hydrant located in front of the attic entrance, on the landing, is used to extinguish the fire.

Internal fire hydrants are installed at a height of 1.35 m from the floor in a special niche or in a cabinet, on the door of which the designation PC and the number of the hydrant are marked. The cabinet is closed and sealed. To ensure guaranteed operation, an internal fire water supply system with more than 12 fire hydrants is connected to the external ring water supply network with at least two inputs. A single input device is allowed when the number of taps is less than 12.

Installation of internal fire water supply in multi-storey buildings. In buildings up to 16 floors high, fires are extinguished by fire brigades using external water pipes. In such buildings, the internal fire water supply is used during the initial period of a fire. Therefore, in buildings up to 16 floors, integrated fire water pipelines are designed with minimal water consumption and minimal pressure at fire hydrants (1-2 jets of 2.5 l/s each and a pressure of 10 m.) The supply of water to the fire site depends not only on the power of firefighters car pumps, but also on the quantity and quality of fire hoses.

Used fire hoses can withstand a pressure of 70 - 90 m. As practical calculations show, even with 16 floors it is difficult to ensure water supply from fire truck pumps.

The required pressure in the internal fire water supply is determined by the fire valves located at the highest and most distant locations, so the valves located below are under greater pressure. To reduce pressure in buildings in high-rise buildings, a single centralized system water supply is divided into two or more zones. Water supply during zone water supply is carried out according to two main schemes: parallel and sequential.

In a parallel system, water is supplied by pumps located at the bottom of the building. At the same time, tanks are installed for each zone and fire pumps are installed.

Rice. 2.16. Zone water supply schemes for fire extinguishing

a – parallel circuit; b – sequential circuit; 1 – spare tank;

2 – pumping station of zone 1; 3 – pumping station 2 zones; 4 – water tank 2 zones; 5 – water supply to zone 2 ring; 6 – water tank of zone 1; 7 – water supply to the ring of zone 1.

According to a sequential scheme, water is supplied from zone to zone. In both schemes, constant pressure at water points and fire hydrants is maintained due to the height of the water tank. When the water level in the water tank drops, the level switch turns on the drinking water pumps, which replenish the water supply.

When water is supplied from internal fire hydrants (Fig. 2.16), the water level in the water tank drops sharply, and then the fire pump for this zone turns on. From the external network, water is supplied to the zone system through two inputs. If the water consumption in the external water supply network is greater, then a spare tank is installed near the building. In sequential zoning, each pumping station supplies the amount of water used by all zones above. At the same time, water flows to these zones through lower networks. A serial circuit is less reliable than a parallel circuit, because if one element fails, all floors are left without water. Therefore, the sequential circuit must be supplemented with a spare system with its own pump, which supplies water to any tank. The advantage of a parallel circuit is that the pumps are located in one place, in the basement, convenient for maintenance. Each zone operates independently. But the parallel scheme requires more pipes than the sequential one, but in both schemes, for each zone, in addition to utility and drinking water pumps, fire pumps (working and backup) are also provided. With zoned water supply, two water supply lines are usually designed in a building: utility and drinking water supply and fire water supply. This is due to the difference in pressure required to supply water for these purposes. In a fire water supply system at the dictating tap, the pressure should be 25 - 30 m with a radius of action of the jet of 16 m and a water flow rate of 5 l/s. In a cold water supply network, the pressure at the dictating water supply point is 2–3 m. With an integrated system, when the fire pumps are turned on, the water supply devices will fail.

Rice. 2.17.Installation of a fire hydrant in a cabinet

1 – riser; 2 – fire hydrant; 3 – half nut “Mouth”; 4 – fire hose

It is difficult to create the necessary constant pressure when extinguishing a fire on the upper floors. Therefore, the water tank is installed on a high part of the building (see Fig. 2.16). But it should be taken into account that the room directly under the tank is not provided with the required pressure.

In residential areas where there are several multi-storey buildings, water consumption is more uniform, and water tanks do not need to be installed. Unevenness in water consumption is regulated by the stepwise operation of utility and drinking water pumps. Due to the operation of these pumps, constant pressure is maintained at the internal fire hydrants.

To save pipes, water can be supplied to water tanks through fire risers. In this case, the water in the internal fire water supply network does not stagnate, and the network is under constant control.

The fire pumps of each zone are turned on automatically after the two-minute fire supply of water in the tanks is used up. The remaining eight-minute supply of water is used to extinguish the fire before the fire pump is started manually (in case of an automatic start failure). When the fire pump of each zone fails, the backup pump is automatically switched on.

The emergency water supply capacity of the tanks is designed to supply two fire jets with a water flow rate of 2.5 l/s for 10 minutes. Constant pressure in the network before the fire pumps are turned on is provided by fire jets with a radius of the compact part of the jet of at least 6 m; when fire pumps are turned on - a length of at least 16 m with a water flow rate of at least 5 l/s each.

The number of jets and norms of water consumption for internal fire extinguishing are adopted according to SNiP 2.04.01-85 " Internal water supply and sewerage of the building" depending on the purpose of the building, number of floors and its volume.

Rice. 2.18. sprinkler head

1 – bronze body; 2 – frame; 3 – socket; 4 – diaphragm; 5 – glass valve; 6-8 – lock; 9 – copper washer

To automatically extinguish a fire, automatic fire-fighting installations are used: sprinklers and deluges.

The former are used for rooms with increased fire hazard. The installation consists (Fig. 2.18.) of spindles (sprinklers), distribution and main pipelines, a control and alarm valve, a gate valve, main and automatic water feeders. As the room temperature rises, the lock melts, the plates separate and the glass valve falls, revealing an opening. Water flowing out under high pressure hits the outlet and splashes. One sprinkler irrigates a surface area of ​​9-12 m2

Deluge installations consist of a distribution network with deluges, main pipelines, valves or control valves. The drencher, unlike a sprinkler, does not have a glass valve and lock. Drenchers create a water curtain and are used in places where the premises need to be protected from fire (theater stages, garages, etc.)

It has been established that in the territories of settlements and urban districts there must be sources of external or internal fire-fighting water supply. As provided in Part 2 of Art. 62 of the commented Law, natural and artificial reservoirs, as well as internal and external water supply systems (including drinking, household and fire water supply) can be used as sources of fire-fighting water supply (see commentary to this article). Accordingly, in Part 2 of the commented article, two types of sources of external fire water supply are named: 1) external water supply networks with fire hydrants; 2) water bodies used for fire extinguishing purposes in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The provisions of the commented article are devoted to the requirements for these two sources of fire-fighting water supply. The requirements for internal fire water supply are established in Art. 86 of the commented Law. Along with this, in Art. 99 of this Law separately provides requirements for sources of fire-fighting water supply to a production facility.

Among the norms to which the provision of clause 2, part 2 of the commented article refers, one should point out, first of all, the following provisions of Art. 53 Airborne Code of the Russian Federation on the use of water bodies to ensure fire safety: fence (withdrawal) water resources for extinguishing fires is allowed from any water bodies without any permission, free of charge and in the quantity necessary to extinguish fires (Part 1); the use of water bodies intended to ensure fire safety for other purposes is prohibited (Part 2).

water consumption for external fire extinguishing (per fire) of residential and public buildings for calculating the connecting and distribution lines of the water supply network, as well as the water supply network within a microdistrict or block, should be taken for the building that requires the highest water consumption, according to Table 6;

water consumption for external fire extinguishing at industrial and agricultural enterprises per fire should be taken for the building that requires the highest water consumption, according to Table 7 or

The indicated tables 5, , and SNiP 2.04.02-84* are reproduced respectively in tables 7 “Water consumption from the water supply network for external fire extinguishing in settlements”, “Water consumption for external fire extinguishing of residential and public buildings”, “Water consumption for external fire extinguishing of industrial facilities and warehouse buildings" and "Water consumption for external fire extinguishing of production facilities and warehouse buildings" annex to the commented Law. The notes contained in SNiP 2.04.02-84* are partially reproduced in the provisions of the commented article (see commentary to the indicated tables).

As established in paragraph 2.29 of SNiP 2.04.02-84*, fire-fighting water supply should be of low pressure, fire-fighting water supply of high pressure is allowed to be used only with appropriate justification. In a high-pressure water supply, stationary fire pumps must be equipped with devices that ensure the start of the pumps no later than 5 minutes after giving a signal about the occurrence of a fire (according to the note to clause 2.29 for settlements with a population of up to 5 thousand people, in which professional fire department, fire-fighting water supply must be of high pressure).

In accordance with clause 2.30 of SNiP 2.04.02-84*, the free pressure in the low-pressure fire-fighting water supply network (at ground level) during fire fighting must be at least 10 m. The free pressure in the high-pressure fire-fighting water supply network must ensure a compact jet height of not less than 10 m with full water consumption for fire extinguishing and the location of the fire trunk at the highest point of the tallest building. The maximum free pressure in the combined water supply network should not exceed 60 m.

Clause 8.16 of SNiP 2.04.02-84* stipulates that fire hydrants should be installed along highways at a distance of no more than 2.5 m from the edge of the roadway, but no closer than 5 m from the walls of buildings; It is allowed to place hydrants on the roadway. In this case, the installation of hydrants on a branch from the water supply line is not allowed. The placement of fire hydrants on the water supply network must ensure fire extinguishing of any building, structure or part thereof served by this network from at least two hydrants with a water flow rate for external fire extinguishing of 15 l/s or more, and one - with a water flow rate of less than 15 l/s, taking into account laying hose lines with a length not exceeding that specified in clause 9.30 on paved roads. The distance between hydrants is determined by a calculation that takes into account the total water consumption for fire extinguishing and the throughput capacity of the type of hydrants being installed in accordance with GOST 8220-85 “Underground fire hydrants. Specifications" (about this standard, see

The water supply system is a collection engineering structures, which are designed for supply, intake, storage and purification of water. But the fire-fighting water supply system is necessary to ensure the supply of the required volume under the required pressure for a specified time regulatory documents and in conditions of reliability of the entire complex of water supply facilities. In every city, as well as in the territories of organizations and settlements, sources of fire-fighting water supply must be equipped, since their availability and parameters are strictly controlled and determined by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation. Such sources can be internal and external water supply systems, as well as natural and artificial reservoirs.

Features of internal and external water supply

Fire-fighting external water supply systems are special water supply networks equipped with fire hydrants, as well as any water bodies that are used for fire extinguishing. In cities and towns, legislation allows the combination of fire-fighting water supply with domestic and drinking water supply or industrial water supply.

External fire-fighting water supply from reservoirs or reservoirs is used in the following cases:

  • When the population is not more than 5,000 people;
  • For separately constructed buildings located within a populated area, the volume of which does not exceed 1000 m3;
  • For buildings and structures with stored mineral fertilizers volume up to 5000 m3;
  • For storing fruits or vegetables;
  • For buildings of radio and television stations;
  • For premises that exceed 1000 m3 in volume, only in agreement with the territorial bodies of the State Border Service.

Internal fire water supply is a complex autonomous pipeline system that ensures fire safety inside buildings and structures. This system is considered an alternative fire extinguishing scheme and is especially indispensable until the fire service arrives. The effectiveness of this system has been proven only in cases where it is necessary to eliminate small fires and there is no smoke in the room at all.

The internal fire water supply can only be used by those employees of the enterprise who have undergone appropriate training and have an idea of ​​how to seal the system and connect it to the pumping station. Only volunteer fire brigades, technical personnel or employees responsible for fire safety have the right to conduct such instruction.

According to their functionality and principle of application, internal fire water supply systems are classified into two types:

  1. Multifunctional water supply system - its operating principle is identical to that of a conventional household water supply system, which can simultaneously also guarantee the supply of water for the fire-fighting system.
  2. Specialized water supply system - it is designed specifically only for localizing a fire. Water supply is carried out through a separate riser under high pressure. In turn, such a water supply system can be dead-end or ring. They differ in that the ring one has multiple locking devices that can cut off damaged areas of the circuit. Thanks to them, the water supply does not stop even in case of emergency. At the dead end the number of fire hydrants does not exceed twelve.

Internal fire water supply systems are mainly equipped in such facilities as industrial premises, dormitories, administrative buildings, residential complexes and apartment buildings. Simply put, all buildings in which there is a large gathering of citizens. In small buildings such water supply is not provided.

Fire hydrant and its structure

A fire hydrant is a specialized water intake device whose purpose is to extract water. Its installation is carried out on the water supply network. It can be above ground or underground. They differ in that the underground one is installed in a well, and the above-ground one is mounted on the ground surface or a special hatch. A prerequisite for installing an above-ground hydrant is the presence of a water source in the immediate vicinity. In order to draw water from the hydrant, it is necessary to attach a column, which can be used as a fire hydrant to connect to the hose and supply water to the fire site. It is also used as a water feeder for a fire truck pump. The fire column is removable device, which is installed on an underground hydrant.

Classification of fire water pipelines

Like all other water pipes, fire water pipes are divided depending on their pressure. They come in low and high pressure. After notification of a fire, high-pressure fire-fighting water supply systems create the necessary pressure to extinguish a fire even in a multi-story building. To create the required pressure, stationary pumps are used, which begin to operate within five minutes after notification of a fire. To create pressure in low-pressure water pipes, pumps are connected directly to fire hydrants through suction hoses.

Fire water supply sourcesand requirements for them

Depending on category natural sources fire-fighting structures are used to receive water from groundwater and surface sources. First of all, when installing a system, preference is given to underground sources, and only then to surface ones.

Surface sources include lakes, seas and rivers. In order to build water intake structures using surface sources, it is necessary to check that they satisfy the following conditions:

  • Taking water from the source should be simple and cheap;
  • The possibility of uninterrupted receipt of the required amount of water was ensured;
  • The incoming water must be clean and it must be possible to purify it from contaminants;
  • Water must be located in close proximity to the supplied facility.

For underground water supply, water located at various depths and various types of rocks is used.

All sources of fire-fighting water supply are subject to increased requirements.

As for fire hydrants, they must be placed along highways. When placing them, the distance from the walls of buildings and the roadway must be taken into account. From the walls residential buildings The fire hydrant should be located no closer than five meters to the wall of the building and no more than 2.5 meters from the edge of the roadway. The location of a hydrant on the roadway is also permitted. A mandatory requirement for a hydrant is the presence of a free entrance to it, the width of which is at least 3.5 meters. At the location of the hydrant there must be a corresponding sign at a height of about 2.5 meters from the ground surface. It indicates such data as the type of hydrant, the diameter and nature of the water supply network, the number, the distance from the sign to the hydrant. At night, such signs are illuminated by lamps, unless, of course, they are made using reflective or fluorescent coatings.

There are also certain requirements for fire reservoirs. They must be equipped with a special platform for turning fire trucks. The size of such a site must be at least 12x12 meters. As in the case of a fire hydrant, it is necessary to install a sign near a reservoir with index designations, the value of water in cubic meters, and also how many fire engines can be installed on the site at the same time.

Features of water supply to the fire site in waterless areas

In order to successfully cope with emerging fires, a huge amount of timely supplied water is required. But there are so-called waterless areas in which it is quite difficult to provide the required amount of water. To resolve this issue, it is necessary to individually develop practical and organizational measures for each locality. Thanks to them you can solve this question and ensure the organization of timely water supply to required quantity. To do this, it is possible to organize transportation from nearby sources using not only fire fighting equipment, but also national transport. In addition, in waterless areas, even those reservoirs with low water levels or unreliable access should be used. To prevent unforeseen situations in this case, motor pumps, water ejectors or hydraulic elevators are used.

Any fire extinguishing is carried out using stations, which come in three categories. The first category supplies water from a centralized source through a unified or fire network. The second category includes those that supply water from equipped reservoirs or reserve tanks. The third fire extinguishing station is engaged in servicing areas in small settlements and in the event of fire in individual buildings. Each of these stations must be equipped with a pump. For a station of the first category, at least two pumps are provided, and for the second and third categories, one is sufficient.

At each station, appropriate checks must be systematically carried out. This allows you to avoid unforeseen situations and ensure full readiness of all units. The check is performed as follows:

  • The equipment configuration is checked during a visual inspection;
  • The system is automatically and manually started, as well as a test run of the pumps;
  • Hydrants are checked and the flow of water is measured;
  • Wells are being inspected.


All requirements for fire water supply are based on technical regulations, which develop a set of rules and certain requirements. These requirements apply not only to water supply systems, electrical equipment, and structures, but also to water sources, the amount of required flow under certain conditions and its required reserves. In addition, the pipelines must be installed properly. All rules in the regulations are spelled out very clearly and specifically. Depending on how accurately the rules are followed, the result and the ability to cope with any even complex fire will completely depend. After all, it is possible to do without a well-equipped water supply system, pond or reservoir only in the most exceptional cases.

If we consider the design of a water supply system, then it is a whole complex of technical structures that ensure a guaranteed supply of water of the required pressure and volume to the fire site. This system is one of the water supply categories. Fire-fighting water supply is determined by the combination of measures to provide the required amount of water to the consumer required to extinguish a fire.

Therefore, when designing the construction of an object for any purpose, except for technical and drinking water supply, they plan to install a fire-fighting water supply system.

Types of fire water supply

There are two types of the system under consideration by pressure value:

  1. Tall.
  2. Low.

The first type is a system capable of supplying water with the required pressure to extinguish large buildings. In this case, a large volume of water should be supplied at the very beginning of extinguishing. For this purpose, stationary pumps are used, which are installed in a separate room or building. Such a system is capable of extinguishing highly complex fires without fire trucks.

The second type of system is a water supply system that supplies water through hydrants with pumps to the site of the fire. Hydrants are connected to pumps with special hoses.

All structures and equipment are created so that there is enough water to extinguish the fire, but at the same time the technical and drinking water supply can work at full power. In other words, one water supply should not affect others. At the same time, a water reserve is created for firefighting purposes. It is most often created in water towers, open reservoirs or underground tanks.

The water supply scheme includes a system of hoses and pumps. It consists of pumps, pipes through which water is supplied to objects, as well as hoses that can be twisted and placed in boxes designed for this purpose. To make these boxes different from others, they are painted red.

This is a type of water container that is worth considering separately and in more detail. It is designed to extinguish fire. Water towers allow you to regulate the pressure and consumption of water in the water supply. External fire water supply should be created so that the towers serve as the beginning and end of the water supply network. The tower is made of a reservoir and a trunk, which serves as a support. To protect the water from freezing, the tower is covered with a special tent.

If the tower is not closed, the water will freeze in winter and damage the tank. The height of the tower depends on the terrain and is usually within 10-45 meters. The volume of the tower tank also varies.

One of the types of water towers are water tanks. Their task is to store a volume of water that is sufficient to extinguish a fire in an object lasting more than 2.5 hours. They are equipped with measuring instruments that allow you to control the water level.

Fire hydrant

This is a device for drawing water while extinguishing a fire. Depending on the terrain, hydrants can be used to connect to a fire hose, as well as to fill the tank of a fire truck.

There are two types of hydrants: above ground and underground. The second type should be located below ground level in a hatch equipped with a lid, but have free access and not be closed with any latches or locks. The connection to the fire hose should be easy.

A ground hydrant is mounted above the ground and is a column with a head that has a thread or a convenient lock for connecting a fire hose.

Pumping stations

In order to force water through the system and create the necessary pressure, pumping stations have been created, which are an integral element of fire water supply systems. Most often, the pumping station is located in a separate room with pumps. Their number depends on the type of system.

Pressure gauges and vacuum gauges are installed on the pumps to measure the vacuum when pumping water. The location of all elements of the station is chosen in such a way as not to create obstacles to free access to these elements, to guarantee normal operation and future increase in the area of ​​the station.

The operating diagram of the pumping station must be built according to such a principle that in the event of a fire there is the possibility of a prompt response. Another feature of fire pumps should be the ability to suck in water used for technical needs. This makes it possible to extinguish a fire if there is not enough water in the fire extinguishing system.

Most often, pump stations are created in the basement of a house or separately from a residential building. The pump stations are connected to electricity from high voltage, therefore, in this matter, much attention is paid to safety precautions at the pumping station, and in the event of accidents. Electricity and water together are dangerous neighbors for people.

Other types of fire water supply

There are other types of water supply systems for fire sites:

  1. By type of service: agricultural, industrial, district, city networks, etc.
  2. According to the water supply method, determined by the water supply source. These are open and closed sources. Usually these systems are combined with each other. If we consider statistical data, then the water for extinguishing fires comes from open sources about 84%, from underground sources - 16%.
  3. By number of consumers. It depends on the service. For example, if a water supply works for one city, then it is called local, if for several settlements it is called group. If consumers are located far from each other, but are served by one water supply, it is called zoned. If a fire extinguishing complex covers a large area with many consumers, this is a district water supply system.

Types of fire water pipelines

There are internal and external fire water lines. Sources of external fire water supply are pumping stations, pipes and hydrants located on the territory. The first is pipelines laid throughout the building, connected to an external network.

In small settlements and small-scale production workshops, fire-fighting water supply is not equipped as a separate structure. It connects to other water supply networks, for example, to the drinking water system. Often, a fire extinguishing system is created on the basis of fire engines that replenish the supply of water directly from reservoirs. There is no pump or hose system.

Domestic water supply

The name of the systems indicates where the source of water for extinguishing the fire is located. Let's figure out which of these types of water supply is the most effective. In practice, it becomes clear that for optimal fire extinguishing and reducing the negative consequences of a fire, the internal and external systems can show their best side. But this issue has its own characteristics.

A large building in terms of volume and number of floors must be equipped with both types of fire water supply. The only exceptions may be small buildings that have a small volume or few floors.

The internal water supply system consists of fire hydrants, which should be located in easily accessible places. Most often these are stairwells, lobbies, and corridors, if they are heated. According to the joint venture, internal fire water supply provides for equal lengths of fire hoses located inside fire hydrants, and the same diameter of the valve and hose lock.

Purpose of internal water supply

A fire extinguishing system inside a building is needed as alternative option. It allows you to quickly stop a fire before fire trucks arrive. Fire water pipelines are most effective when extinguishing small fires in the first stage without smoke. The use of such a system is possible when it satisfies safety regulations. When starting it, workers of the enterprise or residents of the building should not be endangered.

Based on the type of diagram, fire water supply in a building is divided into the following types:

  • dead end;
  • annular.

The second type has a peculiarity in locking devices that can block faulty sections of the circuit. Water will still flow during an emergency. A dead-end scheme is used if the number of cranes is less than 12 per building.

Installation locations for internal fire protection systems

According to regulations, such systems must be installed in the following facilities:

  1. Dormitories.
  2. Residential complexes and houses with more than 12 floors.
  3. Production facilities and warehouses.
  4. Administrative buildings are more than six floors.
  5. Public places - cinemas, assembly halls, clubs.

Installation of such a system is not required in small buildings:

    • in outdoor stadiums and cinemas;
    • in schools, except those where students live permanently;
    • in fertilizer warehouses;
    • in industrial buildings made of fire-resistant material;
    • in chemical shops for special purposes;
    • in warehouses and workshops where it is possible to draw water from a reservoir or container.

The main condition for a fire water supply is that it is complete and in working condition. Being in public places ensures quick localization of any fire.

Equipment requirements

The internal fire water supply system must be equipped with the following elements:

  1. Shut-off and control equipment.
  2. A station with a system control panel and a fire pump that provides the necessary pressure in case of insufficient pressure in the external source. The pump and control point should be located in the basement of the building.
  3. Access to a remote control with a pump start and stop button.
  4. Fireproof water container, in case there is no water in the water supply. The smallest margin is needed to start the pump before firefighters arrive.
  5. The fire nozzle, placed in closed boxes and sealed, is placed in a visible place.
  6. Fire hydrants at the entrance, landings, corridors. The launch and use of hoses must be in accessible places. The length of the fire hose is calculated so that it is enough to reach the point of fire. The tap is placed at eye level.
  7. Networks and risers created in advance. The scheme is organized according to the layout of the building, with the optimal location of the fire water supply. A building with more than six floors must have fire risers connected to the common system by metal pipes.

Fire water supply inspection

The effectiveness of this system should be regularly checked, without waiting for accidents to occur. Functional check according to important characteristics produced by testing or inspection. This is necessary to determine the efficiency of pipelines, check pumps and pressure in the network. The inspection must be carried out by authorized specialists.

This check includes:

  • testing system pressure and water supply;
  • control of valve valve units.

The internal fire water supply system in the building must be checked for operability according to various parameters. According to the test methodology, maintenance of internal water supply must be carried out at least once every six months:

  • operation of cranes;
  • pressure in pipes;
  • shut-off valves;
  • what area does the stream of water cover?
  • completeness of fire cabinets.

Every year the hoses must be tested for their resistance to pressure. The operation of the pumps is checked every month. After the tests, the following documents are drawn up:

  • statement of deficiencies;
  • crane operation protocol;
  • inspection report;
  • maintenance report.

The water release level is controlled using measuring instruments in the system. Tests should be carried out according to the following scheme:

    1. Open the cabinet, turn off the sleeve.
    2. If there is a barrel diaphragm, then its diameter is checked according to the specified values.
    3. The pressure gauge is connected to the fire hydrant.
    4. The hose is connected to the system, and the nozzle is directed into the tank.
    5. The smoke detector is activated, the pump is started and the valve is opened.
    6. The pressure gauge shows the pressure, the data is recorded 30 seconds after startup.
    7. The pump is turned off, the valve is closed, the readings are recorded in a special journal, and a report is drawn up. The equipment is removed, the sleeve and other elements are returned to their places.

The documents are signed by members of the commission. Equipment operation is considered effective if the entire system is in good working order. The full use of fire extinguishing equipment depends on the professionalism of the personnel. Training is provided periodically.


Over the long-term practice of extinguishing fires, it has been confirmed more than once that the fire service will not always be able to quickly extinguish a fire. Fire extinguishing work should begin immediately after the fire is discovered. In this case, the serviceability of the fire water supply plays a vital role. Planning during construction and control over the operation of the water supply are the main factors that affect the safety of property and the lives of people.