What does increased uric acid in the blood mean? Normal blood uric acid levels and signs of hyperuricemia

Uric acid is formed in the liver and is microscopic crystals of sodium salts. In itself, it is not toxic, but when it enters the blood plasma, this substance undergoes oxidation and helps remove excess nitrogen from the body. The kidneys are responsible for removing waste products, including uric acid. Normally, uric acid is evacuated along with urea, but if malfunctions occur in the liver or kidneys, salts accumulate and its concentration in the body increases. In such cases, doctors talk about hyperuricemia, which can be detected using laboratory tests.

Increased uric acid levels is one of the signs of the following diseases, which have a common name - “uricopathy”:

  • gout, rheumatism, arthritis. If the rate of UA synthesis exceeds the rate of its elimination from the body, the process of purine metabolism is disrupted. The retention of this substance in the body affects the activity of the kidneys, renal failure develops, leading to problems with the joints: salts are deposited in the kidneys, joints, and other tissues;
  • atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischemic disease hearts. Often, excess MK provokes arterial stenosis, which contributes to problems in cardiovascular system. Note that the relationship between increased uric acid levels and the risk of developing coronary diseases for scientists involved in medical research becomes more and more obvious every year;
  • hypoparathyroidism. Hyperuricemia, as a rule, is accompanied by an increase in calcium levels: bone tissue begins to suffer from its deficiency, and at the same time urate crystals become the nucleus for calcium stones;
  • diabetes mellitus, obesity, acromegaly and other diseases of the endocrine system. Metabolic disorders can be caused by hormonal hyperglycemia and impaired purine metabolism;
  • diseases the development of which is triggered by excess lipoproteins and cholesterol (stroke, heart attack, Alzheimer's disease, hypothyroidism and others);
  • hemolytic anemia, leukemia, polycythemia and other blood diseases. Due to the increase in level purine bases blood viscosity increases;
  • scarlet fever, tuberculosis, pneumonia and some other acute infections;
  • liver and biliary tract diseases;
  • nephropathy;
  • eczema and psoriasis;
  • some cancers;
  • metabolic acidosis;
  • other.
If uric acid is elevated, symptoms this pathology will be:
  • diathesis in children, expressed in redness of the cheeks and the appearance of reddish spots on the skin of the arms, legs, and torso;
  • rapid formation of tartar;
  • increased fatigue;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome and general loss of strength.
Laboratory tests of blood and urine play a major role in diagnosing this disease.

Causes of hyperuricemia

Official Western medicine recognizes the reasons high levels of uric acid:
  • alcohol abuse;
  • excessive consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates and fats;
  • excess fructose in the diet;
  • prolonged fasting;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • taking certain medications with diuretic properties;
  • diseases listed above.

In Tibetan medicine, energy imbalance is considered as the root cause of ailments accompanied by an increase in UA content. Impaired functioning of the liver, which produces too much uric acid, most often occurs due to disturbance of the “hot” “dosha” of Bile. Excessive heat in the body is caused by intense or frequent negative emotions: anger, rage, irritability, envy, etc. In addition, the balance of this regulatory constitution is greatly affected by frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages, physical and mental overstrain, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity.

Lack of harmony in the “dosha” Mucus helps cool the body, and the kidneys are the first to respond to it: it is their dysfunction that provokes the accumulation of uric acid. Cold illnesses can be the result of stress, prolonged sadness, unreasonable anxiety, low self-esteem, self-criticism and other destructive experiences.

Another reason for this pathology is kidney prolapse, which interferes with normal metabolism and creates conditions for the deposition of urate in the joints.

Treatment of hyperuricemia in Tibetan medicine centers

To stop the process of increasing the concentration of uric acid in the blood, allopaths use rather aggressive, in the opinion of Eastern doctors, medications: diclofenac, ibuprofen, colchicine, indomethacin, etc. On the one hand, they can really relieve inflammation caused by salt deposition, but on the other hand, their use is fraught with ulceration of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and impaired blood circulation. Therefore, Tibetan medicine is opposed to drug therapy, where side effects can completely obscure the beneficial properties.

The primary measure to combat diseases caused by metabolic disorders in the East is a change in lifestyle: reasonable physical activity, mental balance and correction of eating habits in accordance with the natural “dosha”. Both allopaths and Tibetan healers agree on the importance diets for high uric acid. The patient should exclude or extremely limit foods rich in purines in the diet, such as:

  • lamb, veal, meat of other young animals;
  • offal;
  • sausages;
  • salmon, tuna, trout, perch, herring, pike perch and some other types of fish;
  • shrimp, shellfish, crustaceans;
  • greenery emerging early spring;
  • products made from wheat and wheat flour;
  • canned foods;
  • chocolate;
  • fermented milk products;
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts;
  • legumes;
  • soft drinks;
  • coffee;
  • alcohol.
With an integrated approach to treatment, Tibetan doctors personally prescribe courses of the following procedures to the patient:

Today we will talk about:

The human body is so vulnerable that any slightest imbalance in the functioning of any organ can provoke a chain reaction and cause a number of health problems. It's about about the kidneys, the filtration “sector” of our body, as well as about a disease called gout, when the kidneys stop excreting uric acid, which leads to the accumulation of its salts.

Uric acid and its sources

Uric acid is the end product of the breakdown of protein and purines. These are toxins that the body gets rid of thanks to the active work of the kidneys. If enzymatic activity is reduced, uric acid begins to accumulate in the blood. The level of this component completely depends on the ongoing mechanisms of excretion and formation, and in healthy body it is in the form of sodium salt (urate).

Timely elimination of uric acid is an opportunity to prevent negative health problems. The amount of this substance increases when kidney function is weakened, or a person consumes too much food with a high concentration of purine bases. Sodium salt accumulates in the blood serum, causing damage to organs and systems, thereby causing various pathologies.

Here is a list of those foods that contain the highest amount of purines:

Offal, red meat;
cocoa and chocolate;
leguminous plants;
beer and other types of alcohol.

Medical statistics show that about a third of the entire population of the planet suffers from the problem of increased concentration of uric acid in the blood. In urological terminology, this disease is called hyperuricemia. Normally, the levels of this substance should not exceed 420 microns per 1 liter for men and 360 for women.

A sharp increase in acid and its salts can be caused by the following reasons:

Excessive consumption of foods containing excess purines;
uncontrolled use of strong diuretics;
and narcotic drugs;
fasting or unbalanced diet;

Consequences of increased formation of uric acid in the body

There is no need to think that uric acid is the enemy of our body. This is not true, since this substance is protected blood vessels and is responsible for removing free radicals, which in turn provoke the development of cancer.

Impaired metabolism of uric acid is fraught with the appearance of solid sediment in organs and tissues. This, in fact, is the main danger of its excess. The formation of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract is a serious disease that causes acute pain and a lot of inconvenience. Deposits of urate salts in joints provoke gout and arthritis. It should also be noted that it is men who are more susceptible to these diseases than women, and very often it is urates that cause the development acute diseases, such as:

Since uric acid is excreted by the kidneys and partially by saliva, most often an excess of urate manifests itself in the form of kidney stones and plaque on the teeth.

When accumulated in brain tissue, this substance leads to deterioration in intellectual ability, headaches and strokes. The formation of varicose veins and the manifestation of symptoms of arterial hypertension is also possible.

Patients diagnosed with uric acid diathesis (another name for the problem we describe) are prone to nervous breakdowns, sleep disturbances, fatigue and neuroses.

Removing uric acid from the body

If the results of the examination indicate that the urea level is many times higher than normal, then appropriate measures must be taken immediately to get rid of excess acid and balance this indicator.

The most important thing is adjusting your diet. You need to review your daily menu and exclude those foods that contain the highest amounts of purine. Ideally, limit their consumption completely or for as long as possible. You should avoid products such as:

Red meat, kidneys, liver, alcohol, sugar, smoked meats, pickled foods, chili peppers and other hot spices, chocolate and lard.

The following will help lower uric acid levels:

Freshly squeezed juices;
dried fruits;

However, diet alone is not enough to quickly remove urea, and in this case, after examination, the doctor may prescribe food additives or medications. They are selected depending on how much the permissible urea limit is exceeded. Treatment monitoring is also carried out in laboratory conditions.

If the concentration of urates in the body slightly exceeds them, recipes will help remove them traditional medicine. Particularly effective in this case are various infusions of different herbs:

  • A decoction of lingonberry leaves. To prepare it, you need to pour 1 tsp of boiling water into a glass. dried crushed leaves. After wrapping the container with the medicine, you should set it aside for half an hour. It is recommended to drink the drink several times a day in small sips.
  • A decoction of birch leaves also copes well with the problem. To prepare it you need 2 tbsp. l. Leaves pour 500 ml of boiling water, boil over low heat for several minutes and let steep for 30 minutes. Three times a day before each meal you can drink 150 ml of decoction.
  • Foot baths with chamomile, sage and calendula. The medicinal solution is prepared as follows: 200 g of dried or fresh flowers should be poured into 1.5 liters of boiling water and simmered for about two hours. The bath temperature should be about 34 degrees. This procedure should be carried out daily for 20 days. After taking the same break, you can repeat everything again.

Special diet for high urea levels in the body

As mentioned above, adjusting the diet in this case is mandatory measures, the implementation of which will contribute to the adjustment general condition the patient and a speedy recovery.

People with elevated levels of urate in the blood also need to avoid eating the following foods:


The correct menu for such patients should consist not only of vegetables and fruits, but also of cereals. Plums, apples, pears, potatoes and apricots actively remove uric acid from the body. Drinking plenty of clean water is very beneficial mineral water, but not sweet drinks.

Medicines for gout and excess uric acid

Doctors do not recommend resorting to self-medication and using pharmaceutical drugs without prior consultation with a specialist.

If gout or the formation of stones is suspected, treatment is started, which is aimed at reducing the total amount of urate. It is also very important to decide on the choice of drug, since some are designed to increase the excretion of uric acid, while others are designed to reduce its production.

When determining the type of medication, the doctor is based on the results of a laboratory test of a 24-hour urine sample. Such an analysis makes it possible to find out how to correctly begin the process of removing acid, acting directly on the cause of the pathology.

Laboratory urine analysis is the main condition when prescribing medications that help remove uric acid.

In the complex treatment of a pathological condition, gymnastics plays an important role. Any physical exercise activate and improve metabolic processes in the body. This means that regular physical exercise accelerates the elimination of urate.

Summarizing the above information, we can add that in order to remove uric acid from the body, the use of complex therapy will be required. This and drug treatment, herbs with infusions, diet and gymnastics.

PoMedicine reminds that, knowing about your problem, you should always contact a specialist for advice. It is the doctor who will tell you in detail about this problem, methods for eliminating it, as well as effective means traditional medicine. Especially for: - http://site

The materials are published for informational purposes only and are not a prescription for treatment! We recommend that you consult a hematologist at your medical institution!

Uric acid must necessarily be present in the blood, since it is it that ensures the course of a number of biochemical processes during protein metabolism. This acid is synthesized by the liver from proteins and its increase may indicate a number of serious pathologies.

Normal levels of uric acid in the blood are necessary for the following reasons:

  • To stimulate brain activity. Through this acid, there is a direct effect on the adrenaline hormone, which leads to stimulation of active brain activity.
  • Being a strong antioxidant, uric acid prevents the degeneration of body cells, which prevents tumors from forming.

Note: chemical structure uric acid is very similar to caffeine, hence the increased activity of those people who have it above normal at the genetic level.

Gout on the leg is one of the signs of deposits of uric acid crystals in the joints

The human body must strictly control the content of this acid. At the same time, the level of uric acid in the blood of women and men is significantly different. In the first case, it is 160-320 micromolles per liter, and in the second - 200-400. It should also be noted that the level of uric acid in the blood in children is lower than in adults, ranging from 120 to 300 micromolles per liter.

Table: normal level of uric acid in blood

Why does the level of this acid increase?

If acid levels increase, the condition is called hyperuricemia.. It occurs more often in men than in women. Hyperuricemia can occur in a burst under the following conditions:

  • If the patient consumes too many protein foods such as eggs and meat.
  • For athletes under severe stress.
  • In case the patient for a long time is on a starvation diet.

Important! If the increase in uric acid is due to the reasons described above, then this indicator returns to normal immediately after the effect of the factor that led to the increase ends.

The level of this acid also increases against the background of kidney stones. There are several factors that cause its concentration to increase:

  • A disorder in the liver, due to which a lot of uric acid is synthesized.

  • Decreased renal excretory function.
  • The patient eats a large number of foods from which uric acid is synthesized.

Important! Most often, an increase in the level of this acid occurs against the background of impaired liver and kidney function.

Other causes that have an indirect effect on the kidneys and liver:

  • leukemia;
  • obesity;
  • long-term use of certain medications;
  • decreased synthesis of B vitamins, etc.

Why does uric acid decrease?

A decrease in uric acid in the blood occurs in the following cases:

  • Due to taking medications such as diuretics;
  • With the development of Wilson-Konovalov disease;
  • If the patient has Fanconi syndrome;
  • If the patient's diet does not include enough nucleic acids.

Important! In most cases, a decrease in uric acid levels indicates the presence of genetic diseases of a hereditary nature, which significantly complicates therapy.


If the patient’s body contains more than the norm of this acid, then as a result he may develop various diseases. In young children this may be psoriasis or diathesis. Men experience problems with joints, especially those who have reached the age of 50. Most patients have problems with big toes, as well as elbows, shoulders, etc. In this case, pain can occur with minor movements, worsening at night.

Important! Due to the reasons described above, a fairly young man may lose the ability to live an active life and even fully move.

If urates are deposited in the urinary system, then patients suffer from pain in the groin, lower back, and lateral abdomen. Such patients may develop cystitis involving the ureters. The resulting stones often prevent normal excretion urine.

When uric acid salts are deposited in the heart, acute myocardial infarction can develop. If affected nervous system patient, then chronic fatigue, insomnia and increased fatigue occur.

How to treat the pathology of changes in the norm

If any of the above symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a specialist. The analysis can be carried out in any clinic.

First of all, in the fight against hyperuricemia, a diet is used aimed at reducing the amount of foods in the diet from which the liver produces uric acid. To do this, you need to exclude the consumption of fatty meat, liver and kidneys, lard, smoked meats, fish products, chocolate and sweets, salted and pickled vegetables, coffee and black tea, and alcohol.

Advice! Experts recommend deloading every week. Such a fasting day can be aimed at eating kefir-curd products, fruits, watermelon, etc. It is better to eat often, but in small portions (on average up to six times a day).

Table: Diet is recognized as one of the most effective methods in the fight against high lactic acid

Our urinary system is designed to cleanse the body of metabolic waste products. The correct functioning of all organs of this system is the key to normal well-being and the absence of various pathological conditions. However, if kidney function is impaired, various problems may arise with cleansing the body of toxins and other metabolic particles. This immediately affects the condition of the blood; uric acid begins to accumulate in it. Let's talk about this indicator in a little more detail.

Uric acid - normal indicator

This substance is designed to cleanse the tissues of our body from excess nitrogen and remove it from the body. Uric acid is produced inside the liver and is found in the blood plasma as sodium salts.

As we have already said, the kidneys are responsible for removing this substance. If these organs do not function properly, sodium salts accumulate in the blood, which leads to an increase in uric acid levels, and it begins to damage cells, tissues and organs.

The optimal amount of uric acid for children under fourteen years of age ranges from one hundred twenty to three hundred twenty micromol per liter. For adult women, this amount ranges from one hundred and fifty to three hundred and fifty micromoles per liter. For adult men, uric acid levels can be two hundred ten to four hundred twenty micromoles per liter.

Why is uric acid elevated? Reasons

A phenomenon such as an increase in the amount of uric acid is called hyperuricemia. This condition is the main symptom of gout of the primary or secondary type.

When diagnosing this disease, determining the amount of uric acid plays a particularly important role. As is known, primary gout is often asymptomatic, making itself felt only by an increase in this indicator.

The secondary form of the disease can develop due to kidney damage, malignant tumors, as well as against the background of tissue destruction or starvation.

The primary type of gout is formed due to the slow release of uric acid from our body or as a result of excessive production of this substance. In this case, crystals of this component are deposited inside the joints, subcutaneous tissue or kidneys. This is fraught with the development of gout or chronic arthritis.

Uric acid is also elevated in leukemia and lymphoma. The same phenomenon occurs with anemia caused by a lack of vitamin B12, some acute infections, for example, pneumonia, scarlet fever and tuberculosis. Sometimes a similar situation can occur with damage to the liver or biliary tract, diabetes, chronic eczema, psoriasis, and urticaria. Uric acid can also accumulate with kidney damage, toxicosis during pregnancy, acidosis and secondary “alcoholic’s gout,” which is also called acute alcohol poisoning.

The amount of this substance in the body may increase after physical activity, alcohol consumption and prolonged fasting. An increase in uric acid may occur in people who eat foods high in fat and carbohydrates. In addition, this situation sometimes occurs when consuming certain medications.

How does uric acid decrease (treatment)?

To reduce uric acid levels, medications such as Allopurinol, Benzobromarone, Sulfinpyrazone, Colchicine can be used. All drugs can be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, who takes into account all the features of the course of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient.

Quite often, the accumulation of uric acid in the body occurs due to impaired digestion of foods that have increased content squirrel. Among such foods, which are constantly present in our daily diet, we can distinguish various fish and seafood, meat, and eggs. Experts in proper and balanced nutrition strongly recommend consuming these products exclusively in combination with vegetables, preferably not thermally processed, maintaining a 1:3 ratio. This way the body can maintain a balance of acid and alkali, which affects the level of uric acid in the body.

If you are faced with an increased level of this component in the blood, you will have to completely stop consuming foods with a high content of purines. These include red meat, liver, as well as kidneys, brains and tongue, various smoked and salted foods, homemade marinades, lard, alcoholic drinks, legumes, various sweets, including chocolate.

Only a radical reduction in the amount of this product in the diet (or better yet, its complete exclusion) helps to reduce and optimize the amount of uric acid. It is also worth considering that black tea, cocoa and different types coffee.

Try to replace all these products with healthier ones. Instead of red meat, eat poultry, and instead of sugar, consume honey. It is advisable to replace tea and coffee with freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juices.

If the amount of uric acid in the body is high enough, and dietary food does not bring the desired effect, the doctor may prescribe the use of different medications.

In order to notice an increase in uric acid in time, it is worth regularly undergoing a preventive examination, which includes taking general analysis blood.

What is uric acid? Many people don't know this. This component is not only urine, but also blood. It is a marker of purine metabolism. Its concentration in the blood helps specialists diagnose a number of diseases, including gout. Based on the level of this element in the blood, you can monitor the body’s response to treatment.

What is this element?

Metabolic processes are constantly going on in the human body. The result of the exchange can be salts, acids, alkalis and many others chemical compounds. To get rid of them, they need to be delivered to the appropriate part of the body. This task is performed with the help of blood, which is filtered by the kidneys. This explains the presence of uric acid in urine.

Let's look at what this is in more detail. Uric acid is the end product of the breakdown of purine bases. These elements enter the body with food. Purines are involved in the synthesis of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), energy molecules ATP, and coenzymes.

It is worth noting that purines are not the only source of uric acid formation. It can be the result of the breakdown of body cells due to disease or old age. The source for the formation of uric acid can be synthesis in any cell of the human body.

The breakdown of purines occurs in the liver and intestines. The cells of the mucous membrane secrete a special enzyme, xanthine oxidase, with which purines react. The end result of this “transformation” is acid.

It contains sodium and calcium salts. The share of the first component is 90%. In addition to salts, this includes hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon.

If uric acid is higher than normal, this indicates a metabolic disorder. As a result of such a malfunction, people experience the deposition of salts in their tissues, and as a result, severe diseases develop.


Despite the fact that excess uric acid can cause significant harm to the body, it is still impossible to do without it. It performs protective functions and has beneficial properties.

For example, in the process of protein metabolism, it acts as a catalyst. Its influence also extends to the hormones responsible for brain activity - adrenaline and norepinephrine. This means that its presence in the blood helps stimulate brain function. Its effect is similar to caffeine. People who have high levels of uric acid in their blood from birth are more active and proactive.

It has acidic and antioxidant properties that help heal wounds and fight inflammation.

Uric acid performs protective functions in the human body. She fights free radicals. As a result, the risk of the appearance and development of benign and cancerous tumors is reduced.

Submission of analysis

A similar test is prescribed to determine the patient’s health status, as well as to diagnose a disease that could cause an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood. To obtain true results, you must first prepare for donating blood.

You cannot eat 8 hours before visiting the laboratory; biomaterial is collected on an empty stomach. Spicy, salty and peppery foods, meat and offal, and legumes should be excluded from the menu. This diet should be followed for 24 hours before donating blood. During this same period, you should stop drinking alcoholic beverages, especially wine and beer.

Uric acid higher than normal may be due to stress, emotional stress, or physical activity on the eve of the test.

Diuretic medications, vitamin C, caffeine, insulin, beta blockers and ibuprofen can also distort the results. If you cannot refuse such medications, you should warn your doctor before taking the test.

Venous blood will be drawn in the laboratory. The results of the study are prepared within 24 hours.

Normal indicators

If the results of the biochemical analysis showed figures corresponding to the data given in the table below, then everything is normal.

Age category (years) Uric acid levels (µmol/l)
Children under 12 120-330
Up to 60 Men 250-400
Women 200-300
From 60 Men 250-480
Women 210-430
From90 Men 210-490
Women 130-460

As can be seen from the table, the level increases with age. Highest value in older men, this is the normal level of uric acid in the blood, since the need for proteins in the male body is higher. This means that they consume more foods rich in purine and, as a result, increased uric acid in the blood.

What can cause deviations from the norm?

The level of uric acid in the blood depends on the balance of 2 processes:

  • Protein synthesis
  • The intensity of excretion of the final products of protein metabolism.

When a protein metabolism disorder occurs, this can provoke an increase in the content of this acid in the blood. Concentrations of uric acid in the blood plasma above the normal range are referred to as hyperuricemia, concentrations below the normal range are referred to as hypouricemia. Concentrations of uric acid in urine above and below normal are known as hyperuricosuria and hypouricosuria. Salivary uric acid levels may be related to blood uric acid levels.

Causes of hyperuricemia:

  • Taking diuretics (diuretics),
  • Decrease in the intensity of excretion of substances by the kidneys,
  • Toxicosis,
  • Alcoholism,
  • Kidney failure
  • Malnutrition or prolonged fasting.

Increased levels can also occur in diseases such as AIDS, diabetes, cancer, etc.

It is worth noting that even a slightly increased level of this substance can cause the formation of solid deposits of uric acid salts - urates - in organs and tissues.

Increased rate

Now we’ll find out why uric acid in the blood is elevated: causes, symptoms and consequences.

In medicine, hyperuricemia is divided into two types: primary and secondary.

Primary hyperuricemia

This type is congenital or idiopathic. This pathology occurs with a frequency of 1%. Such patients have a hereditary defect in the structure of the enzyme, which affects the processing of purine. As a result, there is a high level of uric acid in the blood.

The appearance of secondary hyperuricemia may occur due to poor nutrition. Use in large quantities foods containing purine can significantly increase the excretion of uric acid in the urine.

This type of hyperuricemia may be associated with the following conditions:


Gout is a painful condition caused by needle-shaped crystals of uric acid deposited in joints, capillaries, skin and other tissues. Gout can occur if the serum uric acid level reaches 360 µmol/L, but there are cases when the serum uric acid value reaches 560 µmol/L without causing gout.

IN human body purines are metabolized into uric acid, which is then excreted in the urine. Regular consumption of certain types of purine-rich foods - meat, especially beef and pork liver (liver, heart, tongue, kidneys) and some types of seafood, including anchovies, herring, sardines, mussels, scallops, trout, haddock, mackerel and tuna. There are also foods whose consumption is less dangerous: turkey, chicken and rabbit. Moderate consumption of purine-rich vegetables is not associated with an increased risk of gout. Gout used to be called “the disease of kings” because gourmet foods and red wine contain high levels of purines.

Lesch-Nyhan syndrome

This extremely rare inherited disorder is also associated with high serum uric acid levels. This syndrome causes spasticity, involuntary movement and cognitive retardation, as well as manifestations of gout.

Hyperuricemia may increase risk factors for cardiovascular disease

Kidney stones

Saturated levels of uric acid in the blood can lead to one form of kidney stones when urates crystallize in the kidneys. Acetic acid crystals may also contribute to the formation of calcium oxalate stones by acting as "seed crystals"

Kelly-Siegmiller syndrome,

Increased activity of phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase synthesis,

Patients with this disease undergo a biochemical test for increased uric acid annually.

Secondary hyperuricemia

This phenomenon may be a sign of the following diseases:

  • AIDS,
  • Fanconi syndrome,
  • Cancerous tumors,
  • Diabetes mellitus (Hyperuricemia may be a consequence of insulin resistance in diabetes, rather than a precursor),
  • High degree burns
  • Hypereosinophilia syndrome.

There are other reasons for increased uric acid - impaired kidney function. They cannot remove excess acids from the body. As a result, kidney stones may appear.

High levels of uric acid are observed in the following diseases:

  • Pneumonia,
  • Tuberculosis,
  • Methyl alcohol poisoning,
  • Eczema,
  • Typhoid fever,
  • Psoriasis,
  • Erysipelas,
  • Leukemia.

Asymptomatic hyperuricemia

There are cases when the patient has no symptoms of the disease, but the indicators are elevated. This condition is called asymptomatic hyperuricemia. It occurs during acute gouty arthritis. Indicators for this disease are unstable. At first, the acid content seems to be normal, but after a while the numbers can double. However, these changes do not affect the patient’s well-being. This course of the disease is possible in 10% of patients.

Symptoms of hyperuricemia

With hyperuricemia, symptoms vary among different age groups.

In very young children, the disease manifests itself in the form of skin rashes: diathesis, dermatitis, allergies or psoriasis. The peculiarity of such manifestations is their resistance to standard methods of therapy.

In older children, the symptoms are somewhat different. They may have stomach pain, slurred speech, and bedwetting.

The course of the disease in adults is accompanied by joint pain. The first to be affected are the feet and joints of the fingers. Then the disease spreads its effect to the knee and elbow joints. In advanced cases, the skin over the affected area turns red and becomes hot. Over time, patients begin to experience pain in the stomach and lower back during urination. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, the blood vessels and nervous system will suffer. The person will suffer from insomnia and headache. All this can lead to heart attack, angina and hypertension.


Some specialists prescribe medications to ensure that uric acid in the blood is normal. But a certain food diet for the rest of life is more effective method treatment.

If the patient has hyperuricemia, treatment includes dieting. The patient's diet additionally includes:

carrot juice,

Birch sap,

flax seed,

celery juice,

Oatmeal broth,

Cranberry juice,

Rosehip infusion.

These herbal infusions and juices help to quickly dissolve and flush out salt deposits from the body.

Fatty foods, meat broths, fried, salted, smoked and pickled foods are excluded. Meat can only be eaten boiled or baked. It is recommended to avoid consuming meat broths, since purines are transferred from the meat into the broth during their preparation. Meat intake limit: 3 times a week.

Alcoholic drinks are specifically prohibited. In exceptional cases, only 30 g of vodka is allowed. Beer and red wine are especially contraindicated.

Give preference to alkaline mineral water.

Salt consumption should be kept to a minimum. Ideally, it is better to abandon it altogether.

It is necessary to monitor the frequency of food intake. Fasting can only worsen the patient's condition and increase uric acid levels. Therefore, the number of meals per day should be 5-6 times. Fasting days it's better to spend on fermented milk products and fruits.

Some types of products should be excluded from the menu:

  • Sorrel,
  • Salad,
  • Tomatoes,
  • Grape,
  • Chocolate,
  • Eggs,
  • Coffee,
  • Cakes,
  • Turnip,
  • Eggplant.

Apples, potatoes, plums, pears, and apricots help reduce uric acid levels. You should also monitor your water balance - 2.5 liters of liquid per day should be drunk.

Treat high level Acid levels in the blood can also be achieved through physiotherapeutic procedures. This way, plasmapheresis will help cleanse the blood of excess salts. Don't neglect therapeutic exercises. Row simple exercises(leg swings, “bicycle”, walking in place, etc.) will help stabilize metabolism. Massage also helps break down uric acid salts.

From medicines complexes are prescribed that have anti-inflammatory, diuretic and analgesic properties. There are 3 types of drugs for hyperuricemia:

  • Actions aimed at removing excess uric acid: Probenecid, aspirin, sodium bicarbonate, allopurinol.