Hormones for breast enlargement in women. The best pills for breast enlargement

Most women who have a small bust dream of enlarging it. A significant change in size is possible only through the work of a plastic surgeon, but breasts can increase under the influence of hormones for the growth of mammary glands in women. Of course, you won’t be able to increase your volume too much this way, but making your bust a couple sizes larger is quite possible. Let's figure out how to get beautiful breasts without harming your own health.

Breasts in girls begin to form at the age of puberty, the beginning of estrogen production starts a process that lasts several years.

There are several time periods for the formation of a female bust:

  • from 0 to 8-9 years - in boys and girls, the breasts look the same; by the age of 10, with early puberty, a roughening of the nipple and a darkening of the areola may appear;
  • 10-12 years – with the onset of puberty, the nipple enlarges, a slight growth of glandular tissue occurs, visually it looks like a slight swelling around the nipple;
  • after the start of the first menstruation, until the age of 14-15 years, the breasts grow rapidly taking on their usual shape;
  • Complete formation of the mammary glands in a woman ends by the age of 18.

All this data is relative; formation is influenced by hereditary characteristics, nutrition, even race and climate. According to statistics, puberty occurs faster in girls from southern, warmer regions.

The main hormones affecting the growth and formation of the mammary glands

The female body produces several hormones that are responsible for the development of a female-type figure, including the formation of a bust. The lack of any of them leads to unpleasant consequences. Female hormones are responsible for character and appearance, make it possible to become a mother and are responsible for the correct course of a huge number of complex, vital processes.


This hormone is also called the pregnancy hormone. It is he who is responsible for conception and the course of pregnancy. The corpus luteum of the ovaries, the adrenal cortex and the placenta - these elements of the female body are responsible for the production of progesterone.

The hormone is responsible for the condition of the uterus during pregnancy: it changes the condition of the mucous membrane, allowing the fertilized egg to attach, prevents embryo rejection, and reduces the ability of the uterus to contract. This is far from full list what progesterone affects.

In addition, it enhances sexual attraction, ensures youthful skin and normal functioning of the brain.


Estrogen is one of the main female hormones. This is a generalized name for a whole group of similar compounds present in the female body.

During embryonic development, estrogens form the female type of genitalia in the fetus; in childhood, they are responsible for the growth and development of the genital organs. They provide female attractiveness, breast growth, and affect the condition of menstrual cycle.

Produced by the ovaries and adrenal cortex. With the onset of menopause (menopause), their production by the ovaries stops.


Responsible for the growth and development of the mammary glands, maintains normal ovarian function, under its influence the behavioral characteristics of a woman are formed (including maternal instinct), regulates the production breast milk after childbirth.


This is a hormonal drug that is sometimes prescribed to women when their body produces excess male sex hormones. After all, in this case you don’t have to hope for lush breasts. It significantly reduces testosterone production.

Is it possible to enlarge breasts using hormonal drugs?

It is under the influence of hormones that the breasts enlarge before the onset of menstruation. Bust size directly depends on a woman’s weight. Sudden weight loss leads to loss of volume and firmness of the bust. Hormonal contraceptives and drugs containing phytoestrogens can improve the condition of the skin, hair, and increase the bust and its elasticity.

Important: the products can only be used after tests and consultation with a gynecologist and endocrinologist; independent use can cause irreparable harm to health.

The use of drugs under the supervision of a doctor allows you to quickly increase your bust by 1-2 sizes, improve the condition of your hair, nails, and skin, and not worry about an unwanted pregnancy.

Features of application and principle of operation

The drugs have an effect with long-term use. If bust growth is associated with taking contraceptives, this is an opportunity to look good without worrying about contraception. The main thing is to choose the best option together with a competent gynecologist.

Drugs that do not have a contraceptive effect are prescribed to correct hormonal levels in case of deficiency or excess of hormones. In this case, correction is prescribed to normalize hormonal levels. In severe cases, drugs are used for life.

In all cases, bust enlargement is pleasant, but side effects from the action of hormonal drugs. During the period of use, systematic monitoring of the hormonal level of a woman’s body is necessary.

Efficacy and safety of hormonal drugs

If the drugs are selected correctly, taken under the supervision of a competent specialist, and the level of hormones in the body is systematically monitored, then there will be no harm from taking them.

On the contrary, with the help of such means, in addition to bust enlargement, it is possible to normalize the level of female hormones in the patient’s body, and this allows:

  • save a woman from irritability and tearfulness;
  • prevent brittle nails and hair loss;
  • normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • improve skin condition;
  • delay the aging process.

Modern drugs, even with long-term use, remain effective and safe. A review of the most popular products can make the choice easier for women.


The drug is used for endometriosis. The tablets are prescribed by your doctor and taken under his supervision. They normalize the condition of the endometrium; as a side effect, they often increase breast size. A course of treatment is prescribed and is sold in pharmacies only with a doctor’s prescription.


A complex contraceptive, taken exactly according to the instructions, breast enlargement in this case is also a side effect, observed from approximately 2 months of use. Before use, you should carefully read the list of contraindications and consult with your doctor.


Another oral contraceptive. The tablets are taken as prescribed by the gynecologist, at the same time. Systematic use, in addition to enlarging the bust, can reduce the intensity and pain of menstruation and normalize the cycle. There is evidence of a reduction in the risk of developing ovarian and uterine cancer when taking it.


The product is used to control unwanted pregnancy. At long-term use There is a normalization of the cycle, an increase in bust size, a decrease in bleeding, and an improvement in skin condition. The intake helps to eliminate acne vulgaris.

At systemic use modern contraceptives can not only reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy to almost zero, they significantly improve appearance women and their condition.

All drugs are used only as prescribed by the attending physician. Since bust enlargement is a side effect of such drugs, it does not occur in all cases, but quite often.

Important: remember that when you stop taking oral contraceptives, the risk of becoming pregnant increases dramatically. If you are not planning on having a baby, take care of another method of protection.

If pills for bust enlargement are important to you, voice your wishes to your gynecologist-endocrinologist, after taking tests and receiving the results, he will select the appropriate drug.

Do I need to consult a doctor?

Any hormonal drugs It is strictly forbidden to use it independently, without consulting a qualified specialist.

If for an absolutely healthy woman, with the recommended intake, they are practically safe, then for people with chronic diseases(for example, diabetes, thrombophlebitis, renal and hepatic pathologies), hormonal drugs can cause serious problems.

An appointment with a doctor will not take much time, but will make you feel safe.

List of popular pharmaceutical products

The list of contraceptive drugs is extensive. The most popular of them: Yarina, Janine, Regulon, Silhouette. All of these remedies can increase bust size and are the safest to take. The choice depends on the recommendations of a specialist, the woman’s age, and the regularity of sexual intercourse.

Rules and duration of use

Contraceptives are used daily, at the same time, in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. If you accidentally miss a dose, you should take the pill as soon as possible, immediately after remembering.

If more than 3 days of intake are missed from days 2 to 21, the started blister is thrown away and started again.

Modern oral contraceptives you can drink for several years, without a break, not forgetting to visit a gynecologist twice a year.

Side effects and contraindications

Even very high-quality oral contraceptives have contraindications and side effects. In this case, it is necessary to replace the drug. Side effects include:

  • weight gain;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • manifestation of emotional instability (irritability, tearfulness);
  • insomnia or drowsiness;
  • headaches and nausea.

This is not full list possible side effects, which is why the tablets are selected by a specialist individually for each patient.

Contraindications for prescribing hormonal drugs are:

  • the presence of benign or malignant neoplasms;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • vascular diseases;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • heart failure.

Only after consultation with a specialist are such remedies prescribed after 35 years. They are not prescribed until the age of 18, for endocrine pathologies, or during menopause.

Phytoestrogens and herbal preparations

Phytoestrogens are drugs made from plant components that can increase the level of estrogen in a woman’s body. They are safer, but sometimes less effective, than synthetic hormonal drugs. Medicines can be taken safely during menopause.

Phytoestrogens are found in some plants, such as ginseng, fenugreek, soybeans, oats and wheat, legumes, white cabbage, licorice.

Based on herbal ingredients, they are produced various types herbal teas, tablets, dietary supplements. All these drugs also need to be taken after consultation with a doctor; they require long-term complex use.

Products should only be purchased from trusted manufacturers or pharmacy chains.


A drug based on phytoflavins, with long-term use, can improve a woman’s emotional state, the appearance of her hair, nails, and adjust the volume of her bust. Recommended by manufacturers during menopause.

Red clover extract, which is the main component of the drug, gently normalizes hormonal levels.

Fennel, oregano, fenugreek - regular use of decoctions of these herbs or a mixture of herbal components helps to increase bust size. The use of herbs will only be effective with long-term use.


Dietary supplements, according to marketers, can work miracles. There are several drugs for breast enlargement:

  1. Natural push-AP - tablets contain phytoestrogens of rye, barley, hop extract, black oats and corn; Taking the pills in combination can significantly increase bust volume and improve skin condition.
  2. Gepacept, Gepavedin - are positioned as drugs for bust enlargement, they are rather general strengthening agents.
  3. Klimadinon - also presented on the market as a means that can enlarge the bust, more suitable for solving menopausal problems.

Whether or not to take such drugs is up to everyone to decide for themselves; the main thing to remember is that such formulations have usually undergone insufficient clinical trials, and their cost is often greatly inflated.

Soy isoflavones

Soy is a powerful phytoestrogen, drugs based on it can give some increase in the bust, but the breasts return to their previous positions when the drug is discontinued.

Hormonal gels and creams

The composition of such products includes phytoestrogens; Daily topical application makes it possible to enlarge breasts in 3-4 weeks. The products are not recommended for women who have not given birth, are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, the effect disappears when use is stopped.

The most popular products are: Body Performance serum, AEF cream, FIRMING cream. Breast enlargement occurs without weight gain; after use, the skin becomes more elastic.

The disadvantage of the funds is the significant price and the inability to enlarge the breasts permanently.

Usually size female breast proportional to the girl's figure. Those with naturally large busts often envy their peers with smaller proportions. This is why you should not abuse hormones to enlarge your bust.

If you really want to increase your own volumes, do it only after consultation with highly qualified specialists.

Breast enlargement has always excited the minds of women of all ages. After all, beautiful large breasts have always been the key to success in attracting the attention of the opposite sex. The small size of the mammary gland in women has always caused a large number of complexes. To overcome their complexes and solve the problem of small size, girls resort to various kinds of manipulations that should increase the volume of the gland. For this, there is mammoplasty (enlargement through surgery, placement of implants), special diets and, of course, hormonal pills for breast enlargement. The article will discuss in detail the most well-known hormonal drugs for breast growth, their harm and benefits, as well as the main reasons why you should abandon serious manipulations with the bust of women.

What affects the bust?

The volume of mammary glands in women is influenced by factors such as:

  • heredity;
  • body type;
  • hormonal background;
  • total body weight.

Most likely that what size the mother’s bust was, that’s what her daughter’s will be when she reaches puberty. Depending on the inherited body type, the breast size will be determined.

  • It has been noticed that women who have a pear-type body type (narrow shoulders, narrow rib cage, thin waist and wide hips) have small breasts because their fat is deposited mainly in the buttocks and thighs.
  • Usually, women with a body type similar to those with large breasts have inverted triangle(broad shoulders, wide waist and chest, narrow pelvis), because their fat is deposited mainly in the upper part of the body.
  • The ideal body type, from the point of view of proportionality, for women is considered to be “hourglass”, in which the circumference of the upper shoulder girdle will be equal to the volume of the hips.

The total body weight and the percentage of fat mass on a woman’s body from the total weight can also affect the volume of the bust. Most of the fair sex with an increase in the fat layer, growth of the mammary glands is observed due to the accumulation of fat in them. After all, breast size depends on only two factors - the natural size of the mammary gland and the fat around it. Also, the concentration of female hormones directly affects the volume, because the main female physical advantage is a hormone-dependent organ.

Hormones that promote bust enlargement in women

Such hormones can cause breast enlargement, not only in women, but also in men:

  1. Estrogens are a group of hormones ( estradiol, estrone and estriol), which are predominantly produced by the female body. The hormonal system of girls is structured somewhat differently than that of men. Therefore, the androgen produced in the female body, thanks to an additional molecule that attaches to testosterone (creating an aromatase ring), under the influence of certain processes attaches to the testosterone formula and converts it into estrogens. Estrogen is mainly responsible for breast growth in girls' bodies, but if a girl experiences hyperestrogenism (excessive estradiol content in the body) during puberty, then her growth may also stop.
  2. Progesterone (belongs to the group of gestagens) is responsible for the size of glandular tissue. If there is a lack of progesterone during puberty, a girl may have problems with the menstrual cycle and, of course, glandular tissue may not develop.
  3. Prolactin is most responsible for the size during pregnancy. Its high concentration is also observed during lactation, since its high content is necessary for milk production. In general, an increase in breast volumes is observed throughout pregnancy not only due to prolactin, but also due to the high concentration of all the main hormones responsible for the special situation of the expectant mother.

With elevated concentrations of the above hormones in a man’s body, gynecomastia can be observed, in which representatives of the stronger sex develop real girlish breasts. The main reasons for its appearance in men:

  • uncontrolled and illiterate use of androgenic-anabolic steroids to increase strength and muscle performance in athletes;
  • obesity (false gynecomastia);
  • hormonal imbalance during adolescent sexual development.

In the first stages, gynecomastia can be cured with hormonal therapy by normalizing the endocrine background, but in last stage(when glandular tissue begins to grow under the nipple) surgical intervention is required.

Popular drugs

Of course, in order to enlarge the coveted part of the body with medications, you need to take special drugs, due to which the coveted area on the body will grow. These can be estrogen-containing, progesterone- or prolactin-based drugs. Also, such drugs often contain a combination of synthetic gestagen and estrogen; they are called combined oral contraceptives.

All drugs that contain gestagens or estrogens were not created for the purpose of bust enlargement. Such medicines:

  • aimed at treating problems associated with the menstrual cycle;
  • are one of the most the best ways obstacles to unwanted pregnancy;
  • they are also created to correct hormonal levels;
  • or for the treatment of various pathologies of the reproductive system in girls.

The most famous medicines:

  • Regulon. A drug that has a contraceptive effect. Contains a synthetic analogue of estrogen and progesterone. One of the effects after taking this drug is an increase in the volume of the mammary glands. The medication is taken from the first day of menstruation for 21 days. then take a break for a week. Regulon is a hormonal drug, so side effects are possible.
  • Janine. Similar drug, same method of application. Should not be taken without a doctor's prescription. It has certain contraindications and side effects may occur.
  • Yarina. A contraceptive containing drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol. Breast enlargement occurs due to the normalization of hormonal levels and the flow of nutrients to it. However, in some cases, breast tenderness may occur.

These medications contain synthetic hormone analogues. However, there are various drugs and dietary supplements, which include plant components - phytoestrogens.

These include:

  • Coffee Maxibust. The active ingredient is Pueraria mirifica powder. The brewed drink is taken once a day. In addition to enlarging the mammary glands, it helps normalize the menstrual cycle.
  • Push Up Natural. Created in Holland. Contains herbal ingredients. Take 5 capsules per day at the same time. This should be done during meals. washing it down a large number water. The effect is observed after about thirty days. Not approved for use by women during or during breastfeeding.
  • Maxibust. The tablets, like coffee, contain pueraria powder. Take 4 tablets per day with meals. This should be done for two weeks, starting from the first day of the menstrual cycle. Then stop drinking the drug until the first day of the next cycle. The duration of such therapy is six months. In addition to breast enlargement, the product has a beneficial effect on hair and nails.
  • Feminal. Swiss made product. The active ingredient is red clover extract. It helps to enlarge the mammary glands.

Thus, there are various drugs, the use of which will make the bust more voluminous.

Reasons to avoid using such medications

There is absolutely no justification for taking such medications. If you take them without the recommendation of the treating gynecologist, then you can get obesity, severe fluid retention in the body, severely disrupt your healthy endocrine background, but you won’t get an enlarged bust!

The fact is that such drugs act very differently on girls: for some, combined oral contraceptives may actually make their bust grow, but for others it will not change at all. Even if a girl’s breast volume increases during the period of taking estrogen-containing drugs, then as soon as she stops taking the pills, her volume, which is inherent in nature, returns back to its place. Here are two main reasons not to use such pills without a doctor’s prescription: the risk of worsening your health condition and the desired result still cannot be achieved in this way.

Among other things, the following may appear unpleasant symptoms from taking pills:

  1. immunity and protective functions of the body are sharply reduced. It is difficult for the body to fight colds;
  2. chronic and moderate headaches (migraine);
  3. sleep disorders, chronic insomnia;
  4. arterial hypertension;
  5. disruptions in activity gastrointestinal tract(usually manifests itself in the form of constipation, nausea and vomiting);
  6. allergy.

In addition, the effect of combined oral contraceptives or estrogen-containing medications will be significantly reduced if bad habits and antidepressants, barbiturates, tranquilizers, analgesics and antibiotics are used.

The only one real way make your bust bigger by inserting silicone implants. More effective method until humanity created. To improve your shape, tighten your skin, and strengthen your chest muscles, you can perform various exercises. In addition, there are enough foods that also have a beneficial effect on the mammary glands. You can review your diet and include cabbage, legumes, honey, nuts, and flax seeds. However, if the result is still not satisfactory, then it is better to go to an appointment with a specialist and resolve the issue only with him.

What woman does not dream of a lush, high and firm bust?

But, unfortunately, not every representative of the fair sex has been endowed by nature with such a dignity, so girls with small breasts resort to a variety of tricks to enlarge them.

The most effective way in this case is surgical implants, but such an operation is not available to everyone.

A more common and accessible remedy is hormonal pills for breast enlargement, but before resorting to such drugs, you should learn about the features, risks and side effects of taking them.

The size of the mammary glands depends on a number of factors, including genetics, the ratio of fat and glandular tissue, hormonal levels, and muscle condition.

The shape and characteristics of a woman’s bust are established in childhood, so breast size can only be significantly influenced by hormones.

Physical exercises and appropriate nutrition help tighten the mammary glands and slightly improve their shape, but they are not able to turn the first size into the third.

Today there is an abundance of creams, ointments and special devices from unknown manufacturers that promise immediate and lasting bust enlargement without effort.

What hormones help enlarge breasts?

Female hormones that influence the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in the fairer sex:

  • estrogen – is responsible for the functioning of the woman’s reproductive system, as well as for the formation and growth of the mammary glands;
  • progesterone (pregnancy hormone) - a substance that causes breast enlargement during pregnancy;
  • prolactin – prepares the mammary glands for lactation, increasing their volume.

Breast enlargement drugs

Medications used to enlarge the mammary glands are common oral contraceptives that women take to prevent unwanted pregnancy, as well as to treat certain diseases associated with hormonal imbalance.

In addition, some dietary supplements, which usually include vitamins, microelements and phytoestrogens, contribute to bust enlargement. plant origin, which are analogues of female sex hormones.

Despite the fact that dietary supplements and food additives don't count medications, taking them can also cause serious problems in the body, so you should consult your doctor before using such drugs.

You can read about the method of vacuum breast biopsy.

Mechanism of action

A woman’s hormonal background is constantly changing - different amounts of hormones are produced in different phases of the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy and lactation.

Thus, before menstruation, women’s breasts usually swell and become sensitive, which is caused by increased production of estrogen. The pills affect the body in a similar way - they increase the concentration of a certain hormone in the blood, which causes the breast size to increase significantly.

How effective are hormonal treatments for breast enlargement?

Hormonal drugs for breast enlargement really bring the desired results - with their help you can increase your bust by several sizes.

In addition, they give an immediate effect - breast enlargement is noticeable about a week after the start of use.

Moreover, not only the size of the mammary glands changes, but also the shape - they become more rounded and lush.

Are such products safe?

Registered hormonal drugs are mostly safe for a woman’s body, but their use requires consultation with a doctor.

The fact is that small breast size can be caused not only by a deficiency, but also by an excess of estrogen in the body, and taking drugs that increase its concentration can worsen a woman’s condition.

In addition, hormonal drugs have a number of side effects, including:

  • weight gain;
  • changes in psycho-emotional background (appearance of irritability, development of depression and nervous disorders);
  • insomnia;
  • headaches, migraines;
  • gastrointestinal dysfunction;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • allergic reactions.

If any of the above symptoms appear, you should immediately stop taking the medications, and if the unpleasant symptoms do not disappear, consult a doctor.

Herbal preparations and phytoestrogens

Phytohormones, or hormones of natural origin, are elements and compounds that are found in some foods and medicinal plants and have the same effects on the body as female sex hormones.

The largest amount of phytoestrogens contains:

  • hop;
  • licorice;
  • red clover;
  • pomegranate;
  • lentils;
  • barley.

Unlike estrogen and other hormones, they act much weaker - about 500-1000 times. Accordingly, the use of phytoestrogens is much safer for health than the use of synthetic hormones, but if used incorrectly and uncontrolled, they can also cause serious harm.

Breast enlargement pills

  1. "Regulon". A combined contraceptive drug that prevents unwanted pregnancy, enlarges the breasts and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.
  2. "Janine." The drug contains synthetic sex hormones, due to which it has the property of changing bust size.
  3. "Yarina." Famous hormonal contraceptive, which can be used to enlarge the mammary glands. The main advantage is the minimum number of side effects.
  4. "Proginov." The drugs contain the synthetic hormone progesterone, the effects and side effects are similar to other oral contraceptives.
  5. "Visanne". A complex drug that promotes the growth of endometriotic tissue. Before taking it, consultation with a specialist is required.

To ensure that taking hormonal drugs does not cause disturbances in the body, it is important not only to choose the right drug, but also to strictly adhere to the instructions for use.

Herbal remedies

  1. "Push Up Natural" A Dutch-made drug that nourishes breast tissue and increases its elasticity.
  2. "Maxibust". A product developed by French, German and Swiss cosmetologists. Contains phytoestrogens, similar in composition to the hormone estradiol. Promotes breast enlargement and at the same time improves the condition of skin, hair and nails.
  3. "Klimadinon". Herbal preparation based on an extract of a plant called black cohosh. Without a doctor's recommendation, it can be taken for no more than 3 months.

Hormonal preparations containing synthetic or herbal substances are an effective and relatively safe way to increase bust size. However, when using them, it is important to monitor the condition of your own body, and also not to violate the dosage and rules of administration.

Video on the topic

Hormonal pills for breast enlargement can contribute to this process. Not all medicines have a similar effect. It should be taken strictly according to the instructions and only after consulting a gynecologist, so as not to cause harm to the body.

What hormones will help make the volume larger?

Hormonal pills for breast enlargement belong to the group of medications with contraceptive properties. What hormone causes the mammary gland to enlarge?

The most effective hormonal drugs for breast enlargement are those that include the following components:

  • A hormone such as progesterone is responsible for bust growth. This type hormone for breast enlargement sufficient quantity begins to be produced during pregnancy. The breasts take shape due to the expansion of the milk ducts.
  • Estrogen is largely responsible for the size of the mammary glands. But you need to monitor its level in the body, since excess hormones can lead to the opposite effect and the size will decrease. Estrogen for breast growth is contained in drugs such as Diane, Divigel, Femoston or Estrogel.
  • Prolactin affects breast growth. This is a hormone that is also produced during pregnancy, preparing the body for breastfeeding. You should not get carried away with taking medications containing it, as the risk of developing tumors increases.
  • Hormones responsible for breast size are actively produced during puberty. One of them is somatotropin. But by the age of 22, its production is significantly reduced. You can increase its production by consuming certain foods and following a rest and work schedule.

A hormone produced in men, testosterone, negatively affects the condition of the breasts. Increased level testosterone in a woman's body leads to a small bust size. If there is an excess of male hormones, the hormonal drug Dexamethasone is sometimes prescribed.

Menstruation is accompanied by cyclical changes in a woman’s body. During menstruation, maximum estrogen production occurs. As a result, blood flow to the mammary glands is activated and tissue swelling increases. If pregnancy does not occur, the symptoms disappear after 5–6 days.

Bust size also determines the amount of body fat. As you gain weight, your breasts become larger. With weight loss, the volume and elasticity of the skin decreases.

You can take phytoestrogens to enlarge your bust. With regular and long-term use, they can make the breasts firm and firm. Phytoestrogens are those plant components that, when entering a woman’s body, begin to perform the functions of active hormones. They are considered estrogen analogues. This substance is found in large quantities in foods such as pomegranate, carrots, cabbage, sunflower seeds, nuts, and soy.

Those who want to achieve a larger bust size are recommended to eat these foods.

Breast augmentation with the help of dietary supplements is completely safe. A dietary supplement is a biological food additive that allows you to gradually achieve your goal. They contain plant components that replace female hormones.

Advantages and Cautions

Hormonal agents enlarge the bust, increase sexuality and attractiveness. Contraceptive medications normalize the menstrual cycle and relieve symptoms (no pain, skin rashes, heavy discharge).

It is prohibited to use hormones for breast enlargement without the advice of a doctor.

The advantages of hormonal pills are:

  • breast enlargement with medications is immediate, it becomes one or even two sizes larger;
  • the effect becomes noticeable just a few days after starting to take the pills;
  • there is no need to use other contraception;
  • the condition of the skin and hair improves, the body shape becomes more rounded.

Hormonal drugs for breast enlargement can cause side effects, especially when there are any problems in the functioning of the internal organs.

  • While taking medications, body weight may increase.
  • Headaches, migraines, and depression may occur.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Decreased sex drive.
  • Changes in the immune system.
  • Nausea, stool disorders, and pain in the upper abdomen may bother you.
  • Increase or decrease in blood pressure.
  • Allergic symptoms.

The effect of hormonal drugs can be reduced by sedative groups of drugs, antibiotics, nicotine and alcohol.

Can medications be used for breast growth? Taking hormonal drugs is prohibited for women with diseases of the veins, kidneys, liver, and heart. It is contraindicated to take tablets when diabetes mellitus, during pregnancy and lactation. Age restrictions – up to 18 years.

List of drugs

The question of which contraceptive drugs can make breasts grow is one that worries girls very often. The best medications that contain hormones for breast growth in women:

  • It is possible to enlarge your breasts using the contraceptive Yarina. The drug contains a component that prevents the risk of excess weight, as well as the appearance of swelling. Normalizes metabolic processes in the body. You need to take the tablets in the order indicated on the package for 21 days. After a seven-day break, they begin again. Within a few days you will notice that your breasts have increased in volume.

  • Another pill that makes breasts grow is Regulon. It is prescribed as contraception; in addition, the drug has a stimulating effect on bust growth. Breast enlargement occurs due to fluid retention in the body and weight gain. The first tablet should be taken on the first day of menstruation. You need to take one tablet per day for 21 days. After this, they take a week-long break and resume taking it again on the eighth day.

  • Contraceptive pills Janine prevent pregnancy and have a positive effect on breast volume, hair and skin condition. It is recommended to take one tablet per day for 21 days. Then they rest for seven days and start taking it again. The effect of contraceptives becomes noticeable after a couple of days.

  • Visanne tablets increase bust size. They are effective in combating many gynecological diseases and have a contraceptive effect. Start taking it on any day of the menstrual cycle. Take one tablet daily, without breaks.

Another drug that enlarges the breasts is Dexamethasone. This is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid hormone. Dexamethasone is prescribed in medicinal purposes at inflammatory processes, allergic conditions, pathologically reduced immunity, severe poisoning. In addition, Dexamethasone has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.

Dexamethasone is involved in the distribution of adipose tissue in the body, improves the absorption of carbohydrates from the digestive organs, accelerates the process of glucose entering the bloodstream, and retains moisture in the body. As a result, the bust increases by two or even more sizes.

Possible use medicines for breast enlargement, based on herbal ingredients:

  • Coffee Maxibust enlarges the breasts, improves the condition, and normalizes the cycle. The duration of treatment is at least three months.
  • Maxi capsules will help increase the level of necessary hormones. One of active ingredients are hop cones. The course of admission is three months.

  • Soy isoflavones normalize hormonal balance, reduce unpleasant symptoms during menstruation (for example, reduce painful sensations). Contains soy extract, which is considered a phytoestrogen.

  • The action of the drug Feminal is based on phytoestrogen. This analogue of female sex hormones was obtained from clover flowers. The flower extract will help to significantly enlarge your breasts while taking the pills.

It is important to remember that any of these drugs has only a temporary effect. After stopping the course of taking the pills, the breasts return to their previous shape. Girls in the reviews note: “While taking Regulon tablets, my breasts grew by two sizes. But severe headaches began, and I had to stop taking the medicine. Unfortunately, the bust has become the same, first size.”

In addition to pills, there are other means for breast enlargement. It is recommended to use gel for breast enlargement. Its action is most often aimed at tightening the skin, thereby visually increasing the volume of the mammary glands in women. Gels may contain hormones, hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen. It is effective to use gels such as Le Bustier, Mama Comfort, Clarence, Almond hormonal cream, Big Bust.

Breasts are a symbol of the beauty and sexuality of every representative of the fair sex. Many women are often concerned about the size of their breasts, and some even have complexes about their shape and firmness.

Some women decide to be radical and not always effective actions to preserve the beauty of your breasts:

  • refuse breastfeeding their kids;
  • use surgical intervention (introduction of implants);
  • cosmetic injections are used;
  • start taking hormonal pills to enlarge the mammary glands.

The latter method can be effective if you know about the advantages and disadvantages of the drugs, as well as their characteristics and properties.

Why might women initially have small breasts?

Among the female half of society, there is a widespread opinion that there is an overwhelming interest among men in large breasts. In fact, for many representatives of the stronger sex, small breasts are more attractive.

Large breasts have a number of disadvantages: they can cause some discomfort when playing sports, make it difficult to choose clothes, and more. It’s worth figuring out why the size of the mammary glands in women depends?

Many processes in our body, including breast growth, are associated with genetic predisposition. Most teenage girls take this fact literally, focusing on the size of their own mother.

But each case is strictly individual: in one case, genetics wins, and physiological traits are passed on to the descendants, in another, everything depends on the annual framework in which the girl and her mother find themselves.

Breast size, shape and contour can change over the years, so you should always consider this factor before making fundamental changes to your appearance.

Relationship between body shape and breast size

Any modern woman I heard about such a classification of the shape of the female body, where a parallel is drawn with the “pear”, “hourglass”, “male silhouette” and “apple”.

“Pears” are characterized by voluminous hips and small, slightly pert breasts; hourglass» Both parts of the body are practically proportional, and the breasts are of medium size.

Women who are characterized by a “masculine silhouette” tend to have a full bust, as their fatty tissue is deposited in the upper part of the body. “Apples” have a more expressive belly, and therefore the size of the mammary glands can vary depending on the age of the woman.

Other factors can also affect breast size:

  • diet;
  • lifestyle;
  • the initial level of female hormones in the body;
  • level of mental and physical stress;
  • environment.

Breast growth lasts up to 22 years on average, after which it slows down and stops. If up to this point you use special creams or gels, take dietary supplements or use vacuum pumps, it is quite possible to affect the size of your breasts.

Active hormones for breast enlargement

What hormones contribute? There is a fairly wide selection of hormonal drugs that enlarge the mammary glands, but not all of them have the necessary effectiveness. The most effective are those that contain the following female hormones:

  • Progesterone is a hormone responsible for the growth of glandular tissue. In medicine you can find it under the name “pregnancy hormone”, since it is it that contributes to the normal development of the fetus;
  • estrogen - promotes the formation and growth of breasts, but an excess of this hormone can lead to the cessation of breast growth;
  • prolactin - responsible for main function breast (feeding the baby). It is produced not only during pregnancy, but also during puberty. Due to this hormone, the growth of the mammary glands begins.

An increase in the amount of hormones in the female body occurs not only through the use of hormone-based drugs that promote breast growth, but also by adding microelements and vitamins to the diet that increase estrogen production.

Efficacy and safety of hormonal drugs

The use of hormonal drugs allows a woman to cope with some gynecological problems:

  • ease and regulate the menstrual cycle;
  • improve general condition;
  • get rid of acne;
  • increasing the level of sexuality and charm.

Breast growth is a side effect of taking such medications.

Breast enlargement by taking hormonal pills is a fairly safe method. Such medicines do not contain toxic substances and have a positive effect on certain systems and on the body as a whole. However, such medications can cause some:

  • weight gain;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • nervous disorders;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea.

Therefore, when choosing a means for bust enlargement, you must consult a gynecologist. The doctor will select hormones for breast enlargement in accordance with the patient’s age and weight. It will also take into account the developmental characteristics of the female body.

You should not change or extend the course of taking pills on your own; each action must be coordinated with a specialist. It is also important to take such hormonal medications at the same time every day, without skipping doses, so as not to cause additional complications for the female body.

The modern world of pharmaceuticals has a lot of hormonal drugs in its arsenal. You should not choose or buy medications based on the advice of a third party. Each of the drugs has a number of features that have both positive and negative features. There are drugs that have been tested over the years and can be found in most clinics and pharmacies.

Regulon is a pill that is a means of contraception. The base contains hormones such as desogestrel, which stimulate the growth of glandular tissue in the mammary glands.

However, such hormones can cause growth in other parts of the female body: thighs, buttocks or abdomen. This drug has a beneficial effect not only on breast size, but also promotes hair growth, tidies up the skin, and stabilizes the menstrual cycle.

Its side effects include:

  • upset stomach (accompanied by vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain);
  • nervousness, migraine;
  • the appearance of thrush;
  • malfunctions cardiovascular system(arrhythmia, hypertension).

The main function of this drug is to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Active ingredients similar to the previous drug. The package usually contains 1–3 blisters, each containing 21 tablets.

This drug helps regulate the intensity of blood loss and prevents the occurrence of anemia. Side effects may be:

  • disturbances of the vaginal microflora, development of candidiasis;
  • digestive disorders;
  • frequent mood changes;
  • headache.

The active ingredients of this drug are ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone. Contraceptive effect is achieved by combining hormones that help block ovulation, thereby preventing the fertilization of the egg.

Yarina is a means of preventing gynecological diseases, and also makes the menstrual cycle stable and prevents the occurrence of anemia. Side effects are considered:

  • excessive tension in the mammary glands;
  • weight gain;
  • development of thrush;
  • headaches, severe migraine.

The main active ingredient is a hormone called dienogest (gestagen). This drug differs from others in that it is not a contraceptive, which means there is a possibility of becoming pregnant while taking the pills. This hormonal drug is aimed at reducing the efficiency of sex hormones and the proliferation of endometriotic tissue. It also reduces the production of estrogen. In the pharmacy Visanne is presented in cardboard box, which contains 2, 4 or 6 blisters of 14 tablets each.

Side effects of the drug:

  • the appearance of acne;
  • weight gain;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • headache.

Contraindications for use

Doctors prohibit taking all these drugs in the following cases:

  • there are venous diseases, thrombosis;
  • pathologies associated with the liver, kidneys, and heart appeared;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • period of pregnancy or lactation;
  • benign neoplasms in the reproductive system or mammary glands;
  • age under 18 years;
  • the onset of menopause;
  • uterine bleeding.

Herbal remedies for breast enlargement

There are a number of most common herbal preparations that are also intended to enlarge the mammary glands by increasing the concentration of mammary gland hormone.

Such drugs include:

  • Push Up natural is a drug whose country of origin is Holland. Its basis is plant components. After use, the breasts look more elastic, beautiful and toned. It is recommended to take 5 tablets with meals with plenty of water;
  • Maxibust coffee - the composition is based on Pueraria Mirifica powder, which is a beneficial component for normalizing the menstrual cycle and provides improvement general condition body. Allowed for use during menopause. Coffee needs to be brewed, steeped and drunk once a day;
  • Maxi (capsules) – they contain soy isoflovanoids, hop cones and Pueraria Mirifica extract. The duration of the course is 3 months, with daily use of 4 capsules;
  • Soy isoflavones – the basis of this drug is soy extract. Due to the strong saturation of phytoestrogen, the breasts can increase;
  • Feminal (Switzerland) – the active element of this drug is red clover extract, which stimulates the growth of the mammary glands. The minimum period of use is 4 months, the maximum is 2 years. It is recommended to drink 1 capsule per day.

Breast health

Breasts can certainly be the most attractive part of every woman's body. Before you start taking hormonal drugs for breast enlargement, it is worth considering whether this change is relevant for a woman’s full life.

Small, well-groomed breasts are quite harmonious for the average build and height. To attract male attention, it will be enough to emphasize other advantages and features. The method of breast enlargement with hormones is quite risky.

Today for breast enlargement the most in an efficient way it still remains a surgical intervention, because one plastic surgery guarantees an increase of 2–3 sizes. However, it is worth remembering possible consequences for the body.

Therefore, you should carefully approach the method of breast enlargement and in each case, be sure to consult a doctor.