How do psychopaths and narcissists pass themselves off when they talk? Why smart women fall in love with narcissists, psychopaths and sociopaths Narcissistic psychopathy.

In the comments, from time to time you ask questions about how a psychopath differs from a sociopath. And nothing. A sociopath is a subspecies of a psychopath, and many researchers use these words interchangeably. It makes sense to refer to psychopaths all pronounced destructive people., whether malignant narcissist, sociopath, or paranoid.

Previously, sociopaths were called heboid psychopaths, antisocial psychopaths, then they began to diagnose "antisocial personality disorder", now it is called dissocial. Otto Kernberg speaks of these people as "malignant grandiose", Robert Haer - as snakes in suits and devoid of conscience, other researchers call them unborn souls and human predators. Let's talk about these people who are considered the most dangerous of the aggressors.

The ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases) provides list of criteria for diagnosing a sociopath... You need to dial at least three. It:

Heartless indifference to the feelings of others, inability to empathize;

Clear and persistent irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, rules and duties;

Failure to maintain stable relationships in the absence of difficulties in their establishment;

Extremely low frustration tolerance and a low threshold for the emergence of aggressive, including violent behavior;

Lack of awareness of their guilt or inability to learn from negative life experiences, especially punishment;

A pronounced tendency to blame others or offer plausible explanations for behavior that leads to conflict with society.

Additional sign: persistent irritability.

According to DSM-IV (American classification), the criteria are approximately the same:

Failure to comply with social norms, respect the laws, manifested in their systematic violation, leading to arrests;

Hypocrisy, manifested in frequent lies, the use of pseudonyms, or deceiving others in order to gain profit;

Impulsiveness or inability to plan ahead;

Irritability and aggressiveness, manifested in frequent fights or other physical confrontations;

Riskiness, without taking into account safety for yourself and others;

Consistent irresponsibility, manifested in a repeated inability to maintain a certain mode of operation, or to fulfill financial obligations;

Lack of regret, manifested in rationalization or indifference to harming others, mistreating others, or stealing from others.


For those who are imperative to distinguish sociopaths from narcissists, I will say that any pronounced narcissist is sociopathic by definition. Yes, he usually does not violate social norms as clearly as some (not all!) Sociopaths, but the sociopathic essence of a narcissist is already manifested in evading child support, driving while drunk, or, say, blackmailing victims with intimate photos, leaking commercial information to competitors etc.

And these are only external manifestations of antisociality that are condemned in society. If we evaluate the immorality that permeates the entire narcissistic being, and which leaves an imprint on all his actions, but which is hidden from the naked eye, the sociopathic nature of the narcissist is beyond doubt.

« There is a close relationship between psychopathic and narcissistic conditions- writes Nancy McWilliams. - Both types of character reflect a subjectively empty inner world and the dependence of self-esteem on external events.

Some theorists place psychopathy and narcissism in the same dimension, which they describe as narcissistic; the psychopath is seen as the pathological edge of the narcissistic continuum.

In my opinion, antisocial and narcissistic people are different enough to distinguish a continuum for each type. Most sociopathic people do not have repetitive idealization, and most narcissistic characters do not depend on omnipotent control. However, many people have some traits of both types, and each of them is characterized by self-inflation, - writes McWilliams.

As you can see, the nuances are almost indistinguishable and do not play any role for non-specialists, since both sociopath and narcissist are all-round dangerous, and these disorders cannot be corrected.

"Fuck" everyone

The motive that drives a sociopath through life is to "do", "fuck up" everyone. He has a need to constantly assert his power.... This allows the sociopath to maintain the illusion of his grandeur, omnipotence, on which the shaky structure of his personality balances.

The psychological defense of a sociopath is the so-called omnipotent control. If a sociopath is unable to assert his power, he has a feeling of anxiety, danger (after all, if he did not "did", then they "make" him!), He gets angry. In fact, at this moment he feels defenseless, totally defenseless, and this is intolerable for him.

Usually, a sociopath has high self-esteem - it's no coincidence that Kernberg calls them malignant grandiose. The sociopath looks at others with at least contempt, which can easily, in seconds, flare up with hatred.

But also sociopaths experience something like insignificance when they fail to assert their power- especially if it happens over and over again. Psychic defenses fail, their grandiose self-image fluctuates, and they rush to restore it. How? Of course, by violence. The other way is unfamiliar to them.

“Anyone whose self-images reflect unrealistic notions of superiority; someone who avoids the obvious fact that he is only human will try to restore self-esteem through the exercise of strength "- writes Nancy McWilliams.

A sociopath (and any aggressor) views all relationships as a hierarchy. For him there is only "liability" and "asset" - partnership is incomprehensible and inaccessible in principle... If there is no way to assert power by violence, the predator takes a lower place in the hierarchy and waits for a chance to be at the top again.

Secret and overt

Sociopaths can be overt and covert. The "explicit" ones behave openly destructively and even flaunt it - for example, the hero of "Mechanical Orange" (in the title photo).

But an overt sociopath is not necessarily an outright renegade and scumbag. He can wear the mask of an eccentric, “out-of-system” person, personality of “broad”, “progressive” views. For example, the immoral lifestyle of Maria Polozova ("Spring Waters") or the Viscount de Valmont is no secret to anyone, but they do not receive large-scale social condemnation that would force them to retire "underground."

Helen Bezukhova is so impenetrable and outwardly "decent" in her immorality that she manages to gazlit the entire high society, doing absolutely nothing for this. Only one Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova calls a spade a spade and, going up to Helene at the ball, rudely tells her: "It seems that now we are getting married from a living husband?" (by memory)

At the same time, Peer Gynt (pictured below), behaving eccentrically and "out-of-system", after one of the antics (taking him away from the wedding and seducing someone else's bride) is driven out of the village by his fellow villagers.

"Secret" sociopaths ferociously observe the so-called mask of social normality.... These are the most dangerous and often the most seductive predators. Let us recall the Marquis de Merteuil, who is considered in the light of the standard of chastity and high morality. Let's remember the "charismatic killer" Ted Bundy, who is remembered by many as a charming, benevolent guy. Who would have thought that this adorable, who successfully worked on the telephone support for victims of domestic violence, brutally kills women ?!

“If among the British they decided to find an absolutely happy person who has nothing more to wish for, the competition committee would most likely have opted for Neville Strange,- writes Agatha Christie about a cruel and calculating killer in the novel "Hour Zero".

This man was well known to the British public as a first-class tennis player and in general a versatile athlete. True, he never played in the Wimbledon final, but sure He definitely held on to several qualifying rounds, and even became a semi-finalist in mixed pairs. His sports hobbies were, perhaps, too varied for him to become a tennis champion. He played excellent golf, swam superbly and made some serious ascents in the Alps.

At thirty-three, he possessed enviable health, good looks, big money, an absolutely exceptional wife, whom he had recently married, and, apparently, did not know any worries and worries in life. "

An undercover sociopath can become overt if he no longer needs to hide the aggression, if, for example, it becomes socially approved. For example, the "night porter" Max in a peaceful life wears a mask of social normality, but under the fascist regime reveals his "talents". Juliette, the heroine of the Marquis de Sade, expresses her mental defect on a grand scale when her "self-expression" is approved and sponsored by persons in power.

Eric Berne distinguishes latent (passive) and active sociopaths. Latent “most of the time behaves quite decently, accepting the leadership of some external authority, for example, religion or law, or becoming attached at times to some more strong personality considered as an ideal ”.

An active sociopath “is free from both internal and external delays. If he can pacify himself for a while and put on a mask of decency (especially in the presence of persons who expect decent and responsible behavior from him), but as soon as he is out of the reach of persons who are authoritative for him, demanding good behavior, he immediately ceases to restrain himself.

I'm bored devil

A sociopath, unlike a narcissist, is considered an absolutely conscious manipulator. This person tells you "I love", knowing full well that he is lying - in contrast to the narcissist, who in moments of idealization may think that he is really in love, albeit superficially and fleetingly. But for me, it makes no difference, and on this basis, daffodils should not be considered "better" than sociopaths.

The sociopath's soul is dead. More precisely, she was not born. That's why, to feel alive, he resorts to various dangerous things, likes to tickle his nerves. That is why he often looks dashing, brave and even heroic.

The psychopath Dolokhov ("War and Peace") initiates duel after duel, as if not fearing that he might be killed. But where does his prowess go when Pierre Bezukhov wounds him! Nikolai Rostov is amazed to the depths of his soul when he sees Dolokhov sobbing and seemingly "softened". But soon this "sensitive" person, who supposedly does not have a soul in his old mother and hunchbacked sister, prudently brings the "friend" to ruin.

A psychopath does not feel the joy that a normal person would feel when listening to his favorite opera, pedaling through a pine-smelling forest, kissing a loved one, grinding a detail, making a stool or collecting material for future book... He certainly needs something "invigorating", "adrenaline": to make a turn on the plane under the bridge, dive into a crevice between the glaciers, steal someone else's bride (Pechorin, Peer Gynt, Anatol Kuragin) . This - and also hatred, rage - revives him at least for a while.

* “Seryozha was very fond of demonstrative behavior" with an adrenaline rush ", - says the reader. - Tempted me to have sex on the side of the freeway. In public places. In the bus. I regard this as self-destructive with demonstrativeness. Well, and with the display of his sense of superiority, spit on society, on my feelings, domination and humiliation of me.

I assembled a motorcycle from which the gods sent. This monster of Frankenstein drove with the help of such and such a mother, not otherwise. Because it was assembled from several Soviet old bikes. Half of the wiring did not work, oil flowed into the brakes, fell off and scraped the footboard on the ground, the battery was tied with a string. And he drove it for a hundred. He didn't even have a helmet for himself, let alone a passenger one.

He loved to plump on occasion and play in a drunken stupor. Ride a car / motorcycle, fight, go swimming on the river in the cold. "

The psychopath is absolutely unreliable, although it promises extremely believable seven miles to heaven. But taking what he needs (a golden strainer, a chair from the Gambs collection, a jar of jam, a dish of meatballs), without the slightest regret leaves you in debt, dying and with seven on the benches. No conscience gnaws at him - it does not show signs of life at all.

Not all psychopaths are seductive. There are frankly unpleasant people among them, and there are many of them. For example, abiding in eternal malice and not hiding this Iago ("Othello"). Smug and harsh von Koren, calling for the destruction of "microbes" in the person of some representatives of humanity ("Duel" by Chekhov). Some Kabanikhs and Wild (Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm").

Disgusting to a normal person and spitting hatred "great orator" Hitler. But even such "obvious" psychopaths, for all the immorality of their actions, often cause people not so much disgust as exalted admiration and awe.

The most dangerous psychopaths can be totally charismatic, that is, they can spread their spells not only to a specific victim, but also to large groups of people.

But even those sociopaths who do not consider it necessary to deceive everyone are able to turn on their manipulative charm and literally blind the potential victim. That's why you should be very concerned about "magnetic", hypnotically charming people... I will not say that they are all psychopaths, but with a high degree of probability they are.

The kids in the basement were playing the Gestapo

The double flower of sociopathy blooms in childhood. The little sociopath constantly lies, steals money from parents, skips school, runs away from home, tries alcohol and drugs early. He can terrorize peers, including murder. Agatha Christie depicts images of children-sociopaths in the novels "The Crooked House" and "Hour Zero". For example, the brilliant and impeccable Neville Strange committed his first murder when he was six years old.

“Two children were playing with a bow and arrow, one child sent an arrow that hit the other in a vital center, death occurred. An investigation was ordered, the surviving child was in complete shock, condolences over the accident followed, everyone sympathized with the culprit.

But there is another side to this story. A certain farmer, some time before the incident (...) noticed a child practicing archery. It is these preparations that are bad. A child with a murderous intention in his soul day after day secretly fills his hand from everyone, then waits for a convenient moment - an awkward shot, a disaster, feigned grief, despair. All this sounds incredible - so incredible that in court, most likely, they would not hear about it. "

The maturing sociopath is "adopting" all new types of violence. Some gravitate towards sexual violence and murder, others choose the path of fraud, others become leaders of destructive cults ...

Of course, most sociopaths swim much smaller. But they pose no less threat to society. These are drunken reckless drivers, malicious defaulters of alimony, people with "extraordinary lightness in thoughts," flitting from woman to woman, over-aged "infantiles" living on the money of parents and partners ...

At the same time, the sociopath of any flight feels infallibly right, does not reflect on his behavior and revels in his cool most of the time. No doubt, no remorse.

The punishment is not good for the sociopath. If he revises something in his behavior, then perhaps in the direction of a better disguise. Like, steal, but don't get caught.

(End in next post)

When breaking contact is impossible
When dealing with any manipulative and toxic people, including narcissists, psychopaths, stalkers, sociopaths, people with borderline personality disorder and hysterical personality disorders - in short, with all kinds of emotional vampires - it is usually advised that lack of response is the best response unwanted attention. Often this is indeed the case, and the method of Breaking All Contacts (avoiding any communication) should always be used, if possible. This is perhaps the most effective method rid your life of the hell in which regular communication with an emotional vampire plunges you.

However, there are a number of situations in which the All Contact Severing method is not possible, for example, in the case of separation of custody of a child with a toxic person. Or if former partner you are being stalked, depriving him of the right to meet may infuriate him. In such a situation, refusal to answer him can be considered by the psychopath as an insult. Such people may decide that they can force and coerce you to respond to them, and thus satisfy their desire for control over you.

Moreover, many of us have tried to end a relationship with such a person several times, but only then to accept him or her back each time. They included pity and charm, but because we did not understand that this is exactly the type of behavior that psychopaths and other unpleasant personalities use, we believed their promises to change the situation in the future or change ourselves. They know all of our emotional hooks. It's easy and fun for them to lure us back by appealing to our emotions.

But manipulators don't change. Basically, if you break up with a psychopath, he can go to great lengths to punish you even more for daring to think you can be independent. Even without accepting them back, the most dangerous time for a victim is the initial break with the psychopath / narcissist. They are enraged at being neglected. Losing control or power over a person is not only a narcissistic trauma for them, they can feel complete devastation when their partner leaves them - even if they intended to kill that partner. The reason is the loss of control. All manipulators need to constantly feel in control.

It is for such situations that the Gray Stone Method exists.

Psychopaths are addicted to drama and cannot stand boredom. Over time, he will find someone else to fulfill his need for drama and will find that he is attracted to you less and less often. And at some point, it will simply creep away to greener pastures.

The Gray Stone Method is a way to train the psychopath that you are a bad and unsuitable target to pursue, as you tire them out and force them to miss and they can't stand boredom, so you force the manipulator to leave of his own free will.

We can say that the Gray Stone Method is a way of breaking up with a psychopath using the old excuse "it's not about you, it's about me", with the only difference that you show it with your actions, instead of saying it in words, and the manipulator himself comes to this conclusion.

There is nothing to envy.
Another reason to use the Graystone Method is to avoid falling into the prey role from the start. If you find yourself in the company of one or more narcissistic individuals, perhaps working with them, or they are members of your family, it is important avoid activating their envy... With the Gray Stone Method, you recede into the background. They may not even remember that they met you.

If you have inadvertently caught their attention and they have already started focusing on you, you can still use the Gray Stone Method. Tell them that you are boring. Describe a boring life. Talk about the most mundane household chores - in great detail. Some people naturally lack the halo of drama. Find such people and stay close to them when the manipulator is nearby.

Distract with a broken wing
If you are forced to continue a relationship with a manipulator, the Gray Stone Method can also serve you well. People involved in joint custody of a child with a manipulating ex-spouse may use a method where the ex-spouse tries to hurt them and divorce them. emotions.

It is clear that any threat to the well-being of our children is incredibly powerful and provokes fear and anxiety. Here, the Gray Stone Method can be applied selectively to divert attention from what is really important to you.

Generally, show no emotion in return to offensive words and behavior. The manipulator will use different tactics to find out which one will trigger a reaction. And you should respond to what is of the least importance to you. This will focus the manipulator's attention on this aspect.

Remember, psychopaths and other manipulators do not have values, so they do not understand what is valuable to us until we ourselves discover it. The Gray Stone Selective Method shows them the bait. In protecting our children, we can learn from Mother Nature: it is known that parent birds with chicks depict a broken wing when a predator wanders in the vicinity. They pretend to be vulnerable in order to distract the cat's attention from their real vulnerability - their offspring.

In this example, the Selective Gray Stone Method pushes into the background all emotions, except those that you yourself want to expose to the social predator. It is very easy for psychopaths to get bored. They need constant stimulation to ward off boredom. This is not the kind of boredom that ordinary people experience, it is more like the French word ennui, which refers to overwhelming longing, boredom and lethargy.

Drama is psychopaths' cure for boredom... For drama, they need an audience and characters. Once the drama begins, they feel alive again. They are charged when they pull the strings that trigger our emotional response. Any emotion will do as long as it is a reaction to their actions.

Psychopaths and other manipulators experience dependence on power... They gain power by opening access to our emotions. They are acutely aware of this and need constant testing to make sure we are still under their control. They need to know that we are still willing to act according to their desires, to make them happy, and to avoid their anger. They need to create drama in order to experience a sense of power from manipulating our emotions.

As with any addiction, getting your dose of emotional response excites and revitalizes the psychopath. How large quantity once he receives his "reward" for his dramatic behavior, the more his addiction grows. The converse is also true: when the "reward" stops coming, he gets nervous. He experiences an overwhelming sense of boredom and longing and responds by creating more drama.

If we adhere to this line of behavior and do not show emotion, at some point the psychopath decides that his toy is broken. She no longer splashes with emotion when he squeezes her! Most likely, he will crawl away from you in search of a new toy.

The Gray Stone Method includes a caveat: psychopaths - dangerous people if you are in a relationship with one of them who has already decided to kill you, it will be very difficult to change his mind. It may already be poisoning your food or secretly damaging your car. Take all necessary precautions. In such a case, you should only hope that the Gray Stone Method will only help buy time before you can escape.

Boring, poor and ugly
Psychopaths are attracted to bright, beautiful things, anything that moves fast and bright lights. They associate these objects with a sense of liveliness and alleviate his ever-present overwhelming longing. Of course, his preferred food is your emotions, but the list of what he wants is not limited to them. He jealous everything beautiful, shining and sparkling that you have and wants everything that you value highly. You must hide everything that he can notice and what he can start to envy.

If you are beautiful, use makeup to paint bags under your eyes.
Unless you are married to a manipulator, any money or assets he craves for must “disappear” into a “very bad investment” (consult your lawyer about this).
Your shiny new sports car should retire - get yourself a simple, unassuming everyday car.
If you have a great reputation, expect him to start, or has already begun to slander you. So don't let yourself be embarrassed or provoked into unstable or unhealthy behavior.

The reason he wants to take it all away from you is not necessarily because he wants to have it all himself, but because he wants to see the emotion on your face the moment you lose it all.

The manipulator needs a demonstration of strength, expressed in the fact that he is the person who robbed you of all this. By removing all these things from his field of vision in advance and not showing an emotional reaction to these losses, you continue to accustom him to the idea that you are the most boring person in the world, a person whom he will never want to be like in anything.

Origin of the Gray Stone Method
In 2009, the author of the original text broke up with her psychopathic partner after 25 years of marriage, but did not understand what was wrong with him. “I was sitting in a sushi bar with mixed feelings when I was introduced to a tall, attractive young man. sporty look... To my surprise, I instinctively dumped my whole story to him. He listened to me and then explained to me that I was dealing with a perverse narcissist. And he gave me advice: “ Be boring«.

He said that his girlfriend came home every night and started drinking and behaving in a terrible and abusive way. They were both professionals, moving in the same professional circles. He knew that she would persecute him if he decided to break up and did not want to take the risk of becoming a victim of slander, which could damage his professional reputation.
And he decided to become so boring that she just left him. He refused to go out in the evenings. He showed no emotional reaction to anything and always reacted with a lack of drama. When she asked if he wanted to go out to a cafe or restaurant for dinner, his answer was: "I don't know." After months without drama, she moved out of him. ...

I chose the word "gray stone" because wherever you go there are many gray stones and pebbles, but you never notice them. None of them grab your attention. You do not remember a single pebble separately from those that you saw today, because they merge with the landscape. This is exactly the type of boredom that you are going to transmit to the manipulator. The stranger from the sushi bar made a startling observation when he told him to "be boring." He hit the heart of psychopaths' motivation to avoid boredom.

In nature, there are many tricks that contribute to the survival of predators. Among others, birds play a broken wing to protect their offspring, and mice pretend to be dead until the cat loses interest in them. Both of these tactics can be useful and can be applied as needed and appropriate.

This simple, humble object of nature has all the wisdom it needs to go unnoticed - it's boring.

Individuals with psychopathic and narcissistic tendencies often use masks when interacting with others to hide their true intentions. To achieve their desired goal, they can appear nice, intelligent and pleasant people and be quite convincing in their game. They can engage in intelligent conversations or make grandiloquent speeches, thereby testing how far others will allow them to go in their desire to dominate and rule.

The ostentatious charm of a psychopath or narcissist obscures the interlocutor's eyes, disarms and allows consciousness to be manipulated. You too can fall prey to a heartless person if you don't notice the hidden cues in their behavior. In the context of a conversation, you can always identify an antisocial personality, before you are ways that will help you do this.

He pretends to trust you

This cannot but be alarming, but your new acquaintance immediately seeks to pour out his soul to you. He talks about his ex-wife, who, during the divorce, managed to deprive him of most of his fortune. He punches himself in the chest and claims that he was able to rise again and succeed. His revelations are so disarming that you sit and listen to all this with almost an open mouth. He says that he married again, but does not have special feelings for the new wife. He has to live with her only out of pity, because if he leaves, she will immediately fall into a deep depression or get drunk.

Regardless of the nature of the information disclosed to you, this person demonstrates a high degree of trust in you. He has chosen you from among hundreds of other people who cannot be dealt with. He may appear weak or powerful, be completely transparent or mysterious, but with the help of forced intimacy, the psychopath deliberately plays with your feelings.

What is this tactic for?

All his actions are aimed at making an indelible impression on you. The faster you become fascinated, the faster you can move on to the next step - the stage of manipulation. Regardless of the content of confidential conversations, psychopaths and narcissists usually do not expect rapprochement and begin to disarm the victim immediately. Such premature should alert you and protect you from further manipulations. Psychologists believe that these people first confess within a few minutes after meeting. In other words, they immediately take the bull by the horns.

Repeated repetition of "secret" information

Stories about a wife who won a big jackpot in a divorce, or about a top-secret assignment given to this man by his boss last week, will be repeated almost verbatim at every meeting. Of course, each of us has favorite stories that we repeat from time to time in noisy companies in the hope that new listeners will join us. But if the information that is conveyed to you on a regular basis is intended only for you and there is nothing funny about it, this is a reason to think about the goals of the narrator.

What leads to cyclicality?

If selfish information aimed at self-aggrandizement is repeated many times, most likely, the individual is processing not only you. Psychopaths and narcissists, in pursuit of their interests, actively seek victims, so they may not remember who they told this story to last week. There is not even a grain of truth in such stories. These people love to lie not only for the sake of self-aggrandizement, but also for the sake of entertainment. Why don't they remember the people with whom they shared "secret" facts? This is because this information does not imply any significance for them, and those around them are perceived as the same type of faceless objects.

Lack of interest in your affairs

When the conversation is over, you will catch yourself thinking that the other person has not asked you a single question regarding your personal life. Did you learn a lot about him, but in turn remained a mystery? Why did it happen? The answer looms itself: psychopaths and narcissists do not care about the needs, needs and feelings of others. This information asymmetry warns you to stay away from your new acquaintance.

Gaining trust

However, antisocial personalities long years interactions with other people in society realized that from good people waiting for participation. They can try on the mask of virtue, but they give themselves away by certain behavior. For example, wanting to show you that they are interested, this person will quickly ask a bunch of questions and will do everything possible so that you do not have time to answer any of them. He will also try to get information about the stressors that oppress you the most. Once you open your Achilles heel, he will shower you with offers of help. All of these efforts are aimed at ultimately gaining your trust.

Request for a favor

In the clinical diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder, there is such a criterion as a request for a favor. But if most people in various social situations ask someone for a courtesy out of genuine necessity or to create intimacy in a relationship, narcissists and psychopaths do so because they believe they have a right to control other people's time and efforts. To do this, they often use the term "special" to show you that you are at the top of the list of privileged people they have managed to make happy.

Why do we need such requests?

Psychopaths and narcissists have mastered manipulation techniques to perfection. They make requests for favors at every opportunity. Sometimes they see you as a person who can be used to fulfill their urgent needs. Sometimes their goal is to create a bond in which you become aware of your own servility. In this case, all these insignificant requests can be just a test. If you agree to these terms, then you can be used and you can be manipulated. And the longer you communicate, the more significant the requests will become, which will be aimed at testing your will.

Strange remarks

You communicate with a person for some time, and suddenly he asks you a completely illogical question: "Is it difficult to be the most smart person in the room? "However, you have never talked about intelligence and stupidity, and you have never positioned yourself as a convinced intellectual. Such a remark is used to flatter you, as well as to emphasize the suppression of the rest of the group.

Unmerciful blows

Psychopaths and narcissists are adept at using merciless blows. For example, if there is a small-minded person (or a group of people) in the room, they will do everything to destabilize the situation, comparing the intelligence levels (levels of physical strength) present in this place in the given time... This intent can be a simple test to gauge how you intend to stand up for yourself and how you will behave when you hear a harsh or ugly remark.

With this technique, antisocial personalities seek to strengthen their power over other people. He may flatter you, but in his heart he will hate, moreover, throughout the entire conversation he will mentally mock you. Such caustic remarks should alert you and put an end to communication with a calculating manipulator.