Kiwi fruit with beneficial properties. Kiwi in the diet: useful properties of the product and contraindications

Kiwi fruit

Good afternoon, dear readers! Kiwi - exotic berries, which came to us from New Zealand, which differ not only in a pleasant sweet and sour taste, but also in great benefits.

O healing properties kiwi, the composition of fruits and their role in human life, we will talk today.

Kiwi: chemical composition

The benefits of kiwi are largely determined by its rich composition. These small green fruits contain many nutrients in themselves, including:

1. Vitamins (includes groups C, B, A, E and D);

2. Micro and macro elements: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, manganese, molybdenum, calcium, etc.

3. Beneficial organic acids, including the famous one, especially useful for women folic acid;

4. Other beneficial nutrients: beta-carotene, fiber, vegetable proteins, polysaccharides, monosaccharides, etc.

At the same time, among the vitamin complex, the highest content of vitamins C and B9 in kiwi. Of the macronutrients, more than 5-10% of the total mass of the fruit, the product contains phosphorus, magnesium and potassium.

Among the microelements, the largest amount in the composition of kiwi is copper, manganese and molybdenum.

Kiwi: calories

Kiwi fruits are considered low-calorie, their energy value averages only 48-58 calories per 100 grams of pulp.

At the same time, 32-34 Kcal from carbohydrates, more than 3.5 Kcal from fats and slightly more than 3 Kcal, fruits are obtained from proteins. There is no alcohol in kiwi fruits at all.

How much kiwi can you eat per day?

According to nutritionists daily rate kiwi per day is 2-3 pcs.

Kiwi fruit: beneficial properties

Thanks to its chemical composition, kiwi is of great benefit to the body.

These, at first glance, rather small and very tasty fruits are capable of:

1. Enrich the body with vitamins, potassium, magnesium, and ascorbic acid(it is worth noting that in this case they are well absorbed, especially if kiwi is consumed in combination with meat or cereals).

2. Influence favorably, strengthen them and make them more elastic.

3. Strengthen the heart and heart muscles, prevent heart disease.

4. Prevent the development of atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

5. Rejuvenate cells, eliminating the causes of early aging of the skin and hair (those who constantly eat kiwi, the skin is more elastic and beautiful, without gray hair).

6. Remove harmful impurities and, therefore, contribute to weight loss.

7. Burn fat quickly.

8. Improve your mood.

9. Normalize sleep.

10. Relieve excessive fatigue, encourage and strengthen the body physically.

Kiwi for women

Useful properties of kiwi for women

Women, by their very nature, differ in many ways from men, they bear and give birth to babies, are endowed with a special hormonal background, they go through stages menstrual cycles and menopause.

That is why women, like no one else, need a balanced diet and an additional complex of vitamins and minerals, which, as a rule, do not have enough for them during failures in the reproductive system.

Kiwis consumed by women on a regular basis are capable of:

- to establish hormonal levels and metabolic processes in organism;

- improve skin color and face condition;

- give hair a life-giving shine and get rid of early gray hair;

- get rid of unpleasant symptoms during pregnancy;

- improve mood during PMS and;

- eliminate pain syndromes during menstruation and during menopause;

- to make the nail plates dense, healthy.

Among other things exotic fruits contribute to the good course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus in the mother's womb.

Kiwi fruit during pregnancy

This means that pregnant women will be able to withstand colds and viral diseases and moreover, do not pick them up. In addition to the specified kiwi during pregnancy, they will help to more calmly transfer toxicosis and constipation, which often torment women, especially in the last stages of bearing a baby.

Meanwhile, doctors are not advised to abuse exotic products, as this can lead to allergies and intestinal upset. The recommended dose of kiwi for pregnant women is 1-2 pieces per day.

Kiwi for weight loss

The benefits of kiwi for weight loss

Very often, nutritionists develop diets, including kiwi in the diet of the patients who apply to them. This is, say, not without reason.

Kiwi is really that fruit that not only contributes to weight loss, but at the same time improves the psychological state of those losing weight during a diet, as well as enriches their body with the necessary useful elements.

In its composition, exotic green berries contain enzymes, fiber and enzymes that improve the functioning of the digestive system, restore metabolic processes, improve metabolism, and, therefore, contribute to the quickest digestion of food and weight loss.

In addition, kiwi also removes excess fluid and harmful toxins and fats from the body, which also contributes to rapid weight loss.

Meanwhile, it is worth noting that those who are losing weight will not be of any benefit from kiwi if they do not combine the consumption of this product with exercise and a special diet.

Helpful advice! If your diet involves eating kiwi on an empty stomach, do not forget to rinse your mouth and brush your teeth after that, as the acids contained in the exotic fruits can destroy tooth enamel.

How to choose ripe kiwi?

How to choose ripe kiwi?

When choosing a kiwi, attention should be paid to:

1. On the peel of the fruit, it should be uniform, with a uniform color, without any dark spots and places of decay.

2. For the presence of mold, if any, then the fruits have already begun to deteriorate and should be discarded from their purchase.

3. For the consistency of kiwi, the flesh should not be hard, but it should not be too soft. When you press the rind, you should understand that the kiwi is soft, ripe, after pressing the rind, the rind should return to its original shape.

On a note! Today, there are several varieties of kiwi on sale in our country, including a variety with a bald skin. Do not be afraid to purchase such berries, they are no less useful than the "hairy" kiwi we are used to.

Kiwi: contraindications

Despite the benefits, kiwi fruits have their own contraindications. It is not recommended to consume exotic green berries that taste like gooseberries:

1. Allergy sufferers, as well as people who have at least once been allergic to fruits, berries and fruits (symptoms of kiwi allergy: nausea, throat dermatosis, swelling of the tongue, body, asthma attacks);

2. People who are diagnosed with a stomach or duodenal ulcer;

3. Those with increased acidity of gastric juice;

4. Suffering from kidney and urinary system diseases, including those with one kidney removed or diagnosed with kidney cancer.

5. And finally, do not eat kiwi for people with a weakened stomach and intestinal dysfunction. This product has a laxative effect, and therefore, in such cases, it can quickly provoke diarrhea.

Helpful advice! Always, when developing a menu for the day or a diet for yourself and your family for a week, a month, do not forget, everything should be in moderation.

Even if the product seems too useful to you, and you have no contraindications for it, so as not to harm your health, do not abuse it!

Video: How to choose a good kiwi and what is the use of it

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Already know about the beneficial properties and want to eat fruits more often?

Press p. # 7 - learn to choose, store and cook with maximum benefit.

And do not forget item number 6, which lists the contraindications.

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Where and how they grow and where they came from to the Russian market

The tree plant actinidia chinensis was known in the Celestial Empire even before our era. But for cultural cultivation, the fruits seemed smallish - up to 30 grams - and were embarrassed by their pronounced sourness. They took root only in folk medicine as a means for improving the health of women after pregnancy.

At the beginning of the 20th century, actinidia was brought to New Zealand, where breeders liked it. By the mid-1960s, scientists had developed new varieties. When shipping the first batch of delicacies to the US market, marketers rejected the complicated word actinidia.

They decided to give a novelty bright name "kiwifruit"- in honor of the world famous New Zealand bird. Over the years, people increasingly began to shorten it to "kiwi". The handsome men came to Russia under this sonorous name.

The Chinese quickly organized the return of the selection actinidia to their historical homeland. Today, more than half of the world's production comes from the PRC. New Zealand exports have a modest 10-12% share.

The question "Is kiwi a berry or a fruit?" has an unambiguous answer from the point of view of botany: these are berries. The popular myth that our heroes are a special subspecies of citrus fruits has no basis. However, sellers so stubbornly rank this exotic as a fruit, and so often put them next to citrus fruits that the society has developed a tradition to classify kiwi as a fruit category.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Take a large sample as an example - an average of +/- 91 grams.

This is what 1 peel kiwi contains.

  • Caloric content - 56 kcal
  • Carbohydrates - 13 g
  • Protein - 1 g
  • Fat - 0.5 g
  • Dietary fiber - 2.7 g


  • C - 84.4 mg - 141%
  • K - 36.7 mcg - 46%
  • E - 1.3 mg - 7%
  • B9 - 22.7 mcg - 6%


  • Potassium - 284 mg - 8%
  • Copper - 0.1 mg - 6%

The last figure indicates the percentage of an adult's daily value on a balanced diet of 2,000 calories. Only relevant nutrients are listed: over 5% of DV.

Why kiwi is useful for the human body

Outlandish babies have many benefits for our health.

  1. Supports harmonious immunity in a complex manner.
  2. Slows down skin aging.
  3. Improves the absorption of calcium, including with pathologies of the skeletal system.
  4. Insures against age-related vision problems.
  5. Suitable for testing in a modern diet for diabetes.
  6. It will usefully fit into many weight loss diets.
  7. Can be eaten by pregnant women and children.
  8. Helps with insomnia and depressed mood.

Let's describe in order how the composition of kiwi determines it beneficial features.

Vitamin details for human health

Let's start with the main thing: only 1 handsome, medium size completely covers the daily requirement for vitamin C. This powerful antioxidant has a comprehensive health benefit. It strengthens the immune system, helps with allergies and protects the cells of the body from excess free radicals.

Each fruit carries with it about 10% of the DV of dietary fiber for an adult. Eating colorful fruits for food - great way fight constipation.

Kiwi is a good source of vitamin E. It is essential for immune and skin health. Foods with vitamin E are usually high in fat. And in this exotic there are few calories, proteins and fats. You will hardly be able to get fat from kiwi dessert, but to become stronger and faster to fight a cold is quite.

Joint action antioxidant vitamins C and E, as well as the carotenoid lutein(a chemical precursor of vitamin A) is the prevention of oncology and good skin elasticity. After lutein is converted into vitamin A in the body, it is used by the tissues of the eyes and insures against vision problems.

Is it possible to eat kiwi during pregnancy

If you do not have any manifestations of allergies (more on that below), then our heroes are for you. They contain folic acid. It is important for the formation nervous system fetus and is directly involved in the synthesis of red blood cells, which carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.

As part of minerals there is copper, which distinguishes kiwi from many fruits. It takes care of the skin along with vitamin E and speeds up the thought processes.

Here is the answer to successful parents who doubt whether it is possible for children to eat kiwi. If there is no allergy, gradually introducing the fruit into the child's diet after 3 years is a logical step towards a varied diet.

Serotonin is also found in colorful fruits. The pacification hormone for a cheerful mood and sound sleep. .

Sustainability is a special advantage

The modern cultivation of vegetables and fruits is not complete without huge doses of pesticides and herbicides. Kiwi fruits practically do not absorb substances potentially harmful to humans. While enjoying the taste, you do not run the risk of being poisoned by the chemicals accumulated in them.

Features of different varieties

The most popular varieties are “fluffy” kiwi, brown in color, with a light down.

V recent times in the world is gaining popularity golden kiwi with a smooth bronze-colored skin. Such fruits are sweeter and more aromatic than fluffy ones, but they are significantly inferior to the latter in terms of vitamin K and dietary fiber.

The new product contains a lot of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), which is important for the health of the nervous system. They also contain more folic acid (B9), which is useful for pregnant women. Decide for yourself what is more important to you or buy both varieties.

Harm and contraindications

1. Refers to highly allergenic products.

Kiwi contains the enzyme actinidin, which is both beneficial and harmful to the body. Some people are highly allergic to this substance. If, after eating a small piece of kiwi, you feel that the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat is inflamed (as if sandpaper had been passed over it) and itching, stop tasting immediately. Other allergic symptoms: swelling of the tongue, difficulty swallowing, nausea and redness of the skin that has been exposed to pulp juice.

You are more likely to be allergic to kiwi if you are allergic to avocados, hazelnuts, latex, wheat, figs, and poppy seeds.

2. Reduces the ability of blood to clot.

In some people, kiwi can inhibit blood clotting and cause bleeding. Eliminate the product before surgery and while taking medications to thin the blood (anticoagulants aspirin, Plavix, and others).

3. Contains a lot of oxalates.

Potentially harmful substances our heroes are above average. When concentrated in body fluids, oxalates can form crystals. Therefore, with sand and stones in the kidneys and gallbladder, it is beneficial to avoid frequent meals with kiwi.

How to choose the right kiwi

We arm ourselves with patience and immodesty to inspect, feel and smell the product.

  1. We consider the skin. We want a uniform color, without dark spots, wrinkles and mildew. These are sure signs of overripe. Unripe kiwis have a slightly greenish skin and are generally not very fluffy. Even if you are deliberately buying more green fruits, avoid fruits with bumps and dark spots. Such samples will ripen unevenly.
  2. Press lightly on the surface. If the skin is resiliently applied to the pressure, the fruit is fully ripe. It should feel like "a little soft", but not like a piece of dough or foam. If the fruit is frankly soft, it is overripe.
  3. Feel free to sniff the product. A mild citrus-like scent indicates full ripeness. If you smell a pungent sweet smell, the fruit is overripe.

The ripeness of kiwis does not depend on their size. Both relatively small and just the same huge fruits can be either completely ready to eat, or still unsuitable for eating.

How to store at home

Storage rules are simple.

  • We store ripe kiwi exclusively in the refrigerator. We try to eat them within 3 days from the date of purchase.
  • Please note that our heroes are very sensitive to ethylene, which is released by many fruits when ripe. Keep them separate from other gifts of nature.
  • If the fruits are tightly wrapped in a plastic bag, they will retain their freshness for up to 6-7 days.

What to do to make the kiwi ripen faster and become soft? Store them in a paper bag along with a banana, apple, or pear. Buying a package is not a problem. They are used to wrap bread in supermarkets. At room temperature, but away from sun rays usually 3-5 days are enough for the useful exotic to mature.

How to eat kiwi

Most often, fruits are eaten cut into pieces and without the skin, although the skin is quite edible. And yet, when asked whether it is possible to eat kiwi with peel, there is definitely no agreement. First you need to get rid of the cannon covering it. It is quite possible to do this.

  • Using a sharp knife, cut off the place where the fruit is attached to the branch and place the fruit under a strong stream of water.
  • We rotate the fruit so that the fluff evenly moves away from the surface, and lightly rub the sandpaper with the “emery” side of a kitchen sponge.
  • We wash the surface from the remnants of fluff. Now you can eat the handsome man!

You cannot eat kiwi with unwashed peel! It gets dirty with dust and chemicals in transit. The villi are an ideal breeding ground for bacteria (including severe amoebic dysentery).

All the ways to peel kiwi fruit

The first method is elementary - peeler-piller. It is sold in household goods and helps to quickly cope with the skin of apples, pears, potatoes and other root vegetables.

You don't have to clean it at all. Cut in half and eat the pulp with a teaspoon with a sharp tip.

For video lovers, there are three methods with a spoon.

Delicious P.S. What to cook quickly and easily

  • If you are adding kiwi to a complex dish, consider: you need to eat it right away! The aforementioned actinidine in a short time can convert many foodstuffs into a shapeless mass. The milk will curdle quickly and the gelatin will turn into liquid.

We hope you have read the contraindications, and kiwi will not be able to harm you. Below is a cute smoothie recipe for the health benefits of kiwi to spice up your meal.

And in the last comments under the article a lot of simple and delicious salads. There is even a festive vinaigrette. We wish you bon appetite, because health is delicious!

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Kiwi - benefits and harms for the body, how much you need to eat (benefits for women and men)

What is Kiwi?

Kiwi or Chinese gooseberry is an edible berry of several types of woody lianas of the genus Actinidia (lat. Actinidia) (,). The most common group of kiwi varieties ("Hayward") () is oval in shape and size with a large egg 5-8 cm in length and 4.5-5.5 cm in diameter. It has a fibrous, dull greenish brown and bright green or golden flesh with rows of tiny, black, edible seeds. The fruit has a soft texture with a sweet and unique flavor. In 2016, China produced 56% of the world's kiwi ().

Origin of the name "Kiwi"

Early varieties were described in Nurseryman's Catalog in 1904 as “... edible fruit the size of, having the taste of ripe gooseberries "(), and the Europeans called it Chinese gooseberries ().

In 1959 it was exported under the name "melonette". In 1962, New Zealand growers began calling this berry "Kiwi" for export marketing, the name became commercially adopted in 1974 (,).

A California importer named Frida Kaplan later used this name when introducing the fruit to the American market (,). The word "kiwi" has been in use since 1966, when fruits were first imported from New Zealand to the United States (,).

Since then, the name "kiwi" has become common to all commercially grown fruits from the genus Actinidia (,). In New Zealand, the word "kiwi" is rarely used to refer to the fruit, as it usually refers to the "kiwi bird" or to the "kiwi people" (the national nickname for New Zealanders) (,).


This berry is native to north-central and eastern China (). The first recorded description of kiwi dates back to the 12th century in China during the Song () empire. Since these berries were usually harvested in wildlife and consumed in medicinal purposes, the plant was rarely grown or bred ().

Kiwi cultivation spread from China in the early 20th century to New Zealand, where the first commercial plantings took place (). In New Zealand, the fruit has been converted into an agricultural commodity through the creation of commercially viable varieties, the development of management practices Agriculture, shipping, storage and marketing. The fruit became popular with British and American military personnel stationed in New Zealand during World War II, and then exported first to the UK and then to California (,). From New Zealand, commercial kiwi production spread to other modern production centers in the 70s and 80s and back to China in the 90s. Kiwi is the national fruit of China. Currently, there are large manufacturing centers in all parts of the world.

Nutritional value, composition and calorie content of kiwi

  • Caloric content: 61 kcal (3%).
  • Carbohydrates: 14.7 g (5%)
  • Fat: 0.5 g (1%).
  • Protein: 1.1 g (2%).
  • Fiber: 3 g (12% DV)
  • Vitamin C: 92.7 mg (155%)
  • Vitamin E: 1.5 mg (7% DV)
  • Vitamin K: 40.3 mcg 50%
  • Folic Acid: 25 mcg (6% DV)
  • Magnesium: 17 mg (4% DV)
  • Potassium: 312 mg (9% DV)
  • Copper: 0.1 mg (6%).
  • : 0.1 mg (5%).
  • : 42 mg.
  • : 246 mg.

Kiwi also contains negligible amounts of vitamins, minerals and nutrients such as vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, etc.

The benefits of kiwi for the human body

Kiwi contains many antioxidants and over 20 vital nutrients. This berry has low content calories, but provides a lot of energy, making them a great option for people trying to lose weight. Scientists have found that eating kiwi is very beneficial for heart health due to its high levels of potassium and vitamin K. respiratory tract as well as with digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Kiwi contains compounds that aid in bone growth and maintenance, maintain eye and vision health, and may also help you sleep better. And this is just a part of the beneficial properties of these delicious fruits. This is how kiwi is good for the human body:

1. An excellent source of antioxidant vitamins C and E

One of the reasons why kiwi is considered a superfood is because it contains a lot that can fight free radicals.

In one study by Department of Chemical Toxicology, Division of Environmental Medicine v Norwegian Institute of Public Health, kiwi was included in the subjects' normal diet. It was found that with the consumption of one or two yellow kiwi (variety "Gold") per day, there is a noticeable decrease in internal oxidative damage (). This is because the level of vitamin C in kiwi is higher than the level of this antioxidant vitamin in oranges. in these fruits it helps to restore and maintain a number of tissues and body systems.

In addition, the vitamin E contained in these berries helps in the fight against free radicals. In addition to high levels of vitamins C and E, which are natural antioxidants, kiwi is also rich in polyphenols that have immunostimulatory activity, which means they can stimulate the immune system's response ().

2. Anti-aging and improves skin health

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies, and the building block that supports skin, muscles, bones and tendons. It breaks down as we age and is dependent on vitamin C, which we know is abundant in kiwi ().

According to a study published in a scientific journal Journal of Cellular Physiology, the polysaccharides in these fruits have the ability to double the synthesis of collagen in the body compared to the normal state, when this activity decreases with age ().

These berries also contain a carotenoid and an antioxidant called lutein, which are incredibly beneficial for skin health and protect the skin from UV radiation.

3. Improves respiratory health

Kiwi and other fruits that are high in vitamin C have been used successfully to treat a number of respiratory conditions. Two studies have shown beneficial responses in adults and children with asthma and other respiratory conditions and infections after adding kiwi to their diets. At the end of these two studies, the scientists concluded that consuming this berry helped to increase the concentration of vitamin C in the body, which reduced patients' symptoms, including reduced wheezing, congestion in the sinuses and the duration of sore throat (,).

4. Useful for vision and prevention of eye diseases

Getting lutein from kiwi not only protects the skin. Lutein is also a powerful phytochemical that can prevent many eye conditions, including age-related macular degeneration (). Lutein is able to protect the eye by filtering out damaging short-wave UV radiation.

One large kiwi contains 171 milligrams of lutein, which is significantly higher than almost any other fruit (). Along with lutein, these berries also contain small amounts of another carotenoid called vitamin A, which is also largely beneficial for optimal eye health ().

5. Helps in digestion

Studies show that eating kiwi can help treat diseases of the intestines and the entire digestive tract. Several studies have found that its use can help reduce complications associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Research results indicate that adding kiwi to the diet of patients introduced antioxidants and fiber, which may have anti-inflammatory effects and also lead to an overall improvement in bowel function (,).

6. Improves cardiovascular health

Eating just one kiwi per day may provide a lower risk of stroke, blood clots, and heart disease.

The potassium in this berry helps reduce blood pressure, counteract sodium in the body and is a vasodilator, relaxing blood vessels throughout the body. The fiber present in kiwi is also very beneficial for heart health, along with vitamin K, which can prevent calcium build-up in the arteries and therefore can reduce the risk of heart attacks.

Studies have shown that people who regularly consume kiwi have 15% lower levels than those who do not (,). These berries are also a source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E and copper to help maintain performance of cardio-vascular system.

7. Supports bone health

The significant amount of vitamin K from kiwi helps your body to do more than just keep your arteries healthy. Vitamin K is essential for the use of calcium, which is needed to build bone, so a vitamin K deficiency can cause problems. Research shows that a diet high in vitamin K can improve bone health and reduce the risk of bone-related injuries and diseases such as osteoporosis ().

8. Improves sleep

Another beneficial property of kiwi is its ability to improve sleep, thanks to the serotonin it contains. The serotonin in these berries has been shown to increase sleep time and sleep efficiency by 13 and 5 percent, respectively, so if you have insomnia, eating kiwi may help (). There is also evidence that serotonin can also help improve memory and mood, and can also help with depression.

9. Anti-cancer properties

Trees of the genus Actinidia have been used for many years as medicinal plants in China, which treated diseases such as joint pain, bladder stones, and liver and esophageal cancer. Kiwi fruits and roots inhibit growth cancer cells human liver, lungs and colon (). Due to the content of polysaccharides and the abundance of antioxidants found in these fruits, studies in mice have shown antitumor activity (,).

This is why this berry is one of the best natural cancer-fighting foods.

10. Antifungal and antibacterial properties

Both green and yellow kiwis have shown antifungal and antibacterial properties in several studies. Large antibiotic activity has been found in seeds, which are usually consumed with fruits due to their small size ().

The yellow kiwi fruit contains a protein called actinchinin, which is believed to be the source of its antifungal properties. Kiwi extracts have shown antibacterial activity against a number of bacterial strains. These capabilities can also be associated with big amount antioxidants in fruits ().

Which is healthier, kiwi or orange?

Both kiwi and orange are known for their high vitamin C content, and are excellent and healthy options to add to your diet. There are only a few differences between the health benefits of kiwi and the benefits of an orange.


  • Both have strong antioxidant properties and boost immunity thanks to their high levels of vitamin C and other nutrients.
  • Both fruits can help with digestive problems. Oranges can act as diuretics and help remove toxins from the digestive tract. Kiwi is an anti-inflammatory food and helps to reduce the symptoms of diseases related to the digestive tract.
  • Both have antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.
  • Both fruits are beneficial for the cardiovascular system due to their ability to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.


  • Kiwi contains more sugar.
  • Oranges have more potent pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Kiwi helps to build and maintain bones and plays an important role in preventing or reducing eye and respiratory diseases.
  • Oranges can be used as antibacterial agents.
  • Kiwi fights aging and free radicals not only with vitamin C; it also contains significant amounts of lutein and vitamin A.
  • Oranges are a proven oral health promoter due to their antimicrobial properties.

The harm of kiwi to the human body

In addition to its proven health benefits, kiwi may also have some contraindications. Some people may have allergic reactions to this berry, plus eating it may interact with drugs... This is what kiwi is harmful to the human body:

  • Kiwi allergy is very common and is associated with 10% of all food allergic reactions in children. People who are allergic to latex and other fruits like bananas need to be extra careful. An allergy to this berry can lead to oral allergic syndrome, urticaria (from consumption or contact), edema, itchy eyes and watery eyes, irritation of the nose and mouth, and anaphylaxis, which can be a life-threatening condition ().
  • People taking beta blockers should consume kiwi in moderation, as the potassium in these fruits can increase potassium levels too much in the body. Elevated level potassium can be harmful to the kidneys, especially for people with kidney disease.
  • Kiwi also has the ability to slow blood clotting in some people and its consumption can negatively affect people with blood clotting disorders. If you are planning to have surgery, it is recommended that you stop consuming kiwi at least two weeks before it.

How Much Kiwifruit Should You Eat Per Day for Optimum Health

The 6-week study involved 54 healthy young male students who were divided into two groups. One group ate half a kiwi every day, while the other ate 2 whole fruits daily.

Previous research has shown that eating half a kiwi fruit daily increases plasma vitamin C levels in people who do not eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. However, this new study found that 2 kiwis are needed to fully saturate the plasma. Participants who consumed two fruits per day experienced less fatigue and depression and more energy than participants who consumed half of the fruit per day. ()

Hence the conclusion: the rate of consumption of 2 kiwi per day is the optimal amount.

How to buy, store and prepare kiwi

Kiwi keeps well, so the season runs from November to April, but can usually be found in grocery stores all year round. When stored properly, it can be transported up to eight weeks after harvest.

When buying kiwi, size usually does not indicate quality. The unripe fruit is hard and has not yet reached its peak sweetness. If you don't plan on consuming these berries for a few days, choose a hard fruit.

Kiwi can be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator. Placing the fruit in a paper bag can speed up ripening by up to four to six days. Adding an apple or to a bag speeds up the ripening process even more. Most of the antioxidants are present in the ripe fruit.

When cooking kiwi, you can decide if there is a rind or remove it. The fleecy texture of the peel seems strange to some, but others compare it to the peel or. The easiest and fastest way to peel a kiwi is to cut off each end of the fruit and use a tablespoon to separate the inside of the fruit from the rind.

This berry can be eaten in pure form, use in baked goods and cakes, make juice from it, or even use it as a tenderizer. The protein actinidain, present in kiwi, creates an enzymatic reaction that can soften food. When you soften the meat, you can use the pulp of these berries for 10 minutes, rubbing the meat and cooking it immediately afterwards.

The presence of this protein also makes kiwi an ingredient that should be added last to dishes that include dairy products such as whipped cream or gelatin-based desserts, as this will make them thin. The same goes for fruit salads, because kiwi actually has the ability to soften itself as well. Add these berries as the last ingredient in these dishes.

You can enjoy kiwi in a variety of ways:

  • Eat it neat.
  • Mix it with a healthy natural shake.
  • Freeze the fruit into a fruity one and enjoy the summer.
  • Add it to fruit or vegetable salads.
  • Add it to your favorite yogurt.


  • Just 100 grams of kiwi provides a whopping 155% of the body's daily need for vitamin C.
  • The benefits of kiwi for the human body include supplying the body with powerful antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E, counteracting aging and improving skin health, improving respiratory health, protecting vision and preventing eye diseases, aiding digestion, improving cardiovascular health, maintaining and restoring bone health, fighting cancer and various pathogens.

Kiwi grow on large tree-like vines. It is an oval-shaped fruit with a brown skin and a green or yellowish core. We can say with great confidence that kiwi is a fruit, the beneficial properties of which are simply surprising. Although many may argue that there is no way to eat this product, and perhaps they are partly right. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

A little about the history of the fruit

It is difficult to say when exactly the kiwi was brought out, but it definitely happened in China. The name is most likely associated with the kiwi bird, as the fruit is very similar to it. Although sometimes there is such a name as "Chinese gooseberry". When the kiwi was brought to New Zealand at the end of the 19th century, its fruit reached a mass of only 30 grams. After a few years, a large-fruited version, weighing 100 grams, was successfully bred. It tasted better and had a longer shelf life. Currently, there are a large number of countries where kiwi is grown, for example, Italy, Russia, Chile, Japan, USA, etc. For this simple reason, this product can be found in any store or supermarket. However, you can see that not everyone immediately strives to buy kiwi. A fruit, the beneficial properties of which are not so unambiguous, causes concern. But let's see how it is confirmed.

Kiwi: how is this fruit useful?

We can talk about the beneficial properties of this product for a long time. But first, it is worth noting that the amount of vitamins in kiwi is simply off scale, it contains A, B, C, D and E. In addition, the fruit is rich in beta-carotene, as well as fiber, antioxidants and organic acids. It will be useful to know that 100 grams of kiwi pulp contains about 61 kcal. From the above, a simple conclusion can be drawn - the benefits of this fruit are much greater than harm. By the way, we'll talk a little later about who and why shouldn't eat kiwi.

The fruit contains a large amount of potassium, and it is known to help lower blood pressure, so it will be very useful for hypertensive patients. In addition, it is enough to eat only 1 kiwi per day to replenish the body's supply of vitamin C. Many scientists say that in order for the hair not to gray for a long time and look healthy, you need to eat kiwi. What this fruit is useful for is also the fact that it removes cholesterol from the body.

More about the benefits of kiwi

Often people with cancer add this fruit to their daily diet. In addition, it helps relieve some of the heaviness in the stomach, especially for people passing drug treatment or suffering from heartburn, etc. If you regularly consume kiwi, you can significantly reduce the risk of hypertension, as well as thrombosis. This is due to the fact that the trace elements contained in this fruit strengthen the walls of blood vessels, as well as capillaries. But this is not all that is worth mentioning. If you have extra salt in your body, then you can safely eat kiwi. This will help get rid of them over time and eliminate kidney stones. By the way, one of the few fruits that diabetics can eat is kiwi. The fruit, the useful properties of which are quite wide, is extremely popular and in demand, however, it is not recommended for everyone.

Kiwi: benefits and harms

It would seem that this fruit is incredibly healthy. It can be eaten by diabetics, cancer patients, hypertensive patients, etc. All this is true, but it is worth saying that everything should be in moderation, and this is just our case. The fact is that in some cases you may experience acute allergic reaction... It can be accompanied by swelling of the tongue, dermatosis of the pharynx, and asthmatic dyspnea. In principle, kiwi allergy is not uncommon and some people experience this kind of fruit intolerance. Nevertheless, it can appear in a healthy person, especially if this product is abused. In addition, it is worth drawing your attention to the fact that kiwi cannot be eaten with stomach ulcers, and high acidity... However, you should not completely eliminate the fruit from the diet. In any case, it is recommended to eat kiwi at least occasionally. The benefits and harms of a product are determined only by how much or little you eat.

About kiwi and sandwiches

Over time, housewives, and just lovers tasty food, began to serve this fruit on the table not only as a cut with bananas, oranges, apples, but also sandwiches. It would seem, how can such a product be combined with bread? However, judging by the reviews, these sandwiches are very tasty. Let's take a look at the simplest recipe. For this we need half a kilogram of bread, one head of garlic and one kiwi. It is also advisable to have mayonnaise, which must be added to taste.

Now let's take a closer look at how to cook delicious sandwiches with kiwi. First you need to cut the bread, preferably black. Then grind a clove of garlic and mix it thoroughly with mayonnaise. After that, spread the bread with the mixture and put thin slices of fruit on top. That's all, the kiwi sandwiches are ready and ready to be served.

What are consumers saying?

As noted above, kiwi is extremely popular all over the world. Per long time formed a definite opinion about this product. However, there are both positive and negative reviews. If we talk about the good, then many say that regular consumption of kiwi leads to an improvement in mood, well-being and skin tone. Along with healthy way life, it gives a tremendous effect. In addition, the fruit can be used as a constituent for masks, shampoos, and the like.

There are also disadvantages that must be mentioned. It is noted that allergies are very common. In fact, this is due to its high vitamin C content. In most cases, there is no negative feedback about kiwi. The reviews are either good or none at all. This is due to the fact that lovers of the fruit eat it, and those who are wary of it do not try it, therefore they do not leave negative reviews.


Many are interested in whether kiwi can be used for children. This is a really interesting question. It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that most pediatricians generally do not recommend adding this fruit to the diet of a child who is not yet 5 years old. Although here the opinions of some doctors differ. Someone says that kiwi can be eaten from the age of 3, but most still agree that it is better to give kiwi only to those children who are already five years old. In principle, this is all that can be said on this topic. Now you are familiar with such a popular product as kiwi. The fruit, the useful properties of which we have considered, is not possible for everyone and you need to remember about it. However, eating it can significantly improve a person's well-being and health.

Kiwi is a herbaceous vine of Chinese Actinidia and its fruits are berries with green flesh and brown skin covered with fine hairs. The history of the kiwi is quite unusual. The homeland of the creeper with the name Mihutao, which became the progenitor of the kiwi, is China.

And the kiwi gained immense world fame after it survived a long cruise and the strike of the dockers. When the ship finally began to be unloaded, it turned out that the Chinese gooseberry was preserved in its original form, but the lemons sent on the same voyage were no longer suitable for sale and use for food.

It is difficult to say when exactly the Chinese gooseberry began to be called kiwi. But it is known that for New Zealanders this berry has become a symbol of the country, along with the kiwi bird, which cannot fly.

Today there are approximately 50 varieties of kiwi, but only a few are grown for their edible fruit.

World production of kiwi today is more than 1 million tons per year. The main suppliers are Italy and New Zealand.

Calorie kiwi

Kiwi is considered a dietary and low-calorie product, 100 g of which contains only 48 kcal. In 100 g of kiwi juice - 41 kcal, and in 100 g of kiwi podvark (thick jam) - 243 kcal. Excessive use of such a podvarka can lead to obesity, however, eating a fresh product will saturate the body. useful substances without harm to the figure.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of kiwi

Kiwis are rich in fiber, amino acids and also contain fructose, glucose, vitamins,, PP,, B1, B2, B3, B6, beta-carotene, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, flavonoids, pectins, enzymes, folic acid and others fruit acids - citric, malic, cinchona and others. Like pineapple, kiwi contains the enzyme actinidin, which breaks down proteins and aids in the digestion of food. The amount of carbohydrates in fruits is insignificant. Ripe kiwi fruit contains up to 9% carbohydrates and has an energy value of 40 kcal per 100 grams of pulp.

Kiwi fruit strengthens the immune system and stimulates collagen production. And the potassium in kiwi helps to normalize blood pressure. In traditional Chinese medicine, kiwi has been used for centuries to improve digestion, to prevent rheumatic diseases, to prevent kidney stones, reduce nervousness, and prevent premature graying of hair. Kiwi has a beneficial effect on the stomach, gallbladder, small and large intestine, bladder, as well as on muscle tissue, reproductive system, muscles of the external and internal genital organs.

The study of kiwi fruits has shown that they inhibit the formation of nitrosamines in the body, have antitumor, antimutagenic, antioxidant effects, and improve physical performance.

One berry can replace one orange or three tomatoes. 100 g of kiwi contains 360 mg of vitamin C, which is four times the daily dose for an adult. Kiwi ranks second after black currant in terms of vitamin C content. And during storage, the amount of vitamin C in these fruits does not decrease over time due to the skin, as well as the acids contained in this fruit.

If after a good dinner you eat one kiwi fruit, then you will not have heartburn and heaviness in the stomach.

Scientists from Norway recently found that kiwi can help people with heart disease because kiwi has the ability to burn fats that block arteries, which reduces the risk of blood clots.