The usefulness of cornflakes. How cornflakes are made

The most popular corn product is flakes. In this form, it is easiest to cook and there is this extremely useful product. Corn is able to favorably influence the functioning of most systems of our body. Cereal flakes can be used to prepare many interesting dishes that will appeal to adults and children.

What it is?

The story of the emergence of cornflakes is interesting and funny. It happened in the distant 19th century in the United States. The Kellogg brothers, who had a small health sanatorium, decided to add cornmeal to the diet of vacationers. Once an unexpected situation occurred in the kitchen, the dough was overcooked. The main ingredient of the dough was quite expensive, and I just didn't want to throw it away.

The Kellogg brothers decided to roll out the over-dried dough and fry small layers in butter. Vacationers really liked this unusual breakfast. One of the brothers was a doctor, he easily obtained a patent for a new product. This is exactly how, due to an absurd accident, the whole world learned about corn flakes for the first time.

Today, cornflakes are fully consistent with a full breakfast, which will recharge you with strength and vitamins from the very morning and for the whole day. The sugar-free product, as the manufacturers assure, can be eaten even by those who suffer from type 2 diabetes. Not everyone believes such assurances, so it is worthwhile to study in more detail the effect of cereal flakes on the body as a whole and on its individual systems.

Natural corn flakes are highly valued by nutritionists. Keep in mind that the list of beneficial properties applies only to a product that has been made without the use of various flavors and aromas. Often on the packages with breakfast cereals, an impressive list of different vitamins and microelements is written.

Keep in mind that they are added to the product artificially and are practically not absorbed by the body.

The production of corn flakes in production is carried out in several steps.

  1. The shell is removed from the grains, after which they are processed. As a result, the grains acquire a brownish-gold hue.
  2. The grains are placed on a conveyor and ground into crumbs.
  3. To distribute moisture evenly, they are cooled and conditioned.
  4. During heat treatment, the product is dried, thin plates are fried at a temperature of about 300 ° C.

How to choose?

Carefulness in purchasing your corn breakfast from the store will allow you to select a high quality product. When examining the packaging, look at the composition, there should be only 3 components - corn flour, oil, salt. Flakes with a different composition are no longer considered natural. You should not cling to a product that contains a very large list of additional vitamins and minerals. Artificial microelements and vitamins from such products are poorly absorbed by the body.

If you want your cereal to be beneficial, then skip frosting foods. It is better to add sweetness with the help of natural sweeteners (fruits, honey), but do not use sugar.

Before purchasing, carefully inspect the packaging for damage and signs of moisture.

How are they useful?

Corn in flakes is quickly absorbed and does not burden the digestive system. If you have problems with your digestive system, then using corn in this form is ideal for improving your condition. The benefits of the product are no less than that of corn cobs.

  1. Vegetable fiber stimulates the peristalsis of the stomach, accelerates the process of cleansing the body. This is important for those who are prone to colitis, and also if there is a problem with bowel movements.
  2. Tryptophan is converted to serotonin after the product is absorbed. Thanks to this, corn breakfasts help to get rid of various problems with the mood.
  3. The composition contains a glutamine amino acid, which has a beneficial effect on memory and the ability to concentrate.
  4. Flakes cleanse the blood of unnecessary cholesterol.
  5. The calorie content of the dish is low, so it does not harm the figure.
  6. It has a beneficial effect on the health of the entire urinary system.
  7. Corn breakfast has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels.
  8. The flakes help the body get rid of bile.

Natural product sugar free is easily absorbed by the body and helps to function stably different systems... To increase the benefits, you can brew with milk and add honey, dried fruits, nuts. Such a breakfast will be quite high in calories, at least 360 kcal per 100 grams of product, ordinary natural cereals without additives contain about 90 calories per 100 grams. The latter are very different because they are made exclusively from whole corn, water and salt.

Nutritional value of 100 g of flakes: proteins - 8 g; fats - 3 g; carbohydrates - 84 g. It is important to note that BJU can be significantly modified in the presence of flavoring additives. The glycemic index does not exceed 70, so the product is safe for type 1 and type 2 diabetics. Glaze in flakes raises this figure to 90, so it is dangerous to eat it.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Flakes benefit a woman's body while carrying a baby. They will help to improve the condition of the stomach in the middle of the term. In addition, gustatory abnormalities add variety to common foods during gestation. It is important to stop on time, from 36 weeks the product should not be consumed. Lack of activity will lead to excess weight gain for the woman and the fetus.

Eating cereals during the period breastfeeding largely depends on the preferences of the woman. They will help a nursing mother cleanse the blood, normalize the work of the heart and stomach. Corn flour in the composition normalizes high blood pressure and improves blood circulation by cleansing blood vessels. It is important that the product is gluten and glucose free, otherwise it will not be absorbed by the newborn baby's digestive tract.

If you notice the slightest manifestations of allergies in a child, then immediately exclude the dish from the diet.

For kids

If the mother eats flakes with hepatitis B, then the child's body gradually gets used to this product. Some people think that this is an essential reason for feeding a baby a corn product. The WHO opinion is slightly different from the popular, they recommend not experimenting until 3 years. By this time, the child's digestive and nervous systems are fully formed.

Scientists have proven that flakes in early age can serve as the appearance of impaired absorption of glucose, the formation of wrong eating habits. Do not substitute this product for your child's main meal. Save your cereal for a healthy dessert or quick snack. At the same time, you should not feed the children with cereal too often, 3 times a week is enough. It is this regularity that will help to avoid negative consequences use.

When losing weight

Eating cereal while dieting can be an exciting topic. The product can be used as a quick, low-calorie snack, but with some special benefit in getting rid of excess weight he does not bear. Corn products can be paired with low-calorie yogurt or bran. The latter option is relevant when combining diet and strength training.

There are special mono-diets and nutrition schemes in which cereals take the main place. Doctors believe that these methods help to lose weight in short time... The great advantage of these diets is the availability of natural cereals. Moreover, due to their special sweetish taste, it is easier to reduce sugar intake.

It is important to note that the cereal diet lasts no more than a week. It is imperative to enter and exit the diet carefully so that the body has time to adapt to the change in diet. This weight loss is not suitable for people who have gastrointestinal problems or type 1 or 2 diabetes. In the first case, the diet threatens the development of stomach diseases, pain, constipation. In the second case, an excess of sugar in the blood is possible.

Can I eat for breakfast?

Many people are used to starting their day with a quick breakfast plate. Flakes are usually eaten in the form of porridge, they are usually poured with your favorite dairy or fermented milk product.

Do not overuse the corn product, it is not at all worth eating it every day. It is better to use the product for snacking or making sweets.

Consider possible risks and features of eating cornflakes in the morning.

  1. Before eating your cereal in the morning, be sure to drink a glass of warm liquid (tea or water). This is the only way to avoid irritation of the intestines and gastric mucosa.
  2. The product can be given to children in the morning, it envelops the walls of the stomach and gives the body the necessary boost of energy.
  3. Do not eat dry cereal. Such use of the product in food can lead to inflammatory processes of the walls of the stomach. At best, the body decides to get rid of the product with the help of the gag reflex.
  4. For adults, it is better to eat cereal for breakfast than a thicker porridge with milk. For a change, you can use any other natural supplement (syrup, fruit, honey).
  5. The variety of ingredients (additives) promotes faster absorption of the flakes.
  6. You can drink dry breakfast with any drink without gas. Otherwise, the digestion of food will be difficult.
  7. To improve the beneficial properties, add low-fat kefir to the porridge. This combination is appropriate in the evening, before bedtime.
  8. Flakes with additives and sweeteners trigger the release of insulin. This leads to a feeling of hunger even after the body is full.

Why are they harmful?

Only natural flakes are beneficial for health. Diabetics should pay special attention to the composition of the products, if there is flour or sugar there - refrain from buying. And also with such a disease, it is worth refusing to add honey and fatty yogurt to the flakes. In case of symptoms of carbohydrate metabolism disorders, it is better to combine cereals with plain water or diet milk.

Most of the vitamins in the cereal are unnatural. In the production of such a product from the cobs of corn, most of the microelements are lost, and manufacturers artificially saturate the flakes with various minerals. With diabetes, the dish should completely replace a full meal. If there are no health problems, then nutritionists recommend using cereals only for snacks in between meals.

The flakes are not harmful when used correctly and in moderation. It is important that the product with glaze is harmful to the tooth enamel in any case. There are only two cases when you should completely abandon the product:

  1. thrombophlebitis or high blood clotting;
  2. ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is worth handling cornflakes carefully for gastritis. They can cause a serious relapse of the disease. Discard the product, the packaging of which says - may contain traces of gluten. These flakes, combined with fermented milk or sugary supplements, will harm your stomach. You should not use the product when inflammatory processes in the pancreas, especially during an acute relapse.

It is important to note that an excess of corn products on the adult menu can lead to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat and impaired glucose absorption.

In addition, the product in excess causes nausea, colic in the stomach, and provokes a violation of the stool and the digestive tract. British scientists have found that one serving of corn cereal contains about 0.25 daily glucose for a formed body.

What can you cook?

Corn products are mostly eaten for breakfast. For brewing products, use low-fat dairy products or water. To improve the taste, various syrups, juices, fruits, berries, chocolate and similar products are added. At home, you can use other recipes for making delicious dishes... Sweet cakes, biscuits and pastries without baking provide an opportunity to feed the whole family with healthy grains.

Many housewives like to cook a variety of cookies, casseroles, sweets, pies and cakes from cereals. In unsweetened recipes, flakes are often used as a component of breading. Flake powder is great for breading when cooking cutlets, chops, meat, fish. The crumb will give the dish a nice and tasty crust. Dry flakes are often added to salads.

Children's breakfast

To prepare a morning meal, you need only 15 minutes of free time. Use only natural ingredients in your baby's breakfast. Avoid different food additives to preserve the beneficial properties of porridge. Components:

  • cornflakes - 1 cup;
  • water - 1.5 cups;
  • milk to taste;
  • salt to taste;
  • sugar to taste.

Making such a delicious breakfast is quite simple, following the instructions:

  1. fill the product with water and wait until it swells;
  2. put the cereal on low heat, cook for 15 minutes;
  3. to obtain the correct consistency, it is necessary to grind the flakes through a sieve;
  4. add a little salt and sugar to taste.

An acute lack of time is the main problem faced by residents of megacities today. Naturally, they have neither the ability nor the special desire to spend several hours in the kitchen at the stove, preparing breakfasts, lunches and dinners. So inventive entrepreneurs rushed to come up with an alternative - meals that take only five to ten minutes to cook, yet are nutritious and delicious.

We are talking about cereal breakfast cereals:, and, of course,. Cooking-free cornflakes that can be simply poured or juiced are actively promoted as an alternative to conventional cereals. High vitamin and nutritional value, pleasant taste that can be varied with the help of various additives, a clear sympathy for this product even those children who cannot be persuaded to eat at least a spoonful of ordinary porridge - has the ideal breakfast product been found?

To answer this question, you need to understand what corn flakes really are and whether they are really as safe and healthy as advertised.

Historical reference

The story of the emergence of cornflakes could form the basis of the novel. In the American state of Michigan in the nineteenth century was the Battle Creek sanatorium, owned by the extremely devout brothers John Harvey Kellogg and Will Keith Kellogg.

The Kelloggi brothers were Seventh-day Adventists and believed that diet should play a leading role in restoring the health of their patients - moreover, not ordinary, but helping the guests of the sanatorium to renounce everything earthly, completely suppress libido and tune in to divine grace. Therefore, the most common dish on the sanatorium's menu was porridge.

Naturally, patients soon began to grumble, demanding to diversify their diet. The brothers began experimenting with cereals, trying to develop some kind of new dish. It was assumed that it would be a flat cake prepared in a special way: boiled wheat was passed through special rollers, and the resulting mass was baked.

Wheat was once replaced with corn. The layer formed after the grains were passed through rollers, crushed, fried and served for breakfast with milk.

The guests of the sanatorium appreciated the new dish, moreover, they told their relatives and friends about it. Orders for an unusual product began to come to brothers from all over the United States. Will Keith Kellogg turned out to be a born entrepreneur.

To make the product even more attractive to buyers, he took the initiative to add to the recipe.

However, his brother John Harvey objected, stating that sweet cereals would not have a beneficial effect on morale. The brothers had a falling out, after which Will Keith founded his own company and began to experiment with the composition and come up with new advertising moves.

In particular, he is the initiator of the famous advertising slogan "Wink at the seller". Those who met this requirement were given the opportunity to try the new product for free.

In addition, Will Keith found out that sugar not only has a positive effect on the taste of cereals, but also helps them not to soak in water or milk longer - and it was the seductive crunch of the new product that won so many hearts! As a result, the flakes were patented precisely in their sweet version.

Production technology

Today, only white and flint corn varieties are used for the production of corn flakes, the ripe grains of which are flat and slightly elongated. The very process of making the world-beloved breakfast cereal is quite laborious.

First, the shell and germs are removed from the grains. Then they are crushed into cereals, water and two types of malt and sugar syrup are added. Next, the mixture is treated with steam and run through a special device, after which it is cooled and conditioned so that moisture in the raw material is distributed as evenly as possible. On final stage the grain is flattened and fried until crisp. Finished flakes can be coated with icing or sugar crumbs.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Cornflakes are quite high in calories. 100 g of breakfast cereal contains 363 calories. The nutrient composition is as follows: 6.9 g, 2.5 g and 83.6 g.

At the same time, in its own way chemical composition flakes are practically not inferior to the initial raw material - corn. So, they contain the entire gamut (- 19 μg; and - 0.3 mg each; - 0.07 mg; - 0.1 mg), which help to improve metabolism and help stabilize the immune and nervous systems... Also, the product contains properties (200 μg), (2.7 mg) and (1.1 mg), which effectively stimulate the body's resistance and help it recover faster from past diseases.

Nutritionists especially emphasize the fact that the composition of the product contains a rather high content of natural dietary fiber, in other words, 0.8 g per 100 g of the product.

Fiber works as a natural scrub for the intestines, stimulating intestinal activity, binding and removing toxins and toxic substances, and helping to cleanse the body naturally.

At the same time, the indisputable advantage of corn flakes is that all nutrients enter the body in a digestible, optimal for gastrointestinal tract form.

Beneficial features

Nutritionists started talking about the beneficial properties of corn flakes immediately after the appearance of this product. Of course, we are not talking about the impact of the product on the moral character, about which its creators, the Kellogg brothers, were so concerned, but about things much more "mundane" - physical health... Thus, it is indisputable that dry breakfasts based on the "queen of the fields", due to their vitamin composition and those present in them, have a beneficial effect on the human body.

First of all, corn flakes help to normalize the emotional state of a person. The thing is that the composition of this product contains an amino acid, which, getting into the body, turns into serotonin - the very "hormone of joy" that helps to level the emotional background.

Glutamic acid has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in brain cells, sharpening human intellectual abilities and improving memory, and has a strengthening effect on nerve cells and participates in the formation of muscle fibers.

Dry breakfast is an indispensable product in the fight against intestinal sluggishness. Nutritionists often recommend adding cereal to the menu if you have a tendency to constipation, as well as for those who have been diagnosed with colitis and gastroenteritis.

In this case, it is better to eat them with "live" ones - this is how their effect is manifested in full.

Found in breakfast cereals, they are known for their anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory properties.

Cornflakes are a great snack option for people with appetite disorders. The thing is that this dish gives the effect of quick satiety, which, nevertheless, is rather quickly replaced by hunger. As a result, the flakes help "awaken" the appetite and provoke the desire to eat something more substantial.

Contraindications and harm

Meanwhile, while cornflakes were initially viewed as a uniquely healthy product, nutritionists are now far from unanimous in their opinion.

First of all, because of the high sugar content, breakfast cereals should not be consumed by people with tooth decay. For the same reason, regular consumption of this product increases the risk of developing diabetes.

Nutritionists also note that for many children, cornflakes cause a kind of psychological addiction, and therefore the kids begin to be capricious and categorically refuse any other breakfasts. At the same time, given the high product, its constant presence in the diet can lead to obesity.

We should also mention flakes artificially enriched with vitamins. According to some reports, synthetic vitamins that are added to breakfast cereals are harmful and can cause serious harm to the body. In particular, oncologists are sounding the alarm - they insist that people with a genetic predisposition to cancer, with the regular use of artificially fortified breakfast cereals, increases the risk of developing cancer.

As noted above, corn-based breakfasts are very easy to digest. However, the problem is that they do not give you a boost of vivacity for the whole day, and soon after such a breakfast you will want to eat again. Therefore, if you go to the office for the whole day, where there will be no opportunity for a snack, it is better to choose something more substantial for your morning meal.

Recent research has shown that corn flakes have enough harmful substance under the name acrylamide. It is known for its carcinogenic properties and can cause the development of cancer.

This dish is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to corn. There are also known cases of allergic reaction therefore this product is strongly discouraged for nursing mothers.

And, of course, in no case should you eat cornflakes "dry". This is fraught with bloating, nausea, and pain.

Cornflakes for weight loss

Cornflakes, despite their rather high calorie content, are a product that is present in the menu of a number of weight loss systems. Indeed, for those who are on a diet seeking to lose weight, corn-based breakfast cereals can be consumed, but several nuances should be taken into account.

First of all, in your case, "dry breakfast" should not be breakfast at all, but a snack during the day. Combine the cereal with Greek yogurt for protein to help lower the glycemic index of the cereal.

And of course, those who want to lose weight should only eat cereals without sugar and glaze. You can add a little to vary the taste.

Cooking use

Of course, the main way to use corn flakes is the so-called "cereal". You can add milk, yogurt, juice to the product, and the taste will help to diversify the berries, pieces of corn flour, salt and butter. Everything else, as they say, "from the evil one."

Do not seek to purchase a product on the package of which there is an impressive list of vitamins and minerals that are "enriched" in cereals. We have already noted above that such supplements are absorbed much worse than natural ones and can provoke health problems.

It is better to purchase flakes without glaze and with a minimum sugar content. When served, their taste can be emphasized with the help of honey, chocolate or berries.

Finally, take a close look at the expiration date and the cardboard box the cereal is packed in. It should not be mint or damp.

How to cook a product at home

To be one hundred percent sure that the cornflakes that you are going to serve for breakfast are not only tasty, but also healthy, you can cook them yourself. The process is quite laborious, but the result is worth it. You will need salt to taste, as well as sugar and water, which should be taken in equal proportions.

First of all, take an equal amount of water and sugar, heat, stirring constantly, so that in the end a homogeneous, rather thick syrup is formed. Add cereal to the syrup and boil for two hours. As a result, you should end up with a thick, rather dense mass.

Take it out of the pan, let it cool, and then roll it out with a rolling pin into a layer of dough. Cut it into small pieces with a knife. Fry them in the oven at 300 degrees until golden brown.

Cooking cornflake cookies

To make a delicious cookie, you will need: one glass of cornflakes, four tablespoons of sugar, one egg, a handful, a drop of vanilla essence, and salt to taste, and to grease a baking sheet.

Separate from. Beat the protein into a cool foam, then add sugar and. Whisk again. Pour the flakes and cranberries into the beaten egg white. Salt and stir. Spoon the prepared mass on a greased baking sheet preheated in the oven, forming cakes. Bake until tender at 180 degrees.

Cooking cherry pie

To prepare a fragrant and very tasty cake, you will need the following ingredients: 200 g of 20% fat, 300 g of flour, 10 g of baking powder, 300 g of sugar, three eggs, a pinch of salt, 150 g of butter, canned in juice, 50 ml of milk, 100 g corn flakes.

Whisk in the cream until foam appears. Add half the sugar, salt and eggs, then mix thoroughly. Slowly start adding flour and baking powder while continuing to stir. Pour the finished dough into a greased mold.

Arrange the cherries in an even layer, after draining the syrup and making sure there are no seeds in the berries. After that, send the form to an oven preheated to 170 degrees for a quarter of an hour.

Combine the remaining sugar with milk and butter and bring to a boil. Mix with cereal. Remove the dish from the oven and place the mixture on top. Smooth lightly by pressing against the base dough. Place in the oven for another quarter of an hour. The finished pie can be served with whipped cream.

On modern kitchens the use of rice is widespread. Groats are endowed with the most valuable nutritious and useful properties... Therefore, most housewives around the world choose this cereal and its derivatives: rice vinegar, flour, noodles, and, of course, rice flakes. A translucent and fragile product is successfully added to various dishes.


Rice flakes - the result of using modern ways processing and flattening of rice grains. With the help of innovative devices, the familiar taste and useful qualities of such a nutritious product are preserved.

Many people prefer to start their morning by making a delicious and satisfying rice cereal porridge. In order not to lose valuable substances during the cooking process, it is recommended to add boiling water or hot milk to the flakes. At the end, the dish is covered with a lid for 10-15 minutes.

You can cook not only hearty porridge from cereal, but also prepare various desserts and puddings. Ideal for breading with cutlets, chops and crispy fish. At home, you can even make a restaurant rice dessert in combination with a delicate marshmallow butter cream. Butter baked goods based on a rice product, instead of the usual flour, will turn out to be light and airy.

Guests will certainly be surprised by a light dessert - delicious muffins made from rice flakes on kefir. A simple recipe will allow any housewife to prepare a delicacy. It is only necessary to pour kefir over the flakes for a while. Next, add the pre-prepared mixture of rice flour, sugar and butter. Bake muffins in the oven and serve with tea.

Composition, benefits and harms

In addition to the ease of cooking, the product contains a large amount of substances beneficial to the body.

  • Rice flakes are quite hearty and high in calories - 100 grams contains about 360 calories. In this regard, such food is recommended to be eaten in small portions.
  • Significant calorie content does not prevent the product from being complex carbohydrate with the content of easily digestible protein. That is why cereals are considered dietary, they are the best option for a diet with restrictions.
  • Calcium and phosphorus, which are in the composition, strengthen the skeletal system and teeth, and zinc improves the structure of the nail plates and hair.
  • Numerous minerals and vitamins contribute to the healing of the body, energize for active action.
  • Rice is an excellent antidepressant. Regular consumption of cereals normalizes the nerves, improves general state and mood.
  • The dietary fiber contained in cereals helps the proper functioning of the digestive system, helps to eliminate toxins from the body, and normalizes metabolism. Fiber helps maintain normal level blood sugar, so it must be in the diet of diabetic patients.

  • Flakes have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, perfectly normalize blood pressure and cope with arrhythmias.
  • The product regulates the normal functioning of the kidneys and removes excess water from the body. And regular use warns against the appearance of edema in the future.
  • Cereal copes remarkably well with odor from the mouth, caused by many reasons.
  • This is the most valuable product for baby food... There is no allergen in rice flakes - gluten. Infants can be given the product in the form of the first complementary food, starting from six months.
  • Despite the fact that flakes are still a derivative product, all useful substances (vitamins, minerals, amino acids) are preserved.
  • Starch, which is naturally present in cereals, can be significantly degraded as a result of processing. Therefore, rice cereal porridge is easily digestible even for a child's body.
  • Porridge is actually obtained "with a charge of energy." From such food, the body gets the necessary energy and valuable substances, without wasting energy on its splitting.

It is necessary to understand that the irrational use of such useful product is fraught with constipation. In addition to the benefits, the rice product can be harmful for people with stomach ulcers and chronic colitis. Flakes are also excluded from the diet in case of individual intolerance to the product.

And do not forget that any product must be consumed in moderation. If there are flakes in large quantities, they can turn into centimeters at the waist.

Cooking for children

Given that cereal cereals are very satisfying and dense, it is undesirable to completely fill the child's diet with them. But several times a week, it is highly recommended to pamper yourself with a delicious casserole, muffin and a small portion of porridge.

Parents of today never have enough time to fully care for their children. Stand and cook for hours healthy meals even mom has no time on maternity leave. But it is still necessary to feed the child well. And if the baby has not yet erupted his teeth, and variety in the diet is already required? Flakes will definitely come to the rescue. They are quite light, so it is enough to brew the cereal in boiling water or hot milk, and excellent rice porridge is served at the table. To keep the baby full and happy with breakfast, the porridge must be cooked only in milk.

Surprisingly, cornflakes, like many other hotly loved dishes, were cooked quite by accident, when two brothers (Americans by the name of Kellogg) decided to make corn cakes, but forgot them on the fire, as a result of which something incomprehensible was obtained, but quite tasty. Over time, the original recipe was improved by the housewives themselves, and today there are several ways to make cornflakes at home. And the easiest method to make cornflakes is to make thin unleavened cakes with water and cornmeal, which are cut into small squares and deep-fried in boiling refined vegetable oil until they swell and form a golden crisp. In order to remove excess fat from the flakes, they must be thrown onto a metal mesh and allowed to drain.

It is strongly recommended to lay out the fried flakes in one layer, otherwise they will remain too oily. If the household does not have such kitchen utensils, then you can use a regular paper towel as a substrate. The next step involves making a sugar syrup that will give the cornflakes their signature caramel flavor. To do this, mix an equal amount of water and granulated sugar (ideally use brown cane sugar) and boil the resulting mixture over medium heat until thicker than medium. If you wish, you can flavor the cornflakes by adding your favorite essence or spice to the syrup, however, this should be done when it cools down a little, otherwise the whole smell will completely disappear. With extreme caution, you should soak the fried semi-finished product, making sure that too large caramel clots do not form.

It is best to place the cornflakes in a wide bowl, gently add the boiled syrup when it has cooled slightly, and stir them together using a flat wooden spatula. After that, the candied flakes are spread in a thin layer on a metal baking sheet, dried thoroughly and folded into a suitable jar for bulk products to be used in the future at the slightest need. There is another way to make cornflakes at home. This recipe is more complex, but the result is as similar as possible to those products that can be purchased in stores. To do this, you need to weld sugar syrup medium, using the same proportions as above, after which the finest grind is added. The resulting mixture is left on the quietest fire until a very thick, homogeneous mass is formed.

Usually, everything takes from one and a half to two hours, and when the cooking process is completed, the resulting corn-caramel mixture is left to dry until it becomes plastic, like dough, which should be rolled out with a rolling pin into a thin layer and cut into the same small squares ... Alternatively, the resulting mass can be crumbled with your hands or even grated on the largest grater, after which it is laid out in a thin layer on a baking sheet and sent to fry in the oven at the highest temperature regime (about 30 degrees Celsius) until a golden crust forms and the structure of the dough completely changes. ... After they have completely cooled down, ready-made cornflakes are put in a hermetically sealed jar, so that they can be steamed with hot milk, cook cookies from them, or even add to the famous Italian granola with honey, dried fruits and nuts.