Essay: Polymer Electric, their properties and application. Static electricity in nature and technology

\u003e Work and power electric current. Law of Joule Lenza. Using the thermal action of the current in the technique

The operation of the electric current on the plot of the chain is equal to the product of the voltage at the ends of this section for the strength of the current and at the time during which work was performed.

Work is measured in Joules (J) or in watts per second (W? C).

The power of the electric current is equal to the voltage of the current.

The power is measured in watts (W).

Lawl Lenza law: the amount of heat released by the conductor with a current is equal to the product of the current of the current force, the resistance of the conductor and time.

\u003e Using the thermal action of the current in the technique

The main part of the modern incandescent lamp is a thin tungsten wire spiral. Tungsten - refractory metal, its melting point is 3 387 ° C. In the incandescent lamp, the tungsten spiral is heated to 3,000 ° C, at such a temperature it reaches white crown and glows with bright light. The spiral is placed in a glass flask from which the air is screwed down to the pump so that the helix does not burn. But in vacuum, the tungsten quickly evaporates, the spiral becomes thinner and also burns out relatively quickly. To prevent rapid evaporation of tungsten, modern lamps Fill with nitrogen, sometimes inert gases - crypton or argon. Gas molecules prevent the output of tungsten particles from the thread, that is, they prevent the destruction of the anti-thread.

The thermal current is used in various electric heating devices and installations. At home, electric tiles, irons, kettles, boiled tiles are widely used. In industry, the thermal effect of the current is used to smell special varieties of steel and many other metals, for electric welding. IN agriculture With the help of electric current, heating greenhouses, antiques, incubators, dried grain, prepare silo.

The main part of all heating electric device -- heating element.The heating element is a conductor with a high resistivity capable, in addition, to withstand, not destroyed, heating to high temperatures. Most often, nickel, iron, chromium and manganese, known called Nichrom, are used for the manufacture of the heating element.

In the heating element, the conductor in the form of a wire or tape is wound on the plate from heat-resistant material: mica, ceramics. For example, the heating element in the electric iron is the nichrome tape, from which the lower part of the iron is heated.

\u003e Electrical field. Actions electric field on electrical charges. Capacitor. Electrical Condenser Field Energy

Electrical field-- This is a special form of matter, existing independently of our ideas about him.

The main property of the electric field is its effect on electrical charges with some force.

The electrical field of fixed charges is called electrostatic. It does not change over time. The electrostatic field is created only by electrical charges. It exists in space surrounding these charges, and inextricably connected with them.

Capacitor It is two conductors separated by a dielectric layer whose thickness is made compared with the size of the conductors.

Conductors in this case are called plates condenser .

The energy of the condenser is proportional to its electrical capacity and the square of the voltage between the plates. All this energy is concentrated in the electric field. The field energy field is proportional to the field strength square.

Static electricity in nature. Interesting Facts

1. For the first time, the electrification of the fluid during crushing was seen from Switzerland waterfalls at 1 786. From 1913. The phenomenon received the name of the balloelectric effect. The effect of electrification is observed not only in waterfalls in open areas, but also in the caves. The charge of air in waterfalls report microscopic water droplets and molecular complexes that, when crushing, remove from the water surface and are carried out in environment. The most significant effect of air electricity is observed in the biggest waterfalls of the world - Iguassu on the border of Brazil and Argentina (the height of the water drop is 190 m, the width of the flow is 1,500 m) and Victoria on the River Zambezi in Africa (the height of the water drop is 133 m, the flow width -1600 m). Waterfall Victoria due to crushing of water occurs an electric field with 25 kV / m intensity. When crushing fresh water in the air goes negative charge. Therefore, in the air in waterfalls, the number of negative ions exceeds the number of positive. In a small waterfall, student-su in Crimea, the attitude of negative ions to the amount of positive is 6.2.

2. At the shores of the seas, the air acquires a positive charge due to splashing of salt water. On the surface of the seas and oceans, the splashing of water begins at wind speed more than 10m / s, when foam scallops appear on the waves. Attitude positive charges to negative charges in the air over black and Azov Seas. Reaches at a turbulent sea 2.04, with a disconnect - 1.48.

3. The conqueror of Jomolungma N. Tensing in 1953 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe southern saddle of this mountain peak at an altitude of 7.9 km above sea level at -30 ° C and dry winds up to 25 m / s observed a strong electrion of icing tarpaulin tents inserted alone in Other. The space between the tents was filled with numerous electric sparks.

4. The movement of avalanche in the mountains into the munuallyless nights is sometimes accompanied by a greenish-yellow glow, thanks to which the avalanches become visible. Usually light phenomena Avalanches moving along the snow surface are observed, and are not observed by avalanche, rushing along the rocks. On the lakes of Antarctica during the polar night, sometimes there is a glow when the large masses of lake ice is broken.

5. Lightning chooses the shortest path to the ground, so it falls into the buildings or in the trees. High buildings are equipped with metal stripes (rods), for which the electric discharge goes into the ground. This is a grossival. The thunderstorm discharge goes to the ground and back on the same path. This happens at such a speed that our eyes sees only one outbreak. At its path of Lightning, it splits the air, which, quickly expanding, creates a sound wave. It causes thunder-rolls. We hear them after we see zipper, as the sound applies much more slowly than the light.

Static electricity in the technique. When electrification bodies useful

Static electricity can be a faithful assistant person, if you explore his patterns and use them correctly. The technique use a method whose essence is as follows. The smallest solid or liquid particles of the material enroll in the electric field, where they are on; The surface "settles" electrons and ions, i.e. particles acquire the charge and then move under the action of the electric field. Depending on the purpose of the equipment, it is possible using electrical fields in different ways to control the movement of particles in accordance with the necessary technological process. This technology has already struck their way to various sectors of the national economy.

A painter without brushes

Moving on the conveyor painted parts, such as a car body, charge positively, and paint particles give a negative charge, and they rush to a positively charged part. The paint layer on it is fine, uniform and dense. Indeed, the same name of the dye particles are repelled from each other - hence the uniformity of the staining layer. Particles overclocked by an electric field, with force hit the product - hence the color density. The paint consumption is reduced, as it is deposited only on the details. The painting method of products in the electric field is now widely used in our country.

Electric smoked life

Smoking is the impregnation of the product with wood smoke. Smoke particles not only give the products taste, but also protect them from damage. In the electricalization of the particle of smoke smoke is charged positively, and the negative electrode serves, for example, a carcass of fish. Charged smoke particles are settled on the surface of the carcass and partially absorbed by it. All the electric utility continues for several minutes; Previously, smoking was considered a long process.

Electric pile

In order to obtain a layer of pile on any material in an electric field, it is necessary to ground the material, the surface is coated with adhesive substance, and then through a charged metal grid, located above this surface, skip the portion of the pile. Vile is quickly oriented into the field and, distributing evenly, settle on glue strictly perpendicular to the surface. So get covers similar to suede or velvet. It is easy to obtain a multi-colored pattern, preparing a portion of different pile color and several templates that are covered alternately in the process of electrical consumption alternately. So you can make multicolor carpets.

How to catch dust

Clean air is needed not only to people and especially accurate industries. All cars due to dust are prematurely wear out, and their air cooling channels are clogged. In addition, often dust flourishing with outgoing gases is valuable raw materials. Cleaning industrial gases has become a necessity. Practice has shown that the electric field copes with this. The center of the metal pipe is installed wire b, which serves as one of the electrodes, the second are the walls of the pipe V. In the electric field gas in the pipe ionized. Negative ions "stick" to smoke particles entering the gas through the entrance A, and charge them. Under the influence of the field, these particles move to the pipe and are deposited on it, and purified gas is sent to the exit D. The pipe from time to time shakes, and the captured particles enter the bunker. Electric filters on large thermal power plants are caught 99% of ashes contained in output gases. .

Mixing substances

If small particles of one substance charge positively, and the other is negative, it is easy to obtain their mixture, where the particles are distributed evenly. For example, the bakery now does not have to make a big mechanical work to knead the dough. Positively charged with air flow crooks are served in the chamber, where they are found with negatively charged droplets of water containing yeast. Craps of flour and water droplets, attracting each other, form a homogeneous dough. You can give many other examples. useful use static electrification. Based on this phenomenon, the technology is convenient: the flow of charged particles can be controlled by changing the electric field, and the whole process is easy to automate.

In technological purposes magnetic fields Apply mainly for:

  • impact on metal and charged particles,
  • ocagination of water and aqueous solutions,
  • impact on biological objects.

In the first case, used in separators in order to clean various food media from metal ferromagnetic impurities and in devices for separating charged particles.

In the second - in order to change the physicochemical properties of water.

In the third - to control the processes of biological nature.

In magnetic separators, ferromagnetic impurities (steel, cast-iron, etc.) are isolated from the bulk mass. Distinguishes separators with and electromagnets. To calculate the lifting force of magnets, an approximate formula is used, known from the general course of electrical engineering.

where Fm is the lifting force, n, s is the cross section of a permanent magnet or a magnetic pipeline of an electromagnet, m2, in - magnetic induction, T.

Under the required value of the lifting force, the necessary magnitude of magnetic induction is determined, when using an electromagnet, the magnetizing force (IW):

where I is the electromagnet current, A, W - the number of turns of the coil of an electromagnet, RM - magnetic resistance equal

here LK is the length of the individual sections of the magnetic pipeline with a constant cross section and the material, m, μk - the magnetic permeability of the respective sections, Gn / m, SK is a cross section of the corresponding areas, M2, S - the cross section of the magnetic pipeline, m2, in - induction, T.

Magnetic resistance is constantly only for non-magnetic sections of the chain. For magnetic sections, the value of Rm is with the help of magnetization curves, since here μ variable value.

Permanent magnetic field separators

The most simple in the device and economical separators with permanent magnets, as they do not require additional energy to power the windings. They are used, for example, on bakeries for cleaning flour from ferroprymes. The total lifting force of the radio in these separators, as a rule, should be at least 120 N. in the magnetic field of the flour must move in a thin layer, the thickness of about 6-8 mm, at a speed of not more than 0.5 m / s.

Continuous magnets have substantial disadvantages: the lifting force is small and weakens with time due to the "aging" of magnets. Separators with electromagnets do not have these drawbacks, since the electromagnets installed in them are powered by a direct current. The lifting force is significantly higher and can be adjusted to the current of the windings.

In fig. 1 shows the diagram of the electromagnetic separator for bulk impurities. The separable material is supplied to the receiving bunker 1 and the conveyor 2 moves to the driving drum 3, made of non-magnetic material (brass, etc.). Drum 3 rotates around a fixed electromagnet direct current 4.

The centrifugal force discards the material into the unloading hole 5, and the ferroprymes under the action of the magnetic field of the electromagnet 4 are "sticking" to the tape of the conveyor and come off from it only after exiting the field of the magnets, falling into the unloading hole for ferroprymes 6. The thinner of the product layer on the conveyor belt The better the separation is carried out.

Magnetic fields can be used to separate charged particles in dispersed systems. The basis of this separation is the power of Lorentz

where Fl is the force acting on a charged particle, H, K coefficient of proportionality, q - particle charge, CL, V - particle speed, m / s, n -, a / m, and - angle between field and speed vectors.

Positive and negatively charged particles, ions under the action of Lorentz forces are deflected in opposite parties, in addition to this, the particles with different speeds are also sorted in a magnetic field in accordance with the values \u200b\u200bof their speeds.

Fig. 1. Scheme of an electromagnetic separator for bulk impurities

Water Ocagination Devices

Numerous studies conducted in last yearsshowed the opportunity effective application Magnetic processing of water systems - technical and natural water, solutions and suspensions.

When magnetic processing of water systems occurs:

  • coagulation acceleration is the sticking of solid particles weighted in water,
  • education and adsorption enhancement,
  • the formation of crystals of salts during evaporation is not on the walls of the vessel, but in volume,
  • acceleration of solids dissolving
  • changes in wettability of solid surfaces,
  • changes in the concentration of dissolved gases.

Since water is an active participant in all biological and overwhelming majority of technological processes, the change in its properties under the action of a magnetic field is successfully used in food technology, in medicine, chemistry, biochemistry, as well as in agriculture.

With the help of the local concentration of substances in the liquid, you can achieve:

  • desalination and improvement in the quality of natural and technological water,
  • purification of liquids from suspended impurities
  • control of nutrient physiological and pharmacological solutions
  • control of the processes of selective growth of microorganisms (acceleration or inhibition of growth rates and dividing bacteria, yeast),
  • control processes of bacterial leaching of wastewater,
  • magnetic anasthesiology.

Management of colloidal systems, dissolution and crystallization processes serves for:

  • increase the efficiency of concentration and filtering processes,
  • reduction of salt deposits, scale and other inlays,
  • improving plant growth, increase their yield, germination.

Note the features of magnetic water treatment.1. Magnetic processing requires compulsory water flow at some speed through one or more magnetic fields.

2. The effect of the oca is not preserved forever, but disappears after some time after the end of the magnetic field, measured by hours or days.

3. The effect of processing depends on the induction of the magnetic field and its gradient, the flow rate, the composition of the water system and the time of its location in the field. It is noted that there is no direct proportionality between the effect of the processing and magnitude of the tension of the magnetic field. An important role is played by a magnetic field gradient. This is understandable if we consider that the force F, acting on the substance by the inhomogeneous magnetic field, is determined by the expression

where X is the magnetic susceptibility of the volume of the volume of the substance, H - the tension of the magnetic field, a / m, DH / DX - the tension gradient

As a rule, the values \u200b\u200bof the induction of the magnetic field lie in the range of 0.2-1.0 T., and the gradient is 50.00-200.00 TL / m.

The best results of magnetic processing are achieved at the rate of water flow in the field, equal to 1-3 m / s.

On the effect of nature and the concentration of substances dissolved in water, it is known yet. It has been established that the effect of the oca depends on the type and the amount of salt impurities in water.

Let us give several designs for the magnetic treatment of water systems with permanent magnets and electromagnets, powered by a current of different frequencies.

In fig. 2. A diagram of a device for stagnetization of water with two permanent magnets of cylindrical shape 3 is shown, water flows in a gap 2 of the magnetic pipeline formed by a hollow ferromagnetic core 4 placed in the body L The induction of the magnetic field is 0.5 T., gradient - 100.00 TL / m The width of the gap is 2 mm.

Fig. 2. Diagram of the device for octaging water

Fig. 3. Device for magnetic processing of water systems

Much distribution was obtained by electromagnets equipped with electromagnets. The device of this type is presented in Fig. 3. It consists of several electromagnets 3 with coils 4 inserted into a diamagnetic case 1. All this is located in the iron pipe 2. In the gap between the pipe and the body, the protected diamagnetic case, water flows. The tension of the magnetic field in this gap is 45 000-160,000 a / m. In other versions of the devices of this type, electromagnets are put on the pipe outside.

In all those considered devices, water passes through comparatively narrow gaps, therefore it is pre-purified from solid suspension. In fig. 4 shows a diagram of a transformer type apparatus. It consists of a yoke 1 with electromagnetic coils 2, between the poles of which pipe 3 of the diamagnetic material is laid. The apparatus is treated with water or pulp variables or pulsing current of different frequency.

Only the most characteristic designs of devices are described here, which are successfully applied in various areas of production.

Magnetic fields also affect the development of the life of microorganisms. Magnitobiology - the developing area of \u200b\u200bscience, is increasingly practical applications, including in biotechnological processes of food industries. The influence of constant, variables and pulsating magnetic fields for reproduction, morphol and culture properties, metabolism, enzymatic activity and other parties to the life of microorganisms were revealed.

Impact on the microorganisms of magnetic fields, regardless of their physical parameters, leads to the phenotypic variability of morphological and culture and biochemical properties. Some species as a result of processing can change chemical composition, antigenic structure, virulence, resistance to antibiotics, phages, UV irradiation. Sometimes magnetic fields cause direct mutations, but most often they affect the extrachromosomic genetic structures.

A generally accepted theory explaining the mechanism of the magnetic field to the cell until there is. Probably, the basis of the biological effect of magnetic fields on microorganisms is the overall mechanism of improving effect through the environmental factor.

The electromagnetic field is a special kind of matter. Any electrically charged particle is surrounded by an electromagnetic field that makes a single whole. However, the electromagnetic field may exist in the free separated from charged particles, the state in the form of photons or electromagnetic waves moving at a speed close to the speed of light (). The electromagnetic field is characteristic of a continuous distribution in space, but at the same time it is deleted and the discrete structure in the form of radiation quanta (photons).

The electromagnetic field is characterized by the presence of magnetic and electric fields associated with continuous mutual transformation. These fields are two sides of a single electromagnetic field, various manifestations. The division of objectively existing (regardless of our observations) of the electromagnetic field into two components: the field is electrical and the field is magnetic - relative, i.e. Depends on the conditions under which the electromagnetic field is monitored using certain devices.

The electromagnetic field is a carrier of a certain amount of energy, which is capable of transformed into other types: chemical, thermal, mechanical energy.

The electromagnetic field has a mass that corresponds to the portable energy and can be determined from the general connection between the total energy and the total mass (the famous formula A. Einstein)

where is the speed of light in vacuo. However, the density of the mass of the electromagnetic field is incommensurably as compared with the density of all known substances. So, with the field strength, approximately equal, the mass density turns out to be equal . Represents a very small amount. The insignificant density of the masses used in the practice of electromagnetic fields gives reason, as a rule, to neglect this characteristic and pay attention only to the energy side of the phenomena under consideration. Due to such a small density of mass, the field energy is easily transmitted along the wires and in the free space at the speed of light.

The listed properties of the electromagnetic field indicate that it, as well as the substance, has a mass, energy, the amount of movement and the moment of the amount of movement, i.e., is a physical reality, has all the properties of matter. But at the same time, in contrast to the substance, the field is characterized by a special electromagnetic propertynot considered in the mechanics - the ability to provide a force effect on charged particles. The strength of this effect depends on the speed of particles.

The properties of electric and magnetic fields caused misunderstanding from the researchers of the past. In particular, this refers to the discovery of A. Einstein on the communication of the mass and energy, according to which the electromagnetic field can be considered at the same time as a flow of particles and as a wave. The feelings and thoughts of scientists of the past are very brightly reflected in the next quatrain:

There was this world to be deep darkness.

May the light be! And now Newton appeared.

But Satan did not wait for the revenge for a short time:

Einstein came, and everything became like before.

In general, the first researchers (XVIII century) electricity seemed awesome phenomenon. Demonstrations of the properties of the electric field are even dedicated to special exhibitions. So, probably, the most spectacular number of one of the popular exhibitions on electricity, conducted at the time in England (London, 1730), was the electricity of a boy suspended on silk threads: his hair got up on end, and from the tip of the nose it was possible to remove sparks .

The use of the unusual properties of the field in electromagnetic devices allows you to control large energy streams, create complex high-speed cyber control systems and computing machines, transfer huge amounts of information over long distances, including signals for hundreds of millions of kilometers into outer space, etc. .

An example of the achievements of modern techniques related to the use of the electromagnetic field are work on prediction, detection and research of premissive semiconductors and exciton phases, who received the USSR State Prize in 1983.

Bigless semiconductors are essentially a new type of substance. From ordinary semiconductors, they differ in the absence of the energy gap between the valence zone and the conduction zone. This leads to the fact that for the emergence of a pair of an electron-hole requires significantly less energy, therefore, the properties of such semiconductors can be controlled by weak influences: an electric or magnetic field, pressure or introducing special impurities.

Experiments on the creation of a new substance were carried out on the installation created a record magnetic field to 600 thousand earsted. In no laboratory of the world, at that time, there was still no such supermodic, the basis of which the ideas of Academician P.L. Kapitsa. With the help of a magnetic field, scientists have learned to "repaint" zones at their discretion, for example, turning a dielectric to metal, metal in a dielectric: turned on the field - metal, disabled - dielectric.

The change in the energy spectrum carried out by contactlessly (using a magnetic field) occurs for billionth shares of seconds (10-12 c), which are necessary to restructure the electronic system of the substance. Such a record rapidity of the metal conversion process in a dielectric and back will allow you to create, for example, instantly active electronic switches, such as an antenna switch for a locator, which makes it much better improve the quality of "vision" of such devices. New computers created on the basis of substances in a premise state will "think" much faster.

The devices made on premiemless semiconductors will be able to operate at an arbitrarily low voltage. There are already diodes that can act from the usual thermocouple, which gives the difference in the potentials of the order of several Milcivolt.

Another important area of \u200b\u200bpractical use of basic semiconductors is the creation of receivers and electromagnetic radiation generators in the widest frequency range - from radio frequencies to infrared. Of great interest is the development based on such semiconductors of the infrared range laser with a rebuilt with a magnetic field of radiation frequency and much more.

Everything modern technologies Directly related to the use of an electromagnetic field. For example, the fantastic possibilities of using magnetic fields opens up the phenomenon of high-temperature conduction. Superconducting magnets are powerful magnetic fields sufficient to retain thermonuclear plasma, which will allow in the future to abandon the use of oil, gas, uranium.

The creation of laser thermonuclear power plants has already become a reality. In 1995, a laser installation with nuclear power plant was created in the Moscow Physico-Energy Institute (Okoyan - an optical quantum amplifier with nuclear pumping), which carries out a direct transformation of nuclear energy into laser radiation. In the impulse of the installation (the so-called, modern "hyperboloid engineer Garina") for 40 ... 100 million dollars born energy is born, comparable with the whole world energy in such a short time.

Currently, a similar laser installation acts in the Livemore Laboratory of the United States, focusing at one point twelve laser rays to create a powerful energy bunch. "Shoots" this setting once a month, and at the same time, as Americans are joking, "the light goes out throughout California." It takes this "monster" a huge building.

Russian Okoyan is able to create in a pulse similar energy in one laser beam, and it takes a small hall of the laboratory body. Coefficient useful action Installations are several times higher than in Livemist.

The idea of \u200b\u200busing powerful magnetic fields lies and is also based on the development of ultra-speed trains on a superconducting magnetic cushion.

Many properties of the electromagnetic field are still not learned. Perhaps all inexplicable natural phenomena are associated with any manifestation.

Here, for example, some hypotheses explaining the existence of a snow man:

1) the refused energy electromagnetic structure of a person after his physical death;

2) a field shape of life when a human-like creature becomes visible only in certain meteorological and geophysical conditions and the geometry of the surrounding space.

It is known about the existence in the nature of the unicorms, similar to the mucus (snail without a shell). Such a snail is a cell group of cells in the cell size of a millimeter, interconnected by an electromagnetic field. In minutes of danger, these cells can take the shape of the fungus or crumble so that they will become invisible. Perhaps the phenomenon of a snowy person or the Lochnes monster has the same explanation.

According to the teachings, E. Blavatskaya: "Life is a parallel coexistence in a certain amount of space of two forms of the existence of matter - protein and field." Thus, the study of the properties of the electromagnetic field is useful not only with scientific, but also from a worldview point of view.

The theory of the electromagnetic field has contributed to the contribution of

in scientists, however, the palm of championship is definitely belongs to J. K. Maxwell, in the equations of which the entire theory of electrodynamics is concluded.