Erosive gastritis and walnuts. Gastritis nuts: Features of nutrition in the acute and chronic phase of the disease


  • What happens gastritis
  • Symptoms and diagnosis of gastritis
  • Treatment and diet with gastritis
  • Influence of nuts and seeds for digestion with gastritis disease

Many suffering from the diseases of the stomach, sooner or later begin to think over their diet. Can there be nuts with gastritis or better after all costs from them to refuse - is one of the questions. Gastritis occurs when inflammation of the gastric mucosa. This disease is accompanied painful sensations And a number of digestive disorders.

What happens gastritis

Two varieties of gastritis are distinguished: acute and chronic shape.

The acute form of gastritis occurs with the one-time influence of the detrimental factors:

  • consumption of poor-quality food that contains microbes and toxins allocated by them;
  • eating irritating substances (spices and seasonings) or long medication (salicylic acid).

The sharp form of gastritis is characterized by a sharp inflammatory process of the gastric mucous surfaces.

The chronic form of gastritis is caused by the following factors:

  1. The presence of Helicobacter Pylori bacterium in the body. Today, this pathogenic body is considered the main causal occurrence of gastritis and ulcers.
  2. Not proper nutrition: irregular meal intake mode, too frequent use of fast food and deficent food chewing, frequent application Irritating substances, such as spices.
  3. An unhealthy lifestyle (alcohol and regular smoking), which often becomes the cause of the chronic form of gastritis.
  4. Psychological problems: neurosis, stress, depressive violations.
  5. Long course of treatment with some drugs (anti-inflammatory, antitumor).
  6. Immunity impairment, which is accompanied by the production of antibodies, negatively affecting its stomach cells. For example, chronic gastritis forms appear in autoimmune disorders.

In addition, to appear chronic disease Influence:

  • heredity;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • violation of metabolism and others.

For gastritis is characterized by increased production in the stomach of enzymes and hydrochloric acid. This contributes to the irritation of the walls, violating their functioning and physiological processes. The main symptoms of the disease are pain, severity and heartburn after meals.

Accordingly, both forms of gastritis suggest a special diet with the disease. It is recommended from the diet of the patient to exclude rough types of food, which can aggravate the condition of the mucous membranes. For this reason, a rather controversial point is the question of whether nuts can be hasty, ulcers.

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Symptoms and diagnosis of gastritis

In the acute form of the disease, there is general weakness, nausea, vomiting, discomfort and abdominal pain, especially when palpation. A dizziness appears, cramps, sharp thirst, a man throws into the heat, the skin pale and mucosa becomes overly dry.

Chronic form of gastritis can be for a long time Do not notice at all. Then the painful character begins to appear, the severity, the appetite decreases and the heartburn arises. In some cases, vomiting is observed and nausea. If you do not start treatment, there may be violations in other complications with complications: chronic cholecystitis, chronic pancreatitis, chronic duodenitis, dyskinesia of biliary tract, erosion. And also increases the risk of developing stomach cancer.

Clinically apply for this complex of laboratory surveys. Fibrogastroduodenoscopy with biopsy mucous membranes is most common. This allows you to identify at what stage there is a disease, and detect Helicobacter Pylori bacterium. In addition, an ultrasound study is carried out and radiography, a gastrointestinal manometer and some other types of surveys can be appointed.

Non-invasive methods of examination are becoming increasingly popular, that is, without FGDS: a urease breathing test, search for antibodies in the blood and feces.

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Treatment and diet with gastritis

First of all, it is necessary to consult a physician and eliminate the cause of the disease. Sometimes it may be necessary through the probe, and then electrolytes are prescribed: reciprons, tour or non-carbonated mineral water. Under acute form, drugs for removing toxins are prescribed ( activated carbon, Smecta) and antispasmodics (drootaverin). If necessary, anti-ansulistic means are used.

For chronic form Diet, antisecretory drugs, antacids or enzyme preparations are prescribed. For pains use additionally antispasmodics. In the case when the patient has Helicobacter Pylori bacterium, it is destroyed by eradication.

After medicines, the proper nutrition is the second most important factor contributing to the recovery of the patient during gastritis and ulcers. When gastritis, it is recommended to categorically refuse:

  • from harmful habits (cigarettes and alcohol);
  • fatty;
  • acute (any sharp spices and seasonings);
  • smoked;
  • sweet (cakes, candy, chocolate, ice cream);
  • acidic and marinated products.

There are recommendations on the regularity of nutrition, its fragmentation (powered 5-6 times a day), the meal temperature must be within 15-55 ° C. It is important to deal with stress, get enough sleep and avoid excessive physical exertion.

It is forbidden to use various fatty broths during gastritis (from meat, mushrooms and fish) and fast food - it annoys the gastric receptors and stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid.

In the general form, the menu of the patient with gastritis looks like this:

  • first dishes (vegetable cream soup, soups with cereal and vermicelline);
  • second dish (low-fat meat: beef, veal, chicken, rabbit; fish: pike, heck, cod, poltai, small pieces that are preparing for a couple, boiled, baked);
  • garnish (boiled vegetables, pasta, porridge: oatmeal and buckwheat);
  • salad and snack (made of boiled vegetables, low-fat meat, fish; dairy sausage, non-large and low-fat cheeses);
  • low-fat pasteurized milk and low-fat and not too acidic to taste dairy products (yogurt, ryazhenka, prokobvash, cottage cheese); But kefir must be excluded due to its high acidity;
  • fruits (but not all, but not too sour or sweet, and in moderate quantity);
  • drinks (tea, compote, kissel, juices, decoction), but it is necessary to eliminate coffee, cocoa, too acidic and sweet juices and compotes;
  • dry bakery products.

Nuts are quite tough food, which when gastritis is prohibited, but their feederness makes a question for discussion. Solid kernels can be crushed with a coffee grinder or blender, make them safe for the patient of the stomach.


This is the most common type of nuts. They have a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements necessary to our organism:

The nucleus of nuts when the stomach is inserted into the medium, the metabolism is activated, the optimal composition of microflora is created, the secretion of the gastric juice normalizes.

Walnuts are not recommended to use walnuts in the sharp form of gastritis. In periods of remissions, they advise eating shredded, to 60g nuclei walnuts everyday. It is proved that they contribute to the process of updating the tissues of the gastric mucosa.


Peanut, which is called Walnut, belongs to the legume family. It is replete with vegetable fats, it does not have cholesterol. Contains a lot of vitamins, except vitamin C and some of the Vitamins of Group V.

Peanuts advise people to people who have cholecystitis, for its choleretic effect, as well as suffering from cardiovascular diseases. But the patient with the diagnosis of "gastritis" is prohibited, like any other cultures from the legume family.

But the rules always have exceptions. Peanuts are widely known as a block of development of tumor diseases that can become the consequence of atrophic gastritis. Therefore, if the gastritis does not bother the patient to the patient with the periods of exacerbation, the peanuts recommend to use finely gridden, as an additive to dishes. Only no more than 30g daily.

Important! There is a peanuts only with a brown skin cleaned from brown, and in no case, underestimated. But, with the appearance of heartburn, peanuts from the diet should be excluded immediately.

Pine nuts

These nuts advise people with gastritis with increased aciditybut not exceed the daily dose of 30g. They have the ability to eliminate the inflammation of the stomach and duodenal gut. With regular use, they regulate the digestion process.

Cedar nut because low content The fiber does not cause irritating the walls of the stomach. It helps to fight heartburn and belching, which accompany any kinds of gastritis. When combined with honey, cedar nuts become antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating drugs.

The beneficial properties of these nuts are in their oil. It contains a huge amount of unsaturated fatty acids, thanks to which it is widely used for prevention. ischemic Disease Hearts, hypertension, atherosclerosis.

Cedar nuts are a rich source of protein. They serve as an excellent product for vegetarians and those who observe posts. They are indispensable in the nutrition of children, being a source of multiple vitamins.

Folk Medicine offers preservation useful properties Cedar nuts with influences and elixirs. To obtain a miraculous drink, half a glass of nuts take and insist for several hours, the bay of water. Then, adding 2 more glasses of water, whipped with a mixer, filter. You can drink the resulting tincture daily several times. You can add it to the prepared dishes. They get a beautiful walnut flavor.

Cashew nuts

Cashew nuts are characterized by a gentle oily taste. You can eat them during gastritis, but not during periods of exacerbations. Let this kind of nuts allowed to eat, but, like others, they can not eat on an empty stomach. When performing these simple cashews with gastritis only have a beneficial effect.

Cashew ranks first on the presence of vitamin V in them only as part of these nuts there are Omega-3 acids, which is rare for vegetable products. The value of these acids for the human body is very large.

Cashew nuts have a beneficial effect in diseases of the oral cavity, since they have antiviral and antimicrobial effects. The presence of cedar oil in them produces a wound healing effect. But even this fact does not give an unequivocal answer to the question: can there be nuts during gastritis.

Final decision B. this issue It remains at the discretion of the attending physician. For good health The patient and the absence of any contraindications, cashew nuts can be carefully administered to the diet. If the body does not respond with a negative response to their use, then you can continue to eat, but not abuse.


Another nuts rich in vitamins and various useful substances. But, like other nuts, the hazelnuk has a sufficiently solid core, which is contraindicated with a sick stomach, which causes an ambiguous attitude in a medical environment. To reduce the risk of influence on the inflamed mucous membrane, it is necessary to finely grind nuts, but it is not necessary to completely refuse to use it for periods of remissions.

Forest nuts are rich in vitamin E, known to their rejuvenating effect. Vitamins of groups in improving blood circulation, and a group of vitamins with protects against viruses and bacteria, allowing you to increase immunity. The hazelnut is also a storehouse of trace elements.

It contains:

  • potassium is useful for the heart;
  • phosphorus - improves eyesight;
  • calcium and magnesium strengthen bones;
  • manganese is a natural fighter with toxins and harmful substanceswhich can be formed in the body after use in food products not the first freshness, excellent substitute tablets
  • at the initial stages of treatment of gastritis;
  • cobalt, iodine, zinc - support the work of the internal organs;
  • fluorine, copper, iron - support intracellular exchange processes, participate in blood formation processes.

Foundation in the treatment and maintenance of the digestive system of Hazelnuk brings fatty acids and minerals in it with healing effects. It is known that forest walnut treats ulcers and gastritis on initial stages Diseases. When hepatitis, it is recommended to eat 2-3 nuts every day, which lies to a decrease in blood toxicity and activates the production of bile.

With everyday use of the hazelnut, the body is cleaned from slags and toxins. Under the action of manganese, as well as other trace elements, the processes of rotting in the intestine are warned, and remnants of food are output to the external environment. These processes do not allow to develop pathogenic organisms in the digestive tract than they are protected from occurrence. inflammatory processeswhich generate serious diseases.


Almond nuts have won the glory of the main assistant in the fight against the aging of the body. The high percentage of vitamin E content in these nuts makes it a powerful antioxidant. But despite this, doctors do not recommend using almond patients with various species Gastritis. The almond nuclei contains in large quantities Sinyl acid, which annoys the mucous membrane of the stomach.

To almond, the attitude of the doctors is twofold. When the disease does not bother the patient, you can still eat it some amount. But the daily dose should be no more than 50g. Strictly prohibited for the use of fried almonds. And in any case, the nut kernel is needed to grind before use, so as not to load heavy stomach.

We must not forget that gastritis is a disease that requires a very careful approach to the elaboration of the patient's menu, even during periods of remission. Therefore, it will never be superfluous to discuss with the doctor those included in the diet products, with caution refers to its components as nuts. It is important to remember that each patient is individual, therefore, the course of his illness should be considered as a separate case.

It is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the disease and listen carefully to the body. Nuts - this storehouse of vitamins, useful substanceswill help you only with a reasonable approach to their use.

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Nuts are the warehouse of all sorts of nutritious, minerals and vitamins. One hundred grams of hazelnuts provide satiety and energy charge for a long time. At the same time, nuts are heavy food that is long digested. When gastritis, the stomach is weakened and sometimes does not cope with digestion. Consider whether nuts are allowed during gastritis or it is worth abandoning the product.

Each type of nuts has a beneficial effect on organs and systems. Due to vegetable oils, the production of hormones of an endocrine system is normalized, vitamins stimulate immunity, minerals in free form and in the composition of inorganic salts normalize transport of substances through the cell membrane.


From mineral substances, walnut is rich in phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium, iodine and magnesium. Vitamins contained in the product: retinol (vitamin A), ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), tocopherol (vitamin E), Vitamins of the V. Walnut Group contributes to the development and formation of red blood cells, stabilizes the work of the liver, kidneys, eliminates a person from disorders of nervous and immune systems and provides an adequate immune response to external stimuli.

Cedar nut

Little cedar nuts due to a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins in the amount of one hundred grams is able to quench appetite, restore performance, adjust metabolic processes. In combination with honey, there is an anti-inflammatory effect. Due to essential oils Destroys microorganisms. Cedar nuts are ahead of the composition of other types of concentration of minerals and inorganic salts.



Due to the large concentration of vitamin E, natural antioxidant, the processes of aging of the skin will slow down. It is obligatory in combination with dried fruits for the disease of the heart and blood vessels, is enriched with potassium. Hazelnuk returns strength and fights constant fatigue.


Special attention is paid to the "Earthworm", as it is called in literary sources. The benefits of peanuts are comparable to the benefit of other nuts, and the cost is much lower compared to the rest. It turns out, the warehouse of useful trace elements is more accessible to a person with an average subsistence minimum.

The product is better to use in a slightly fried form, it acquires a pleasant taste, frees from the surface shell, which is not absorbed into gastrointestinal. Peanuts includes a group of vitamins in and improves the transfer of nerve pulses, affecting attention, memory.

Whether on gastritis nuts are allowed

For people with acute and chronic gastritis, special diets have been developed, where a list of allowed and prohibited products has been made. Nuts do not fall into any of the listed groups, causing many questions. Nutritionists say that it is possible to use nuts, within reasonable limits. Eating depends on the type of gastritis - there is a reduced or increased acidity.

When gastritis with increased acidity (hyperacid gastritis), certain types are recommended. Cedar and walnuts are allowed to use, up to 20 g per day. Almond contains a sinyl acid, aggravating the patient's condition. It is impossible to use the hazelnut - a complex of organic aggressive acids adversely affects the inflamed mucous membrane. Peanuts participates in fermentation processes, whining the stomach medium is stronger, which is unacceptable.

Place in the glass container shell, propolis, calgan, pour alcohol. Insist for three or four weeks, periodically shaking, but not stirring, it is impossible to open the container.

To another glass bottle or jar put clean and pour vodka. Insist seven days.

Aloe juice and lime honey mix. Mix the resulting liquids. The resulting tool must simultaneous five to seven days. As a result, it turns out medicine in the amount of six hundred grams. It contains a high level of concentration of essential oils, vitamins, useful patients with gastritis of any type.

Use in the morning, on an empty stomach, on a tablespoon, swaying with a small piece of cream oil. Treatment continues until the tincture is over. Treatment to repeat every two months, four times a year.

Recipe number 2.

  • Walnuts - one hundred fifty grams;
  • Ethyl alcohol 70% - two hundred grams.

Walnuts clean, put in a glass jar, pour alcohol and insist during the week in a warm dry room without access light. The resulting liquid is strain. Turn the tincture of a teaspoon per day. It is recommended for patients with hypoacid gastritis, the production of hydrochloric acid is stimulated.

Recipe number 3.

  • Peanuts (skin) - four teaspoons;
  • Vodka - two hundred fifty milliliters.

It is put in a glass bottle into a glass bottle, pour vodka, close tightly and put in a cool dark room for fourteen days. Throwing to strain through the sieve, use ten drops, drinking pasteurized milk. Consume chronic gastritis In the remission stage.

Diet with gastritis

The diet includes a list of allowed or prohibited products.

Nutritionists recommend to prepare a salad consisting of carrots, apples, thirty grams of walnuts or cedar nuts, honey and greens. The ingredients are drunk on the grater. The dish is better to eat in the morning, absorbing the mass of vitamins, which will give forces for the coming day.

Special attention should be paid to bread. In addition to the usual bread, consisting of flour of different types, products are created with fillers in the form of grains, nuts, seeds. They are useful to use people painted with gastritis with reduced acidity, no more than two middle pieces per day.

Desserts are allowed. It is better to oven cupcakes and cakes yourself, adding, besides the Kuragi, Izya, Peanuts and Hazelnuk.


Like each product, the nuts have a number of contraindications that cannot be neglected.

First of all, it is worth mentioning the individual hypersensitivity of a person. If a predisposition is noted for development bronchial asthma, Quinceweight, the use of even the small amount of almond or hazelnut, may become a starting mechanism for the development of an allergic reaction.

Contraindications are present for people with chronic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. In elected nuts, as mentioned above, contains the highest level of acid concentration, becoming a direct destructive factor for a damaged wall.

It is impossible to use nuts of several species to people with such a concomitant disease like obesity and diabetes. In the product, the abundance of simple and complex carbohydrates. For a person with an ordinary physique, it is useful, but at elevated weight will be an additional source of kilocaloria. The category includes patients with hypercholesterolemia, for them there is an exception - you can use peanuts, where cholesterol is practically no.

Dangerous use of nuts during cancer neoplasms. There is a risk of tumor growth due to protein elements. For the indicated reason, contraindicated patients with chronic renal failure.

Gastritis walnuts are useful for gastritis, but prohibited for various skin diseases, for example, with eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis.