What subjects are included in the certificate after 9. What grades are included in the certificate

School certificate is one of the main documents that are attached to the application for admission to any educational institution. It is issued after the ninth and eleventh grade - it all depends on exactly when you decide to stop studying at school and intend to acquire a specialty, writes vuzyinfo.ru.

What grades are included in the graduate certificate after 9th grade?

The procedure for filling out this document is determined by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 115, but if you do not want to waste time studying official papers, we suggest you get comprehensive answers to any questions in our article.

What does the legislation say about filling out a certificate after 9th grade?

The above-mentioned order regards the final grade, which goes into the student’s certificate after finishing the ninth grade, as the arithmetic average of the grade given at the end of the exam and the annual assessment. Naturally, the result taken during the calculations is rounded to a whole number.

Based on such data, you can perform these simple calculations:

  • if the grades for the year are “five” and for the exam “five”, it will also be “five” that will be included in the certificate - there is no doubt about that;
  • if you pass the exam with a “3”, and the annual mark is “4”, the average score is 3.5, and after rounding according to the rules of mathematics, the certificate will be “4”;
  • some nuances emerge when a student passes the final exam with a bad grade. In this situation, he needs to pass the test again, based on the results of which calculations will be performed. Example: the annual grade is “four”, but the exam was passed with a “2”. But when retaking the exam, the student managed to get as many as 5 points (with good preparation, these miracles are quite possible). We count: four + five (a two received on the first attempt is not taken into account) / 2 = 4.5. After rounding, a full “A” is obtained, and only this should be included in the certificate.

It should be noted that the calculations do not yet take into account quarterly or semester grades (assigned based on the results of the first and second academic half of the year).

Only those marks that show the level of knowledge literally today are included in the certificate.

Prior to this, the legal norms defining the procedure for filling out the certificate also mentioned such a concept as “actual preparation of a graduate.” It is now not possible to explain what it meant, since this very actual preparation can be determined by marks for the year and for examination papers. We can say that this concept was a kind of loophole for lowering the grade on the certificate. It is not mentioned in Order No. 115, thanks to which the graduate himself is easily able to calculate the final grade after the ninth grade.

In what subjects are grades included in the certificate after 9th grade?

The list of subjects for which grades are included in the certificate after the end of the ninth grade includes:

  • mathematics (algebra and geometry);
  • Russian language and literature;
  • foreign language;
  • biology;
  • chemistry;
  • physical culture;
  • economy;
  • basics of life safety;
  • world artistic culture;
  • physics;
  • informatics;
  • history, as well as social studies.

What you need to do to get a certificate

In addition to the above disciplines, there is a list of subjects in which you must pass the main state exam. These go to them:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics;
  • two disciplines of the student’s choice.

The OGE in these subjects must be passed with at least a “C”, which will allow you to receive a certificate after the ninth grade. If a student receives a “two” at the end of the exam, he has the right to retake, which is done no later than 30 days later. The exam grade itself is not included in the certificate, since the final result is calculated according to the scheme that we talked about earlier.

What subjects are best to choose for successfully passing the OGE?

In addition to the Russian language and mathematics, the student has the right to choose 2 disciplines in which he will take the state exam. It is very difficult to give any recommendations in this case, since the selection of subjects depends on the student himself, his interests and goals.

If you intend to go to some college after ninth grade, then it is better to choose specialized subjects. For example, for a future doctor it will be chemistry and biology, for a potential programmer - computer science and physics, for an applicant who wants to work in the tourism sector - geography and history.

Many students consider Russian literature and foreign languages ​​to be the most difficult subjects. But the latter may definitely be required if you want to enter customs or other similar specialties. So the choice depends only on you.

2. The program has already included many of the possible items that you see in "List of items". The entire list does not fit on the screen; to view all available items, use the scroll bar.

3. The list must include all subjects for which grades are given in certificates, both for 9th and 11th grades. The list of subjects is common for the entire school. In the next window ( "by class") it will be necessary to assign subjects to specific classes.

4. If the required item not in the list, enter its name in the empty field "New Item" and press the button "Add to list". The item will appear in the list in alphabetical order. Sorting in order - in the next window ( "by class").

5. The name of the item can be edited directly in the list. But this editing can only be cosmetic (for example, from "Informatics" can be done "Informatics and ICT" but should not be done "Anatomy and Physiology").

6. After entering all items, press the button. You will see how the names of the items are placed in the fields of the form (for accuracy, the borders of the fields are made visible).

7. If the name of an item does not fit in the field, break it into two lines. To do this, close the form and edit this item in the item entry window. In the place where the name of the item should be divided into two lines, put a sign "/" .

8. Look at the items on the form again and make sure that the item name is divided into lines correctly. On the seal sign "/" not displayed.

9. If the name cannot be divided into two lines, select a smaller font using the field arrows "Font".

10. If an item needs to be removed from the list, mark it by clicking on the gray field to the left of it and click the button "Delete item". However, if grades have already been assigned for this subject, the program will not allow you to delete it (otherwise you may ruin the data for all classes!). Remove this item from the class lists first if you are confident in removing the item (on page "by class").

11. Outdated names of subjects used in issuing certificates cannot be removed from the program. To prevent them from interfering with data preparation, uncheck their boxes "On the list". However, these items will not appear in future selection lists. To hide them on this page, uncheck the box above the column "On the list".

When studying at school, you will not be able to do without a certificate of basic, and then - full general education. The first document can be obtained for the 9th grade, the second - for the 11th grade, which indicates the difference in the existing levels of secondary education.

Certificate of basic general education: features

This document has the same important role as the 11th grade certificate. This is due to the possibility of refusing to study at school, giving preference to a college or school. Thus, the certificate of basic general education has a special meaning, providing the opportunity to decide on further actions in advancing in the field of education.

After completing the 9th grade without a certificate, documents will not be accepted anywhere: neither to college, nor to school, nor to 10th grade. In this case, the document will be required, regardless of when the school was completed, because this allows you to navigate the existing legislation and established standards, which must certainly be taken into account.

What should be the certificate of basic general education? What important information should it include?

  1. Student's name.
  2. Full name of the school.
  3. Exact year of graduation from 9th grade.
  4. Received grades in all subjects.

It is important to note that these forms have special degrees of protection, thereby ensuring the elimination of any risks associated with resolving documentary issues. At the same time, old-style documents are no longer used, since the previous technologies and filling standards are completely outdated and have lost their legal force.

The certificate received for the 9th grade is a guarantee of the opportunity to continue studying for the desired profession or obtain a complete general education. For this reason, you still need to take care of the document, regardless of your future life plans, which can be changed radically at any time.

What does a 9th grade certificate look like?

  • The hard cover is purple. Previously, the document was drawn up in coffee color.
  • The size is 215 by 305 millimeters.
  • On the front side of the cover you can see the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, as well as the inscriptions “Certificate of Basic General Education” and “Russian Federation”.
  • The inside is completely covered with high quality paper. This involves the implementation of watermarks, as a result of which ideal protection against all kinds of counterfeits is guaranteed.
  • Then comes the title page, the size of which is 205 by 209 millimeters. To place it in the cover, a glued strip is used. It should be noted that the title page is created with watermarks and special imprints, and the color should be pale turquoise.
  • A document number is required.
  • Then all important information is provided: full name of the 9th grade graduate, date of issue of the document, name of the school, seal and signature of the director.
  • The application is printed on light turquoise paper, made in A4 format.
  • To protect against possible counterfeits, a special background composition is applied to the paper using paints that should glow in IR and also in UV rays.
  • Graduates of the ninth grade always receive a certificate that has visual differences: a red cover, the presence of the inscription “With Honors” on the title page, unique numbering.

Certificate of complete general education: features

Many school graduates must take care of obtaining a certificate of complete general education. The ideal option is to receive a document with positive marks. It must be remembered that the visual execution of the document confirming education based on 11 grades was updated in the 2013–2014 academic year. So, what should a modern certificate be?

  1. The cover should be blue. Previously, her performance was blue.
  2. Graduates who managed to graduate from school with excellent grades receive red certificates, not cherry ones. Moreover, only red color, and not gold or silver copper, can be a badge of honor.
  3. In any case, the 11th grade certificate will not indicate that the graduate has been awarded a special medal. The reminder will be embossed in gold foil on the cover. In this case, only “With Honors” can be used as an inscription.
  4. The document size has changed. Currently, when unfolded, it measures 233 by 163 millimeters, making it resemble a university diploma.
  5. On the front cover you can see the title of the document, as well as the coat of arms of the Russian Federation.
  6. To protect documents from possible counterfeits, special technologies are used on paper that contains watermarks, invisible cotton fibers and unique elements that can glow in ultraviolet rays.

During their studies from grades 1 to 11 in schools, students receive two documents: a certificate of basic general education after finishing 9th grade and a certificate of complete secondary general education after completing 11th grade. Schoolchildren are interested in the question of what grades will be included in the certificate.

The standards for marking the certificate are regulated by the official document Regulations on the final certification for grades 9 and 11. The certificate of completion of grade 9 includes grades in all subjects on a 5-point scale; for the subjects Russian language and mathematics, a grade is given that is the arithmetic average of the grade for grade 9 and grades on the OGE, which is written as an integer and is obtained as a result of mathematical rounding. For example, if a student received a grade of 5 for the year, and a 4 for the OGE, the arithmetic average is 4.5, a grade of 5 is included in the certificate. In case of an unsatisfactory grade, the OGE must be retaken during the period intended for retaking. Elective subjects are not retaken. The certificate for grade 11 includes grades in subjects completed in years 10 and 11, the grade for each subject is determined by the arithmetic average of 6 grades - two annual grades for grades 10 and 11 and four six-month grades for the same period of study. Rounding occurs in favor of the student.

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How grades are assigned to the certificate: information for parents

The certificate is a reflection of the success of schooling. It shows the student’s level of knowledge in all disciplines studied in the control year (9 and 11 years of study, respectively). Now, from the basics, to the main question - how grades are assigned to the certificate. In Russia, grades are given on a 5-point scale, but with grades of 1 and 2 in at least one subject, a certificate is not issued due to poor academic performance - a certificate of courses taken in a set of subjects is issued.

The final grade in the certificate is set as the average for quarters, trimesters or semesters of the academic year. If the grade in any subject turns out to be controversial, then the score is assigned at the choice of the teacher, but according to an unspoken rule, they try to give the grade in favor of the student. Also, the results of the State Examination and the Unified State Exam influence the grades - in case of failure compulsory subject(mathematics or Russian) certificate is not issued. Exam results can be a bonus in the case of controversial grades.

If one of the grades is not satisfactory, and the student is objectively sure that the information about his knowledge is underestimated by the teacher, then there is a way to challenge the grade. To do this, you should contact the city or district education department with a request to assemble a commission to conduct an exam on the controversial subject. If the student passes the exam, the mark in the certificate is successfully changed to the one that the student deserved based on the results of the answers before the commission.

In fact, there is no difference in how annual grades are given and grades in the certificate. It’s just that in graduating classes, students and teachers try to approach things more responsibly this issue. In assigning quarterly and annual grades, for many teachers, according to experience, a big role is influenced not only by knowledge, but also by the appearance of the student. It is much easier for a student who is less gifted, but active and has a good reputation, to earn a good grade than a smart slob. Although, of course, no one will ever give a rating only for “beautiful eyes” - a decent level of knowledge is necessary.

Not all children understand that school knowledge, for the most part, will be useful in the future. And even though grades do not always correspond to the level of knowledge, it is better for parents to control the process. How can I find out my child's grades? The easiest way is to go to school and look at the cool magazine. But some schools have already begun sending information about the progress of their students to school websites and SMS messages to parents’ phones. The certificate is a reflection of the student’s educational path during his time at school. Even if now it will no longer help when entering a university, a good certificate is always honorable and respected.

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School 2017: certificate grades will be given in a new way!

On May 25, all schools in the Kaluga region will ring “ last call”, and will be followed by final final exams, after successful completion of which the 2017 graduate will receive the coveted school certificate - a document that opens a bright path to an independent adult life.

A certificate is one of the main documents attached to the application for admission to any educational institution. It is issued after finishing 9th or 11th grade, depending on when exactly the student decided to stop studying at school. And it is not surprising that the news, announced just a few days before the end of the school year, excited both students and parents of 11th graders. It turned out that Certificate grades in 2017 will be awarded according to a new principle.

How are grades assigned for the 11th grade certificate in 2017?

If last year only two marks were taken into account - annual marks for grades 10 and 11, now a kind of “rule of six” has come into force. This year, the final grade in the certificate in a particular subject will also depend on semi-annual grades.

It is calculated like this:

The grades for two semesters in the 10th grade are added up and the annual grade for the 10th grade is obtained. The grades for the two semesters of 11th grade are also added up to form an annual grade for 11th grade. Thus, a total of 6 marks are obtained, which are also added up, and their sum is divided by 6 (according to the number of marks), that is, the arithmetic average based on the results of grades 10 and 11 is displayed. If the number is not a whole number, it is rounded in favor of the student.

It must be said that the teachers themselves admit that the new grading system is more objective than the previous one. However, it dealt a sudden blow to those students who spent the last year of school struggling to “pull up their tails” so that the grades in the certificate were “beautiful.” Of course, such prospectors will retain solid knowledge, but formally it turns out that they tried in vain: the certificate is still hopelessly “spoiled.”

The “culprit” of various changes in the rules for assigning grades to the certificate was the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated January 9, 2017 N 3 “On amendments to the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary general education and their duplicates, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2014 N 115.”

The procedure for assigning grades to the Certificate of Basic General Education (for 9th grade) in 2017

When filling out a certificate of basic general education, the final marks in the Russian language, mathematics and two elective subjects are determined as the arithmetic average of the graduate’s annual and examination marks, the result is rounded to the nearest whole number.

That is, if the grades for the year are “5” and for the exam “5”, the certificate, of course, will be “A”. If the exam is passed with a “3”, and the annual mark is “4”, the average score is 3.5, and after rounding the certificate will be a “four”.

Some nuances arise if the final exam is passed with a bad mark. The test will have to be taken again, and calculations will be made based on the results of the retake.

Example: the annual grade is “4”, but the exam was passed with a “two”. But when retaking the test, the student managed to get as many as five points (with good preparation, such miracles are quite possible). We count: 4 + 5 (a two received on the first attempt is not taken into account) divided by 2 = 4.5. After rounding, you get a full “A”, and that’s what should be included in the certificate.

Quarter or semester grades (assigned based on the results of the first and second academic half of the year) are not taken into account in the calculations. Final grades for 9th grade in other academic subjects are based on the graduate's annual grade.

Does the result of passing the Unified State Exam affect the grade on the certificate?

Another current question, which graduates and parents are asking this year, will it affect the grade on the certificate? Unified State Exam result ?

Previously, it was not reflected in the certificate in any way. But this year, the so-called unified grading scale is being introduced: the points received when passing the Unified State Exam in a subject will influence the grade on the certificate. For example, if a high school student passed the Unified State Exam 2017 in social studies with a “C”, and at the end of the school year he got a “Five” for this discipline, then the final grade, which will be included in the certificate, will be a “Four”.

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3 Comments on “School 2017: grades for the certificate will be given in a new way!”

It turns out cool: if a 9th grader, a loser, had grades for the quarters of 3,2,2,3, for the year they gave him 3, and in the exam he copied from the Internet and got 5, then the arithmetic average of 4 goes into the certificate? Why then learn and do anything during the school year? That's right, the teacher is to blame!

What idiot came up with such a system? The parent of this idiot? At least they did it like in 11th grade: take into account all grades for quarters or trimesters. And now how to teach future ninth-graders, for whom you are sucking C grades out of thin air? They’ll write it off and get 4 on their certificate!

Like in my class, one of them skipped lessons, if she came, those days were like a holiday, but in the end she cheated on the OGE and she has a 4 on her certificate! Is this fair!?

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Graduate 2017: what marks are included in the certificate of secondary general education

Graduates who have completed their studies in educational programs of secondary general education and have successfully passed the state final certification are issued certificate of secondary general education(hereinafter referred to as the Certificate) and its annex.

Graduates who have completed their studies in educational programs of secondary general education, have successfully passed the state final certification (without taking into account the results obtained during the repeated state final certification) and have final grades “excellent” in all academic subjects of the curriculum studied at the level of secondary general education, are issued Certificate of secondary general education with honors and an appendix to it, and also a medal is awarded “ For special achievements in learning«.

Graduates who did not pass the final certification or received unsatisfactory results at the final certification, as well as persons who have mastered part of the educational program and (or) were expelled from the organization providing educational activities, issued certificate of study or about the period of training according to the model independently established by the organization carrying out educational activities.

What marks are included in the Certificate?

In accordance with the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary general education and their duplicates (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 14, 2014 N 115 (as amended on January 9, 2017), final grades of the graduate:

Final grades for 11th grade are defined as the arithmetic mean semi-annual and annual grades of the student for each year of study educational program secondary general education and are entered into the certificate in whole numbers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding. Entries “passed” and “not studied” are not allowed.

Graduates who have mastered the basic educational programs of secondary general education in the forms of family education, self-education, or who have studied in an educational program that does not have state accreditation, who have passed external state final certification in an organization engaged in educational activities, implementing state-accredited educational programs and secondary general education and have received satisfactory results, the marks they received at the intermediate certification conducted by the organization carrying out educational activities are included in the Certificate, in all academic subjects of the invariant part of the basic curriculum.

There is no official conversion of Unified State Exam points into grades.

Certificates and supplements to them are issued no later than ten days after the date of publication of the administrative act on the expulsion of graduates.

In case of loss (damage) of only the Certificate or if errors are found in it After receiving it, the graduate is issued a duplicate of the certificate and a duplicate of the application to it.

In the event of loss (damage) of only the attachment to the Certificate or in the event detecting errors in it after receiving it, the graduate is given a duplicate of the application to the Certificate in return.

The issuance of a duplicate of the Certificate and (or) a duplicate of the annex to the Certificate is carried out on the basis written statement a graduate or his parents (legal representatives) applying to the organization carrying out educational activities that issued the certificate.

Minimum number of Unified State Examination points confirming completion of the educational program of secondary general education :

in Russian - 24 points;

in physics - 36 points;

in chemistry - 36 points;

in biology - 36 points;

in history - 32 points;

in geography - 37 points;

in social studies - 42 points;

in literature - 32 points;

in foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) - 22 points;

The minimum number of Unified State Examination points confirming the completion of the educational program of secondary general education in basic level mathematics is: 3 points (satisfactory).

Minimum number of Unified State Exam points required for admission to educational organizations higher education for undergraduate and specialist programs :

in Russian language - 36 points;

in mathematics profile level— 27 points;

in physics - 36 points;

in chemistry - 36 points;

in computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - 40 points;

in biology - 36 points;

in history - 32 points;

in geography - 37 points;

in social studies - 42 points;

in literature - 32 points;

in foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) - 22 points.

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ

Graduate 2017: what marks are included in the certificate of secondary general education: 35 comments

Hello! A graduate of the 11th grade passed basic mathematics with a 4 (good), but did not pass the threshold in specialized mathematics (i.e., scored less than 27 points), while his final grades in all subjects of the curriculum were “excellent.” Will we be awarded a certificate with honors?

Good afternoon, Irina! Final grades for 11th grade are determined as the arithmetic average of the student’s semi-annual and annual grades for each year of study in the educational program of secondary general education and are included in the certificate as integers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding. As you can see, the results of the Unified State Exam do not affect the grades that are given in the certificate. However, if a graduate receives unsatisfactory results in the Russian language or mathematics, the certificate is not issued.

A certificate of secondary general education with honors and its supplement are issued to graduates of the 11th grade who have completed their studies in educational programs of secondary general education, have successfully passed the state final certification (without taking into account the results obtained during the repeated state final certification) and have final grades “excellent” in all academic subjects of the curriculum studied at the level of secondary general education. As you can see, it is enough for a student to pass a basic or specialized level of mathematics not lower than “3”. The Unified State Examination in mathematics at the profile level is taken for admission to a university in areas of training where the Unified State Examination result in mathematics is required.

Hello! A 9th grade graduate passed mathematics with a 4 (good), and in the geometry module 3, while his final grades in all subjects of the curriculum were “excellent”. Will we be awarded a certificate with honors?

Good afternoon, Galina! For an official response, we advise you to contact Rosobrnadzor.

A 9th grade graduate studied individually curriculum, thus, some academic subjects were not studied in the 9th grade. Subjects “History of Russia” and “ General history” were combined into one “History”. How will grades be given on the certificate? academic disciplines, which he did not study in History? Thank you

Good afternoon, Tatyana! For an official response, we advise you to contact Rosobrnadzor.

Good afternoon Which law (article) specifically states that “Final grades for grade 11 are determined as the arithmetic average of the student’s six-month and annual grades for each year of study in the educational program of secondary general education and are included in the certificate in whole numbers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding.”

Good afternoon, Irina! Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 14, 2014 N 115 “On approval of the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary general education and their duplicates” (as amended on January 9, 2017).

Hello, grades for which subjects will be taken into account when assigning grades in the 11th grade certificate?

Good afternoon, Marisha! According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2014 N 115, the following marks are given in the certificate of general secondary education:

for each academic subject of the invariant part of the basic curriculum;

for each academic subject of the variable part of the curriculum of the organization carrying out educational activities, studied by the graduate, if at least 64 hours were allocated for its study according to the curriculum of the organization carrying out educational activities for two academic years;

in academic subjects, the study of which was completed before grade 9 ( fine arts, music and others).

Final grades for 11th grade are determined as the arithmetic average of the student’s semi-annual and annual grades for each year of study in the educational program of secondary general education and are included in the certificate as integers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding.

If the 9th grade certificate contains a grade in geography, should it be included in the 11th grade certificate?

Good afternoon, Olga! ! According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2014 N 115, the final grades of the graduate are included in the certificate:

for each academic subject of the invariant part of the basic curriculum;

for each academic subject of the variable part of the curriculum of the organization carrying out educational activities, studied by the graduate, if at least 64 hours were allocated for its study according to the curriculum of the organization carrying out educational activities for two academic years;

in academic subjects, the study of which was completed before grade 9 (fine arts, music and others).

Good afternoon, please tell me how the final grade for 9th grade (in the certificate) is assigned if a student has 3 for the year, passed the exam with 2, retook with 4. Thank you

Good afternoon, Galina! In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 14, 2014 N 115

final grades for 9th grade in the Russian language, mathematics and two academic subjects taken at the student’s choice are determined as the arithmetic average of the graduate’s annual and examination marks and are included in the certificate as integers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding.

Final grades for 9th grade in other academic subjects are based on the graduate's annual grade for 9th grade.

Hello, can you tell me whether a certificate should be issued after 11th grade if basic mathematics and Russian are successfully passed, but the threshold for selective chemistry is not passed?

Good afternoon, Rania! For an official answer, we advise you to contact Rosobrnauki. By way of information, we inform you that a certificate of secondary general education with honors and its supplement are issued to graduates of the 11th grade who have completed training in educational programs of secondary general education, have successfully passed the state final certification (without taking into account the results obtained during the repeated state final certification) and having final grades “excellent” in all academic subjects of the curriculum studied at the level of secondary general education.

The graduate applied for a certificate with honors and a medal for special achievements in learning. I passed all exams well, except for one elective subject - I did not pass the threshold. Can he qualify for a certificate with honors and a medal?

Good afternoon, Alena! For an official response, we recommend contacting regional body education department or Rosobrnadzor. By way of information, we inform you that a certificate of secondary general education with honors and its supplement are issued to graduates of the 11th grade who have completed training in educational programs of secondary general education, have successfully passed the state final certification (without taking into account the results obtained during the repeated state final certification) and having final grades “excellent” in all academic subjects of the curriculum studied at the level of secondary general education.

Successful completion of the State Examination is passing the Unified State Examination in Russian and mathematics with at least a satisfactory result.

Tell me what to do in a situation where you have final grades “excellent” in all academic subjects of your school year plan, and school issued a regular certificate?

Good afternoon, Natalya! We advise you to contact the education authority. By way of information: according to clause 10 of Art. 34 Federal Law about education to persons who have completed the development of educational programs of secondary general education, have successfully passed the state final certification and have final grades of “excellent” performance in all academic subjects studied in accordance with the curriculum, educational organization simultaneously with the issuance of the corresponding document on education, he is awarded the medal “For special achievements in learning.” Successful completion of the State Examination is passing the Unified State Examination in Russian and mathematics with at least a satisfactory result.

Hello! Please tell me, should I rush to the Department now and urgently redo my certificate? My daughter received an annual 4 in the 10th grade, in the 11th grade in the first quarter there were 2 “B”s in other subjects, in the final certificate - all “A” (in accordance with the definition of arithmetic average marks for 2 years), but it is not written “with honors”. Now we have received the Moscow medal in accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government of February 25, 2014 N 74-PP “On the medal “For special achievements and training” (but, again, I repeat that the certificate does NOT say “WITH DISTINCT”...). It is important for us to receive additional points for individual achievements, but I cannot understand what kind of certificate we should have been given and whether my daughter will receive additional points this year simply for the Moscow medal without the inscription “with honors” on the certificate and with a blue “crust”? I hope for a prompt response. Thank you.

Good afternoon, Olga! In accordance with paragraph 10 of Art. 34 of the Federal Law on Education, persons who have completed the development of educational programs of secondary general education, have successfully passed the state final certification and have final grades of “excellent” performance in all academic subjects studied in accordance with the curriculum, are awarded by the educational organization simultaneously with the issuance of the corresponding document on education medal "For special achievements in learning."

Successful completion of the State Examination is passing the Unified State Examination in Russian and mathematics with at least a satisfactory result.

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated February 14, 2014 N 115, the final grades for grade 11 are determined as the arithmetic average of the student’s six-month and annual grades for each year of study in the educational program of secondary general education and are included in the certificate in whole numbers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding.

Thank you, today we have already received a “red” certificate with honors and a Federal gold medal with a certificate in return for the incorrectly issued certificate))) Good luck to everyone.

Hello! Can you help me understand the wording: “in the subject of the variable part of the curriculum of an organization carrying out educational activities, studied by a graduate, if at least 64 hours were allocated for its study according to the curriculum of the organization carrying out educational activities over two academic years”?

My son (before moving to a new place of residence) studied at a gymnasium, where from the 7th grade two languages ​​were studied - German or French (at the student’s choice) and English languages. The volume of studying a second language is 2 times a week for 45 minutes, a total of 68 hours per year. The final grade is entered into your personal file. My son studied in grades 8 and 9 in another school, where there was no second language. When receiving a certificate for grade 9, no grade for the second language is given. Is it legal? We did not receive a certificate due to lack of assessment. I hope for a prompt response! Thank you!

“in academic subjects, the study of which was completed before the 9th grade (fine arts, music and others).

Final grades for 9th grade in Russian language, mathematics and two academic subjects taken at the student’s discretion are determined as the arithmetic average of the graduate’s annual and examination grades and are included in the certificate as integers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding.

Final grades for 9th grade in other academic subjects are based on the graduate’s annual grade for 9th grade.”

And another paragraph 21: The certificate of basic general education and its supplement are issued to persons who have completed training in educational programs of basic general education and have successfully passed the state final certification.”

And here is a second foreign language, if it was not studied at this school, i.e. this subject was not in the school curriculum?

According to Art. 59 of the Federal Law on Education, a student who does not have academic debt and has fully completed the curriculum or individual curriculum is allowed to take part in the state final certification, unless otherwise established by the procedure for conducting the state final certification for the relevant educational programs.

Then how was the student admitted to the GIA if he did not complete the curriculum in full? Where is the logic in all this?

To resolve the issue, you can contact the education authority to which the school is subordinate, or the prosecutor's office.

You didn't answer the question. Can you help me understand the wording: “in the subject of the variable part of the curriculum of an organization carrying out educational activities, studied by a graduate, if at least 64 hours were allocated for its study according to the curriculum of the organization carrying out educational activities over two academic years”? Does 64 hours refer to the curriculum or the minimum amount of material covered?

Good afternoon, Anna! Let us remind you that the school curriculum consists of a basic (compulsory) and variable part. If you read the above quote carefully, it becomes clear that we're talking about about the subject of “the variable part of the organization’s curriculum.” It follows that this is the number of hours in the school curriculum. The volume of material studied is determined not by hours, but by the educational program.

Did you even read the letter? Or did they write just to get away?

I don't ask about exam subjects! And in 9th grade it’s not the GIA, but the OGE!

You are generally a qualified specialist.

Forgive me, I got excited. For the second week I have not left the school, the Ministry of Education and NONE of them can answer the question about 64 hours.

Good afternoon, Anna! As you can see, the blog is not alone!

Good afternoon, Anna! ?

Good afternoon, Anna! Note:

as stated in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2013 N 1394 "(with amendments and additions), GIA -9 is carried out in the form of the main state exam OGE) and in the form of written and oral exams using texts, topics, assignments, tickets ( GVE). Thus, OGE is one of the forms of GIA -9. All comments from blog visitors are read carefully. for the rest, see the privacy blog explanation.

Sorry for wasting your time!

The Ministry of Education cannot explain the law under which ALL schools in the country operate... They also suggested retaking the German language at school, although Law 115 clearly states in what cases and who confirms the assessment. Sorry again.

Good afternoon, Anna! Again, pay attention to the phrase from the text of the document: “studied by a graduate” and to the paragraph:

“Final grades for 9th grade in other academic subjects are set on the basis of the graduate’s annual grade for 9th grade.” What can we talk about if the subject was not studied at this school?

For an official, intelligible answer for you, we advise you to contact Rosobonadzor! We will be glad if you share with us your response.

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What grades are included in the certificate after 11th grade?

In accordance with paragraph four of paragraph 21 of the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary general education and their duplicates, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 14, 2014 No. 115 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), a certificate of secondary general education with honors and annex to it is issued to graduates of the 11th grade who have completed their studies in educational programs of secondary general education, have successfully passed the state final certification (without taking into account the results obtained during the repeated state final certification) and have final grades “excellent” in all academic subjects of the curriculum studied at the level of secondary general education.

By virtue of the paragraph of the seventh subparagraph "b" of paragraph 5.3 of the Procedure, the final grades for grade 11 are determined as the arithmetic average of the student's six-month and annual grades for each year of study in the educational program of secondary general education and are entered into the certificate in whole numbers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding.

Thus, the only condition for issuing a certificate with honors and, accordingly, being awarded a gold medal is the presence of all “excellent” grades, and these grades are formed as the arithmetic average of six-month and annual grades for grades 10-11. The very fact of having semi-annual/annual grades “good” and “satisfactory” cannot be an obstacle to the issuance of a certificate with honors.

As far as I remember, our certificates were given grades based on the results of the last four semesters, that is, grades 10 and 11, and the arithmetic average was calculated - if there are three A's and a B, then the certificate is worth 5, if vice versa, then 4 is in the certificate, and so on, controversial situations (50/50) are resolved by the teacher in this subject. If you have a three, only three fives can balance it.

In general, it’s strange that you’re asking about this here - they’ll tell you better about it at your school. Well, if you were going for a medal, the school would tell you about it and, most likely, they would help you in every possible way; schools are interested in medalists.

No. Semi-annual grades for grades 10 and 11 are taken into account: all A's must be obtained. At least that's what happened a year ago at my school. -------------------

The procedure for determining the assignment of grades to the certificate of basic general education states that grades are included in the certificate for all subjects studied from the 5th grade. And if the study of some subjects of the school component of the curriculum ended in the 6th grade (1 hour per week), do these subjects need to be included in the certificate? How to calculate the final grade in the 9th grade: the average for all years of study or only for the last year?


The certificate includes all subjects of the curriculum in which the child studied. If the subject was included in the variable part of the curriculum, then you need to determine the number of hours allocated for its study. If this subject has been studied extensively 64 hours or more for two academic years, then it should be entered in the “names of subjects” column if the subject was studied in the scope less than 64 hours over two academic years, then it must be entered in the “Additional information” column.

The final mark in Russian and mathematics is set as the arithmetic annual average

(for 9th grade) and examination.

For other subjects, the final grade will be the annual grade for 9th grade. If the subject is completed before grade 9, then the final year will be last year training.

According to clause 5.3 of the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary general education and their duplicates, approved. ,

in the column “Final grade” on separate lines corresponding to the academic subjects indicated in the column “Name of academic subjects”, aligned to the left - the final grades of the graduate:

for each academic subject of the variable part of the curriculum of the organization carrying out educational activities, studied by the graduate, if at least 64 hours were allocated for its study according to the curriculum of the organization carrying out educational activities for two academic years;

in academic subjects, the study of which was completed before grade 9 (fine arts, music and others).

Final grades for 9th grade in Russian language and mathematics are determined as the arithmetic average of the graduate's annual and examination marks and are entered into the certificate in whole numbers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding.

Final grades for 9th grade in other academic subjects are based on the graduate's annual grade for 9th grade.

According to clause 5.2 of the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary general education and their duplicates, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 14, 2014 No. 115,

The following information is indicated on the left side of the front side of the application form:

a) after the line containing the inscription “Additional information”, on separate lines aligned to the left (font size can be reduced to no more than 9p) - the names of educational courses, subjects, disciplines studied by the graduate in less than 64 hours in two academic year, including within the framework of paid additional educational services provided by the organization carrying out educational activities.

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