What are the signs of pregnancy? When can you feel the first signs of pregnancy? "Gorges" or lack of appetite

The state of pregnancy is exactly the situation that every woman wants to experience. Dreaming of conceiving a child, every woman begins the very next day after sexual intercourse to listen to herself, determining the changes that are occurring - she wants to determine the first signs of pregnancy. But for them to show themselves, you will need to wait a little longer. No, no, not until regular menstruation is delayed; the first signs of an interesting situation can be noticed already in the first days after the baby is conceived. Listen to yourself - maybe a new life is already beginning in you?

The first week of an interesting situation: how to determine its beginning

Young women are often concerned about the state of their pregnancy, but how do you know that you are pregnant at an early stage, because you often have to wait for an ultrasound examination to determine fertilization. But experts say that already in the first week after fertilization, changes begin in the body, which any woman can notice in herself if she knows about them.

The first signs of pregnancy include the following symptoms:

  1. Increased salivation. Saliva is constantly produced in the mouth, regardless of whether you are hungry expectant mother or sees delicious dishes on the table before eating. A lot of saliva is released even after eating.
  2. Calf cramps. They usually occur during night sleep and clearly indicate the onset of pregnancy. Such convulsions are associated with the presence of poor blood circulation in the body, so the presented symptoms are not fundamental.
  3. Metallic taste in the mouth. It also appears already in the first week and is difficult not to notice.
  4. Pigmentation. The white line running from the navel to the lower abdomen darkens. Pigment spots may appear on the face and along the hairline.
  5. Bloating. There is a feeling of a bloated abdomen, and subsequent constipation is provoked, regardless of what was eaten. Sometimes bloating is accompanied by diarrhea - this occurs quite rarely, and is more characterized by the peculiarities of the body’s perception of a “foreign object”.

These symptoms may not be too pronounced, and some may simply not be noticed, such as night cramps. If sound sleep, and the cramps are weak, the woman will not even know about them. But many of the signs are quite bright and it is simply impossible not to notice them, especially if a woman lives in anticipation of a long-awaited pregnancy.

How to find out about conception

Find out whether pregnancy has occurred or not without a pregnancy test early, difficult, but possible. To do this, you need to know the first symptoms of your interesting situation, which appear in women even before the onset of delayed menstruation and during the period when the test cannot yet determine this (within 7-10 days after fertilization of the egg). These main “diagnosticians” of pregnancy can later confirm the “interesting situation” of the expectant mother.

Since the embryo begins to produce hormones only after attachment to the wall of the uterus, it is impossible to detect any symptoms before this. Usually the implantation process occurs 7-10 days after ovulation. Not every woman can detect all possible signs of pregnancy. They do not appear all at once and at the same time. But many of them cannot be ignored, since they are so clearly expressed. You can find out that you are pregnant without a test by the following numerous symptoms.

Increase in temperature readings

Basal temperature is the lowest reading of a person's body temperature, which is determined during rest. It remains high after ovulation if pregnancy occurs. If you want to get pregnant and constantly measure indicators, changes are an accurate sign of conception.

Nausea in the morning or throughout the day

It also bothers you throughout the day if your blood sugar level drops. Therefore, you should eat regularly to prevent such symptoms of an interesting situation. When brushing your teeth in the morning, gagging occurs. Nausea and vomiting usually occur in the first trimester, but for some women, this symptom of a happy future remains for the entire 9 months.

Changes in the mammary glands

The nipples and areolas around them become darker, their sensitivity increases, the breasts themselves swell, become heavier and become painful. The manifested pain increases significantly when touching the chest and even when walking.

Increased discharge

The volume of vaginal discharge increases due to an increase in the hormone progesterone.


A fast metabolism leads to a constant feeling of malaise and fatigue. I constantly want to sleep, even during the daytime my eyes get stuck together. If possible, then you should not resist this desire; a woman simply needs rest at this time.

Frequent urge

Frequent urges begin after 5-7 days, if the countdown starts from the moment of conception. This happens due to the release of certain hormones by the embryo itself. The hormones released promote blood flow to internal organs, located in the woman’s pelvis. As a result, a feeling of fullness of the bladder occurs even in the absence of it - this is explained by the characteristic “pressure” of blood on bladder. This worries women most at night. Night runs to the toilet are also explained by the horizontal position of the woman, when the urination system does not undergo compression.

Cramps in the lower abdomen

They arise due to constant contraction of the uterus, which also occurs during normal periods. With the gradual growth of the embryo, pressure occurs on the walls of the uterus, and the frequency of spasms increases. You should not be afraid of them if they are not accompanied by bleeding, although this is not the norm. If you have any of these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Bloody discharge

During the expected period, spotting appears. They are light in color and appear due to the implantation of the embryo in the uterus. As a rule, such discharge is a deviation and should not appear at all - this is possible only if the time of the onset of menstruation coincides with the attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus.


Changes in hormonal levels lead to relaxation and poor bowel function. This frees up space for the fetus. As a result, constipation and accumulation of gases in the intestines.

Change in smells

The sense of smell becomes heightened, and different smells begin to bring unpleasant sensations to the point of nausea. They are especially difficult to tolerate when cooking. Smells are strong chemicals and perfumes. Often, a previously familiar and fragrant smell becomes disgusting to the point of nausea.


It feels like an acute respiratory infection is starting, weakness and malaise, a stuffy nose. All this happens due to hormonal changes in the body when a woman’s immune system is suppressed.

Emotional changes, psychological abnormalities

From the very first days of pregnancy, frequent mood swings occur, from a joyful state to a feeling of depression. The expectant mother becomes irritable, and her relationships with others often deteriorate.

Change in taste

The manifestation of increased appetite leads to overeating, because the woman does not feel full. Sometimes you have an unbearable desire to eat a specific product; most often you crave salty foods. But this symptom can change - it begins to crave tastes that previously caused only hostility. For example, lovers of sweets begin to sweep away everything sour - lemons, unripe berries from the bushes and other “goodies”.

Migraines and unexplained headaches

They can cause discomfort from the first days of pregnancy, disturbing the woman throughout the day, and subside closer to night.

Pain syndrome in the lower back

Pain syndromes begin with tingling in this area, lumbago, which radiates to the legs. Often there is even a feeling of heat in the lower back.


This symptom is not observed in all women. This happens due to fluid retention in the body. It is reflected by swelling of the extremities, most often the hands.

In addition to the symptoms discussed above, a newly pregnant woman experiences tingling in or near the uterus. A woman may feel chills and fever that alternate throughout the day. The temperature at this time remains normal - these are the woman’s internal sensations, independent of external factors. During a short period of time, an expectant mother may develop an allergy to substances or products to which there was no reaction before. In the first days after conception, a woman experiences a feeling of discomfort in a sitting position; it is difficult for her to find a comfortable position to simply sit down. Sexual desire changes, both in one direction and in the other.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods of determining pregnancy without tests and medical examinations are based on intuition, dreams and mystical situations. Therefore, they sometimes do not correspond to reality and require double-checking. But there is also effective ways folk remedies to determine early pregnancy:

  1. Boil urine in a metal container and pour it into glassware. If pregnancy has occurred, a flaky white sediment forms at the bottom.
  2. Further, the method considered was used to determine conception back in the Middle Ages. A woman's urine should be mixed with red wine - clear urine indicates a positive result, but if it becomes cloudy, pregnancy has not occurred.
  3. You can take a wedding ring and hang it from a woman's hair above her belly. If it starts to spin or sway, the woman is pregnant, but if it does not move, then she is not.
  4. Pour some urine into a glass and drop a drop of iodine onto its surface. If the drop spreads quickly, the result is negative, and if it spreads slowly, the result is positive.
  5. You can also lie on your back and place your fingers at a distance of 7 centimeters from the navel down the abdomen. If you feel a pulsation, you are pregnant.
  6. Pour into a glass warm water from the tap, throw a few potassium permanganate crystals into it to make it pink solution and add morning urine to it. If the solution just turns yellow, it means there is no pregnancy, and if it turns into curdled milk, then everything is fine - a happy moment in life has arrived.
  7. This method of determination is based on the fact that a pregnant woman’s energy should change. To check, you should take two cups, write the word “pregnant” on one, and “not pregnant” on the other, and plant an onion in them. Wait until the onion shoots reach 4 centimeters in the container.
  8. There is a belief that when watering indoor flowers with the urine of a pregnant woman, they will bloom faster and more magnificently.

The last two methods take too long - while the onion stretches and the buds bloom, other signs of pregnancy will appear, visible to the naked eye. The healers believed that dreams should also be believed, because some come true 100%. Even in modern times young girls tend to believe in dreams and if they dream of a fish or a mouse, they will know for sure that the long-awaited pregnancy has arrived. Traditional methods correspond to the true result by only 50%, so you should take into account the presented indicator, but do not believe in them unconditionally.

Determining an “interesting situation” in the early stages using folk methods or analyzing one’s physiological sensations does not always bring the correct result. For an accurate diagnosis, you should undergo an ultrasound examination and examination by a gynecologist. Urine and blood tests also help determine pregnancy. If you need a confirmatory result at the beginning of conception, then it is better to contact specialists - they will prescribe an appropriate examination. You can determine the onset of pregnancy a week after fertilization during an examination by a gynecologist. It can be more accurately verified through additional research and survey methods.

The first probable and reliable signs of pregnancy

The first signs of pregnancy in the first days of conception are quite rare. Various changes in the body are much more noticeable when the embryo is several weeks old. But let's look at all these noticeable and not so noticeable symptoms in more detail.

The probable signs of pregnancy in the first month are, basically, not the results of any medical procedures or tests, but the personal feelings of each individual woman. Experienced mothers who have given birth more than 2 times say that they themselves, without doctors, can easily determine their interesting position, say, by the size of the breasts before the expected onset of menstruation, by the sensitivity of the nipples, increased or decreased libido, mild nausea, etc. And all this while doctors claim the impossibility of a correct diagnosis. But still, signs of pregnancy in the first days of delay are not reliable evidence of emerging life. However, they cannot be left without attention. So, the very, very first feelings of the expectant mother.

1. Fatigue, insomnia, frequent mood swings, changes in food preferences, etc. A lot has already been written regarding the latter phenomenon, but scientists are still inclined to the hypothesis that in this way the mother’s body takes care of the child. For example, for the development of the baby and maintaining the immunity of the expectant mother, vitamin C is definitely needed, but not very much. large quantities. Where is vitamin C found? In fruits, mainly citrus fruits. That’s why we see pregnant women buying kilograms of oranges and tangerines. However, you need to be more careful with this, since citrus fruits are one of the most allergenic foods on our table. Of course, 1-2 fruits a day won’t do any harm, but you definitely shouldn’t overeat on them. By the way, vitamin C is also found in our “local” berries and herbs. For example, there is a lot of it in rose hips. Don’t be lazy - pick and dry these berries in the summer, then you can make healthy and tasty rosehip tea for your loved ones and yourself all year round. Among herbs, we can recommend aromatic lemon balm; it should also be consumed in the form of a decoction.

The expectant mother's fatigue and mood swings, as symptoms of pregnancy in the first week, are also caused by defensive reactions. This is more often observed in women engaged in very nervous or physically demanding work, which, without reducing the load, can provoke spontaneous abortion. Insomnia is more often caused by fear or, conversely, a woman’s strong desire to become a mother.

2. Increased amount of discharge from the genital tract. Firstly, in very rare cases, expectant mothers, at the time of implantation of a fertilized egg into the endometrium of the uterus, may experience scanty, barely noticeable bloody or brownish discharge. For reference, implantation occurs approximately a week after conception, and conception occurs in the middle of the cycle. Duration menstrual cycle for the average woman - 4 weeks, which means you should expect this discharge no earlier than a week before the expected start of menstruation. By the way, it is from this moment, or rather soon, that more obvious symptoms of pregnancy appear before the delay - such as a positive or weakly positive pregnancy test as a result of an increase in hCG. But more on that a little later.

Secondly, there may be an increase in colorless discharge, similar to what occurs during the period of ovulation. A woman expects menstruation, but instead there is only this discharge. Another interesting point is that in some cases, menstruation may occur on time in pregnant women. It is also necessary to take into account that if the signs of pregnancy in the first days are bloody discharge (after the start of the delay), instead of “normal” bleeding, it would not hurt to check for pregnancy. But it’s quite easy to notice the difference; these discharges are shorter lasting and very scarce. It is also necessary to take into account that this spotting is one of the symptoms of a threatening or incipient miscarriage, especially if the discharge is accompanied by regular, nagging or sharp pain in the lower abdomen, in the area of ​​the uterus or ovaries. Therefore, if your situation is confirmed by a gynecologist and ultrasound, you will have to remain on bed rest at home or go to the hospital.

3. Enlargement and tenderness of the mammary glands. The phenomenon is quite common, and not only among expectant mothers. Every month, cyclical changes occur in the female body, and they affect the mammary glands, including. Some people call it mastopathy, but in fact, slight breast tenderness before menstruation is a normal phenomenon, indicating that a woman’s body is working correctly. However, if conception has occurred, the pain is usually constant and more noticeable. If you are afraid that discomfort may be associated not with pregnancy, but, say, with pathology of the mammary glands; at a minimum, you need to conduct a breast self-examination (palpation). If the cause is a neoplasm, the pain is felt locally in some area, and during pregnancy, both breasts hurt equally. A little later, colostrum may begin to be released from the nipples when pressed. This phenomenon is natural, but if these symptoms of pregnancy are absent in the early stages, there is no need to worry either. Based on the condition of the mammary glands, it is possible with a high degree of probability to determine any problem, for example, the arrest of the fetus in development. In this case, the breasts one day become soft, as at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, and absolutely painless.

4. Toxicosis. As a rule, reliable signs of pregnancy in the early stages, which include regular nausea and vomiting, do not appear. But in some cases, especially sensitive women may experience discomfort in the morning. But it's pretty easy to get rid of. For example, in the morning you can drink a mint decoction or lemon balm decoction. Weak tea with lemon or just lemon will also work... without tea. In general, there are a lot of ways. However, do not confuse toxicosis with poisoning. Usually, in case of poisoning, in addition to vomiting, diarrhea and general malaise also occur. With early toxicosis, a woman feels unwell only at certain times of the day and when eating any food or inhaling any odors, and not regularly.

5. Fever, increased temperature. Body temperature may rise to subfebrile levels, but there are no other symptoms of disease. If this sounds like you, then measure your basal temperature. It is best to take measurements in the morning and in the rectum, then the result will be much more reliable. If your delay has already begun or is about to begin, and basal temperature above 37 degrees, then it is quite possible that the reason is the conception that occurred. But these are rather dubious signs of pregnancy before a missed period... Too many factors can affect the values ​​​​that the thermometer shows. For example, if you got up at night to go to the toilet, then it is likely that the temperature will be elevated without pregnancy, or if sexual intercourse took place several hours before the measurements.

6. Increased frequency of urination. As a rule, it is observed in the very early stages and right up to childbirth. These symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception are caused by the production of the hormone progesterone, which promotes some relaxation of the bladder sphincter, and in the last trimester by strong pressure from the fetus on the bladder.

7. Delayed menstruation. Actually, this is the very first and most reliable sign of an interesting situation. Violation of the cycle is a reason for a visit to the doctor and subsequent testing. However, the absence of menstruation does not always happen only to expectant mothers. Delays occur during severe nervous tension(for example, during a session with female students), with a sharp change in climate (from cold Siberia to hot Egypt), sudden and severe weight loss and various hormonal disorders caused by certain problems in the body.

To determine the above symptoms, the presence of a doctor, the purchase of any diagnostic items and medical procedures are not necessary, but they are not so reliable. In addition to them, other important points need to be taken into account.

1. Pregnancy test and blood test for hCG. The simplest and most accessible diagnosis for every lady. As a rule, the results are not erroneous, at least if the test is done without violating the instructions and after the start of menstruation. The tests vary in sensitivity, but they are not very different from each other. The most “sensitive” ones allow you to determine an interesting position approximately 12 days after conception, that is, 2-3 days before the delay, the less sensitive ones - from the first day of the delay, so the difference is not great. Tests show a second line if the woman’s urine contains the hormone chorionic gonadotropin, produced by the developing placenta - chorion (hence the name - chorionic). When the first signs of pregnancy have just begun to appear before your period, you should do the test in the morning, when the hCG content is maximum, it is more reliable. A faint second line usually also indicates pregnancy.

A blood test for hCG allows you to make an accurate diagnosis even earlier - already 8-10 days after conception. This analysis is mandatory for women who become pregnant through IVF. But if you don’t know exactly when you ovulate, it’s still not worth getting tested just for the sake of curiosity. This, of course, is not harmful, but it is also not free and not necessary, and the results are not guaranteed to be accurate. Let's say a woman can ovulate on the 20th day, and someone on this day is already tested for the presence of hCG, which, of course, will be negative, while pregnancy in this cycle is still possible.

2. Ultrasound examination and gynecological examination. Both the first and second are relevant if there is a delay of more than two to three weeks. It is then that a tiny fertilized egg, literally a couple of millimeters in size, can be seen on the monitor, and the doctor can accurately diagnose an enlarged uterus in connection with future motherhood. However, ultrasound at such early stages according to indications is done quite rarely, only with an existing threat of miscarriage, when the existing signs of pregnancy in the first week suddenly disappear for no reason (that is, with a frozen pregnancy), or when there is a suspicion of ectopic localization ovum. Don’t worry, you are unlikely to be asked to drink water before the procedure, since they will be looking not through the abdominal wall, but with a vaginal sensor.

These are all the main probable and reliable signs of an interesting situation. We hope you find this information useful.

Every woman who dreams of becoming a mother uses many methods to determine pregnancy. If menstruation did not occur at the appointed time, you felt some of the signs presented above, and using folk methods you saw positive result– it’s time for you to visit a gynecologist.

Pregnancy is an important and exciting period in a woman’s life, and the expectant mother wants to know about her situation almost from the first days.

Signs of early pregnancy

1. nervousness

This is one of the first symptoms. Everything irritates you and you lose your temper. It seems that those around you are acting like idiots. The thing is that your body is adjusting to a different hormonal background.

2. makes you feel nauseous

An indisputable symptom of pregnancy and the cause is early toxicosis. You feel nausea or vomiting when eating. Perhaps slight dizziness.

3. I want to eat something salty

The food seems bland, you really want to eat pickled, pickled cucumber:) This pregnancy symptom is caused by a change in taste preferences.

4. sensitive breasts

Usually this happens later, but sometimes in the early stages. Your breasts swell and become more sensitive, and there is a feeling of heaviness in your chest.

5. missed period

Undoubtedly, this is the main sign of pregnancy. If you notice a delay, then go to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test. It is recommended to carry out the test in the morning.

How to determine pregnancy in the early stages using traditional methods?

Women are curious creatures. They always want to find out about their “interesting situation” as early as possible. Even in the old days, they managed to find ways to confirm their guesses. In the Middle Ages, girls mixed urine with red wine. If the solution became clear, it meant that conception had occurred.

Today it is also possible to perform a pregnancy test without modern test pens or strips. So, the most popular traditional methods identifying an “interesting” situation in the early stages:

  • Method 1: Fill the container with urine (preferably morning urine). Then drop iodine into the container with urine. If the iodine dissolves immediately, the woman is not pregnant. If iodine remains on the surface of the urine, this indicates the birth of a new life.
  • Method 2: Soak the paper in urine and pour a few drops of iodine onto its surface. Lilac (purple) color indicates pregnancy, blue indicates a negative result.
  • Method 3: Monitor the color of your urine for several days. In pregnant women, from the first days of pregnancy, the hormonal levels change, the urine becomes dark yellow and becomes more concentrated not only in the morning, but throughout the day.
  • Method 4: Boil your own urine, preferably in a metal container, and after it boils, pour it into a glass container. If a woman sees flakes in the form of precipitation, we can safely assume that she is pregnant.
  • Method 5: Pour a spoonful of soda into the container with urine. If there is a pregnancy, then the soda will simply settle. Otherwise, the soda will react in the form of a hissing liquid.
  • Method 6: Feel the stomach. They say that there is a point on the abdomen of women (7-8 centimeters below the navel), which begins to pulsate during pregnancy. To test this method, lie on your back, relax and place your fingers on this point. If there is a pulse, it means pregnancy has occurred.

It is quite difficult to reliably determine pregnancy in the early stages. However, there are many early signs - subjective, external or diagnosed by a doctor, which can confirm or deny the presence of a delicate situation in the first weeks.

How to determine pregnancy

Tests during pregnancy are not always correct at 1 week and cannot give a 100% accurate result. To ensure the reliability of the test results, it is better to wait a few more weeks.

Only blood test for hCG may indicate pregnancy, since this indicator increases sharply during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, even Ultrasound will not give a reliable answer. The ultrasound procedure is effective for women who have been planning a pregnancy for a long time. It will help clarify the readiness of the uterus and the maturity of the follicle as a whole.

Early signs of pregnancy

The most early signs pregnancy How does it manifest itself and why does it occur in the first weeks of pregnancy?
Nausea From the first weeks of the birth of a new life, a woman may feel discomfort in the stomach, which is accompanied by nausea. This symptom especially bothers women in the morning. This is explained by the fact that the expectant mother’s body undergoes hormonal changes. In this case, it is stress for the body, because in the first months of pregnancy it perceives the fetus as a foreign body. Therefore, nausea often worries the expectant mother.
Headache, migraine It is possible that the woman has previously had attacks of headaches due to stress or lack of sleep. But in the early stages headache is systematic. This occurs due to an increase in the level of hormones in the body, and in women it also drops sharply blood pressure which leads to migraines. Usually the pain subsides by the end of the first trimester, when the hormonal balance stabilizes.
Breast tenderness and enlargement This symptom appears a little later, somewhere towards the end of the first and at the beginning of the second week. The breasts swell greatly, harden, touching causes discomfort and even pain. You should also pay attention to the nipple area. If the nipples darken, this may indicate the birth of a new life.
Malaise This condition constantly accompanies a pregnant woman from the first weeks. She may feel a complete loss of strength and even pain. Also, a woman begins to get tired of the simplest things. During this period, the expectant mother can really get sick, because the immune system weakens significantly, as the body is busy “arranging a home” for the baby.
Bloody or yellowish discharge Sometimes on toilet paper the girl may see a “yellow trace” or bloody droplets. Usually girls think that this is premenstrual discharge. Similar symptoms may indicate that the embryo is attached to the uterine wall. This happens on days 6-12. This phenomenon is also called implantation bleeding. Therefore, this symptom can confirm a woman’s guesses about her situation.
Drowsiness or insomnia These two opposing conditions can haunt the expectant mother in the very early stages. Since everything happens individually for each girl, therefore the signs are different and contradictory. Drowsiness is explained by the fact that the body spends all its strength and energy on restructuring. Therefore, the expectant mother may feel weak and sleepy. Insomnia usually occurs in busy women or those who work hard. This makes them very exhausted and tired. Even fainting cannot be ruled out.
Enhanced sense of smell and taste buds This symptom appears almost after the first days of conception. A woman distinguishes odors more clearly, her sense of smell becomes “sharp,” and her favorite smells cause nausea or disgust.

A pregnant woman may want to eat incompatible foods. And also add dishes to her menu that previously caused her rejection. It is absolutely true that women's taste preferences change dramatically during pregnancy.

Mental change This symptom does not go unnoticed by any pregnant woman. Hormonal fluctuations that occur in a woman’s body actively affect her psyche and perception outside world. Expectant mothers become irritable, angry, or, on the contrary, whiny and infantile. In any case, if a woman suddenly realizes that some inexplicable things have begun to happen to her mood. If she can express a million emotions in five minutes, then most likely she will become a mother in the near future.
Fever A fairly common occurrence during pregnancy. Usually, after the placenta begins to function, the temperature subsides. On average, the temperature stays between 37-37.4 degrees.
Increased appetite The girl may experience a constant feeling of hunger. Increased appetite– a normal occurrence among pregnant women. This is due to the fact that the body requires a lot of strength and energy to “transform”.
Pain in the lower abdomen, lower back Quite often, girls are bothered by nagging pain in the lower abdomen and discomfort in the lumbar region. Girdle pain can be a sign of pregnancy, although most girls may believe that this is a symptom of PMS.

First signs of pregnancy before delay

In most all cases, women begin to suspect pregnancy only with the onset of a missed period. It even happens that the expectant mother learns the good news already in the second or third month. But by listening and taking a closer look at your body, some conclusions can be drawn much earlier.

Naturally, your guesses will still have to be confirmed by a gynecologist, who will make a final “diagnosis” only after an ultrasound. But it will be useful for yourself to know about pregnancy as early as possible, because in the first weeks the fetus is very sensitive to all factors: the lifestyle and habits of the mother will largely determine the health and life of the child in the future.

Early pregnancy symptoms different women are often the same or similar. But individual reactions of the body to changes occurring in it are often observed. We will help you deal with your well-being.

So, there is a problem if you have had sexual intercourse in the recent past and are now experiencing some of the following early pregnancy symptoms.

Characteristic symptoms of early pregnancy

Observations of a newly pregnant woman have been carried out for a long time. Long before the advent of ultrasound, our ancestors could accurately determine the fact of pregnancy, although there were cruel mistakes in this practice. Nevertheless, centuries-old experience is still used in everyday life. The reliability of the “diagnosis” is recognized even by gynecologists themselves.

The following reliable symptoms in the early stages will tell you that pregnancy has occurred:

  • Lack of regular periods. This is the very first and very likely symptom of pregnancy, which every woman knows about. But a delay in menstruation is not always a fact of conception. Menstrual irregularities can occur for a huge variety of reasons that have nothing to do with pregnancy.
  • . This symptom is relevant only for those women who maintain a BT schedule. It is not 100% proof that conception has taken place, but in general it is quite reliable. During pregnancy, the basal temperature rises to 37°C and above and remains at these levels.
  • Changes in the chest. For many women, the breasts become so sensitive that any touch to them causes pain and severe irritation. Even wearing a regular bra becomes simply unbearable! A woman may observe scanty discharge from the breasts - this is future colostrum. At the same time, the breasts fill up, become heavy, and may become covered with a venous network. Occasionally, spider veins also appear on the legs.
  • Mood swings. The woman becomes very vulnerable, whiny, and suspicious. She can flare up over any reason and become depressed because of a broken nail. Attacks of anger are abruptly replaced by outbursts of joy and fun. Together with hypersensitivity breast problems, a woman often blames everything on premenstrual syndrome.
  • Runny nose. Nasal congestion in early pregnancy is explained by hormonal changes. Because of this, snoring may occur at night, and nosebleeds are also possible. Many women suffer from a runny nose until the very last days of pregnancy: after childbirth, everything goes away as if by hand. It’s good if you recognize your pregnancy now, because a runny nose during pregnancy is practically impossible to treat.
  • Drowsiness, fatigue. A few hours before lunch you are already falling on your teeth. Neither coffee nor going to bed early the night before helps: you just want to sleep like crazy! At work they start making fun of you about this, but there is no increase in positivity: how to cope with responsibilities when you are literally in a semi-fainting state... Insomnia, which has now worsened, can also aggravate drowsiness: despite fatigue and weakness, sometimes it is simply impossible to fall asleep.
  • Malaise. In general, a certain weakness is felt: body aches, chills, and the temperature may even rise to subfebrile levels. Along with the previous signs, this picture is often perceived as the onset of the flu. It’s good if you decide to take sick leave, more rest won’t hurt you now.
  • Various pains. It’s unfortunate, but it’s a fact: with the onset of pregnancy, a variety of pains can appear. Many women note that they have pain in their head, chest, stomach, back or lower back, legs, arms... A certain danger is posed by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by small bloody discharge. If you suspect you are pregnant, you should consult a gynecologist: it is possible we're talking about about the threat of miscarriage. But in general, such pain will accompany a woman throughout her entire life: the uterus is growing all the time and the ligaments that hold it stretch, which can be quite noticeable for the expectant mother.
  • Exacerbation chronic diseases. All of this can escalate. inflammatory processes, lurking in your body. If you have previously suffered from kidney or other diseases, then with a high degree of probability they will make themselves felt now. One of the most common early pregnancy symptoms is thrush. Also often arise calf cramps, especially at night. Talk to your doctor and start taking calcium supplements.
  • Frequent urination. The uterus begins to enlarge from the earliest stages of pregnancy, putting pressure on the bladder. Aggravated genitourinary infections can also force you to run to the toilet frequently.
  • Pigment spots. Most often, nipple halos and the abdominal line leading from the navel to the pubis darken. But in general, pigmentation can appear anywhere. Many women one morning notice that their face is covered with brown spots: experts call this phenomenon chloasma, and people call it a pregnancy mask. You are unlikely to like this, but, thank God, this is not forever.
  • Bloating, constipation,... Digestive and work disorders gastrointestinal tract will accompany the woman throughout the entire period of gestation. Some of the manifestations will appear in the very early stages: increased flatulence, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, bloating, constipation or stool disorders, heartburn.
  • Change in taste preferences. Complete chaos is happening with your gastronomic preferences. In principle, each of us can crave strawberries or cherries in the middle of winter. But only a pregnant woman can dream about delicacies that you couldn’t stomach before. Often, a pregnant woman receives intense gustatory pleasure from a combination of incompatible products - this is already a fact... By the way, appetite can also change in any direction.
  • Enhanced sense of smell. It is not surprising that you can be very sensitive to odors in this situation. Your favorite perfumes just make you sick, and you’re the first to hear the milk running down in the apartment from the house opposite.
  • Nausea, . This symptom is the most popular among the people, although in reality it is not in first place. Many pregnant women actually experience early toxicosis, but not all and not always. If vomiting occurs too often and you begin to lose weight, you should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, there is nothing to worry about: look for ways to combat toxicosis.
  • Increased salivation. By the way, don’t be surprised if saliva begins to be released in large volumes: this is normal and will pass soon, but, of course, it still causes some discomfort: it’s okay when saliva flows out of the mouth during sleep, but often it just splashes during a conversation or laughter - the interlocutor may not like this.

Also in the early stages there may be a heavy discharge of leucorrhoea. If you have been tested for hCG, it will certainly be elevated.

“Strange” and unusual symptoms of early pregnancy

For young girls and women who may be pregnant for the first time, any of the symptoms may seem strange. But all of the above are classics, so to speak. However, each body is individual and can sometimes react to pregnancy very unpredictably. The following symptoms also occur, but are relatively uncommon:

  • the appearance of facial and body hair;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • falling off of extended acrylic nails (they break off at the base);
  • the appearance of blush on the cheeks;
  • itching of palms.

In addition, each organism can behave completely unpredictably. If you observe any special symptoms of pregnancy in the early stages, then share with other women: perhaps this will help them recognize the long-awaited pregnancy in themselves.

As the period increases, if suspicions of pregnancy are confirmed, more and more new symptoms may gradually be added: itching of the skin of the abdomen, swelling of the arms and legs, and others.

We draw your attention to the fact that this is a list of symptoms of a possible pregnancy. They are not a reason to make an accurate diagnosis; only a doctor can do this. And you can even suspect pregnancy only by a combination of several of the probable symptoms. But we wish you that the result in any case turns out to be what you expect. Be happy!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Define possible pregnancy even before the delay - it’s not difficult at all. There are obvious first signs of pregnancy before menstruation, knowing which you can very accurately answer exciting question. Doubtful and reliable, general and very individual, the most typical and not quite typical, physiological, psychological and emotional - you will find all the first signs of pregnancy here.

When do the first signs of pregnancy appear?

Probably, in most all cases when women become pregnant, they find out about it just days, or even weeks after the delay. It is the absence of menstruation that prompts them to think about possible conception. But for those planning a pregnancy, as well as for those who have real reasons to suspect pregnancy in this cycle, it is very important to know the situation as early as possible. And such women are certainly interested in the question of when the first signs of pregnancy appear.

It should be said that not in all cases, but quite often the female body begins to send signals about its new state very early: soon after ovulation, even before the delay or in its first days. At such an early stage, a pregnancy test may not yet show a true result. And even a gynecologist and uzologist are not able to accurately answer you whether you are pregnant or not. To some extent, you can only trust your own sensations and changes occurring in your own body: the main thing is not to accept the real state of affairs as desirable or frightening. Often, women who are very eager to get pregnant or are very afraid of this are ready to notice signs of pregnancy where there are none. Try to assess the presence or absence of the first symptoms objectively.

The very first signs of pregnancy

To better understand your feelings, this section describes all the possible earliest signs of pregnancy. Study them in detail, do not rush to conclusions, compare your suspicions with the experiences of other women. Sometimes pregnancy may be indicated by what you think are completely atypical, bizarre signs, but if you look through the Internet, you can see that the same thing happened to many other women.

At the same time, many of the most likely symptoms are very reminiscent of a woman’s condition with premenstrual syndrome, and therefore you should not run ahead of the cart - wait for a delay and, if necessary, visit a gynecologist.

And may any of your expectations come true!