What gas is more in sparkling water? Carbonated drinks, their benefits and harms

Sparkling water is familiar to everyone since childhood. Not everyone, however, knows the history of its appearance. Carbonated water of natural origin has been widespread since ancient times. But over the centuries, all attempts to artificially carbonate water have failed.

Success was first achieved in the 18th century - first by the Englishman Joseph Priestley, and then by the Swedes Tobern Bergman and Jacob Schweppe. The creation of a saturator, an operating installation for carbonation, made it possible to quickly establish industrial production drink In the 19th century, Schwepp attempted to reduce the cost of production by using soda for carbonation. This led to the birth of the still famous soda water.

Perhaps in historical novels about the Russian Empire you have come across such an incomprehensible name as seltzer water. This is also a type of sparkling water, common in the CIS countries more than 100 years ago. At that time, this drink had elite status. Seltzer water got its name from the Niederselters spring, where it was originally obtained.

Useful properties

Both medicinal table water and mineral water can be carbonated. In the West, sparkling water is usually designated Sparkling - compare with Still, a designation for still water. Water of various brands perfectly quenches thirst, even in the hottest weather! Sparkling water is suitable for drinking throughout the day and is often also good

Carbonated water means it is enriched with carbon dioxide. There are mineral and table water, as well as water from a natural source. A sweet drink can have different flavors. The benefits and harms of carbonated water depend on its chemical composition.

Composition and calorie content of sparkling water

Mineral water With medicinal properties enriched with carbon dioxide. Mineralization is 10 or more g/l. During the storage period, the composition does not change, and the beneficial substances are preserved long time. Natural sparkling water is not common. It wears off quite quickly, but the benefits are not retained.

The compressor, which saturated water with carbon dioxide, was invented by a Swedish designer. An industrial analogue was created in the 19th century. Production was considered unprofitable due to its high cost. The sparkling water contained baking soda.

Modern production uses mechanical and chemical gassing. With the mechanical method, hardware carbonation is performed in special siphons, tanks, and saturators. Water is saturated with gas under high pressure. With the chemical method, baking soda or acid is added to the water. Fermentation is used in the production of kvass, champagne, cider and sparkling wines.

The composition determines the type and benefits of water:

  • slightly carbonated;
  • medium carbonated;
  • highly carbonated.

The sweet and sour base is different for each drink. The sweeteners included in soda are:

  • aspartame;
  • cyclomat;
  • saccharin;
  • potassium acesulfate or sunnet.

The following types of acids are distinguished:

  • apple;
  • lemon;
  • orthophosphoric.

Some types of carbonated drinks contain caffeine. The preservative is represented by carbon dioxide, which enters chemical reaction with water and is characterized by rapid dissolution.

Important! Some people wonder why water is carbonated. The benefit of carbon dioxide is the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms that can harm health. In addition, this composition allows you to extend the implementation period.

The calorie content of mineral and sparkling water without additives is 0 kcal. That is why this drink is beneficial for weight loss. Carbonated water with a lot of sweeteners and preservatives harms the body, causing weight gain.

Is sparkling water healthy?

When answering the question of whether drinking carbonated water is healthy, experts pay attention to the type of drink. The benefits of natural carbonated water have been known since ancient times. Initially, this product was used exclusively for the treatment of various diseases.

Drinking carbonated water as a drink brought benefits to the body. Natural springs were also used for bathing. For example, Hippocrates described the benefits of a natural product in his works.

In the 18th century, the healing drink went on sale. Later, a synthetic analogue was created.

Sweet sparkling water

  1. Tarragon and Duchess contain tarragon, which has an anticonvulsant effect. The substance improves the digestion process and increases appetite. Duchess also includes pear infusion, which quenches thirst and has a diuretic effect.
  2. The Sayany drink contains tannins and essential substances, as well as ascorbic acid, lemon syrup, and Leuzea extract, which eliminate signs of fatigue.

Attention! Carbonated water containing artificial sweeteners and additives is not beneficial. Excessive use may be harmful.

Sparkling mineral water

Mineral water is a purified product, artificially enriched with various components. By following certain rules, this water can be drunk with benefit by both adults and children.

Medicinal water is collected from natural sources. Benefits only natural product, which has the following actions:

  • quenches thirst well;
  • improves the production of gastric juice with low acidity;
  • nourishes cells and plasma due to neutral molecules;
  • maintains acid-base balance and muscle tone due to sodium content;
  • prevents calcium from being washed out of bones.

It has been proven that when taking natural carbonated water, the functioning of various systems body. The benefits of consumption are to improve digestion and increase hemoglobin.

There are types of drink that are used for specific diseases. Table water is enriched with minerals that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body. This product can be used without medicinal indications.

Can children be given sparkling water?

Experts note that a glass of sweet carbonated water contains about 4 tablespoons of sugar. On a hot summer day, a child can drink half a liter of this drink, which is harmful to the child’s body. Sweet carbonated water is not recommended for consumption childhood because of:

  • negative impact on the endocrine system and pancreas;
  • irritating effects of acids on the stomach and esophagus, tooth enamel;
  • removal of calcium from bone tissue.

As a rule, sugar in modern drinks is replaced with sweeteners. In addition, the product is enriched with vitamin C, which, when interacting with preservatives, forms a carcinogen. The combination of sweeteners, carbon dioxide and acids often causes allergies in children. The product does not quench thirst, but contributes to its intensification.

Attention! Carbonated water is not beneficial to a child's body. The harm of such a drink is tooth decay and a negative effect on the digestive organs.

Still table water has a beneficial effect, quenching thirst well and saturating the body with essential minerals. For children under one year old, special water purified from excess substances is suitable.

Can pregnant and breastfeeding women drink sparkling water?

Carbonated water is not beneficial during pregnancy, as carbon dioxide can cause discomfort in the stomach and intestines. The synthetic substances included in the composition block the absorption of calcium, which is necessary for the development of the skeleton of the growing fetus and the mother's body during breastfeeding.

Table water without gas is beneficial. Chloride-containing mineral water provokes hypertension and edema in pregnant women.

Synthetic substances contained in sweet soda can cause serious harm to the child’s body during pregnancy and lactation. That is why you should categorically refuse to use the product.

Carbonated water for weight loss: harm or benefit

The benefit of soda is the feeling of fullness after drinking it. Since it does not contain fats, proteins and carbohydrates, it provides energy and nutritional value also missing. Nutritionists recommend including the product in your diet. Moreover, one of the principles of losing weight is sufficient fluid intake.

Harm can occur with excessive consumption and is manifested by flatulence and bloating. Sweet soda contains a significant amount of sugar and cannot be used for weight loss.

Carbonated water for gastrointestinal diseases

Medicinal carbonated water is used for certain diseases. It is undesirable to use such a product without indications. Soda can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis and inflammation of the pancreas, which indicates the need to exclude it from the diet. Gastroenterologists recommend drinking mineral table water without gases. In the presence of pathologies of the digestive tract, water can be prescribed, which has a therapeutic effect.

How to carbonate water at home

Many people are interested in how to make sparkling water themselves. Soda can be made using baking soda, citric acid, water and sugar. This drink can cause harm to children under 3 years of age, as well as people with gastrointestinal pathologies or a history of obesity.

Homemade sparkling water is also prepared using a special apparatus - a siphon. There are models for home use, which carbonate water due to the presence of a cylinder with carbon dioxide.

Use in cooking

Carbonated water, in particular mineral water, is widely used for preparing various dishes. Soda is the basis for various cocktails and is added to pancake batter. Cooks use the drink as a dressing and marinade for meat.

How to choose sparkling water

In order for soda to be beneficial and not harmful, you should follow the general rules:

  • drink medicinal and medicinal table water only on the recommendation of the attending physician;
  • when purchasing a drink, give preference to the table variety;
  • make purchases only in pharmacies and large stores;
  • carefully study the composition of the drink and the expiration date to avoid harm;
  • purchase a product from well-known brands.

Carefully! The soda should be clear. Sediment indicates spoilage, poor quality of the product, which can cause harm to health.

Harm of carbonated water and contraindications

The synthetic product is harmful to health due to its aggressive composition. The harm caused implies the development of the following pathologies:

  • gastritis;
  • obesity;
  • hypertension;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • allergy;
  • urolithiasis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • decreased visual acuity.

After drinking a synthetic drink, the brain receives a signal about the flow of fluid. The effect of sugar on taste buds leads to the need to take a new portion. This is due to the impossibility of quenching thirst with a drink containing sugar and gas. With regular consumption, the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, obesity, and atherosclerosis increases significantly due to the increased concentration of cholesterol, which causes damage to blood vessels.

Calcium is washed out of bone tissue due to the content of orthophosphoric acid. Thus, the likelihood of osteoporosis increases significantly, especially in older people. The resulting combination of ascorbic acid and benzene destroys DNA, provoking the development of malignant tumors.

Carefully! The caffeine contained in the drink is addictive.

The product is harmful to small children and pregnant and lactating women. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, obesity and allergies, the harm to the body is also significant. After drinking the drink, bloating, nausea and belching are often observed.


The benefits and harms of sparkling water make you take your choice of product seriously. Soda refers to more than just natural mineral water that has health benefits. The name also implies a sweet drink, the frequent use of which can cause serious damage to health.

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Carbonated water is a popular non-alcoholic soft drink. It is drinking or natural mineral water enriched with carbon dioxide.

Medicinal mineral water is enriched with carbon dioxide with a mineralization of more than ten grams per liter. The composition of such water practically does not change during storage, and all its useful components are preserved for a long time. In nature, carbonated water is very rare and quickly expires due to the low concentration of carbon dioxide gas, losing its properties.

Each American consumes about two hundred liters of sparkling water per year. For comparison, the average resident of the CIS drinks about fifty liters of water annually, and each resident of China drinks about twenty liters. According to statistics, carbonated water and drinks made on its basis in America occupy 73-75% of the total production of non-alcoholic products.

The compressor for saturating water with carbon dioxide was invented by Tobern Bergman, a Swedish designer. In the 19th century, this device was improved and its industrial analogue was created. However, water production was very expensive, so baking soda was used for carbonation.

Carbonation in modern production carried out mechanically, by chemical means. The mechanical method involves mechanical carbonation in food tanks, siphons, and saturators. Under high pressure, water is saturated with gas from 5 to 10 g/l. Chemical method consists of adding baking soda or acids to water. The fermentation method is used in the production of cider, kvass, champagne, beer, and sparkling wines.

Composition of sparkling water

In the food industry, depending on the composition, weak, medium and highly carbonated water is distinguished. Each carbonated drink has its own sweet and sour base. Typically used as sweeteners are cyclomate, aspartame, potassium acesulfate (sunnet), and saccharin.

Very often malic, citric or phosphoric acids are added to water. IN individual species sparkling water has caffeine added.

Carbon dioxide in water is used as a preservative. It enters into a chemical reaction with water and quickly dissolves in it. Carbon dioxide, killing all pathogenic microorganisms, extends the shelf life of carbonated drinks.

Benefits of sparkling water

The benefits of sparkling water have been known and used since ancient times. At that time, people used water from natural sources exclusively for medicinal purposes. It was used both for internal consumption and as a basis for preparing medicinal baths. Hippocrates, the famous physician of ancient times, dedicated natural sources sparkling water, not a single chapter of his works on medicine.

The benefits of carbonated water were so exceptional and obvious that at the end of the eighteenth century, industrialists paid attention to this drink. Since then, sparkling water has been sold all over the world. English chemist Joseph Priestley was the first to create a carbonated drink synthetically.

Only natural carbonated water can bring significant benefits to the human body. Chilled sparkling water quenches thirst better than regular water. It is prescribed for low acidity levels to improve the production of gastric juice. Neutral molecules of natural water nourish the cells of the entire body and alkalize the blood plasma. Sodium in such a natural drink activates the action of body enzymes, maintains muscle tone and acid-base balance. Magnesium and calcium prevent the leaching of calcium into the muscles under various loads. Carbonated natural water improves the functioning of the lymphatic, nervous and cardiovascular systems, increases appetite, increases hemoglobin, improves digestion.

Sayany, Baikal, Duchess, Tarragon - carbonated drinks containing extracts medicinal herbs. Tarragon in Tarragon and Duchesse has an anticonvulsant effect, improves digestion and increases appetite. The Sayany drink contains essential and tannin substances, ascorbic acid and others. useful substances. Lemon syrup and Leuzea extract relieve fatigue, increase muscle tone, and stimulate the nervous system. Pear infusion in Duchess perfectly quenches thirst and also has a diuretic effect.

The dangers of sparkling water

Most nutritionists and doctors talk about the dangers of synthetic carbonated water for the human body.

Carbonated water can cause the greatest harm to the body of young children, as well as nursing and pregnant women and people suffering from allergies and obesity and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Carbon dioxide can cause flatulence, bloating and belching.

Carbonated drinks tend to contain high amounts of sugar. Regular consumption of sugar in large quantities often leads to disruption of the pancreas and endocrine system and increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis.

Synthetic carbonated drinks are very poor at quenching thirst and are often addictive. Excessive consumption of soda disrupts fat metabolism and water-salt balance in the body, and also increases the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood plasma.

Sweeteners in such drinks can cause allergic reactions, urolithiasis and blurred vision.

Caffeine has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. In addition, it may contribute to the development of addiction.

Many carbonated drinks contain sodium benzoate. In combination with ascorbic acid it releases the harmful carcinogen benzene. This substance can destroy human DNA.

Sparkling water (soda). The harm of soda. Composition of soda

Carbonated water (soda) is a soft drink made from mineral or flavored sweet water saturated with carbon dioxide. Sparkling water can be lightly, medium or highly carbonated.

It has been proven that soda can be harmful to health. Doctors recommend not drinking it for young children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with gastrointestinal diseases, obesity and allergies.

History of soda

Carbonated water was invented in 1767 by the English chemist Joseph Priestley. He conducted various experiments with the gas that is released during fermentation in the vats of a brewery. He developed a device that, using a pump, made it possible to saturate water with carbon dioxide bubbles. This device was called “saturator” from the Latin. saturo - saturate. In 1783, industrial production was started by Jacob Schweppes, who created the Schweppes trademark.

The first brands of soda released in America were: Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite and Pepsi-Cola. In the USSR, the first were: Baikal, Buratino and Tarhun.

Carbon dioxide in soda

Carbon dioxide enters chemical reaction with water and dissolves quite well in it. In this it is similar to other gases - hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, sulfur dioxide, etc., but they are less soluble in water.

Carbon dioxide is used as a preservative. On the product packaging it is designated under code E290.

There is an opinion that it is thanks to the bubbles that soda quenches thirst well. Others, on the contrary, believe that the mechanical effect of bubbles causes discomfort in the mouth.

Carbon dioxide itself is not harmful, but it does cause belching, bloating, and gas. This is especially true for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Soda production

The drink is carbonated in two ways: mechanical and chemical. The mechanical method involves introducing and saturating the liquid with carbon dioxide. It is used in the production of fruit and mineral waters, sparkling water and sparkling wines.

In this case, the carbonation of drinks is carried out using special devices, such as siphons, saturators or metal tanks under pressure. Carbon dioxide introduced into water does not disinfect it.

The chemical method implies that the drink is carbonated with carbon dioxide during fermentation. This is how beer, bottled and acratophoric champagne is produced, as well as sparkling wines, cider, and bread kvass. By reacting acid and baking soda, seltzer water is produced, which is commonly called “soda.”

Sugar in soda

Soda contains a very large amount of sugar, sometimes up to five spoons per glass. This negatively affects the functioning of the human pancreas and endocrine system. In addition, this amount of sugar leads to excess sugar in the body. This can cause serious health problems such as obesity in children and adults, diabetes and atherosclerosis.

American doctors have long associated obesity with the consumption of Coca-Cola and other carbonated drinks. soft drinks. Overweight became a real epidemic in America.

It has been proven that soda is a poor thirst quencher and is addictive. This leads to the consumption of more fluid, which disrupts the water-salt balance in the body. In this case, there is a simultaneous change in fat metabolism and an increase in the amount of cholesterol in the blood. And here it’s not far from atherosclerosis and problems with the cardiovascular system.

Nowadays, many Weight Watchers try to drink only carbonated drinks with the "light" logo. They contain sugar substitutes, which reduces the number of calories in the drink. However, they are also harmful. Sweeteners xylitol and sorbitol can cause urolithiasis, saccharin and cyclomate are carcinogens, aspartame leads to allergies and decreased vision.

Colors and flavors for sodas

All dyes and flavors contained in soda are broken down in the liver. They may be harmless, but they still put stress on the liver. In addition, the liver is also involved in the decomposition of sucrose into glucose and the synthesis of glycogen from glucose. For this reason, people suffering from various hepatitis should not drink soda.

The most common dye is yellow-5. It can lead to various allergic reactions– from runny nose and rash to bronchial asthma. Natural red dye and carmine can also cause life-threatening allergic reactions.

Soda and teeth

Dentists also urge you to drink less soda. This is due to the fact that it can lead to caries.

Carbonated drinks contain various acids that have a negative effect on tooth enamel. We must not forget about the huge amount of sugar in soda. This is especially dangerous for children’s teeth, whose enamel is not yet stable enough and can easily be destroyed.

Caffeine in soda

Caffeine is added to some carbonated drinks as a tonic. This causes additional excitement nervous system, which is contraindicated for children.

In addition, caffeine is addictive. Although its concentration in soda is not too high, carbon dioxide enhances its effect several times.

Preservatives in soda and their effects

The main preservatives are citric or phosphoric acid. They lead to irritation of the gastric mucosa, which can cause the development of gastritis and even the appearance of ulcers.

Phosphoric acid promotes leaching of calcium from bones. Lack of calcium causes such a serious disease as osteoporosis. Almost all carbonated drinks contain sodium benzoate (E 211). When combined with vitamin C, it releases benzene, which is a carcinogen. Additionally, sodium benzoate can also damage human DNA.

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Since childhood, most of us have fallen in love with drinks in which the bubbles burst beautifully on the walls of the glass or bottle and leave a pleasant tickling taste in the mouth. A lot of carbonated products are currently produced: from sweet water and mineral water to champagne and kvass. Many people consume one or another variety every day: they quench their thirst, wash down their food, and simply enjoy the familiar effervescent taste on the tongue. But are these drinks as safe as they are pleasant and popular? It is worth learning more about them in order to make an informed choice.

What are they like?

Carbonated drinks are a special type of soft drinks, which contain a certain liquid, carbon dioxide and related additives (sugar, dyes, etc.).

There are many varieties of such drinks:

  • mineral water;
  • fruit water;
  • soda;
  • cider;
  • soda;
  • sparkling wine;
  • champagne;
  • beer;
  • kvass.

And although these drinks are produced using different technologies, the results are similar.

Distinctive properties of this type of product:

  • refreshing effect;
  • pleasant taste;
  • sparkling (bubbles).

All these qualities have made this product very popular in many countries around the world. But this popularity did not come in one day. A lot of time passed before the soda we know now appeared.

The history of bubbles

A natural fizzy drink (mineral water) was consumed back in ancient times. And for the first time, the English chemist J. Priestley produced carbonation artificially in 1767. A few years later, saturators were invented - devices for saturating water with carbon dioxide, and the first carbonated drinks went on sale.

However, such production turned out to be technically complex and therefore expensive. At the end of the 19th century. German entrepreneur and inventor J. Schwepp came up with a solution to the problem: instead of using a saturator, add regular baking soda and citric acid to the water. A chemical reaction took place and carbon dioxide was released. At the same time, the production process was much cheaper. The new method turned out to be popular, and such water has since often been called soda. It was distinguished by a pleasant sour taste and increased effervescence. Subsequently, the production of Schweppe's drinks expanded significantly, forming the Schweppes trademark that is now known.

Where are they made?

Currently, the production of carbonated drinks is carried out in special factories. To saturate with carbon dioxide, two main technologies are used:

  • mechanical (using a siphon, saturator, acratophor, etc.);
  • chemical (reaction of acid and soda or the addition of carbon dioxide during fermentation).

Non-alcoholic bubbles

The variety, purpose and manufacturing technology determine the composition of carbonated drinks.

For example, fruit water consists of purified water, natural juice and mechanically injected carbon dioxide. Soda is a product made from water, citric acid and baking soda. The familiar soda also contains purified water and carbon dioxide, as well as sugar and various sweeteners that create and enhance the intended taste. Carbonated soft drinks are usually carbonated using siphons and carbonators, while those containing alcohol get their bubbles through a chemical reaction.

Strength and gas

Sparkling wine and champagne contain a mixture of secondary fermented grape wines (bubbles usually appear during the fermentation process). There is also a carbonated wine drink - it is called sparkling wine. This is also a mixture of grape wines that have undergone fermentation, only saturation with carbon dioxide occurs not chemically, but mechanically - using special devices.

Beer consists of water, malt, hops, yeast and various additives. The effervescence of this drink is achieved chemically.

The low-alcohol drink cider is made from a certain type of apple juice, subjected to yeast-free fermentation and saturated with carbon dioxide using a mechanical method.

Kvass, which is sold in stores, is made from water, malt, flour and bread, and is saturated with carbon dioxide before bottling.

On everyone's lips

What are the most famous brands of carbonated drinks? Most of the soda is produced in the USA, these are such well-known names as “Coca-Cola”, “Pepsi”, “Schweppes”, “Fanta”, “Sprite”, etc. The most famous domestic carbonated drink is “Pinocchio”. The brands “Baikal” and “Tarkhun” are also famous. The latter was invented at the end of the 19th century in Russian Empire. It is worth telling about it in more detail.

What is "Tarragon"

This unusual green drink was invented by pharmacist Mitrofan Lagidze. At that time, the production of water with bubbles and the addition of sweet syrups had already been established. In fact, these were the sweet carbonated drinks known to us today, but only natural in composition.

The Tarragon drink was created back in 1887 by adding an odorous extract to carbonated water with natural fruit syrups. The plant from which the extract was made is called Caucasian tarragon, or tarragon. Thanks to him, the carbonated drink acquired an easily recognizable and pleasant taste, as well as a characteristic green.

History of drinks

Through experiments, the resourceful pharmacist obtained new interesting flavors of fruit waters. Over time, the well-known Lagidze Waters enterprise appeared. The carbonated drinks he invented received the highest Russian and international awards at exhibitions at the beginning of the 20th century. IN different years Lagidze supplied drinks for the Russian imperial court and the leadership of the USSR. From this fact one can judge how high the quality of the product was and what variety of tastes it could boast of.

Currently, the original drink is produced with carbon dioxide pumped into it. The color of the finished product is no longer green, but yellow, but for the convenience of customers it is still produced in green bottles. Currently, the successor to the Lagidze Waters enterprise is the Tikhvin Lemonade Factory (Tbilisi, Georgia).

There is also a soda with the taste of the Tarragon drink and the same name. Of course, it is not natural: it contains dyes that create a green color and an original taste.

Now is the time to clarify what harm carbonated drinks can cause to your health. Or maybe there is some benefit from them?

Damage to health

We have all heard since childhood that it is not recommended to drink a lot of soda. But what exactly is its negative impact on the body? The harm of carbonated drinks lies not in carbon dioxide, but in the preservatives that are used in the production of all sweet fizzy drinks: from Cola-Cola to Buratino. The most dangerous preservative is sodium benzoate. Used in large quantities or permanently, it causes irreversible changes in the structure of DNA molecules. This can lead to various kinds of diseases, including cancer.

Other synthetic substances that make up carbonated water are no more harmless. Even though certain types of preservatives, coloring substances, flavor enhancers and sweeteners are allowed for use in industry, no one can give an exact guarantee that the enterprise does not violate technology by circumventing the law. But even if we assume that the concentration of preservatives does not exceed the permissible level, the harm of carbonated drinks is still difficult to overestimate.

Increased incidence

Drinking sweet soda in large quantities leads to the following consequences:

  • changes in the water-salt composition of the body;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • obesity in children and adults;
  • impaired concentration and memory;
  • fatigue;
  • decreased vision;
  • deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair, nails;
  • weakened immunity;
  • fragility of bone mass;
  • provoking urolithiasis;
  • gastritis, stomach ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased risk of cancer.

This impressive list of reasons is enough to give up drinking sweet soda. But its negative impact on the body does not end there. And although sugar itself is not very healthy, in carbonated drinks its content is many times higher than the permissible limit: 17 teaspoons per 1 liter of water.

In addition, sweet fizzy drink does not quench thirst at all, but, on the contrary, enhances it due to its individual components. Also, these components cause gradual addiction, so that you want soda again and again.

And finally, sweet drinks with bubbles tend to provoke dehydration and wash away beneficial microelements from the body.

But is everything really so bad and not a single good word can be said about the sparkling waters?

What kind of fizzy drink can you drink?

Although the benefits of carbonated drinks are small, they still exist. But it is worth emphasizing that this statement does not apply to sweet varieties that contain a lot of preservatives and sugar.

You can drink mineral water, which is available in different degrees of carbonation: strong, medium and weak. This drink contains mineral salts that are beneficial for the body. In addition, it is not addictive, quenches thirst well and does not wash away beneficial substances from the body, unlike cola and other sweet sodas.

Their beneficial properties There is also bread kvass, which is usually sold in bottled form with the addition of gas. In addition to the fact that it contains many vitamins and amino acids, its properties have a beneficial effect on gastrointestinal tract, increase immunity and strengthen the nervous system.

Safe choice

But you still shouldn’t get carried away with the effervescent waters. Impact of carbon dioxide on internal organs in any case, it is unfavorable, and if you abuse any carbonated drinks, it will soon affect your health in a negative way.

It is better to give preference to plain water, still mineral water and herbal teas. And if you like kvass, then it’s better to make it at home. This way you can be confident in the composition and quality of the ingredients, and in addition, you will not once again irritate the gastric mucosa with fizzy drinks.

Homemade soda

You can also try homemade soda. In it harmful substances will be much less than purchased.

To prepare you will need ingredients:

  • purified water;
  • baking soda (1 teaspoon per glass);
  • citric acid(half a teaspoon per glass) or lemon slices (1 per glass);
  • honey, sweet syrup, sugar (optional).

Everything is prepared quite simply: the ingredients are mixed in a container and filled with water. Baking soda and citric acid (powdered or from fresh lemon) react chemically to form bubbles. The beauty of this drink is that it is relatively safe for health, as well as the possibilities for experimentation. By mixing different ingredients, you can create interesting flavors. This is exactly how in the century before last, pharmacists in different countries the world received the first fizzy drinks: soda, lemonade, water with syrup and others.


Let's summarize. What fizzy drinks are best not to drink? All sweet varieties. IN as a last resort, if you really want to, you can make homemade soda: it won’t have a whole “bouquet” of preservatives, and it’s always easy to replace sugar, for example, with honey. Which drinks are more or less safe for health? Mineral water (preferably slightly carbonated), kvass (preferably homemade, still), sweet water with natural syrups.

Remember: widespread, sometimes intrusive advertising does not mean the product is useful. And the fact that many people drink carbonated drinks every day and in large quantities does not mean they are safe either. After all, negative effects accumulate gradually, and for some time powerful resources human body can resist them, creating external well-being. But sooner or later, the harmful effects of preservatives, sugar and carbon dioxide break down the body’s protective barrier, and it responds by exacerbating old diseases or the unexpected appearance of new ones.