What color is purulent discharge? Purulent discharge in women - symptoms, symptoms, treatment with photos

Every woman has physiological discharge that is not considered a pathology. The inner surface of the vagina and uterus is lined with epithelial tissue that secretes a mucous secretion. It also protects the genitals from germs getting inside.

The normal characteristics of discharge are as follows:

  • jelly-like, transparent or slightly whitish;
  • practically odorless;
  • not abundant;
  • do not cause irritation to the skin of the external genitalia;
  • not observed elevated temperature body, and there are no signs of discomfort.

Separately, it is necessary to mention the abundance of discharge. The consistency and quantity may vary, which directly depends on the cyclicity of menstruation. This indicator is influenced by factors such as breastfeeding and even stressful situations. In the last months of pregnancy, the consistency becomes more liquid, as the hormonal sphere of the woman in labor prepares her for the birth of the baby.

The presence of purulent discharge in women has various causes, but all of them are evidence of pathological processes in the genitourinary system.

Causes and general clinical picture

Purulent vaginal discharge can appear as a consequence of pathological processes of an infectious and inflammatory nature.

  • Infections that are transmitted through unprotected sexual contact: gonococci, chlamydia, trichomonas, ureaplasma, herpes virus and others.
  • Bacterial infections: vaginitis and colpitis, cervicitis, vulovagint and the list goes on.
  • Inflammatory pathologies: adnexitis, endometritis, parametritis and others.
  • Complications after childbirth.
  • Oncological neoplasms in the cavity of the reproductive organ. In particular, cancer of the uterus.

Diseases caused by infectious agents are “inherited” in 99% of cases. sexual relations with a patient or carrier. Some bacterial-infectious and inflammatory pathologies are a consequence of the entry of opportunistic flora through the damaged mucous membrane of the vagina and uterus. Often a woman can receive such injuries:

  • for diagnostic and therapeutic curettage of the uterus;
  • during abortions, especially those with complications;
  • during childbirth;
  • during gynecological surgical interventions;
  • when inserting or removing the uterine device.

In such cases, an exacerbation is observed several days after the medical procedure.

Purulent discharge, as a rule, is not just a partial manifestation of any of the above pathologies. They are accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • cramping pain of varying intensity, localized in the lower abdomen;
  • pulling sensations in the back, radiating to the hip joints;
  • mild to moderate itching, which is felt both in the vagina itself and on the genitals on top;
  • the external genitalia are hyperemic and swollen,
  • During the act of urination, a strong burning sensation is felt;
  • body temperature rises.

The discharge is predominantly mucopurulent, with the smell of “fish stew”, from whitish to greenish color. Sometimes streaks or lumps of blood are observed.

There are also some features of discharge when various diseases. This is explained by the factors that caused the specific pathology.

Inflammatory diseases

The discharge of pus first of all indicates the presence of an infectious pathology genitourinary system, which are inflammatory in nature. This is one of the most common reasons for this phenomenon. Every representative of the fair sex has encountered similar things at least once in her life.

You should never ignore the appearance of unusual and unpleasant symptoms. The sooner you contact a gynecologist, determine the cause of purulent discharge and prescribe adequate therapy, the faster you can get rid of the disease.

Vaginitis, colpitis

These unclear terms mean a dangerous pathology - inflammatory processes on the vaginal mucosa. Several factors can cause such diseases:

  • bacterial microflora as opportunistic (which a priori exists in the body of everyone healthy person, but in a certain concentration), and pathogenic, transmitted mostly through unprotected sexual contact;
  • endocrine disorders, leading to changes in hormonal status or imbalance;
  • mechanical damage to the vaginal mucosa;
  • the use of certain groups of medications (hormones, antibiotics);
  • insufficient attention to intimate hygiene;
  • decrease in the body's defenses.

It is important to know that the vaginal mucosa is a protective barrier to the penetration of bacterial flora and is itself populated by beneficial and opportunistic flora. A disruption of this balance can be caused by frequent douching, uncontrolled and unjustified. As a result, infections easily penetrate into the uterus.


Characterized by the presence of inflammatory processes in the cervix. Secretory fluids that are mucopurulent, cloudy, off-white or slightly greenish in color, and practically odorless, are formed and secreted.

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Among the specific pathogens are infections that are predominantly sexually transmitted (chlamydia, mycoplasma, gonococci, trichomonas).


Vaginitis and cervicitis are provoked by the entry of an infectious pathogen directly into the inside of the uterus, and endometritis occurs - it becomes inflamed inner shell organ.

With this pathology, the discharge will be mucopurulent in nature with an admixture of lumps of blood. There is a high temperature, severe pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.

Since the inflammatory processes in this disease affect only the upper layer of the endometrium (mucous membrane), sometimes after menstruation the symptoms can disappear by themselves, even without treatment.

However, you need to know that your periods will be heavy and painful, and will last longer. If endometritis is not treated during the acute period, relapses may occur.

Salpingitis, oophoritis

Inflammation of the ovaries and appendages fallopian tubes, as a rule, arise “in a duet”. The causes can be both sexually transmitted infections and during medical procedures (cleaning the uterus, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, installation or removal of an IUD).

The symptoms are quite bright and localized at the site of the lesion. The disease can be either unilateral or bilateral.

Diseases caused by specific infections

Nonspecific types of purulent infection usually include opportunistic microflora, which is present in certain quantities in the body of every healthy person. With normal functioning of the body, strong immunity and the absence of provoking factors, the number of these bacteria does not exceed acceptable standards and does not cause the development of pathological processes.

You can also become infected by using personal hygiene items, towels and underwear of a sick person.

Specific microflora are transmitted exclusively through sexual contact with an infected person without barrier contraception. And it is necessary to treat STDs in both sexual partners.

A feature of this type of pathology is its latent course, especially in women. Symptoms are often similar to those present in diseases of a nonspecific nature, but may appear much later and be less pronounced.

With such purulent discharge in women, the causes and treatment are directly related, since all therapeutic methods will be aimed at eliminating the pathogenic flora. And each of the representatives of these infections reacts to certain medications.


Chlamydia can affect the mucous membrane of both internal and external genital organs, respiratory tract, blood vessels and heart, organs of vision and hearing.

Symptoms include the appearance of yellowish purulent discharge, causing discomfort in the vagina. There are mild aching pains in the lower abdomen, general weakness and a slight increase in body temperature, mainly in the evening hours. Intermenstrual bleeding is also observed.

For treatment, as a rule, broad-spectrum antibiotics, antifungal drugs, and immunomodulators are chosen. It is recommended to use local antiseptics for treating the external genitalia and douching.


A sexually transmitted disease caused by gonococci. It is characterized by abundant purulent discharge of a yellow-brown color with a very pungent specific odor. Inflammatory processes are observed throughout the genitourinary area.

Strong antibiotics are used for treatment. During the entire course of therapy, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol or have sex. Interrupted treatment risks complications and the development of resistance of the infectious agent to medications.


The infectious agent is Trichomonas. It is characterized by yellow-green purulent discharge of a foamy consistency with an unpleasant sweetish odor. Their intensity depends on the degree of damage to the mucous membrane.

Painful sensations occur during urination, itching and burning in the genitals. The disease very often becomes chronic.

Treatment requires a special approach, since the bacteria are covered with a membrane that does not contain protein. Therefore, antibiotics are powerless against it. Metronidazole, Ternidazole, and their analogues are used.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate by using uncontrolled medicines this group. Violation of dosages or use of an unreasonably small amount can lead to the progression of bacteria and the transition of the disease to a chronic form with an atypical course.


The cause of the disease is mycoplasma and it also manifests itself as purulent discharge. However, in this case, not everything is so simple - the disease is transmitted not only through sexual contact. Transmission of infection is possible when using non-sterile gynecological instruments. There are also known cases of household infection through linen or personal hygiene items.

Discharge in women is a completely normal and natural phenomenon. The vagina and cervix secrete special mucus, the main purpose of which is to prevent harmful viruses and microbes from entering the female genital tract. Gravity removes excess mucus from the body.

If reproductive system women are fine, then these discharges:

It should be remembered that in some situations the discharge becomes noticeably larger than usual. For example, in the middle menstrual cycle, at breastfeeding and even under stress. During pregnancy, and especially towards its end, the secreted secretion becomes more liquid, which is explained by the action of female sex hormones.

If the discharge has acquired a yellowish, greenish or grayish tint, bad smell, pain in the lower abdomen, then we can talk about an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs. If itching and burning are added to everything else, then it is possible that the genitals are affected by infection.

  • yellow, “purulent” color of discharge;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • burning in the area of ​​internal and external genital organs;
  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • low-grade fever;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • general weakness, fatigue.

If chlamydia is not treated, it can cause other dangerous diseases– endometritis, salpingitis, encephalopathy. Generalized chlamydia affects not only the female genitourinary system, but also the gastrointestinal tract, heart, lungs, and liver. If expectant mother has this disease, then in 40% of cases a child passing through the birth canal will also become infected with chlamydia.

Modern medicine can cure chlamydia in 2-3 weeks. The list of drugs indicated for use includes antibiotics, antifungal drugs, immunomodulators, and topical antimicrobial agents. For successful treatment, the woman’s sexual partner must also take the course of medication.

Gonorrhea, - a venereal disease, - there is also copious discharge of pus. Gonorrhea is caused by gonococcus, which, penetrating the genitourinary tract, causes inflammation of its mucous membranes. Signs of gonorrhea do not appear immediately. As a rule, the incubation period lasts up to 10 days, but it can be much longer if the woman has a strong immune system or for some reason she takes antibiotics.

In 70% of women, the disease goes undetected at the initial stage. Next, a feeling of burning and itching appears when urinating, and the urethra itself swells and becomes covered with small ulcers. After a couple of days, you may notice a yellow-brown purulent discharge with a pungent odor. The disease is dangerous for women because over time, not only the urinary tract, but also the cervix, uterus, and ovaries can become inflamed, which, in turn, negatively affects reproductive function.

Gonorrhea is treated with antibiotics. During this time, sexual intercourse and alcohol consumption are prohibited.

Candidiasis(See article for more details) is a fungal infection caused by the yeast-like fungus candida. Normally, a small amount of them is present in the mouth, vagina and colon, and with candidiasis their active reproduction or the appearance of pathogenic strains is observed. Chronic infections, hormonal imbalances, pregnancy, tight underwear, diseases of the endocrine system, and sexual contact with a partner with candidiasis can disrupt the vaginal microflora. Chronic candidiasis can cause endometritis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, infertility.

Symptoms of vaginal candidiasis or thrush are as follows:

  • white, copious discharge with a cheesy consistency;
  • itching of the genitals;
  • unpleasant, painful sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • pain when urinating.

For mild cases of the disease, the doctor prescribes topical antifungal drugs, usually suppositories. If thrush occurs regularly, it makes sense to check the functioning of the pancreas. In this case, it is recommended to prescribe antifungal medications orally. In order for the treatment to be effective, a bacteriological study of the fungus is carried out to determine its sensitivity to various drugs.

Trichomoniasis. (See article for more details) According to WHO, approximately 10% of the population suffers from trichomoniasis. Its causative agent is the bacterium Trichomonas vaginalis. Its incubation period lasts up to one month. For women, the disease is dangerous because it provokes infertility in the future, complications and pathologies during pregnancy. Symptoms of acute trichomoniasis are as follows:

  • foamy yellow discharge, sometimes with a pungent odor;
  • itching in the genitals;
  • pain when urinating;
  • painful intercourse.

The symptoms of chronic trichomoniasis are the same as those of acute trichomoniasis, with the only difference being that they appear during infections, stress, and poor hygiene.

Treatment of trichomoniasis is carried out with the help of general medications, since local remedies are ineffective. In addition, immunostrengthening drugs, physiotherapy, and vitamins are prescribed.

Colpitis.(See the article for more details). This is called inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, and sometimes the cervix, which is provoked by a number of bacteria, namely chlamydia, streptococcus, Trichomonas vaginalis, etc. Normally, the vaginal microflora is reliably protected from foreign infections, but in some cases the protection is disrupted:

  • damage to the vaginal walls;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • for sexually transmitted diseases;
  • decreased immunity;
  • poor hygiene, etc.

Signs of colpitis are:

  • whitish purulent discharge;
  • burning in the genital tract;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

The choice of treatment tactics depends entirely on what caused the disease. So, if colpitis occurs due to a bacterial cause, antibiotics are prescribed, if due to a fungal cause, then antifungal drugs are prescribed. Additionally, the genitals are douched with special antimicrobial agents; a diet without spicy, fried, salty foods, and sexual rest are also prescribed.

Thus, there are a lot of diseases in which pus is released. Their symptoms are largely similar, which is why if uncharacteristic discharge appears, you should contact a gynecologist or venereologist and undergo the necessary tests, primarily a smear, and in some cases a scraping.

The vast majority of diseases can be avoided if you choose contraception with mechanical protection, follow good hygiene and wear comfortable cotton underwear.

All mucous membranes human body contain many glands that produce one or another secretion. The epithelial tissues of a woman’s vagina are no exception. Normally, the amount of vaginal discharge and its type are hormonally determined and directly depend on the stage of the menstrual cycle. But in some cases, a woman may also be bothered by pathological purulent discharge, indicating the presence of certain malfunctions in the functioning of her body.

Causes of purulent discharge in women

The primary cause of vaginal discharge mixed with pus in women is inflammatory diseases uterine cervix, fallopian tubes, uterine cavity and vagina, including those that are transmitted through sexual contact. The most common of these diseases are:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • vaginitis;
  • inflammatory lesions of the fallopian tubes, ovaries and cervix.

One way or another, purulent discharge in women should not be ignored: they are the first signal for immediate contact with a gynecologist, examination and treatment.

Vaginitis as a cause of purulent discharge in women

Vaginitis occupies one of the primary positions in the hierarchy of inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system. Currently, the incidence of vaginitis is steadily increasing: according to statistics, every third representative of the fairer sex suffers from this disease during the reproductive period. The prevalence of this disease is directly related to the increase in the number of sexually transmitted infections, environmental problems, neglect of intimate hygiene and a noticeable decrease in immune reactivity.

With vaginitis, inflammatory processes spread to the vaginal epithelium, and sometimes to the mucous membrane covering the external genitalia, thereby causing a combined disease - vulvovaginitis. The nature of purulent discharge in women with vaginitis varies depending on the types of infectious agents causing the inflammatory process. So, for example, with gonorrheal vaginitis, purulent discharge has a thick consistency and a white-yellow color, and with trichomonas, it becomes greenish-yellow and foamy. In this case, the discharge always has an unpleasant, pungent odor, becomes abundant during the acute course of the disease and is accompanied by severe burning, itching, as well as pain during urination and during sexual intercourse.

Vaginitis causes a decrease in the sexual activity of women, becomes the main cause of pain during sexual intercourse and causes serious discomfort to patients. everyday life. In addition, this disease can disrupt the natural functioning of the entire female reproductive system, becoming the main cause of ascending infection of the internal genital organs, chronic pain, menstrual irregularities, ectopic pregnancies and infertility.

Vaginitis is usually treated with local medications– vaginal suppositories, creams, special tablets and capsules. Thus, for the treatment of bacterial vaginitis, antibiotics are often prescribed, for trichomonas - metronidazole or trichopolum in tablets, and non-infectious forms of the disease are eliminated by eliminating irritating factors.

Purulent discharge in women with trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is also one of the most common diseases transmitted through sexual contact. As a rule, women infected with trichomoniasis turn to gynecologists with complaints of the appearance of profuse, foamy, yellowish-green, unpleasant-smelling vaginal discharge, burning and itching in the vagina, pain during sexual intercourse and when urinating. In the absence of adequate, competent and timely treatment, trichomoniasis easily transforms into a chronic form, and then becomes the main cause of pregnancy pathologies (stillbirth or premature birth), cervical cancer and infertility. The causative agent of the disease is Trichomonas vaginalis, a single-celled anaerobic organism that is sexually transmitted.

The nature and amount of purulent vaginal discharge directly depends on the extent and stage of the inflammatory process. Yes, when chronic form trichomoniasis, there is a decrease in their volume, and in the acute course of the disease, the discharge becomes abundant.

Despite the fact that modern venereology has the most effective medicinal methods for treating most gynecological infections, it is extremely difficult to completely cure trichomoniasis even today. The main reason for this is that the non-protein shell of Trichomonas does not respond to the action of antibiotics and can only be destroyed by specialized antiprotozoal drugs or drugs belonging to the 5-nitroimidazoles group (ornidazole, tinidazole, metronidazole, ternidazole, nimorazole). Self-medication of trichomoniasis often leads to the opposite results: trichomonas begin to actively multiply, and the disease acquires atypical or hidden forms. Detecting and treating trichomoniasis in such cases becomes much more difficult.

Purulent discharge in women with inflammation of the cervix and uterine appendages

A common cause of vaginal discharge mixed with pus in women is inflammatory damage to the fallopian tubes, cervix or ovaries. Most often, such discharge has a thick consistency, green, intensify with any physical stress and are accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, menstrual irregularities and obvious signs of intoxication.

In general, there are a huge number of potential causes of purulent vaginal discharge in women. It is only important to remember that each of them is a compelling reason to seek professional advice from a doctor. This is the only way a woman can protect herself from negative consequences any diseases, one of the signs of which is the appearance of pathological vaginal discharge.

Pus is a clear sign of inflammation. Purulent vaginal discharge is evidence that an inflammatory disease is occurring in some part of the female genital organs. The inflammatory process can affect not only the vagina, but also other organs: from the ovaries to the vulva. Correct diagnosis The causes of pathological discharge will allow timely and effective treatment to be prescribed.

Purulent discharge - what is it?

Discharge in women is normal. If the reproductive system is normal, then women’s discharge should be:

  • transparent, mucus or jelly-like consistency;
  • without negative symptoms, pain and fever;
  • insignificant in quantity;
  • no noticeable odor;
  • without skin irritation.

In the event that leukocytes, white blood cells, die in large quantities and enter the site of inflammation to fight infection, and pus is formed. This is a liquid of a whitish or yellowish-green color, viscous consistency with an unpleasant specific odor.

The main characteristics of purulent discharge are as follows:

  • copious amounts;
  • color change;
  • the appearance of a pungent odor;
  • viscosity is less than natural physiological secretions.


Purulent discharge is a symptom of an inflammatory disease of the female reproductive system. As a rule, such discharge occurs due to the following diseases:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • vaginitis;
  • vulvitis;
  • endometritis;
  • cervicitis;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • congenital malformation – duplication of the uterus and vagina in incomplete form.

Any of these diseases requires detailed consideration, since purulent discharge from the genital tract is a sign of diseases with different meaning. It is necessary for every woman to know the cause of the appearance of pus and the symptoms, so that if they arise, they can immediately seek help from professionals, without waiting for complications to develop.

Vaginitis (colpitis) is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

It should be noted that vaginitis can have various forms (granulous, serous, etc.), so purulent discharge is not the norm for this disease, but rather the exception. Purulent vaginitis is necessarily accompanied by itching, pain in the lower abdomen and general symptoms that are characteristic of intoxication. Upon examination, the gynecologist can see bright red vaginal mucosa, sometimes with infiltrates (reddish nodules) and small hemorrhages.

To treat the acute form of vaginitis with purulent discharge, it is necessary to use antiseptic solutions for douching. To do this, use rivanol, chlorophyllipt, potassium permanganate (weak solution) or herbal decoctions. The treatment procedure is done several times a day until the symptoms disappear completely. Additionally, antibacterial agents should be prescribed after a complete diagnosis of the type of pathogen.

Vulvitis is an inflammatory disease of the vulva: the mucous membrane of the labia minora and labia majora.

As a rule, vulvitis occurs in girls and is associated with non-compliance with intimate hygiene rules. This disease affects women much less frequently. This disease can be accompanied by endocrine diseases, diaper rash, decreased immunity and some infections.

Vulvitis is characterized by large amounts of purulent discharge and other symptoms:

  • burning and itching in the perineal area, which becomes stronger when urinating due to irritation of the inflamed mucous membrane by urine;
  • pain when urinating and walking;
  • drowsiness, lethargy, general weakness and fatigue;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the groin.

It is recommended to avoid sexual contact and begin immediate treatment. Local treatment of the disease involves washing with chamomile infusion and potassium permanganate. Antibiotics are also prescribed wide range actions (mainly in the form of ointments). To relieve itching and pain Anesthetics may be used.

Endometritis and cervicitis are inflammations of the inner or outer mucous membrane of the cervix.. Both types of inflammation can deprive a woman of the opportunity to give birth naturally.

Endometritis is an inflammation that does not tend to spread deep into the uterine mucosa. In terms of its symptoms, cervicitis, in fact, like endometritis, does not have any particularly pronounced signs.

The symptoms are similar to the inflammatory diseases described above. Therefore, you should immediately consult a doctor if purulent vaginal discharge, itching and pain appear.

Endometritis can go away without a trace without special treatment, since during menstruation the uterine mucosa is shed. Symptoms disappear when the epithelium is rejected, since purulent superficial endometritis does not spread beyond the mucous membrane. Discharge during endometritis is abundant: pus comes out, the affected epithelium is rejected, and blood comes out from the opened vessels.

Inflammatory diseases that are sexually transmitted

All inflammatory processes that occur in the female reproductive system, as a rule, occur due to sexually transmitted diseases. One of the most common causes of pus discharge from the vagina is gonorrhea.

The cause of purulent discharge in women may be, somewhat less frequently, mycoplasmosis, ureoplasmosis, chlamydia (manifested by endometritis, vaginitis and cervicitis) and trichomoniasis.

Trichomoniasis is an inflammation of the genitourinary system that affects approximately 10% of the population according to WHO.

The incubation period of the disease lasts for a month. Trichomoniasis threatens a woman with infertility or complications during pregnancy.

The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • yellow purulent foamy discharge with a strong unpleasant odor;
  • pain when urinating and during sexual intercourse;
  • itching in the perineum.

Chronic trichomoniasis has symptoms similar to acute ones, only they appear during periods of stress, infections and during poor personal hygiene.

Local drugs are not effective in treating the disease, so general remedies are prescribed. Medicines that strengthen the immune system, vitamins and physiotherapy are also used.

Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease.

The causative agent of the disease is chlamydia, a bacterium that destroys cells and releases toxins. Manifestations of chlamydia are as follows:

  • purulent discharge that is yellow in color and has an unpleasant odor;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • burning in external and internal organs;
  • bleeding between periods;
  • fatigue and general weakness;
  • low-grade fever (increase in temperature over a long period of time within 37.5 degrees).

Chlamydia without treatment can provoke dangerous diseases (salpingitis, endometritis, encephalopathy). In addition to the female genitourinary system, the liver, lungs, gastrointestinal tract and heart can also be affected by chlamydia. There is a high risk that a pregnant woman with chlamydia can pass it on to her baby at birth.

Chlamydia can be cured in a few weeks. Antibiotics, immunomodulators, antifungal and antimicrobial drugs of local action are used in the fight against the disease. The woman's sexual partner also needs treatment.

Candidiasis (thrush) is a fungal infection caused by the candida fungus.

The fungus may be present in the vagina, colon, or mouth and this is considered normal. When candida begins to actively multiply, candidiasis develops. It is caused by a violation of the vaginal microflora due to hormonal imbalances, chronic infections, tight underwear, pregnancy, diseases of the endocrine system, sexual contact with a patient with candidiasis. Chronic candidiasis can provoke urethritis, endometritis, infertility or pyelonephritis.

The symptoms of thrush are as follows:

  • copious discharge white curdled consistency;
  • pain during sexual intercourse and urination;
  • itching of the genital organ.

For treatment, topical antifungal drugs (usually suppositories) are prescribed. In case of frequent relapses, it is necessary to check the pancreas.

Duplication of the uterus and vagina in incomplete form

A fairly common malformation of the uterus is its duplication with incomplete vaginal duplication. The second vagina is isolated from the external environment and its blood circulation has inferior functionality, as a result of which an inflammatory process develops in the double organ. Purulent discharge accumulates in the organ cavity, which after some time breaks into the normally formed vagina through the fistulous tract.

This pathology must be treated without fail. The treatment method for this pathology is surgical. The surgeon removes the paired organ that has festered without damaging the reproductive function.

Menopause and purulent discharge

During the cessation of the menstrual cycle, pathological discharge may occur. Bloody, curdled, yellowish mucous or purulent discharge should be a signal for immediate contact with a specialist. After all, their presence may indicate that the genitals are infected and serious diseases are developing: chlamydia, bacterial vaginitis or gonorrhea.

Purulent discharge during menopause can be white or yellow and have a creamy consistency. May be accompanied by a strong unpleasant odor, reminiscent of stale fish. Also, purulent discharge may be accompanied by itching, pain, intoxication and fever.

After a thorough diagnosis and identification of the causative agent of the infection, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. Treatment can include suppositories (vaginal), washing and douching, vitamins and a special diet.

Pathological vaginal discharge with blood

Serous-bloody discharge is quite common rare disease, as primary vaginal cancer.

An accompanying secondary infection can provoke copious discharge with blood of a purulent type, which has a foul odor. The location of the tumor is the posterior or anterior wall of the vagina. This type of cancer usually affects women between 60 and 70 years of age. Visually, the tumor resembles loose ulcerative or necrotic lesions.

If there is purulent discharge with blood, then the diagnosis is made by objective examination. For an accurate diagnosis, a biopsy of all formations in the vagina that resemble a tumor is necessary.

Treatment for vaginal cancer depends on the type of tissue the tumor comes from and the stage of the disease. As a rule, radical surgical treatment or radiation therapy.

Thus, there are a lot of diseases that cause pus to be discharged from the vagina. Their symptoms are very similar, so consultation with a gynecologist and venereologist is mandatory. It is a qualified doctor who will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. But most diseases can be avoided if you maintain personal hygiene, wear cotton underwear and use contraception.

The monthly female cycle is constantly accompanied by various secretions, which can have a wide variety of colors, smells or textures. In some cases, girls do not pay attention to changes in their usual characteristics, although this is precisely what indicates the presence of dangerous ailments. The occurrence of purulent discharge at any time of the cycle is a formidable symptom that requires close attention from each patient. A visit to a gynecologist and taking the necessary tests can reveal the cause of the formation of any ailment.

What is purulent discharge in women?

Purulent vaginal discharge is pathological symptom, accompanying various infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area, affecting the fair half of humanity. According to statistical research, every tenth woman on Earth under the age of 40 has faced a similar problem in one way or another. The following factors increase the likelihood of developing the disease:

  • lack of a regular sexual partner;
  • promiscuity;
  • violation of personal hygiene rules;
  • wearing uncomfortable underwear;
  • swimming in bodies of water that are not equipped for this purpose.

Normal discharge often occurs in women during ovulation or during arousal, as well as in adolescents during puberty. They have no taste or smell, a typical sticky consistency and a transparent or whitish color.

Video: Elena Malysheva talks about women's health

Characteristics of discharge

Depending on external features discharge can suggest that the patient has one or another ailment. What characteristics should you pay attention to first when researching:

  1. Color:
    • a gray-green tint occurs in acute inflammatory diseases;
    • purulent-bloody discharge indicates damage to the vascular wall or the beginning of the menstrual cycle;
    • yellow ones occur with long-term chronic disease.
  2. Smell:
    • purulent (in the presence of abscesses, phlegmon, fistulas);
    • fish (occurs with vaginal dysbiosis and sexually transmitted infections);
    • with an admixture of iron (typical of bleeding);
    • odorless.
  3. Consistency:
    • thick (reminiscent of sour cream, spread on underwear and harden in the form of crusts);
    • liquid (usually abundant, poorly absorbed);
    • mucous membranes (similar in appearance to the lubricant that is released during the period of excitement).
  4. Volume:
    • scanty (0.5–1 ml);
    • medium (2–3 ml);
    • copious (more than 5 ml).
  5. Time of appearance relative to the menstrual cycle:
    • in the middle (13–16th day);
    • during menstruation;
    • after the end of menstruation (on the 2nd–5th day from completion).
  6. The occurrence of associated symptoms:
    • itching or burning of varying intensity;
    • swelling of the external genitalia;
    • pain during sexual intercourse.

Photo gallery: what different types of discharge look like

Mucous-type purulent discharge sticks to underwear
Liquid discharge has an almost imperceptible yellowish tint Thick discharge that resembles phlegm

The location of the disease that causes this symptom to appear

The pathological process, reflected by purulent discharge, can be located in any area of ​​the woman’s urogenital tract. The following organs are most often affected:

  • the uterus (body, cervix) is the main organ of the reproductive system where the growth and development of the fetus occurs;
  • fallopian tubes (female reproductive cells move through them);
  • ovaries - glands responsible for the production of hormones;
  • vagina (its vestibule, clitoris, Bartholin glands).

Causes of purulent discharge in women

A similar symptom often occurs with the development of inflammatory and infectious diseases reproductive system in the fair sex. The main causes of purulent discharge include:

  • phlegmon, abscesses, fistulas;
  • inflammatory processes in the uterus (endometritis, myometritis), its cervix (cervicitis, endocervicitis), ovaries (ovophoritis), Bartholin glands ();
  • sexually transmitted diseases (genital herpes, trichomoniasis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis);
  • neglected vagina;
  • traumatic injuries of internal organs;
  • recently undergone surgical interventions;
  • postpartum period.

Principles of treatment of purulent discharge depending on the cause

Patients with uncomplicated inflammatory process receive all necessary therapy at home or in a day hospital. Moreover, the treatment does not interfere with their usual activities in any way, and also does not require a sick leave. In case of severe and long-term illness, hospitalization may be required in the gynecological department, where doctors consider the need for surgical removal source of purulent discharge.

The patient must follow a special diet throughout the entire treatment period, limiting sweet, fried and fatty foods. Based on my experience, I can say that harmful products(fast food, convenience foods, baked goods) are excellent nutrient medium for pathogenic microorganisms: this complicates the healing process. Women are advised to consume more fresh vegetables, berries, fruits and herbs, as well as natural meat and fish, cottage cheese. This diet allowed one of my patients to lose overweight, and along with it the gynecological problem went away.

Video: doctor talks about the fight against discharge

Drug therapy of pathology

To eliminate the causes and symptoms of the disease, doctors prescribe pharmaceuticals. They can be used both topically (as vaginal suppositories or solutions for washing the vagina), and in the form of tablets, capsules, intramuscular and intravenous injections.

The duration of medication is prescribed by the doctor based on the characteristics of each organism and the patient’s health condition.

Means to combat purulent discharge and its causes:

  1. Antiseptic solutions allow you to remove purulent discharge and cleanse the vagina of local impurities. Used before inserting candles. The drugs in this series include Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Furacilin, hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Antibacterial medications kill pathogenic microorganisms and promote their removal from the human body. For this purpose, Amoxiclav, Terzhinan, Dalatsin, Amikacin, Sintomycin, Ceftriaxone, Cefotaxime, Cefpiroxime, Augmentin, Flemoxin Solutab, Vancomycin are prescribed.
  3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs relieve swelling of soft tissues, relieve patients from itching and burning. These include Nimesulide, Etodolac, Diclofenac, Ibuklin, Ibuprofen, Tamoxifen.

Photo gallery: drug therapy for the disease

Miramistin removes surface contaminants Terzhinan promotes the death of pathogenic microbes Ibuprofen relieves inflammation

Surgical aspects of treatment

If the source of infection is in the body, and antibacterial therapy does not bring the expected results, doctors decide on the need for surgery. Indications for its implementation are:

  • prolonged increase in body temperature;
  • discharge lasting more than six months;
  • threat to the patient's life;
  • the likelihood of developing blood poisoning (sepsis).

Stages of surgery:

  1. Creating optimal access to the damaged organ. To do this, the intended surgical site (lower abdomen) is shaved, treated with an alcohol solution and covered with sterile sheets. Using a scalpel, the surgeon makes an incision, extracts the source of purulent discharge and removes it.
  2. The pelvic cavity is washed with solutions of antibiotics and antiseptics, which avoids re-infection. Next, doctors excise the remains of changed or dead tissue.
  3. Installation of drainage for the outflow of pathological contents. To remove accumulations of blood, lymph fluid and pus, doctors place a rubber tube into the patient's body, which is secured to the skin with several stitches. After the inflammation finally subsides, it is removed.

Folk remedies to combat symptoms

If you are unable to visit a doctor or purchase pharmaceuticals in the near future, and unpleasant symptoms illnesses bring significant discomfort, it is permissible to use natural recipes. Products based on plants, herbs and berries have an anti-inflammatory effect. Most often they are used in the form of douching solutions using a special bulb.

Before using any product, you should check its maximum concentration. In my practice, I encountered a woman who was admitted to the department with a massive burn to the vaginal walls. A similar lesion was caused by the use of highly concentrated celandine juice to treat the mucous membranes. The patient was operated on, removing the altered tissue, but due to the injury, scar deformation occurred.

Folk recipes to combat the disease:

    Place 100 grams of chamomile in a glass of boiling water and leave for at least 30 minutes. After cooling, draw the solution into a syringe and rinse the vagina. This procedure helps relieve inflammation and reduce itching.

    Soak a tampon in natural kefir with at least 3% fat content and place it in the vagina for 10–15 minutes. Lactobacilli contained in dairy product, contribute to the normalization of the microflora of the mucous membranes.

    Mix 150 grams of calendula with the same amount of burdock leaves and place in a bathtub or deep basin filled with hot water. After it has cooled to an acceptable temperature, place the lower part of the torso there so that the perineum is completely submerged. You need to spend at least 20 minutes in such a bath. Calendula and burdock have an antiseptic effect and help get rid of the symptoms of pathology.

Photo gallery: folk remedies to combat clinical signs of the disease

Chamomile relieves inflammation
Calendula relieves itching
Kefir is the best source of lactic acid bacteria

How to protect yourself from the appearance of pathological discharge

Purulent discharge often indicates the presence of serious diseases that can affect the reproductive functions of the female body. If left untreated, this disease leads to infertility or even death of the patient. That is why gynecologists are actively involved in preventive measures dedicated to women's health.

One of the most common reasons The development of purulent vaginal discharge is caused by genital infections. As you know, many young girls entering sexual life have absolutely no idea about barrier contraception. As part of one of the programs from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, I, along with my colleagues, visited many schools, colleges, technical schools and universities, where we gave lectures on the importance of preventing unwanted pregnancies and infections. All people were asked to take an anonymous test, the results of which showed that only 60% of young girls use condoms. Some patients who had previously had problems in the field of gynecology were given referrals for hospitalization. The doctors gave the rest of the girls a supply of barrier contraception.

Rules for individual prevention of the development of purulent discharge:

  1. Take a shower and change your underwear daily. During the day, a huge number of microbes accumulate on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, which, at the slightest weakening of the immune system, begin to grow and multiply. To prevent the development of vaginal dysbiosis, it is recommended to use special soap for intimate hygiene.
  2. When visiting public places(sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool, spa) try to place towels on the seats and avoid touching the surfaces with your genitals. Many bacteria live in conditions high temperature and humidity, and are also easily transferred to unprotected surfaces.
  3. When having sex with an untrusted partner, use condoms. The pores of the latex from which this contraceptive is made practically do not allow pathogenic microorganisms to pass through, which reduces the risk of transmitting infections.
  4. Try to be checked annually by a gynecologist, take the necessary smears and tests. This will allow you to suspect the development of the disease in time and begin its treatment before purulent discharge and other undesirable consequences occur.
  5. Eat mostly healthy foods to avoid disorders metabolic processes in the body. You should also stop using alcoholic drinks and smoking.

    Do not take pharmaceutical drugs without a doctor's prescription. Many antibiotics affect the internal environment of the body, promoting the development of dysbiosis in the gastrointestinal and urogenital tract, as they kill not only harmful, but also beneficial microflora. To prevent this, all antimicrobial agents are taken in combination with probiotics and prebiotics, which are selected in consultation with a doctor.

    Exercise regularly. Physical activity helps keep the body in good shape and stimulates muscle growth and development. In a healthy body with a strong immune system, there are much fewer conditions for a secondary infection to occur.

    Avoid using panty liners unless necessary. The secretions remaining on their surface during the day become a breeding ground for bacteria. When wearing such hygiene products to prevent various complications, they must be changed every 3–4 hours to avoid the greenhouse effect.

The vaginal microflora is a very sensitive environment that can be easily disturbed by any unwanted external influence. To protect her body from various kinds of infectious and inflammatory pathologies, a girl should, from the very beginning, early age is attentive to his health. Purulent vaginal discharge requires immediate identification of the cause and the appointment of specific therapy. The development of many complications can be prevented at a very early stage if you consult a doctor on time. Remember not to be shy similar symptom: Almost every woman encounters it throughout her life.