Construction of wooden houses sewerage system. How to make a sewer system in a village with your own hands? Methods for cleaning sewer drains from a private home

In order for a wooden country house to provide the required level of comfort, engineering communications are needed. Here we will discuss how, in principle, problems associated with engineering support wooden house, where to start and in what order to do it, and the details will be discussed in special sections dedicated to heating, water supply and sewerage systems.

The influence of infrastructure on the layout of utilities in a wooden house

What will the engineering communications be like? wooden house, depends, in particular, on the external infrastructure of the village in which the site is located.

When choosing a site for construction, you must first of all pay attention to what the allocated electrical power whether a gas pipeline is connected to the site and, if not, whether gas is expected in the future. After all, we always receive electricity from the central network, and the type and cost of heating will depend on the presence or absence of main gas. Water supply and sewerage can also be central, which, of course, is convenient, but most often in country houses they are autonomous.

Engineering equipment for a wooden house

It includes power supply, heating, water supply, sewerage and ventilation systems.

Heating system design

What, in principle, are the options for heating a wooden house? It can be gas - this, of course, is the most convenient and profitable - diesel (using diesel fuel or fuel oil, if there is no gas line) or electric. Electric heating is often used as auxiliary heating, or it is installed in houses not intended for year-round use.

The heating boiler may require a separate room and chimney. But, in order to heat a relatively small area, especially when good insulation at home, a compact wall-mounted gas boiler will suffice, which does not require the construction of a major chimney and can be located in the kitchen. In this case, there is no need to construct a special room for the boiler room.

If in winter the house is not used constantly, but only intermittently, then the question arises, what is better: to heat it continuously in winter or only in the presence of the owners? In the second case, you will have to drain the water from the heating system and plumbing - comfort suffers, you have to heat with electricity or a stove. Therefore, in country houses, as a rule, constant heating is used. Modern heating systems allow you to regulate the temperature, setting it to a minimum while the owners are away, and thereby save energy. At the same time, it is important that the wooden house is well insulated - this will minimize heating costs.

Water supply and sewerage

is a borehole or a well. Before designing a water supply system, it is a good idea to check the water quality. After all, the water may have to be purified, and then it will be necessary to provide sufficient area for the tanks of the water treatment system: they take up quite a lot of space.

If the village has a central sewer system, then we connect to it - and the problem is solved. The issue of autonomous sewerage in wooden houses is also solved simply: either you need to install a treatment facility, or, if the daily volume of wastewater is small and irregular, then perhaps you can get by the simplest system cleaning, consisting of two wells: a concrete overflow and an absorption well. But this is only in areas with well-absorbing soil.

Power supply system in a wooden house

The main requirement for electrical wiring in a wooden house is to ensure fire safety. We must be very careful about protecting against short circuit and from current leaks, for which differential circuit breakers and RCDs are used.

  • the power supply system must be properly designed;
  • High-quality electrical installation products should be used.

Hidden wiring, as a rule, runs inside ceilings and frame partitions, and in insulated timber houses - under the internal decorative cladding. Wires hidden in channels drilled in logs and beams must be in metal pipes ah, - for the sake of safety and the possibility of repair.


A ventilation system is needed to remove unpleasant odors and provide a flow of fresh air. It can be very simple: hoods in bathrooms, kitchens and boiler rooms. Fresh air enters through the windows and ventilation ducts in the double-glazed windows. But you can also make a forced supply and exhaust ventilation system with fans and air ducts, ensuring constant air exchange. In this case, at the design stage it is necessary to provide space for routing air ducts.

What, when and how to connect when installing utilities

A diagram of utility lines in a wooden house is developed at the house design stage. The engineering section of a house project determines what, when, in what order and how to do it. This takes into account the order of interaction between engineering and finishing works, as well as the presence of shrinkage of a wooden house.

The laying of communications in a wooden house occurs simultaneously with insulation and finishing. This is logical: a subfloor is laid, insulation is placed on it, and cables and pipes run inside it. The necessary holes are drilled in the beams.

Engineering work in a wooden house, along with insulation and finishing work, is carried out after a long break, which is done in order to allow the constructed log house to dry and settle.

All communications are turnkey with a 1 year warranty!

The Country House company performs all types of engineering work during the construction of turnkey wooden country houses, and can also take on the functions of a subcontractor. The warranty period for engineering communications is 1 year. This is quite enough to identify all the shortcomings and hidden defects associated with their installation.

The desire to escape the bustle of the city is clearly visible in the growing demand for suburban real estate. But even buying a house in the village is not a reason to refuse the everyday benefits that civilization provides. After all, today it is enough to simply provide an autonomous water supply, and sewerage in a wooden house is no longer a novelty. The only thing you need to remember is that the installation of these communication systems must meet the requirements of sanitary and environmental safety. If we talk about sewage, the priority is the installation of autonomous systems that provide not only the collection of sewage, but also their purification.

Features of sewerage systems in wooden housing constructions

Until relatively recently, the village sewerage system consisted of an ordinary drainage pit and a latrine at the edge of the site. The appearance on the market of septic tanks providing high level wastewater treatment, made it possible to reconsider the design of the system and provide a level of domestic comfort commensurate with the conditions of a city apartment.

In a wooden residential building, remember that the main problem is the significant shrinkage that is inherent in log houses. Therefore, the main features of installing a sewage system for a wooden residential building are hidden precisely in the laying of internal networks.

It is carried out using traditional technology; there are no differences associated with the material of construction. The only thing you need to pay close attention to is the choice of septic tank and the installation of filtration fields or drainage system. For individual one-story house An installation with a capacity of 400-700 liters per day is quite sufficient. When choosing a model, it is worth taking into account the number of people living and the seasonality of residence. So, for a dacha, a sewer system with the installation of a septic tank MAPLE 5 (5n) is quite sufficient, but for a full-fledged village (country) house it is worth choosing a more voluminous model, for example, MAPLE 7 (7n).

To order septic tanks MAPLE, call right now +7 495 724 90 69, consultations on choosing the optimal model are free.

Internal sewer networks

When laying in a frame or log structure, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • When elements of the sewerage system pass through load-bearing walls or partitions, compensation gaps should be left that will protect the pipeline from damage during shrinkage of the structure.
  • In wooden or frame house the main horizontal wiring elements should be installed in the floors, while the network arrangement should not violate the integrity of the load-bearing beams. To do this, the sewer system must be designed in such a way that the length of these sections is minimal. The placement of sanitary fixtures in close proximity to the risers is considered optimal.
  • When attaching system elements to walls or load-bearing floor beams, it is necessary to avoid using rigid connections with structures. It is best to use hangers or other fastening devices that will ensure that the pipes remain stationary as the building shrinks. In a wooden building the issue of fastening sewer pipes should be given special attention, any error leads to deformation of the pipeline and failure of the system.

In all other respects, the arrangement of the sewerage system in a wooden private house is similar to the wiring in a city apartment. To connect toilets, pipes with a diameter of 110 mm are used; for other consumers, a 50 mm pipeline is sufficient. Even for a one-story house, you should not forget about the installation of fan ventilation, which will prevent the breakdown of water seals and eliminate unpleasant odors in the room. When laying horizontal sections of the network in a wooden building, you should create a slope towards the risers (3 cm by 1 meter), this will ensure the optimal speed of movement of the drains.

Installation of local treatment facilities

Today, sewerage in a village is unthinkable without the installation of a reliable septic tank. For a one-story house inhabited by 3-5 people, it is worth giving preference to a treatment plant with a volume of 1.5-3 cubic meters. This capacity allows for the treatment of the entire daily amount of domestic and utility wastewater. The installation of a septic tank must be carried out in accordance with sanitary requirements, and the design of filtration fields should not cause harm environment and residential buildings. When choosing a location for a septic tank, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Distance from residential building must provide protection to the foundation structure. Excess moisture in the soil can adversely affect a wooden or frame structure. According to manufacturers, sealed septic tanks can be installed 2 meters from the house, but it will be better if the distance is at least 4-5 meters. In this case, the installation of the sewerage system is greatly simplified and the safety of buildings is ensured. It is not recommended to install a treatment plant further than 20 meters from the building; this will lead to the need to install additional inspection wells for cleaning the sewer network.
  • You should not install a septic tank near sources of autonomous water supply (wells, boreholes); it will be better if the distance between them is 15-30 meters, this will provide reliable sanitary protection.
  • The installation of filtration fields must be done in such a way as not to cause harm to garden plants. The distance to the nearest trees should not be less than 4 meters.
  • When installing autonomous sewerage systems for your own residential building, do not forget about the presence of neighbors. Therefore, the distance from the boundaries of the site to the septic tank or drainage device cannot be less than 3 meters.

Advantages of septic tanks MAPLE

Today, it is MAPLE septic tanks that can most often be found in a village farmstead or summer cottage. The main reason for this is the low cost of the device with high reliability and efficiency. For your own one-story residential building, local treatment plants are considered the most optimal option.

  • The polypropylene body is not subject to corrosion and rotting, and the installation weight is small. This allows you to install a sewerage system in your own home without the use of powerful equipment.
  • MAPLE septic tanks can be installed in areas with different groundwater levels.
  • The performance of the KLEN installation allows for high-quality treatment of a large amount of wastewater.
  • The design of the KLEN treatment station made it possible to avoid expensive maintenance; all that is required is to pump out the sludge 1-2 times a year and add a biological product monthly.

To order a MAPLE septic tank with delivery and installation, call +7 495 724 90 69, consultation is free, installation in one day.

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In this article we will talk about how to make a sewer system in a wooden house. The topic is relevant, since about one third of individual low-rise construction projects residential purposes built using lumber.

Accordingly, the issue of disposal of wastewater and waste is as pressing as in houses built from conventional building materials. After all, the presence of a well-designed and properly constructed sewer system is the key to comfortable living in the house.

Initial data

The easiest way to install wastewater disposal systems is if a centralized sewer system operates in a populated area. That is, it will be enough to arrange communications inside the construction site, and connect the outer part to a sewer well or to a main pipe.

The situation is much more complicated if a centralized sewage system is not provided in the holiday village, and it is necessary to design and build autonomous systems.

So, let's find out how to design and install a sewer system in a wooden house with your own hands.

Indoor and outdoor systems

Multi-stage wastewater treatment occurs through mechanical sedimentation and through the action of microorganisms. Most modern treatment plants use activated sludge as microorganisms.

The process of processing sewage occurs with the formation of carbon dioxide and nitrogen, as well as the release of heat.

The operating principle of the station is as follows:

  • the wastewater entering the receiving chamber is treated with activated sludge;
  • the wastewater is filtered and supplied to the air tank through a pump;
  • in the air tank the liquid undergoes oxidation;
  • the liquid is pumped from the aeration tank into a secondary settling tank;
  • in the secondary settling tank, clarification occurs due to repeated separation of fractions;
  • water passes out while the sludge settles at the bottom of the settling tank.

The water obtained in this way can be used for irrigation. To use it as process water, the purified liquid will have to be additionally filtered and disinfected.


Now that we have a general idea of ​​how to clean waste water, we can select the type of treatment equipment that will correspond to the parameters of the sewer system. You will find more interesting and informative information by watching the video in this article.

Many people build cozy wooden houses in the countryside, or even in the wilderness, for the sake of comfortable relaxation and enjoying nature. However, a kind of escape from the bustle of the city does not necessarily entail a rejection of the benefits of civilization. You can even arrange a practical sewer system in a wooden house yourself. How to do this will be described in detail below.

The necessity of laying a sewer system in a wooden house is not even discussed, but it is worth considering that it needs to be thought about already when designing the structure. This is explained by the need to lay down some elements even before building a house. It is also possible to install a sewer system in an already built house, but this will take an order of magnitude more money and effort.

The entire system is divided into two components: external and internal. The first involves ensuring the drainage of water into an external sewer system, and the second includes all plumbing, risers, equipment inside the house and a pipeline for draining and collecting water. It is also worth noting that the sewer system can be autonomous if there is no nearby central sewer, which often happens with wooden cottages.

In the case of autonomous sewerage Several main options for treatment structures can be noted: cesspool, septic tank, soil treatment and drainage field.

Device Features:

  • The installation of a sewer system in a wooden house inside will also depend on its shrinkage, like any other work in the house.
  • The external system is installed using conventional technologies, regardless of the type of building.
  • The choice of treatment facility will depend on the seasonality of the residents and their number.

Internal sewer networks

This section will give recommendations on how to install a sewer system in a wooden house correctly, taking into account all the nuances internal system. Each network has its own requirements, so when laying the internal system, it is worth remembering that it is necessary to leave expansion gaps to protect the pipes when the house shrinks. The length of horizontal wiring elements should be minimal, and all elements should be fastened to beams and walls without rigid connections.

To organize the pipeline, use PVC or polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 5 cm (for connecting a bathroom - 11 cm). The first to install is the piping from the bathroom, where the toilet, bathtub, sink, washing machine and so on. At pipeline bends, an inspection is used to make cleaning easier. Next, all drain pipes are led to the central riser.

All joints of the installed internal pipeline must be treated with sealant, and their fastening must be checked for strength. After this, you can begin installing the external system.

Important! Regardless of the number of floors in a building, fan ventilation is required. This will provide protection against breakdowns of water seals and the penetration of unpleasant odors into the premises.

External sewage system

Let's start the story about how to make a sewer system in a wooden house with a description of the installation of the outlet that connects the internal network to the inspection sewer well. Its installation begins from the well itself towards the riser, connecting the pipeline along the movement of the drains. In this case, the sockets should be located along the oncoming water without drops, but with a slope of more than 90°.

Pipes for this section are taken with a diameter equal to or greater than the diameter of the riser, the connection is straight. The entire length of the outlet can vary within 12 m. The well can be made of plastic, brick or reinforced concrete rings. It is installed in damp soil, so treatment with a special primer is also necessary. The bottom of the well is provided with concrete guide gutters.

In the trench where the outlet pipeline is installed, the soil must be untouched to prevent subsidence. Sand or soil is added to adjust the position of the pipes, and also compacted with a tamper. At pipe connections, under the sockets, it is necessary to dig up the soil a little to maintain the straightness of the pipeline.

Pay attention! If the trench for the pipeline is located shallow (up to 70 cm from the surface of the earth), then insulation of the pipes is necessary.

Correct installation of the outlet is confirmed by bringing the edge of the pipe out of the well to the same level as the inner wall. After this, you can seal the sockets and backfill the trench with the laid pipeline. The transition of the outlet to the main riser should be as smooth as possible, that is, the recommended angle is not 90°, but three by 30. This helps eliminate blockages in the pipeline.

The sewage system in a wooden house is clearly visible in the video attached below.

Septic tank installation

The wastewater must flow somewhere along the sewer pipeline. A septic tank, a device for mechanical wastewater treatment, can act as a storage tank. For example, concrete rings provide wastewater treatment during the fermentation process when clean water falls into the filtration well, and the sewage will need to be pumped out with special equipment. Also today, polypropylene containers are very popular, which are durable and not so expensive.

There are some here too rules for their location:

  • It is allowed to install a septic tank no closer than 2 m from the house, ideally 4-5 m is recommended. But it should not be too far either - up to 20 m.
  • If there is a well on the territory of an autonomous water supply structure, for example, then there should also be a distance between it and the septic tank - at least 15-30 m.
  • Filtration fields should be 4 or more meters from the plantings.
  • The distance to neighboring plots must be at least 3 m.

Installation of this device includes the following procedures:

  • Construction of the pit.
  • Concreting the bottom and walls or installing ready-made concrete rings.
  • Sealing joints.
  • Filling the gaps between the concrete container and the soil with soil.
  • Installation of a pipeline suitable for the septic tank.

Sewerage in a wooden house is very easy to install yourself. Many people, trying to escape from the bustle of the city, build houses made of wood in the forest or on the outskirts, but this is not a reason to get rid of comfort. In our article we will look at how to properly install a sewerage system with your own hands for this type of building.

Today, there has been an increase in the popularity of wooden houses, both in Europe and Russia. This pattern is explained by the following advantages of this material:

  • Heating a room requires less energy;
  • It has climate control, which has a beneficial effect on the health of residents;
  • Capable of absorbing toxins;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the human psyche;
  • High level of structural stability due to the installation of screw piles. It is also worth noting that the house made of wood has a powerful frame belt.

Screw piles look like solid metal pipes that have special blades that screw into the soil like a screw. This frame body allows a wooden house to withstand loads, deformations, ground vibrations and temperature. Let's consider the structure of screw piles, which are made from high-strength alloys and have anti-corrosion resistance. These elements structurally form an area with high strength.

In order to increase the rigidity of the installation, you need to fill the pipe with a concrete solution. In practice, there are situations when piles need to be reinforced. You can install screw piles using a special machine or with your own hands. What makes them so popular in the construction of timber buildings? Piles are known for the following unique properties:

  • Speed ​​up the installation process by 30 percent;
  • Screw piles can be used on swampy and subsidence soils;
  • Do not depend on surface waters;
  • There is no vibration during working processes, which allows the piles to be placed close to the house;
  • The time of year does not affect DIY installation;
  • There is no need for earthworks or soil leveling;
  • Piles will save money on installation.

Attention! Screw piles are the most rational option for a wooden house, according to economic and technical criteria.

General concepts of sewerage

The need to install a sewer system for a building made of wood with your own hands is very clearly expressed, so you need to think about its installation at the stage of designing a living space. This requirement is important, since some parts of the sewer must be laid together with the foundation on screw piles. If you want to install a drainage system for toilets and plumbing in an already built house, it is worth noting that this will cost you much more.

Do-it-yourself construction of sewer systems is divided into two components, namely the internal and external structures. The first includes all the components of the plumbing and toilet, and the second connects all the parts that ensure the drainage of wastewater to the sump. It is worth noting that the system can be autonomous and connected to the central sewer system. If this is the first option, then these could be the following installations: a cesspool, a septic tank, drainage and filtration devices. Also, it is worth highlighting the features of the device:

  • The components of the sewer system in a frame room depend on its shrinkage;
  • The external system is installed using standard methods, the choice of which does not depend on the type of building;
  • The cleaning facility is determined based on the frequency of residence in the house.

Design Features

Considering design features sewerage in a frame building can be said to be a complex of systems that are aimed at collecting, moving and storing wastewater. Let's look at the components of this device:

  • Internal sewerage is the sum of all pipes, toilet components and plumbing fixtures within the home;
  • The external part is a combination of pipes that transport wastewater from the toilet and plumbing to places of their storage and disposal outside the building;
  • Screw tanks or on stilts who are engaged in the storage and processing of sewage waste. In practice, septic tanks, pits or treatment stations are very common.

Internal networks

In order to make a sewerage system in a frame house correctly and with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this work. Each network has its own characteristics, so when installing the internal complex, you should not forget about the gaps that protect the pipes and the shrinkage of the building on screw piles. All horizontal elements must be of minimal length and attached to the walls without rough connections.

For optimal pipe performance, you should choose PVC or polypropylene material with a diameter of 5 cm, and for connecting a toilet - 11 cm. It is worth noting that the first thing you need to do is install the wiring from the bathroom, which includes a toilet, bathtub, washing machine, etc. d.

At all pipe bends, it is necessary to install an inspection that will help with their cleaning. A mandatory item is the need to seal all joints and seams, which will increase strength. After organization internal network water supply, you can begin installation of the external equipment.

Attention! It is imperative to make ventilation in a frame house - this will protect against shutter failures and unpleasant odors.

External network

The first action for this network is the installation of an outlet element that will connect the well and the internal component. Its installation begins from the drainage intake to the riser, and occurs in the direction of the sewer flows of the toilet and plumbing. It is worth noting that sockets and piles must be installed at an angle of 90 degrees.

When choosing pipes, it is necessary to give preference to a diameter identical to the size of the riser. The length of all outlet elements can vary within 12 meters. You can make a well with your own hands from plastic, brick or reinforced concrete rings. Its installation takes place in moist soil, so it needs to be treated with a primer.

When making a trench where the drainage outlet is installed, you need to choose undisturbed soil. To prevent soil subsidence, add sand and compact it well. In addition, all connection points provide for easy excavation, which will help maintain the straightness of the pipes.

Attention! In the case of shallow laying of pipes up to 70 cm, it is imperative to insulate the pipes.

Features of sewerage design
To do correct installation When installing a sewer system with your own hands, you need to maintain the slope of the pipes in such a way that a gravity flow of toilet waste and other sewage elements is formed. It is best to lay the pipeline in upright position and without bends, but if this is not possible, then wells must be installed at the joints, which will provide access to cleaning. The septic tank must be located in accordance with all standards and requirements.

Attention! Placement of waste pipes and drainage in one trench is prohibited.

Water supply and sewerage are a very important issue for arranging comfort in a frame house, so the choice of material must be approached very responsibly. The most important process is the selection of optimal pipes, which are made from the following materials:

  • Metal;
  • Asbestos cement;
  • Plastic.

The most expensive option is to purchase metal pipes, which are installed only if available. welding machine. The asbestos-cement pipeline is not used in water supply, but is excellent for transporting waste streams. A feature of such pipes is a high level of sealing.

Plumbing and sewerage - basic installation rules

In order to become familiar with all aspects of the installation, we analyzed special literature and video materials and derived the basic rules and regulations for the work. When installing a sewerage system and drainage system in a frame building, it should be carried out strictly following the norms and rules that are regulated by law. Do not forget about the slope, which must be laid in such a way that a gravity flow of water is formed. This can be done by maintaining a slope of 2 cm per meter. It is worth noting that if this norm is not taken into account, the system will constantly become clogged, and a higher degree, on the contrary, will slow down the flow.

Drainage and sewerage for the toilet and other plumbing elements begins with the drain pipe. The drainage channel must be insulated, which will further protect it from possible damage. This effect can be achieved by lining the pipe with brick or cement. Similar actions apply when installing pipes that provide water supply.

The outer part of the system for draining wastewater from the toilet and plumbing is made of plastic pipes brown or orange in color and more than 3.6 mm thick. The internal network is made in gray shades of gray and the pipeline size is 1.8 mm. If you use cast iron connections, it requires a lot of effort and expense, but will last for many years. Plus, it can be noted that this type of pipe is able to isolate any sounds in the system, unlike plastic types.
The next step is to install an internal network and a drain pipe, which can eliminate unpleasant odors. It is worth noting that it is mandatory to install hydraulic valves on all plumbing installations.

The siphon must correspond to the diameter of the sewer. The faucet pipe is connected to the toilet and must have a diameter of more than 10 cm. If we take the size of the plumbing outlets, it must be more than 5 cm. All pipes in the system are laid at a slope to ensure gravity flow.
Upon completion of all work, it is necessary to diagnose the sewerage and drainage system. It is worth paying special attention to the seams of the structure; they must be airtight. Based on this, correct calculations will allow you to create an optimal sewer system for a wooden house with stilts. After all, this building is very durable and requires an appropriate drainage system.