Milestones are poisonous where it grows. medicinal plants

Cicuta virosa
Taxon: Family Umbelliferae ( Apiaceae)
Folk names: hemlock, cat's parsley, vyakha, omeg, omezhnik, water rabies, mutnik, dog angelica, gorigola, pig louse
English: Cowbane, Northern Water Hemlock

The generic name probably comes from the Greek word cyein- empty, because its rhizome is hollow inside; latin virosus- poisonous.

Veh poisonous - a perennial herbaceous plant 50-150 cm high. The rhizome is short, thick, vertical, divided by transverse partitions into separate chambers, planted over the entire surface with white, cord-like, succulent roots up to 0.5 cm thick. The stem is furrowed, branched in the upper part , hollow. The leaves are sharp-toothed, double-pinnate at the edges, the lower ones are almost thrice-pinnate. The upper leaves are short-petiolate, the lower ones are long-petiolate, the inflorescence is a complex umbrella with a diameter of 5-12 cm with 10-25 rays. The involucre is absent or consists of 8-12 lanceolate or linear leaflets. Flowers numerous, white. Calyx with 5 foliate, broadly triangular teeth. Petals obovate, narrowed towards the base, notched at the apex, with a narrow inwardly curved lobule. The fruit is a two-seed, rounded with a heart-shaped base, 1.5-2 mm long, splitting into 2 semi-fruits, on which there are 5 longitudinal, flat, blunt ribs with hollows in between them.
Flowering in June-August, fruiting in August-September.
The rhizome has a spicy smell and a somewhat sweetish taste; when cut, a light yellow, very poisonous resinous juice darkens in the air, causing severe poisoning (in 50% of cases, fatal).

It grows in alder forests, swamps, damp meadows, swampy banks of rivers and lakes in all regions of the European part of Russia, in Siberia and the Far East.

Collection and preparation:
Healers advise collecting milestones when Saturn is in the constellation of Mars or the Sun. Then, in their opinion, it destroys dandruff, and the liquid extracted from it heals rheumatism and counteracts excessive suffering of the chest and abdomen. Juice mixed with wine yeast makes the birds lethargic.

Chemical composition:
The rhizome and roots contain nitrogen-free toxic substances cicutoxin (up to 2%) and cicutol, as well as non-toxic essential oil yellow color, which includes cymol, cumic aldehyde, flavonoids quercetin and isorhamnetin were found in the grass.

Pharmacological properties:
Roots and rhizomes in small doses act by depressing the central nervous system and motor activity, lower arterial pressure slightly increase urination.

Application in medicine:
The rhizome with roots is used externally as an ointment and tincture for skin diseases: chronic dermatitis, ulcers, chronic small rashes, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, gout and rheumatism. And also in the treatment of headaches and.
Preparations from fresh rhizomes are used for epilepsy, tetanus and convulsions in the postpartum period. Apply medications from a milestone on your own without much experience and sufficient knowledge is not recommended.

Weh is one of the most poisonous plants. The plant is completely poisonous, both fresh and dry. Especially - rhizome and roots. 100-200 g of them is enough to kill a cow, and 50-100 g kill a sheep, but larks and quails calmly, without harm to their health and life, peck at the seeds of a poisonous milestone. Cicuta is insidious with its pleasant carrot smell and rhizome, which tastes like a turnip or radish. Depending on the time of year and climatic conditions, the toxicity varies. In spring, the rhizome is more poisonous.
Symptoms of poisoning appear a few minutes after ingestion, since cicutoxin is very quickly absorbed into the body. gastrointestinal tract. The hemlock poison has a pronounced convulsive effect and affects mainly the central nervous system.
Symptoms of vekhom poisoning: bitterness in the mouth, abdominal pain, salivation, vomiting, respiratory and circulatory disorders, delirium, convulsions. Death comes from respiratory paralysis.
In case of poisoning with milestone, it is urgent to rinse the stomach, use emetics, vinegar and black coffee.

Photos and illustrations:

The generic name probably comes from the Greek word cyein - empty, since its rhizome is hollow inside; Latin virosus - poisonous.

Other plant names:

Brief description of milestone poisonous:

Milestone poisonous (hemlock) - This is a perennial bare herbaceous plant 50–150 cm high. The rhizome is short, thick, vertical, hollow inside, divided by transverse partitions into separate chambers, planted over the entire surface with white, cord-like, succulent roots up to 0.5 cm thick.

The rhizome has a spicy smell and a somewhat sweetish taste; when cut, a light yellow, very poisonous resinous juice darkens in the air, causing severe poisoning (in 50% of cases, fatal). A hollow rhizome is a sign of a milestone poisonous.

The stem is finely furrowed, branched in the upper part, hollow. The leaves along the edges are sharp-toothed, double-pinnate, the lower ones are almost triple-pinnate. The upper leaves are short-petiolate, the lower ones are long-petiolate, the inflorescence is a complex umbrella 5–12 cm in diameter with 10–25 rays. The involucre is absent or consists of 8–12 lanceolate or linear leaflets. Flowers numerous, white. Calyx with 5 leaf-shaped wide triangular teeth. Petals obovate, narrowed towards the base, notched at the apex, with a narrow inwardly curved lobule. The fruit is a two-seed, rounded with a heart-shaped base, 1.5–2 mm long, splitting into 2 semi-fruits, on which there are 5 longitudinal, flat, blunt ribs with hollows in between them.

Flowering in June-August, fruiting in August-September.

Places of growth:

It grows in alder forests, in sedge, peat, shrub and grass bogs, damp meadows, swampy banks of rivers and lakes, sometimes in the water itself in all regions of the European part of Russia, Siberia and the Far East, the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Harvesting milestone:

WITH therapeutic purpose grass is used (stems, leaves, flowers), as well as roots. The aerial part (grass) is collected during flowering and dried in the shade in the open air or in attics. Roots and rhizomes are harvested in autumn and dried in well-ventilated areas.

Healers advise collecting milestones when Saturn is in the constellation of Mars or the Sun. Then, in their opinion, it destroys dandruff, and the liquid extracted from it heals rheumatism and counteracts excessive suffering of the chest and abdomen.

The chemical composition of milestone poisonous:

The rhizome and roots contain nitrogen-free toxic substances - cicutotoxin (up to 0.2% in fresh, 3.5% in dry roots), cicutol, as well as non-poisonous yellow essential oil, which includes p-cymol, cumic aldehyde. Flavonoids (quercetin and kaempferol), alkaloids, polyacetylene compounds were found in the leaves. All parts of hemlock contain the deadly substance cicutin. Especially a lot of it in the rhizome. Even in dried hemlock, the poison is not destroyed and is also dangerous.

All these active ingredients form the basis of the chemical composition of the milestone poisonous (hemlock).

Pharmacological properties of milestone poisonous:

The pharmacological properties of milestone are determined by its chemical composition.

Roots and rhizomes in small doses have a calming effect, depressing the central nervous system and motor activity, lower blood pressure, slightly increase urination.

Application of milestone in medicine, milestone treatment:

With gout, rheumatism, pain in the limbs and joints, radiculitis, sciatica, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, with skin diseases (psoriasis, lichen, scrofula;

epithelioma, eczema, fungal skin lesions, chronic small rashes) is used as an external remedy (as an ointment and tincture) herb with roots and rhizomes is a milestone in folk medicine.

With nervous disorders, epilepsy and convulsions of the postpartum period, with hysteria and stuttering, mental disorders, headaches, migraines, dizziness, with angina pectoris and palpitations - in very small doses with great care, plant preparations are sometimes prescribed orally.

Dosage forms, method of administration and doses of drugs milestone poisonous:

From herbs (stems, leaves, flowers) and roots, effective medicines and forms are made that are used in the treatment of many diseases. Let's consider the main ones.

Tincture of herb milestone poisonous:

Tincture of grass milestone poisonous: pour grass with vodka in a ratio of 1:50, leave for 7 days, strain. Take 1 drop with water 2-3 times daily before meals.

Russian doctors prescribed the tincture for those who fell ill with meningitis, colds, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, and whooping cough.

Infusion of herbs or milestone roots:

An infusion of the herb or roots has been used in the treatment of cancer of various locations.

Contraindications milestone poisonous:

It is not recommended to use medicines from a milestone on your own without extensive experience and sufficient knowledge!

Weh is one of the most poisonous plants. The whole plant is dangerous, both fresh and dried. Depending on the time of year and climatic conditions, the toxicity varies. In spring, the rhizome with roots is more poisonous, which has a spicy smell and a somewhat sweetish taste. Cicuta is insidious with its pleasant carrot smell and rhizome, which tastes like a turnip or radish. 100–200 g of rhizome is enough to kill a cow, and 50–100 g kill a sheep, but larks and quails calmly, without harm to their health and life, peck at the seeds of a poisonous milestone. Juice mixed with wine yeast makes the birds lethargic. Hemlock emits a characteristic smell of celery and parsley, and this circumstance may serve as a reason for inexperienced people to try to eat it.

Symptoms of poisoning appear a few minutes after ingestion, since cicutotoxin is absorbed very quickly in the gastrointestinal tract. The poison of the hemlock has a pronounced convulsive effect and affects mainly the central nervous system.

The poisonous effect of hemlock develops very quickly. 5-10 minutes after the first piece of rhizome (in any form) was swallowed, a person becomes ill. After a short malaise, the main signs of poisoning quickly develop: headache, dizziness, general weakness, profuse salivation, nausea, vomiting. Soon consciousness is lost, and convulsive seizures begin, the frequency of which depends on the amount of poison that has entered the body. Usually during convulsions, thick saliva and foam are released from the mouth. Attacks of convulsions are repeated at short intervals: at this time, there is gnashing of teeth, screaming, there may be respiratory arrest. Death occurs from paralysis of the respiratory center or asphyxia during convulsions.

Carrying out therapeutic measures is difficult due to the fact that the victim has strongly clenched teeth.

Information received from eyewitnesses or an examination of the scene usually helps to recognize poisoning: hemlock poison acts so quickly that the poisoned person does not have time to go far.

To prevent the absorption of cicutotoxin, an intensive gastric lavage is carried out with solutions of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and artificial vomiting is caused (1 ml of a 1% solution of apomorphine hydrochloride is injected subcutaneously); make cleansing enemas. The purpose is also shown activated carbon(up to 3 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of water). In addition to high enemas, saline laxatives are used - magnesium or sodium sulfate (up to 30 g in 1-3 glasses of water). In severe condition, these drugs are administered through a gastric tube. Water loading is not contraindicated.

As a detoxification agent and to enhance liver function, a 25% or 40% glucose solution (10 ml intravenously), corticosteroids, gemodez are administered. The phenomena of acidosis are eliminated by the introduction of a 4% solution of sodium bicarbonate (1-2 liters intravenously, drip).

For convulsions, chloral hydrate is prescribed in enemas with mucus (0.5 l each) or barbamyl (0.4 g 2-3 times a day). In addition, droperidol (1-2 ml of a 0.25% solution intramuscularly) and aminalon (gammalon - 1 g 3 times a day or 5 ml intravenously in a 5% solution) can be used.

In case of poisoning with all plant poisons that led to a coma due to the development of uremia, a 5% aminalon solution is administered (15–20 ml in 500 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose solution intravenously, drip).

To normalize the function of cardio-vascular system and breathing, a 20% solution of caffeine-sodium benzoate (up to 2 ml subcutaneously), a 20% solution of camphor (up to 2 ml subcutaneously), a 10% solution of corazol (2 ml subcutaneously) are used. With bradycardia - 0.1% solution of atropine sulfate (1 ml subcutaneously). It is not excluded the appointment of cardiac glycosides (strophanthin, corglicon), mesotone, norepinephrine hydrotartrate.

A bit of history:

Odo of Mena, in his treatise On the Properties of Herbs, wrote:

The deadly hemlock has natural cold strength,

And therefore, if you drink, it will kill you like cold poisons.

Spotted skin is covered in those who died from hemlock.

(We will be able to confirm death from it by signs of this.)

If the one who took hemlock turned out to be at the death line,

Let it be clean, warmed up, he will drink wine -

No matter how harmful it is, if it is drunk,

But apply - and it will be an excellent tool;

Eye inflammation in the summer, she heals perfectly,

If you put green grated leaves on your forehead

Or you will smear sore eyes with its juice.

She expels purulent rashes and the sacred fire.

Anakoplay reports that

if the girl is more often

Her breasts will be anointed with her juice, then, for the first time

Breasts swollen, then permanently remain normal.

Grated hemlock greens in the breasts dry up the milk,

It extinguishes desire with the outflow of every seed,

If you often rub your pubis with grated hemlock.

In its purest form, I approved it for pain in the ankle.

Which belongs to the branched stem of hemlock can reach 150 centimeters in height. The medicinal plant has a large poisonous rhizome, the numerous branches of which are half a centimeter thick, and small white flowers. The hollow rhizome is a "diagnostic" sign of hemlock.

Poisonous milestone blooms from June to August, and the fruits, which are rounded dark brown two-seeded seeds, finally ripen by September. The reproduction of the plant occurs with the help of seeds. The main areas of growth of hemlock are areas with enough waters, in particular, peat, grass and shrub bogs, lake shores, wet meadows and alder forests. Almost all areas of the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, the Far East and Siberia are the main places of distribution of poisonous milestone. Also, it can often be found in the countries of Central Asia.

Milestone poisonous - the plant is very dangerous, so when using it, special care is needed. A great threat to health is the rhizome of hemlock, which contains up to two percent of a dangerous substance - cicutoxin. There is a legend about this plant, according to which the great thinker Socrates drank a drink made from a poisonous milestone and died suddenly. This type of execution in those days was the most humane way of a painless departure to another world. From the rhizome of the plant, which has a spicy smell and sweet taste, a very dangerous resinous juice emerges in the incision, which causes fatal poisoning in 50% of cases.

The medicinal plant milestone poisonous is used in medicine, especially for epilepsy, dizziness and convulsions. ethnoscience uses hemlock as a sedative, anticonvulsant and expectorant in the form of infusions. Ointments made from it are used for back pain and arthritis. During the harvesting of this plant, in no case should you taste it and involve children in the process, it is important to carefully observe the precautions. The finished medicinal raw material obtained from the milestone, after collection and drying, is stored in boxes separately from other herbs.

Since milestone grass is a poisonous plant that is life-threatening if used improperly, it must be used very carefully and under the supervision of a physician. Hemlock poisoning is accompanied by headaches, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. There is also an imbalance and a feeling of cold. The rhizome of the plant is especially poisonous in the spring, but in other seasons the degree of danger remains very high. Cicutoxin, which is contained in the powerful hemlock rhizome, is not destroyed by factors such as high temperature and long-term storage. Often in early spring, this plant becomes the cause of poisoning of many animals that are not very well versed in the grass they eat.

Poisonous or hemlock is a deceptively harmless plant that has a pleasant carrot smell and no less pleasant taste, reminiscent of a turnip or radish. This plant is one of the most poisonous representatives of the flora. Absolutely everything is poisonous in it, and poisons are preserved both in fresh and in dried plants. However, milestones can excellently both kill and heal.

Description of the species and distribution area

Milestone poisonous refers to perennials umbrella families. Among the popular names of this plant, there are such as hemlock (the most famous and common), mutnik, dog angelica, cat parsley and others.

Milestone poisonous is distributed throughout Russia, from European to Far Eastern. It is extremely rare to find it in the Central Asian countries and the Caucasian regions. Most often, milestones can be found near fresh water bodies, including near rivers, lakes, in water meadows and even swamps. The plant prefers highly moist lands, mostly clayey with an acidic environment.

Milestone is a fairly large plant from 50 to 120 centimeters. The stem is hollow, furrowed, strongly branching towards the top. The upper leaves of the poisonous milestone are double-pinnate, short-petiolate, and the lower ones are long-petiolate and thrice-pinnate. common feature for upper and lower leaves, this is a sharp-toothed appearance.

The flowers are a milestone of a poisonous white shade, forming inflorescences in the form of a complex umbrella. The diameter of the umbrella ranges from 5 to 12 centimeters with large quantity rays (up to 25). Flowering time milestone from mid-summer to the very end. The plant bears fruit from August to September and forms a small fruit - an achene, round, with a heart-shaped base, only one and a half to two millimeters in size and consisting of two semi-fruits.

The root of the milestone poisonous deserves special attention. The rhizome itself is quite thick and fleshy. The average diameter of the rhizome is about 6 centimeters and up to 20 centimeters long, with a large number of roots. If you make a longitudinal section of the rhizome, you can see that it is hollow and has many diameters.

At the same time, the cavities of the rhizome are not empty, but filled with a light yellow liquid, which changes color to a darker one under the influence of air. The milestone rhizome is very poisonous! The highest concentration of poison is observed in the spring and autumn periods. However, its toxicity does not disappear in other periods, but persists and remains very high.

Collection and preparation

Basically, in medicinal purposes harvest milestone grass. Despite the fact that the bulk of the poison is contained in the rhizome, the entire plant is extremely poisonous. Therefore, when harvesting, you must be very careful.

In no case should children be involved in the collection of grass and taste the plant. It is better to work with gloves and avoid contact with open areas of the body. Grass juice easily penetrates the skin and can cause poisoning. The main symptoms of skin poisoning are general weakness and excessive sweating.

After collecting the herb, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water! Ready dried herb must be stored in a separate container, away from other plants, out of the reach of children.

Composition and medicinal properties

The rhizomes and roots of a poisonous milestone contain cicutoxin - a poisonous substance, essential oil, which includes phellandrene and pinene - non-toxic substances, as well as cicutol.
The milestone herb contains the flavonoids isorhamnetin and quercetin.
Cicutotoxin in small doses can easily cause a calming (sedative) effect, while reducing physical activity human and lower blood pressure.

A feature of cicutoxin is that it dissolves perfectly and absolutely without residue in ethers, chloroform, boiling water and alkaline solutions. The destruction of cicutoxin is possible under the direct influence of concentrated alkalis and acids.
Homeopaths use milestone poisonous to treat epilepsy, migraine, malaise, tetanus convulsions, dizziness.

In the form of an infusion, it is used to treat whooping cough, bronchial asthma, paralysis, stuttering, epilepsy, convulsions, hysteria and psychosis, while such an infusion has a diaphoretic, sedative, anticonvulsant, and expectorant effect. Tincture, as well as milestone infusion, can also have a narcotic and analgesic effect, in such cases it is used in the treatment of migraine, gout, rheumatism, dizziness.

Outwardly, the infusion is used in the form of compresses to relieve inflammation of the lymph nodes and with hardening of the mammary glands.
Based on the leaves and roots of the milestone, ointments are made against arthritis and lumbar pain.

Healing recipes

All milestone-based preparations should be taken with extreme caution and very careful approach to the process of preparing them. You should not self-medicate using milestone poisonous without sufficient experience and knowledge!

  • Infusion from the rhizome: Grind the rhizome milestone into powder and take it on the tip of a knife. Pour the indicated amount with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for four hours. After strain and take 1 teaspoon up to four times a day. Such an infusion helps well with hysteria and increased excitability.
  • Tincture from herbs or rhizomes: Pour a glass of alcohol over one teaspoon (without a slide) ground into a herb powder (or the same amount of powder from the rhizome) and insist in a dark, cool place for seventeen days. The tincture is taken externally for the treatment of gout and rheumatism.
  • Ointment from herbs or rhizomes: Mix three hundred grams of melted lard and one teaspoon of herb powder or milestone rhizomes and insist for ten days. Use to treat rheumatism and gout.

Contraindications for use and side effects

The use of preparations based on poisonous milestone should be made only under the supervision of the attending physician and only at his direction, since the plant is very poisonous. An overdose of such drugs causes severe poisoning.

The first symptoms of milestone poisoning appear within a few minutes after the poison enters the body. These include: the appearance of bitterness in the mouth and headache, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, chills, impaired coordination, decreased skin sensitivity, delirium, convulsions, respiratory and circulatory disorders.

With the development of poisoning, people experience convulsions and abundant secretion of thick saliva. Death occurs from respiratory paralysis against the background of acute heart failure.

First of all, if signs of poisoning appear, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the stomach with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate and perform cleansing enemas. And be sure to call a doctor or take the poisoned person to the hospital.

The main feature of cicutoxin and other toxic constituents of the milestone is that they are not destructible under the influence of high temperatures, nor during long-term storage.

milestone against cancer

Weh contains a special type of poison that has anti-mitotic properties, that is, it inhibits the process of cell division. It also has antitumor cytostatic activity. Thus, it not only inhibits the process of cell reproduction, but is also capable of completely destroying malignant tumor cells, which also suggests a decrease in the overall cancer intoxication of the body.

Regardless of the location of the tumor, the action of milestone is equally effective, because the process of blocking cell division occurs even at the stage of nuclear division.

Particular attention in the treatment of tumors should be given to the milestone also because it not only blocks large foci of the disease, but also finds metastases throughout the body and contributes to their destruction.

Treatment with drugs based on poisonous milestone blocks the possibility of recurrence of the disease even after surgery. In addition, milestone is an excellent prophylactic in the fight against cancer. However, like any treatment, milestone treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician.