Sources of vital energy: how to inspire yourself for self-development. Food and energy Human energy and sources of food share

Energy is a component without which the work of not a single element in the human structure is possible. She is the subject of a search for many creative personalities, businessmen, athletes and politicians. Something without which life itself is impossible ...

Modern science and medicine have ceased to actively deny the vital energy of a person, and even centers for its study are emerging. But in reality, science only approaches this difficult-to-study object. In the ancient texts describing yogic practices, practical methods of working with energy are given, its sources are described, the laws by which it acts, and much more. So what is human energy?

Human energy is an invisible, invisible force that makes you interact with each other elementary particles, organs and systems of our body. This is what collects and holds the elementary parts into a single whole.

The term "energy" is found in all cultures in different nations, for example: in China - "Qi", in India - "Prana", and in ancient Russia- "Alive." Hence the word "living", "life" arose!

Energy is invisible. We can register and study any kind of energy not directly, but through its manifestation. For example, electricity... It is not visible, but it is well felt when the heating device or lighting is on. Electromagnetic waves are not registered by our senses. But through radio and television, they manifest themselves as image and sound. Also human energy. It is invisible, but it manifests itself. And according to these manifestations, it can be registered.

How does energy manifest itself in a person? Very noticeable! A high level of energy is the presence of strength and a thirst for activity. This is enthusiasm good mood and well-being. This is a delight. This is the feeling of love.
Low energy levels - weakness, laziness, heaviness in body and mind, bad mood, depression. In other words, one of the manifestations of energy is the emotional background. Emotions of a higher order correspond to a high level of energy, of a lower order - to a low level.
So where to get energy from? Ancient texts describe four sources ...

Four sources of energy
These sources are well known to us and, at first glance, are banal. But this is only at first glance. So...
The first source is food. Please note: how much time can we spend without food? On average, 40 to 60 days. Without harm to health (and sometimes even with benefit) up to 21 days. For this reason, this energy source is considered to be not the main one. Provided proper nutrition.

The next source of energy is sleep. Without sleep, we can survive no more than 3-4 days. And then the fuse goes off, and the body shuts down - you fall asleep anywhere.

The next source is breath. Not the air itself, but the whole process of breathing. We can only live without breathing for a couple of minutes. For the physical level of existence, this is the most important source of energy.

And the last, the most powerful source energies are a positive attitude of the mind.

Let's consider these sources separately.

A positive mindset.
This is the first, main, thinnest and most powerful source of energy. Notice that when we think positively we are filled with joy, we are happy. When we are happy, we are full of energy! We are full of enthusiasm and desire to take action.
To be more precise, the source of energy is the external environment - Nature. It gives tremendous strength, a huge boost of energy for activity, making plans, faith in oneself and in the future. Nature gives great enthusiasm, endowing man with incredible power.

Nature simply gives to man energy, which man transforms into activities and relationships. But there is a condition: Nature gives energy exactly as much as a person is ready to take. And this readiness is due to a certain emotional state, and this, in turn, is a positive attitude of the mind. Only in this emotional state, the coveted channel opens, through which we are given energy for everything that happens in our life.

Think back to the state of successful people. As a rule, they are in an elated state of mind - they are positive, cheerful, full of life and active. Many attribute their condition to the condition of their affairs. But alas, the opposite is true. The state of affairs of successful people is determined by their emotional state, and the latter arises from the ability to think positively.

So what is a positive mindset? First of all, it is natural state mind and a certain way of thinking, which are given from birth, and which we voluntarily give up.
See the world through the eyes of a three-year-old and you will understand the source of his enthusiasm. To achieve, or rather return to a positive state of mind, yoga describes and teaches to follow three positions.

The first is the attitude to the outside world - to life, circumstances and people around us. When a negative situation comes into our life, most often we ask ourselves the question "why do I need this?" and "who is to blame for my problems?" This formulation of the question is called the position of the victim. It creates negative attitudes and drains energy. And it also gives rise to complaints. Complaints fill the mind, which switches it from solving the problem to complaining itself.

The chain is closed, and it is no longer possible to break out of it. To avoid problems, it is necessary to change the attitude towards the outside world, i.e. in response to an undesirable situation, ask yourself the question "why do I need this?" The answer will come quickly. And this answer will allow you to gain experience, often a harmonious solution, and therefore benefit. And when we realize that we are getting something from outside world- we are happy. A positive state of mind arises and our energy grows.

This approach to life also has a name - the position of the student. Therefore, when an angry shop assistant yells at us, we need to learn from experience. Learn, in this workshop, to control your emotions. Learning to switch this person from a negative state to a positive one, because he yells at us because he feels bad. And realizing this to be satisfied that life has sent us a lesson on the strength of qualities.
When you start asking yourself the question "why do I need this?", Life itself will show you positive lessons.

The second is to choose what to let into your mind. You can contemplate the beauty of nature, works of art, animals. Or you can watch a thriller or action movie. You can visit the exhibition. Or you can have a website with unambiguous content. You can discuss the topic of personality development. And you can have a neighbor. There are thousands of examples.

The third position is mental hygiene.
In life, it is not always possible to protect oneself from unfavorable impressions. An accident on the road, an unpleasant story heard, some kind of sudden event. In our age, information flows of high density, therefore, the issue of mental hygiene is more relevant than in ancient times. And in ancient times it was daily.

Yoga introduces the concept of mental hygiene - regular cleansing of impressions. It is achieved through breathing and meditation techniques.

Breathing is the most important source of energy at the physical level. In the process of breathing, we release liquid and carbon dioxide, and we receive oxygen and free electrons from the outside. During breathing, not only gas exchange occurs, but also the body receives energy from the environment. Air is the carrier of the universal energy - prana. It is called universal because it supports not only physical, but also mental and emotional processes within us.
Possessing vast knowledge in this area, the ancient scientists created a breathing system that has survived to this day in the Vedic texts. The basis of this system is to increase the useful volume of the lungs and, at the same time, the time per inhalation and exhalation cycle. This results in more energy and reduced speed. metabolic processes, i.e. prolongation of youth.

How is this achieved ...
Our lungs are made up of three lobes. These lobes are located one above the other and communicate with each other at the top, just like a bunch of grapes with a branch. This feature makes the lobes of the lungs independent from each other.

Inhalation and exhalation are carried out by the intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles, which straighten the chest (and the lungs along with it) in a certain way. So that when inhaling and exhaling, the lobes of the lungs follow each other, from bottom to top.
For some reason, we have lost the correct respiratory motor skills and breathe only one lobe of the lungs. Men breathe with their belly, i.e. the lower lobe of the lungs. And women are breastfeeding, i.e. average share. Nobody breathes in the upper part; it turns out that we breathe in one third of the total volume. According to the breath, we receive the volume of prana.

In yoga, there is a concept - complete yoga breathing, when all three lobes of the lungs are involved. In order to obtain it, there is a technique - three-stage pranayama, which develops the ability to breathe with the full volume of the lungs. Through training, after a while, proper breathing becomes natural. You can learn this technique in breathing courses.
But proper breathing is only part of the process of getting energy.

The amount of prana in the air is also important.
Prana is the life energy given by nature. Therefore, prana is where there is nature - among trees, mountains, rivers. In cities where the landscape is not natural, there is very little prana. And it is practically absent in rooms without windows, air-conditioned rooms and basements. The exception is parks - pranic oases of cities. We, city dwellers, are encouraged to visit the countryside and parks more often. Ventilate apartments - more often use street air rather than conditioned air.

Pay attention, where is our enthusiasm and what are our activities when we do not get enough sleep? During sleep, we receive a portion of energy, which we then expend throughout the day.

Sleep is an extremely important source, since the type of energy obtained with its help holds the elements in a bundle. nervous system... A person can live without sleep for three to four days. Then the nervous system collapses, and this is a person's personality. In simple language- the person goes crazy. The connections in the cerebral cortex are destroyed. The cause of the destruction is a lack of energy, which holds the elements of the nervous system in a ligament.

It is necessary to replenish the supply of energy through sleep competently, with knowledge of the laws by which it exists. The laws are simple.
Sleep energy depends on the impact of the Sun and the Moon on the Earth and all living things. Interaction of these celestial bodies acts in such a way that only the dark time of the day is possible for rest and gaining energy - the ideal is sleep from dusk to dawn.

Have you noticed that during late awakening, lethargy, laziness, lack of enthusiasm and inertia of thinking persist? The person feels overwhelmed and dissatisfied. This happens because at dawn the sun begins to take away the energy accumulated during the night from the sleeping person. Waste is included.

How, in this case, to build a daily routine, taking into account city life?
You can define less effective action moon and sun and neglect them. That is, the time of weakened lunar influence, when the benefits of sleep are not yet great. And the time of the weakened solar, when its action still does not burn the energy accumulated during the night in full force.
Full moon action starts at 22:00 and ends at dawn. And solar activity increases from full dawn (about 6.00) to 9.00 am local time.
Thus, the effective sleep time is determined: from 22.00 to 6.00-8.00 in the morning (Moscow time).
This interval allows you to reach three favorable positions: to accumulate energy in the best period; in a good amount (8-10 hours of sleep) and keep within the social sphere. But it is not accurate either. If you decide to take the issue seriously, then you must take into account the seasonal transition, the difference between local (real) time and the capital. Therefore, when determining the daily routine, it is easier to be guided by the current time of sunrise and sunset and your capabilities in the social sphere of life.
The main thing is to understand the mechanism of accumulation of this type of energy and not to allow extremes, such as going off after midnight and getting up in the late morning hours.

What do we know about food? We know that food is the building material of which we are made. And the building material should be healthy, lightweight and complete. But even at this stage, we are guided by only two indicators - taste and shelf life.

In the east, they say: we are what we eat. And this is true. By eating an apple, we take the building material that makes up this apple. Its energy. Its information structure. The apple becomes us, and we, accordingly, become it. We eat pork - the logical chain is the same. The topic of nutrition is extensive and requires separate consideration, so now we are dealing with only one aspect of it - energy.

What we do not know at all: food contains prana - energy in pure form... Prana only exists in fresh foods. Most of all in cereals, nuts, fruits and vegetables. At the same time, there is much more prana in fruits growing on the surface than in root crops.
In the process of preparation, prana is destroyed. Less for stewing and boiling, more for frying. The microwave oven destroys prana completely. There is no prana in canned food and frozen foods.
How to determine the presence of prana in food? Prana is life. The life of a product is its natural freshness. And here it is important to understand that natural freshness is not an expiration date.

Advice from yogis - you need to eat only freshly prepared food, because 3-4 hours after preparation, the prana contained in the dish is destroyed. Therefore, it makes no sense to cook for future use, to which we are so accustomed. And of course there is no benefit from semi-finished products.

The second component of the energy of food is psychic energy - the connection of taste with a positive attitude of the mind. Eating with pleasure, we experience joy and come to the very first source of energy.
There are secrets in eating. Sometimes, having eaten to the full, we continue to look with our eyes on the table for something else tasty, have you noticed? This happens because a person is saturated not with the amount of food, but with prana and psychic energy. And for the feeling of satiety, we mistake the feeling of heaviness in the stomach - a built-in defense mechanism.

Have you noticed that people under severe stress eat a lot and gain weight? In this way, they try to compensate for the lack of energy that is generated from the negative attitude of the mind.
Knowing that food intake is energy intake, it is necessary to pay attention to taste, i.e. to be aware of every bite eaten, its entire gustatory palette. To do this, you need to eat slowly and exclude TV, chatter and reading from the diet. Then you can get enough of a small amount of food.

The next aspect of nutrition and the source of energy is the psychic energy of the person who prepared the food, i.e. his emotions and thoughts at the time of preparation. What does it mean?

Please note: the most tasty food Is food prepared with love. The mood of a woman preparing a meal is reflected in her taste. And the taste is on the psychic energy of those who eat food. How it works?
All organic matter that we eat, as well as you and I, is 90% water. Water is not only chemical, the basis, the foundation of the structure organic matter... Due to its cluster structure of molecular bonds, water has the property of recording, storing and transmitting a huge amount of information in a small unit of volume.

Information is recorded on water through sound and electromagnetic waves. Thus, water “hears” and “reads thoughts”. But the most important thing is that she remembers everything.

One of the main problems faced by both experienced and novice hobbyists in the design of electrical and radio devices is the power supply. For these needs, a device such as a power source (PS) has been developed.

When choosing such a device, you need to take into account a number of necessary factors, which are determined by operating conditions, safety requirements, properties of loads, and others. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account the types of such a device as a network power supply - it can be powerful, medium power or micropower.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the compliance of the parameters of such a device with the requirements of the powered device itself. has a number of similar characteristics plan: power consumption, required (normal or nominal) level for voltage stabilization, permissible (as well as its minimum and maximum value) voltage ripple level.

Also, the power supply has some qualities and characteristics that directly affect its operation and scope. For example, the presence or absence of a protection system, weight and dimensions of the device.

A power source is an integral part of any electronic device. Means of both primary and secondary power supply must absolutely meet the necessary required criteria, which apply both to the equipment as a whole and to its constituent parts. If a device such as a power source has some parameters go beyond the permissible limits, then this can lead to dissonance in the device and its breakdown.

There are several types of network sources of electricity:

With capacitor or damping resistor (so-called transformerless);

Linear, which are made according to the classical scheme (transformer-rectifier, then there is filtration and stabilization);

Pulse high voltage and high frequency;

Pulse secondary (work according to the scheme transformer-filters-high-frequency converter);

Linear IP.

However, when using current values ​​above one ampere, the efficiency of using such a device as a linear power supply decreases sharply for a number of reasons:

The stabilization factor will be unstable due to fluctuations in the mains voltage;

Large currents require the installation of large-sized radiators on regulating transistors and rectifying diodes;

The input of the stabilizer will be supplied obviously more than any allowable during fluctuations in the network.

However, in recent times Switching converters (secondary) have become quite common, as well as a power source based on high-frequency converters with transformerless inputs.

Energy is a component without which the work of not a single element in the human structure is possible. She is the subject of a search for many creative personalities, businessmen, athletes and politicians. Something without which life itself is impossible ...

Modern science and medicine have ceased to actively deny the vital energy of a person, and even centers for its study are emerging. But in reality, science only approaches this difficult-to-study object. In the ancient texts describing yogic practices, practical methods of working with energy are given, its sources are described, the laws by which it acts, and much more. So what is human energy?

Human energy is an invisible, invisible force that makes elementary particles, organs and systems of our body interact with each other. This is what collects and holds the elementary parts into a single whole.

The term "energy" is found in all cultures of different peoples, for example: in China - "Qi", in India - "Prana", and in ancient Russia - "Alive". Hence the word "living", "life" arose!

Energy is invisible. We can register and study any kind of energy not directly, but through its manifestation. For example, electric current. It is not visible, but it is well felt when the heating device or lighting is on. Electromagnetic waves are not registered by our senses. But through radio and television, they manifest themselves as image and sound. Also human energy. It is invisible, but it manifests itself. And according to these manifestations, it can be registered.

How does energy manifest itself in a person? Very noticeable! A high level of energy is the presence of strength and a thirst for activity. This is enthusiasm, good mood and well-being. This is a delight. This is the feeling of love.

Low energy levels - weakness, laziness, heaviness in body and mind, bad mood, depression. In other words, one of the manifestations of energy is the emotional background. Emotions of a higher order correspond to a high level of energy, of a lower order - to a low level.

So where to get energy from? Ancient texts describe four sources ...

Four sources of energy

These sources are well known to us and, at first glance, are banal. But this is only at first glance. So…

The first source is food. Please note: how much time can we spend without food? On average, 40 to 60 days. Without harm to health (and sometimes even with benefit) up to 21 days. For this reason, this energy source is considered to be not the main one. Provided proper nutrition.

The next source of energy- dream. Without sleep, we can survive no more than 3-4 days. And then the fuse goes off, and the body shuts down - you fall asleep anywhere.

Next source is breathing. Not the air itself, but the whole process of breathing. We can only live without breathing for a couple of minutes. For the physical level of existence, this is the most important source of energy.

And the last, most powerful source of energy is a positive mindset.

Let's consider these sources separately.

A positive mindset.

This is the first, main, thinnest and most powerful source of energy. Notice that when we think positively we are filled with joy, we are happy.

When we are happy, we are full of energy! We are full of enthusiasm and desire to take action.

To be more precise, the source of energy is the external environment - Nature. It gives tremendous strength, a huge boost of energy for activity, making plans, faith in oneself and in the future. Nature gives great enthusiasm, endowing man with incredible power.

Nature simply gives to man energy, which man transforms into activities and relationships.

But there is a condition: Nature gives energy exactly as much as a person is ready to take. And this readiness is due to a certain emotional state, and this, in turn, is a positive attitude of the mind. Only in this emotional state, the coveted channel opens, through which we are given energy for everything that happens in our life.

Think back to the state of successful people. As a rule, they are in an elated state of mind - they are positive, cheerful, full of life and active.

Many attribute their condition to the condition of their affairs. But alas, the opposite is true. The state of affairs of successful people is determined by their emotional state, and the latter arises from the ability to think positively.

So what is a positive mindset? First of all, this is a natural state of mind and a certain way of thinking, which are given from birth, and which we voluntarily give up.

See the world through the eyes of a three-year-old and you will understand the source of his enthusiasm. To achieve, or rather return to a positive state of mind, yoga describes and teaches to follow three positions.

First - this is an attitude to the outside world - to life, circumstances and people around us. When a negative situation comes into our life, most often we ask ourselves the question "why do I need this?" and "who is to blame for my problems?" This formulation of the question is called the position of the victim. It creates negative attitudes and drains energy. And it also gives rise to complaints. Complaints fill the mind, which switches it from solving the problem to complaining itself.

The chain is closed, and it is no longer possible to break out of it. To avoid problems, it is necessary to change the attitude towards the outside world, i.e. in response to an undesirable situation, ask yourself the question "why do I need this?" The answer will come quickly. And this answer will allow you to gain experience, often a harmonious solution, and therefore benefit. And when we realize that we receive something from the outside world, we rejoice. A positive state of mind arises and our energy grows.

This approach to life also has a name - the position of the student. Therefore, when an angry shop assistant yells at us, we need to learn from experience.

Learn, in this workshop, to control your emotions. Learning to switch this person from a negative state to a positive one, because he yells at us because he feels bad. And realizing this to be satisfied that life has sent us a lesson on the strength of qualities.

When you start asking yourself the question "why do I need this?", Life itself will show you positive lessons.

Second position - choose what to let into your mind. You can contemplate the beauty of nature, works of art, animals. Or you can watch a thriller or action movie. You can visit the exhibition. Or you can have a website with unambiguous content. You can discuss the topic of personality development. And you can have a neighbor. There are thousands of examples.

The third position is mental hygiene.
In life, it is not always possible to protect oneself from unfavorable impressions. An accident on the road, an unpleasant story heard, some kind of sudden event.

In our age, information flows of high density, therefore, the issue of mental hygiene is more relevant than in ancient times. And in ancient times it was daily.

Yoga introduces the concept of mental hygiene - regular cleansing of impressions. It is achieved through breathing and meditation techniques.


Breathing is the most important source of energy at the physical level. In the process of breathing, we release liquid and carbon dioxide, and we receive oxygen and free electrons from the outside. During breathing, not only gas exchange occurs, but also the body receives energy from the environment.

Air is the carrier of the universal energy - prana. It is called universal because it supports not only physical, but also mental and emotional processes within us.

Possessing vast knowledge in this area, the ancient scientists created a breathing system that has survived to this day in the Vedic texts. The basis of this system is to increase the useful volume of the lungs and, at the same time, the time per inhalation and exhalation cycle. This leads to the receipt of a larger amount of energy and a decrease in the rate of metabolic processes, i.e. prolongation of youth.

How is this achieved ...

Our lungs are made up of three lobes. These lobes are located one above the other and communicate with each other at the top, just like a bunch of grapes with a branch. This feature makes the lobes of the lungs independent from each other.

Inhalation and exhalation are carried out by the intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles, which straighten the chest (and the lungs along with it) in a certain way. So that when inhaling and exhaling, the lobes of the lungs follow each other, from bottom to top.

For some reason, we have lost the correct respiratory motor skills and breathe only one lobe of the lungs. Men breathe with their belly, i.e. the lower lobe of the lungs. And women are breastfeeding, i.e. average share. Nobody breathes in the upper part; it turns out that we breathe in one third of the total volume. According to the breath, we receive the volume of prana.

There is a concept in yoga - complete yoga breathing when all three lobes of the lungs are involved. In order to obtain it, there is a technique - three-stage pranayama, which develops the ability to breathe with the full volume of the lungs. Through training, after a while, proper breathing becomes natural. You can learn this technique in breathing courses.

But proper breathing is only part of the process of getting energy.

The amount of prana in the air is also important.

Prana is the life energy given by nature. Therefore, prana is where there is nature - among trees, mountains, rivers. In cities where the landscape is not natural, there is very little prana. And it is practically absent in rooms without windows, air-conditioned rooms and basements. The exception is parks - pranic oases of cities.


Pay attention, where is our enthusiasm and what are our activities when we do not get enough sleep? During sleep, we receive a portion of energy, which we then expend throughout the day.

Sleep is an extremely important source, since the type of energy obtained with its help holds the elements of the nervous system in a bundle. A person can live without sleep for three to four days. Then the nervous system collapses, and this is a person's personality. In simple terms, a person goes crazy. The connections in the cerebral cortex are destroyed. The cause of the destruction is a lack of energy, which holds the elements of the nervous system in a ligament.

It is necessary to replenish the supply of energy through sleep competently, with knowledge of the laws by which it exists. The laws are simple.

Sleep energy depends on the impact of the Sun and the Moon on the Earth and all living things. The interaction of these celestial bodies acts in such a way that only the dark time of the day is possible for rest and gaining energy - the ideal is sleep from dusk to dawn.

Have you noticed that during late awakening, lethargy, laziness, lack of enthusiasm and inertia of thinking persist? The person feels overwhelmed and dissatisfied. This happens because at dawn the sun begins to take away the energy accumulated during the night from the sleeping person.

Waste is included.

How, in this case, to build a daily routine, taking into account city life?

The less effective actions of the moon and sun can be identified and neglected. That is, the time of weakened lunar influence, when the benefits of sleep are not yet great. And the time of the weakened solar, when its action still does not burn the energy accumulated during the night in full force.

Full moon action starts at 22:00 and ends at dawn. And solar activity increases from full dawn (about 6.00) to 9.00 am local time.

Thus, the effective sleep time is determined: from 22.00 to 6.00-8.00 in the morning (Moscow time).

This interval allows you to reach three favorable positions: to accumulate energy in the best period; in a good amount (8-10 hours of sleep) and keep within the social sphere. But it is not accurate either. If you decide to take the issue seriously, then you must take into account the seasonal transition, the difference between local (real) time and the capital.

Therefore, when determining the daily routine, it is easier to be guided by the current time of sunrise and sunset and your capabilities in the social sphere of life.

The main thing is to understand the mechanism of accumulation of this type of energy and not to allow extremes, such as going off after midnight and getting up in the late morning hours.


What do we know about food? We know that food is the building material of which we are made. And the building material should be healthy, lightweight and complete. But even at this stage, we are guided by only two indicators - taste and shelf life.

In the east they say: we are what we eat. And this is true. By eating an apple, we take the building material that makes up this apple. Its energy. Its information structure. The apple becomes us, and we, accordingly, become it. We eat pork - the logical chain is the same.

The topic of nutrition is extensive and requires separate consideration, so now we are dealing with only one aspect of it - energy.

What we don't know at all: food contains prana - pure energy. Prana only exists in fresh foods. Most of all in cereals, nuts, fruits and vegetables. At the same time, there is much more prana in fruits growing on the surface than in root crops.

In the process of preparation, prana is destroyed. Less for stewing and boiling, more for frying. The microwave oven destroys prana completely. There is no prana in canned food and frozen foods.

How to determine the presence of prana in food? Prana is life. The life of a product is its natural freshness. And here it is important to understand that natural freshness is not an expiration date.

Advice from yogis- it is necessary to eat only freshly prepared food, because 3-4 hours after preparation, the prana contained in the dish is destroyed. Therefore, it makes no sense to cook for future use, to which we are so accustomed. And of course there is no benefit from semi-finished products.

The second component of the energy of food is psychic energy - the connection of taste with a positive attitude of the mind. Eating with pleasure, we experience joy and come to the very first source of energy.

There are secrets in eating. Sometimes, having eaten to the full, we continue to look with our eyes on the table for something else tasty, have you noticed? This happens because a person is saturated not with the amount of food, but with prana and psychic energy. And for the feeling of satiety, we mistake the feeling of heaviness in the stomach - a built-in defense mechanism.

Have you noticed that people under severe stress eat a lot and gain weight? In this way, they try to compensate for the lack of energy that is generated from the negative attitude of the mind.

Knowing that food intake is energy intake, it is necessary to pay attention to taste, i.e. to be aware of every bite eaten, its entire gustatory palette. To do this, you need to eat slowly and exclude TV, chatter and reading from the diet. Then you can get enough of a small amount of food.

The next aspect of nutrition and energy source - the psychic energy of a person who cooked food, i.e. his emotions and thoughts at the time of preparation. What does it mean?

Note: the most delicious food is food prepared with love. The mood of a woman preparing a meal is reflected in her taste. And the taste is on the psychic energy of those who eat food. How it works?

All organic matter that we eat, as well as you and I, is 90% water. Water is not only a chemical substance, the basis, the foundation of the structure of organic substances. Due to its cluster structure of molecular bonds, water has the property of recording, storing and transmitting a huge amount of information in a small unit of volume.

Information is recorded on water through sound and electromagnetic waves. Thus, water “hears” and “reads thoughts”. But the most important thing is that she remembers everything.

But back to food.

In ancient times, in order to cleanse food of bad information, special mantras or prayers were sung during cooking. They made it possible not only to cleanse the food, but also to rebuild the women who cooked it in a blissful manner, who at the time of cooking with their mood made an undoubted contribution to the taste.

They also sang or recited prayers before eating to drive away all bad thoughts and conditions that the eaters brought to the table.

What can be done in our time?

First, you need to learn how to cook with love. This is the most important thing in cooking.

To love those for whom this food is intended. Love the foods you cook from. Love the cooking process itself. You need to cook in a good state, in a good mood.

In many books, power supplies for household devices are mentioned in passing or their existence is implied by itself. What do we do first when we buy a new player, radio, TV or camcorder? First of all, we deal with their power supplies. If they are autonomous, then, observing the polarity, insert the batteries into the device case and only then turn it on. If the device is powered by batteries, they must first be charged (and possibly formatted) and only then inserted into the device. And if your device is powered by mains, it is helpful to make sure the mains voltage selector is in the correct position before plugging the power cord into the outlet and turning on the device. In a word, we are faced with power supplies first of all! All household audio and video devices require a power supply. Just as the invention failed perpetual motion machine until electronic devices have been invented that can amplify electrical signals without powering their transistors and integrated circuits, called active devices. Every user of audio and video devices should know this elementary truth.

According to the type of power supply, such devices can currently be divided into three categories:

  • 1 self-powered device;
  • 2 devices with combined power supply;
  • 3 mains powered devices.

Self-powered devices are usually powered by galvanic cells and batteries. Battery - several galvanic cells connected consequently (less often in parallel or mixed). Batteries and rechargeable batteries are also widely used, which are charged using special chargers from the mains and then used to power audio and video devices. Usually, autonomous (battery) power supply is used in small-sized low-power devices - players (tape and disk), radio receivers and tape recorders of lower classes.

Combined meals are perhaps the most convenient. It assumes that the respective device can be powered by both batteries and electrical network alternating current... Some devices can also be powered from the on-board network - for example, cars (connected to it using an insert plug inserted into the lighter socket). When powered from the mains, special sources of secondary power supply are used - network adapters. They can be built into the case of powered devices or made as separate devices.

Mains power is usually used for stationary devices that consume a decent amount of power - usually starting at ten watts. Such devices are rarely carried from place to place and are almost never used for outdoor recreation.

Distinguish between primary and secondary power supplies.

Primary power supplies

Galvanic cells

Fuel cells
Redox elements

Other primary power sources

Photovoltaic converters (solar battery)
Thermoelectric converters
Electromechanical power sources
MHD generator

Radioisotope energy sources

Secondary power supplies

Transformers and autotransformers alternating voltage and current
Vibration transducers
Pulse converters

Voltage and current stabilizers


Primary power supplies- converters different types energy into electrical. For example: hydroelectric power plant - hydroelectric power plant (potential gravitational energy of water is converted into electrical energy), chemical current sources (CPS), batteries, fuel cells (chemical energy is converted into electrical energy), diesel generator set - DGS (chemical energy is converted into mechanical energy, then into electric), a wind generator (the kinetic energy of air particles is converted into electrical), etc. serve as a battery that converts chemical energy into electrical energy.
Secondary sources they themselves do not generate electricity, but only serve to convert it in order to provide the required parameters (voltage, current, voltage ripple, etc.) A device designed to provide power to an electrical appliance electrical energy, subject to the requirements of its parameters: voltage, current, and so on by converting the energy of other power sources The power supply can be integrated into the general circuit (usually in simple devices; or when even a slight voltage drop on the supply wires is unacceptable - for example motherboard the computer has built-in voltage converters for powering the processor), made in the form of a module (power supply unit, power supply rack, and so on), or even located in a separate room (power supply workshop).

  • Secondary Power Supply Tasks
  • Ensuring the transmission of power - the power supply must ensure the transmission of a given power with the least loss and compliance with the specified characteristics at the output without harm to itself. Usually, the power of the power supply is taken with a certain margin.
  • Conversion of the voltage form - conversion of alternating voltage to direct voltage, and vice versa, as well as frequency conversion, formation of voltage pulses, etc. Most often, it is necessary to convert AC voltage at industrial frequency to DC.
  • Conversion of voltage magnitude - both up and down. Often a set of several voltages of different magnitudes is needed to power different circuits.
  • Stabilization - voltage, current and other parameters at the output of the power supply must lie within certain limits, depending on its purpose, under the influence of a large number of destabilizing factors: changes in input voltage, load current, and so on. Most often it is necessary to stabilize the voltage across the load, but sometimes (for example, to charge batteries), stabilization of the current is necessary.
  • Protection - voltage or load current in the event of a malfunction (for example, short circuit) of any circuits may exceed the permissible limits and damage the electrical device or the power source itself. Also, in many cases, protection is required against the passage of current along the wrong path: for example, the passage of current through the ground when a person or a foreign object touches live parts.
  • Galvanic isolation of circuits is one of the measures of protection against the flow of current along the wrong path.
  • Adjustment - during operation, it may be necessary to change any parameters to ensure the correct operation of the electrical appliance.
  • Control - can include regulation, enabling / disabling of any circuits, or the power supply as a whole. It can be either direct (using the controls on the device body), and remote, as well as software (enabling / disabling, adjustment at a given time or with the onset of any events).
  • Control - display of parameters at the input and output of the power supply, switching on / off circuits, tripping of protections. It can also be direct or remote.
  • Most often, secondary power sources are faced with the task of converting electricity from an AC network of industrial frequency (for example, in Russia - 220 V 50 Hz, in the USA - 120 V 60 Hz). The two most common designs are transformer and switching power supplies.