Cancellation of acts of delimitation of balance sheet and operational responsibilities. Under what conditions is an electricity supply balance certificate issued and what is it?

REGULATIONS for interaction between the Consumer and the Grid Organization (MUP "Vyksaenergo") when registering (re-issuing) demarcation acts balance sheet and operational responsibility of the parties in electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1000 V.

These Regulations determine the procedure for distributing the functions of the Grid Organization and the Consumer when drawing up or re-issuing Acts of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility of the parties in electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1000 V (hereinafter referred to as the Act of delimitation). Acts of delimitation are drawn up by the Grid organization on a standard form (Appendix to the Regulations), drawn up in 3 copies, of which

In a network organization - 1 copy;

At the consumer copy.

Acts of delimitation are drawn up in electronic form. In clause 1 of the Demarcation Act, the number of the agreement for technological connection to electrical networks. Acts of demarcation are signed by authorized persons and sealed in the following order: Consumer - Network organization. The demarcation act is drawn up:

For a permanent period of no more than 10 years;

For a temporary period;

For the duration of the power connection permit.

Acts of delimitation are necessarily reissued in following cases:
- upon expiration of their validity period;
- when changing the connected capacities of the consumer;
- when the external power supply scheme of the consumer changes;
- when the consumer’s power supply reliability category changes;
- when the owner of energy receiving equipment changes. When re-issuing demarcation acts, re-issuance of previously issued permits for power connection is not required if there is a power supply agreement. The Network Organization assigns a serial number of the Act to each demarcation act.
When the Deed of Delineation is reissued, it is assigned a new number, in the new
In the demarcation act, the entry “Instead of the act dated _________20__, No.__” is made. A fully executed Deed of Demarcation should not have any corrections or unfilled columns or lines. In unfilled columns of tables and lines of text, a dash is placed. The act of demarcation must be signed with a blue pen. The Scheme for delimiting balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility between the Grid Organization and the Consumer must indicate the brands and sections of overhead lines and cable lines, as well as the distance to the separation point. Calculation of losses electrical energy between the boundary of the balance sheet section and the point of settlement accounting for the billing month is carried out by the personnel of the production department.

Appendix: sample of filling out the Act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility.

A K T No.__________,

instead of act No. ________ dated “___”_______ 20___.

differentiation between balance sheet and

operational responsibility

This act was drawn up “___”___________200.

MUP "Vyksaenergo", hereinafter referred to as Network organization, "Vyksaenergo", on the one hand, and the owner of the electrical installation (electrical grid property)___________________________________________________________

Hereinafter referred to as Consumer represented by__________________________________________

On the other hand, we have drawn up this act, which defines the boundaries of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility between Network organization And Consumer electrical energy.

1. Possibility of connecting an electrical installation Consumer determined by technical specifications No.________ dated "____"________20 in accordance with the agreement for technological connection to electrical networks No.______ dated "___"_________ 20.

1.1. Connected power__________________ kVA.

1.2. Maximum power ____________________ kW.

2. Point of connection to the electrical network:

voltage level at the connection point______ kV, from ________________________________________________

(specify No. RP, TP, KTP, VL) 3. Place of installation of the metering group_______________________________________________________


4. Limit of balance sheet ownership of electrical installations of the parties:

4.1. To the consumer belong to the following electrical installations (connections) (dispatch names of cable lines, overhead lines, taps, inputs to the building are indicated, indicating points of connection to networks Network organization) __________________________________________________________

Consumer owns electrical installations (connections) on the right____________________


(ownership, rent, operational management, free use, economic management, etc..)

4.2.Network organization The following electrical installations (connections) belong to:

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Network organization owns the electrical installations (connections) named in this paragraph on the right economic management .

5. Limit of operational responsibility of the parties:

5.1. The limit of operational responsibility of the parties is established ______

5.2. Consumer

5.3. Network organization is responsible for the condition

6. The power supply diagram indicating the boundaries of the balance sheet of the networks and the operational responsibilities of the parties corresponds to the ________ category consumer, drawn up and certified by both parties on _______________20.

7. Losses of electrical energy between the boundary of the balance sheet and the point of settlement accounting as a percentage for the billing month _______%.

8. Metering point code _________________________________________________________________

(to be completed by the sales organization)

9. The person responsible for electrical equipment Consumer, is: _____________________


(position, full name, electrical safety group, work phone, mobile)

10. The consumer is obliged to notify the network organization in writing within 3 days of all changes in the data specified in this act, and bear the risk of adverse consequences caused by violation of this obligation.

11. This act is drawn up in 4 copies, of which two copies are with the consumer, one is in the network organization, one is in the energy sales company.

12. In accordance with the Rules for non-discriminatory access to services for the transmission of electrical energy and the provision of these services, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2004. No. 000, in the absence of this act signed by both parties, the Agreement on the implementation of technological connection to electrical networks is considered not concluded.


delineation of balance sheet affiliation

and operational responsibility

between MUP "Vyksaenergo"



MUP "Vyksaenergo"





MUP "Vyksaenergo"


(signature, seal)

Chief Engineer

MUP "Vyksaenergo" Consumer_ __________________

____________ _______________________________ (signature, seal) (signature, seal)

*Indicate the length, brand, cross-section of the overhead line (CL), transformer power

Civil legislation establishes the obligation for relevant organizations to supply the population nearby utilities, which include water supply, thermal energy, electricity, gas. These are supplied using engineering and technical communication networks. For their part, consumers are obliged to pay for the resources supplied and used by them, and to ensure security during the operation of networks.

Since the networks and equipment in apartment buildings are a unique system, one way or another, the question arises, who is in charge and what is located. To clearly assign responsibility, an act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership is necessary.

Despite the fact that the current Russian legislation clear concepts regarding the boundaries of balance sheet ownership are not spelled out, analyzing various regulations, it is realistic to determine specific ideas about why this is generally necessary. The balance sheet itself represents a certain line that divides the technical network among the owners. If we consider the example at apartment building, such lines distribute systems in common property and individually. Of course, responsibility for a certain part lies with each individual.

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Legal basis

Referring to legislative norms, the act of balance sheet delineation was first mentioned as a separate document in Government Resolution No. 442, approved on May 4, 2012. This resolution amended the previously existing resolution No. 861, adopted on December 27, 2004. Thanks to this, rules for production, in particular electricity, and a number of rules for the technological connection of energy receiving devices by consumers were approved. Moreover, the objects themselves were identified, which can belong to both organizations and private owners.

Considering the rules for technical connection, it can be noted that the responsibility of the organization supplying the resource is to draw up an act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership. The concept of such acts is that they are documents that are drawn up at the stage of technical connection of user devices to resource supply networks.

The rules also say that the essence of these delineation acts is precisely the distribution of areas of responsibility of the parties who signed such documents, that is, the supplier and consumer organizations.

When is it relevant?

The act of delimiting balance sheet ownership itself must be drawn up in order to obtain an act of technological connection of systems, conclude a main agreement with the resource supplier company and obtain permission to operate it. In the future, this document is necessary not only for resolving disputes, but also in the event of accidents and emergencies, since it has legal force.

The document is signed only after everything technical specifications completed, and the work on connecting the systems is completed and the latter are ready for operation.

They also determine situations in which the previous act is considered invalid and it is necessary to re-issue it. Such situations arise when:

Depending on the region and the supplier company, the act is drawn up with some differences. So, for example, when it comes to electricity consumers in Moscow, they need to send a request to the MOESK branch to receive a questionnaire, attaching the accompanying papers, fill out the received questionnaire and conclude an agreement with the supplier.

Features of compilation

The act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership is drawn up in triplicate. One is handed over to the consumer, the second remains with the supplier organization, and the third is sent to the authorities that exercise control. To draw up a document, the consumer must submit an organization that provides consumers with utility resources (be it a homeowners association, management company, directly from the supplier company), title documents for the real estate, permission to construction work, commissioning papers, etc.

The act drawn up must contain:

Receiving the demarcation act in hand will, if necessary, serve as the basis for resolving possible conflicts. This document also indicates who is responsible for the repair work.

Standard template for power grids

Since there are several communication systems, accordingly, the act of delimiting balance sheet ownership is drawn up and executed for each separately. A sample document for electricity looks like this:


(date and place of compilation)

, which is hereinafter referred to as the energy supply organization, represented by , And , hereinafter referred to as the consumer, signed this document about the following:

On the date of drawing up the Act technical work at the address (indicate the address of the real estate) completed in full. Permitted power for operation is ___ kW. Power supply reliability category ___. External systems circuit category ___.

The Energy Supply Organization does not bear responsibility for interruptions in the energy supply due to the circuits not meeting the categories of the electrical receiver, or damage to the systems due to the fault of the Consumer. Balance sheet ____, operational responsibility ____, power supply ____.

(Description of the boundaries of operational responsibility, special conditions, actions in emergency situations)

Validity period of the document, signatures of the parties, seal of the organization.

Heat networks

Example and form of a document regarding the distribution of heating networks:


(date and place of compilation)

(Name of supplier organization) , which is hereinafter referred to as the heat supply organization, represented by (last name, first name, patronymic, passport details) , which acts on the basis (power of attorney or other document, its number, date of issue) , And (last name, first name, patronymic of the consumer, passport details) , hereinafter referred to as the consumer, have signed this document stating the following:

The boundary of the balance sheet of the heating network is the outer wall of the thermal chamber ___ at the exit of the heating route and in the direction of the consumer. The heating pipeline is on balance ____.

(Diagram of the boundaries of responsibility, responsibility of the parties, the right of supervision, the obligation to repair, the distribution of procedures for the maintenance of networks, other nuances).

Validity period of the document, signatures of the parties, seal of the organization.

A document will be considered invalid if it does not bear the organization’s seal or at least one signature of the parties. In the absence of a delimitation act at all, in the event of disputes, the situation will most likely have to be resolved in the courtroom, if it is not possible to recognize the rights otherwise in a pre-trial manner.

Possible problems

Before drawing up and signing the act, it is necessary to approach this issue responsibly and thoughtfully. By referring to it, the consumer will bear a certain responsibility and will have a certain number of rights for a long period of time. The responsibility of the parties, be it SNT, HOA, management company, and so on, includes establishing the boundaries of responsibilities, ensuring the functioning of communication systems, technological equipment, and bearing financial burdens in terms of line maintenance.

At the same time, problematic issues sometimes arise even before the document is signed due to bureaucratic delays, especially when it comes to an organization that has a monopolist in some area. Problems also arise due to disagreements between consumers and suppliers if they put forward different, conflicting demands. Cancellation of the act is impossible once it is signed, so it is important to find a compromise in the early stages.

Sometimes, in order not to have to challenge the invalidity of a document in court, it makes sense to turn to private organizations that have experience in drawing up and processing such acts. It will be somewhat more expensive, but within the limits of what is affordable and certainly legally correct.

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Before being used in a lamp or other device, electricity is transformed many times according to its parameters in electrical networks of enormous length. Since the voltage value primarily determines the design of equipment operating in the electrical network, they are classified according to this parameter. Electrical networks operating on high voltage, stretched to the most long distances, since they are designed for long-distance power supply.

Low-voltage power networks, although they exist within populated areas, are significantly branched and therefore also very long, if we evaluate their total length. Both of them, as well as others with intermediate voltage values, are operated as separate objects economic activity. Certain organizations carry out their duties and bear the responsibility prescribed by law for their results.

For this reason, there is a need to differentiate electrical networks between certain legal and individuals, both in terms of ownership and responsibility for their operation. The legal basis for such a distinction is a document entitled “Act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility.” The execution of this act is subject to the fulfillment of certain mandatory conditions. At the time of drawing up the act, there must be permission to connect power.

Representatives of the existing electrical grid, which is the primary source electrical power in relation to the electrical network newly connected to it, this permission stipulates all the parameters of the connection being made. In electrical networks there is a special connection service that oversees all issues related to the technological connection of electricity consumers. Every house, regardless of whether it is private or multi-apartment, has an electrical network of varying complexity.

Electrical network boundaries

The same applies to industrial enterprises, administrative buildings and other facilities that are consumers of electricity. The homeowner, the manager of a plant or a newly built electrical network, in a certain order, applies to the power grid connection service - the source - to obtain the appropriate permit. After this, a boundary appears between the division of ownership and responsibility for performing operational duties between the interested parties of the corresponding connection.

This boundary is an imaginary line dividing the elements of the electrical network in accordance with the ownership of them. Such elements are, as a rule, the ends of the cables of the internal distribution devices of the consumer, which is connected to the power supply network. If there is one electricity producer and several subsequent consumers, the boundary between these consumers passes through the circuit breaker. It is usually located at the entrance to the metering cabinet, to which the last electricity consumer is connected.

Another boundary that corresponds to the mention in the “Act of Balance Sheet Delineation” relates to operational responsibility. This is also an imaginary line that divides the electrical network according to the terms of the relevant agreement between the parties. It contains a list of electrical network elements that are assigned to each of the parties to the contract and are serviced only by this party. If such an agreement is not drawn up, it is assumed that the boundary of the balance sheet determines the boundary of operational responsibility as the same demarcation line.

The “Act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership” also includes a list of objects for the safety of which the end consumer of electricity is responsible. It also includes definitions such as

  • “The limit of responsibility for voltage quality.” It is presented on the conditional line of the balance sheet division, in which voltage quality control is carried out under the responsibility of the electricity supplier
  • "Electricity quality control points." At these points of the electrical network, the parameters necessary to determine its quality are measured. For these purposes, sections of the balance sheet boundary, terminals of electricity consumers, and other points of the electrical network, usually selected by agreement of the parties, can be used to perform the necessary measurements in the event of disputes about the quality of the provided electrical energy, as well as
  • "Point of common attachment." The electricity consumer of one of the parties to the contract is as close as possible to this point. And nearby there are connections for other electricity consumers, which are provided by the other party to the contract. This point can be both
  • "Power quality control point." These points are also selected by agreement of the parties to carry out measurements in disputed cases.

“The act of delimiting balance sheet ownership” is mandatory document when checking electrical installations. There are two forms for its preparation. The less detailed one is attached to the bilateral agreement. The other so-called “Form No. 2” involves three parties, and is compiled when the end user connects not directly, but through an intermediate power grid.

The “Act of delineation of balance sheet ownership” takes into account many different nuances, which are the basis for cooperation and mutual settlements. In order for them to be optimal, only experienced specialists with good knowledge of their field should take part in the preparation of this act.

As the name of the act suggests, it is drawn up to determine the boundary at which the area of ​​responsibility of one balance holder ends and the area of ​​responsibility of another begins. Usually this line is drawn along the tips of the power cables, i.e. the cable itself is on one balance (for example, the electric grid company or DEZ), and circuit breaker and everything that comes next is on another balance sheet (the final consumer). Receiving a demarcation act mandatory for concluding a power supply contract. It is necessary to distinguish between balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility. IN act of demarcation two divergent boundaries may well be drawn. The balance sheet line is drawn in red ink. It separates the actual owners of the equipment. The operational responsibility line is written in blue ink and indicates by whom the equipment must be serviced. According to the PUE and PTTEP, the electrical installation must be regularly maintained by a specialized organization and operated in accordance with all norms and rules. Green a demarcation line is drawn between the consumer and the subsubscriber powered by it. This color indicates that the lines match. Form of demarcation act is constantly changing, and design requirements are dictated by the operating areas of electric grid companies. At registration of the demarcation act with the participation of the electric grid company, you must first go to your network company area. In order for the act to be considered valid, it must contain: the full names of all parties, the name of the consumer's facility, the basis for connection to electrical networks, reliability category, information on metering devices, electrical installation parameters, power supply diagram with boundaries of responsibility, seals and signatures of responsible persons from all sides. The act of delineation includes all balance holders of networks that are involved in power supply to the end consumer. Typical example: power supply is provided non-residential premises, located in a residential building, and the residential building itself is powered from a transformer substation owned by the electric grid company. In this case, the act is signed by the head of the district, the consumer (DEZ and the owner of non-residential premises), departments of the network company (electricity transportation, electricity metering, relay protection) and the energy sales company.

© All materials are protected by the Russian Federation copyright law and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Full copying is prohibited without permission from the resource administration. Partial copying is permitted with a direct link to the source. Author of the article: team of engineers from OJSC Energetik LTD