What is the network frequency? What are the voltage standards, frequencies and types of sockets in different countries of the world?

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Information on the frequency of electric current in the UES of Russia, published by SO UES OJSC in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 21, 2004 No. 24 “On approval of standards for disclosure of information by subjects of the wholesale and retail markets of electric energy” (as amended by Government Decrees Russian Federation dated 04/21/2009 No. 334 and dated 08/09/2010 No. 609), posted in the subsection “Information on the value of the frequency of electric current in the Unified Energy System of Russia” of the section “Disclosure of information on the functioning of the Unified Energy System of Russia”

About frequency in the Unified Energy System of Russia

Frequency electric current is one of the quality indicators electrical energy and the most important parameter of the power system mode. Frequency value shows current state balance of generated and consumed active power in the power system. The operation of the Unified Energy System of Russia is planned for a nominal frequency of 50 hertz (Hz). The continuity of electricity production, the inability to store energy on an industrial scale and the constant change in consumption volumes require the same continuous monitoring for compliance of the amount of electricity produced and consumed. An indicator characterizing the accuracy of this correspondence is frequency.

When operating in the UES mode, fluctuations in the power balance constantly occur, mainly due to instability of consumption, and also (much less frequently) when generating equipment, power lines and other elements of the power system are turned off. The indicated power balance deviations lead to frequency deviations from the nominal level.

An increased frequency level in the power system relative to the nominal one means an excess of generated active power relative to the consumption of the power system, and vice versa, a reduced frequency level means a lack of generated active power relative to consumption.

Thus, frequency regulation of the power system consists of constantly maintaining a planned power balance by manually or automatically (and more often, both at the same time) changing the load of power plant generators so that the frequency always remains close to the nominal one. In emergency situations, when the reserves of the generating equipment of power plants are not enough, limiting the load of consumers can be applied to restore the acceptable frequency level.

Regulation of the frequency of electric current in the UES of Russia is carried out in accordance with the requirements established by the Standard of JSC SO UES STO 59012820.27.100.003-2012 “Regulation of frequency and active power flows in the UES of Russia. Norms and requirements" (as amended on July 29, 2014) and the national standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 55890-2013 "Unified energy system and isolated operating energy systems. Operational dispatch control. Regulation of frequency and active power flows. Norms and Requirements” (hereinafter – Standards).

According to these Standards, in the first synchronous zone of the UES of Russia, it must be ensured that frequency values ​​averaged over a 20-second time interval are maintained within the limits of (50.00 ± 0.05) Hz, while it is permissible for frequency values ​​to be within (50.0 ± 0.2 ) Hz with frequency restoration to the level of (50.00±0.05) Hz in no more than 15 minutes. High demands to frequency maintenance are due to the need to coordinate frequency deviations with the planned capacity reserves of controlled sections of the UES in normal conditions. For the UES of Russia, which is characterized by extensive intersystem connections included in controlled sections, more stringent standards for maintaining frequency and, accordingly, power balance, make it possible to make maximum use of the throughput of these connections.

All rotating mechanisms in synchronously operating parts of the power system (turbines, generators, engines, etc.) have nominal design speeds proportional to rated frequency online. It is known that the nominal operating mode of all rotating mechanisms is the most effective in terms of their efficiency, reliability and durability. Deviation from the nominal rotation speed leads to undesirable effects in the operation of equipment of power plants and consumers (the occurrence of increased vibrations, wear, etc.), a decrease in their efficiency and reliability. For different equipment there are maximum permissible frequency deviations from the nominal frequency. Maintaining the frequency at a level close to the nominal ensures maximum efficiency of operation of power equipment and maximum margin of reliability of power systems.

Hz (Hertz)
Frequency is measured in Hertz and is designated by the letter “F” (the number of occurrences of an event per second). Well, for example, a person’s pulse is 60 beats per minute, which means the frequency at which the heart beats is F=60/60=1 Hz. When played, a vinyl record makes 33 revolutions per minute - F=33/60=0.55 Hz. The refresh rate of a CRT monitor screen is 200 Hz, which means the electron beam “runs” across the screen 200 times per second.

In relation to energy, frequency refers to the frequency of alternating electric current in the power system. Or they also say “industrial frequency”. Here and in Europe the frequency is 50 Hz. In the USA and Japan 60 Hz. What does it mean? This means 50 times per second electric current flows with an increase and decrease (in a sinusoid) in one direction, 50 times in the other. A few words about why the industrial frequency is 50 or 60 Hz. The frequency of the current simply appears due to the rotation of the generator rotor. If you increase the rotor speed (and, accordingly, the frequency in the power system), you need to make the generator design more durable. But you cannot increase strength indefinitely; any structural materials have a limit. In short, 50-60 Hz is a balance of many technical limitations.

When there are no problems with frequency, there is no mention of this value in journalistic materials. But this may not always be the case. What can a frequency deviation from the nominal (we have 50 Hz) lead to? To a serious accident! When the frequency is above the nominal 50 Hz, the rotating generator and turbine rotor are affected by centrifugal forces larger than what is included in their design. This may lead to their destruction. Of course, there is automation. If F reaches 55 Hz, the unit will automatically disconnect from the network to prevent damage. If the frequency is below 50 Hz, there is a decrease in the performance of all electric motors(reducing their rotation frequency) connected to the power grid - and those that ensure the operation of escalators in a supermarket, and those that rotate a conveyor belt in a factory, and those that provide process electricity production at power plants. The last one is the most dangerous. The frequency decreases, electricity generation decreases, which leads to an even greater decrease in frequency, as a result - power plants can simply “go to zero” (if the frequency drops to 45 Hz), this is a complete extinguishment, as they say, blackout. Of course, there is automation here too. In order to prevent a deep reduction in frequency, some consumers, including “household” ones, are automatically switched off. The above is of course edge cases accidents But the frequency can deviate by smaller amounts. This is also bad. And the power system has automatic systems that allow this to be avoided. Here I have described a little how it works, if you are interested, read it.

A little more theory (bear with me, since we’ve already reached this point). The frequency in the system can be exactly 50 Hz only in one case - if at each moment of time exactly as much active power is generated as it is consumed. If this balance is disturbed, the frequency “leads” to one side or the other, and this leads to an accident. Imagine any other enterprise (furniture factory, bakery, automobile plant) and the same task - every fraction of a second to produce exactly as much product as consumers need. You see how complex production is for power engineers. What’s interesting here is that if the frequency is above 50 Hz, it means that the generators produce more power than the power of all consumers, well, this can be easily treated - the output at power plants decreases, and that’s all. If the frequency is below 50 Hz, the power consumption is greater than the generated power. And if the frequency is always below 50 Hz, then there is a power shortage in the power system. Power plants were not built on time - this is a big problem.

Today, Russia provides us with a high-quality frequency of 50 Hz. This is where the high-speed frequency regulators are located, affecting Russian stations. When you turn on the iron, somewhere far away in Russia a generator is loaded with an additional 1.5 kW, and vice versa (this is a bit of an oversimplification, but for the most part it is true). Neither in the UES of Kazakhstan, nor in the power systems of Central Asia, today, there are systems that allow keeping the frequency “on track” at the level of 50 Hz. If we separate from Russia (electrically), our frequency will fluctuate, and this is very bad.

And one more thing - frequency is a global factor. It is the same everywhere in the energy system. Both in Kazakhstan and throughout Russia (that part that is part of the EEC) it is the same at the same point in time. If in some part the frequency has changed, it means that this part has been electrically disconnected (due to an accident or for other reasons) and is operating in isolation from the main power system.

Just don’t tell me: “Dad, who were you talking to just now?” Just kidding, of course :) Let's move on.

UES - Unified Electric Power System. This is a set of power plants, substations and power lines connected by a single general technological mode of operation. In short, everything that works “in parallel” and is interconnected (everything that is connected to each other by power lines) constitutes a UES. And although there is the UES of Kazakhstan and there is the UES of Russia, in fact this is more of a political division, “electrically” it is all one energy system, which was previously called the UES of the USSR. But, for example, the Australian energy system is not included in our Unified Energy System, since it is not connected to us by power lines.

KL - cable line power transmission - a cable is laid underground, of course with strong insulation. In terms of cost, cable lines are much more expensive than overhead lines, so in the USSR, it was customary to lay cable lines only inside populated areas, so as not to disfigure the appearance. You won’t find such savagery as in other countries, when all the guts are spread out in the streets.

The very first cable line was not designed to transmit electricity, but to transmit signals. In 1843, the US Congress announced a tender for the construction of an experimental telegraph line, which was won by Morse (known to us by the “Morse code”), so they decided to lay the line underground. However, due to the fact that Morse's partner decided to save on insulation for the wires, instead of a line it turned out to be one continuous short circuit(Such situations still happen today when businessmen begin to manage techies). And more than enough money has already been spent. A Cornell engineer participating in the project suggested a way out of the situation - to place poles along the route, and hang bare telegraph wires directly on these poles, using the necks of glass bottles as insulators. This is how the overhead telegraph line appeared, the electric overhead line was practically a copy of it, and even today the design has not fundamentally changed.

VL - overhead line power transmission It is used to transmit electricity through wires that are suspended from a support using insulators. The higher the operating voltage of the overhead line, the higher the supports and more quantity insulators in a garland. There is only one insulator on the 6.10 kV overhead line, 2 insulators on the 35 kV overhead line, 6 insulators on the 110 kV overhead line, 12 insulators on the 220 kV overhead line, 24 insulators on the 500 kV overhead line, so appearance It is not difficult to determine the operating voltage of the overhead line.

hydroelectric power station - hydroelectric station (can also be deciphered as hydraulic power station, try not to use the colloquial “hydraulic station” - in my opinion, it sounds vulgar). A hydroelectric power station is a power plant where electricity is produced by converting the energy of water (the flow of water turns a turbine). There are not many large hydroelectric power stations in Kazakhstan. If we compare in terms of power, then all hydroelectric power plants will amount to no more than 10% of all generating capacities in the Unified Energy System. This is bad. In order for the energy system to be self-sufficient, it is necessary to have at least 20-30% hydroelectric power in the system, but what can you do - water resources not enough. The advantage of hydroelectric power plants is high maneuverability. Such stations can quickly pick up the load and also quickly drop it (this is necessary for precise frequency regulation at the level of 50 Hz). What hydroelectric power plants do we have?


Electrical voltage, sockets, plugs, adapters - these are what every tourist who goes to an unfamiliar country should think about. This is especially true in modern world, when the vast majority of people travel with their personal electronic devices that require constant recharging - from cameras and mobile phones to laptops and navigation systems. In many countries, the issue is resolved simply - with the help of an adapter. However, plugs and sockets are only half the story. The voltage in the network may also be different from what is usual at home - and this is worth knowing and remembering, otherwise you can damage the device or charger. For example, in Europe and most Asian countries the voltage ranges from 220 to 240 volts. In America and Japan it is half as much - from 100 to 127 volts. If a device designed for American or Japanese voltage is inserted into a socket in Europe, it will burn out.


There are at least 13 different plugs and sockets in the world.

Type A

This type is designated Class II. The plug consists of two parallel contacts. In the Japanese version, the contacts are the same size. In American, one end is slightly wider than the other. Devices with a Japanese plug can be used in American outlets, but vice versa will not work.

Type B
for North and Central America and Japan

This type is designated as Class I. The international designation of the American type B is NEMA 5-15, the Canadian type B is CS22.2, n°42 (CS = Canadian Standard). Maximum current- 15 A. In America, type B is used very popular, in Japan it is much less common. Often, residents of old houses with type A sockets, when purchasing new modern electrical appliances with type B plugs, simply “bite off” the third grounding contact.

Type C
used in all European countries except UK, Ireland, Cyprus and Malta

International designation - CEE 7/16. The plug consists of two contacts with a diameter of 4.0-4.8 mm at a distance of 19 mm from the center. The maximum current is 3.5 A. Type C is an outdated version of the newer types E, F, J, K and L now used in Europe. All Type C plugs fit perfectly into the new sockets.

Type D
used in India, Nepal, Namibia and Sri Lanka

The international designation is BS 546 (BS = British Standard). Represents an obsolete British style plug, which was used in the mother country until 1962. The maximum current is 5 A. Some Type D sockets are compatible with Type D and M plugs. Type D sockets can still be found in older homes in Great Britain and Ireland.

Type E
used mainly in France, Belgium, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Tunisia and Morocco

International designation - CEE 7/7. The maximum current is 16 A. Type E is slightly different from CEE 7/4 (type F), which is common in Germany and other central European countries. All Type C plugs fit perfectly into Type E sockets.

Type F
used in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Portugal, Spain and Eastern European countries.

International designation CEE 7/4. This type is also known as "Schuko". The maximum current is 16 A. All type C plugs are ideally suited to type F sockets. The same type is used in Russia (in the USSR it was designated as GOST 7396), the only difference is that the diameter of the contacts adopted in Russia is 4 mm, in while in Europe, contacts with a diameter of 4.8 mm are most often used. Thus, Russian plugs easily fit into wider European sockets. But the plugs of electronic devices made for Europe do not fit into Russian sockets.

Type G
used in the UK, Ireland, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Cyprus and Malta.

The international designation is BS 1363 (BS = British Standard). The maximum current is 32 A. Tourists from Europe visiting the UK use regular adapters.

Type H
used in Israel

This socket is identified by SI 32 symbols. The Type C plug is easily compatible with the Type H socket.

Type I
used in Australia, China, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Argentina.

International designation - AS 3112. Maximum current - 10 A. Sockets and plugs of types H and I do not fit together. The sockets and plugs used by people in Australia and China fit together well.

Type J
Only used in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

The international designation is SEC 1011. The maximum current is 10 A. Regarding type C, the type J plug has one more contact, and the socket has one more hole. However, Type C plugs will fit into Type J sockets.

Type K
used only in Denmark and Greenland.

International designation - 107-2-D1. The Danish socket is suitable for CEE 7/4 and CEE 7/7 plugs, as well as type C sockets.

Type L
used only in Italy and very rarely in North African countries.

International designation - CEI 23-16/BII. Maximum current - 10 A or 16 A. All type C plugs fit into L type sockets.

Type M
used in South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho.

Type M is very similar to Type D. Most Type M sockets are compatible with Type D plugs.


In order for the plug from your device to be inserted into a socket in a particular country in the world, an adapter or adapter is often necessary. There are universal adapters on sale. In addition, in good hotels you can usually ask for an adapter at the hotel reception.

  • Adapters do not affect the voltage or flow of electricity. They only help to match a plug of one type with a socket of another. Universal adapters are most often sold in duty-free shops. Also in hotels you can often ask the maids for an adapter for temporary use.
  • Converters are capable of providing short-term conversion of local power grid parameters. For example, they are convenient on the road, where they allow you to use a hairdryer, iron, electric razor, kettle or small fan exactly as much as needed. However, they are small in size, and due to their weak hardware, it is not recommended to use them for more than one and a half to two hours at a time, since overheating of the converter can lead to breakdown of the electrical appliance using it.
  • Transformers are more powerful, larger and more expensive voltage converters capable of maintaining long-term operation. Transformers can be used without restrictions for such "serious" electrical appliances, such as radios, audio players, chargers, computers, televisions, etc.

Most modern equipment, including laptops and chargers, are suitable for use in both networks - both 110 and 220 V - without the use of a transformer. Only the appropriate adapters for plugs and sockets are required.


Of the 214 countries in the world, 165 countries use 220-240 V (50 or 60 Hz), and 39 countries use 100-127 V.

Why are frequencies of 50 and 60 Hz chosen and remain accepted throughout the energy industry to this day for the transmission and distribution of electricity? Have you ever thought about this? But this is not at all accidental. In Europe and the CIS countries the standard is 220-240 volts 50 hertz, in North American countries and the USA - 110-120 volts 60 Hz, and in Brazil 120, 127 and 220 volts 60 Hz. By the way, in the USA, the outlet may sometimes have, say, 57 or 54 Hz. Where do these numbers come from?

Let's look at history to understand this topic. In the second half of the 20th century, scientists from many countries around the world actively studied electricity and searched for it. practical application. Thomas Edison invented his first light bulb, thereby introducing electric lighting. The first direct current power plants were built. The beginning of electrification in the USA.

The first lamps were arc lamps, they glowed with an electric discharge burning on outdoors ignited between two carbon electrodes. Experimenters of that time quickly established that it is at 45 volts that the arc becomes more stable, however, for safe ignition, a resistive ballast was connected in series with the lamp, on which about 20 volts dropped during lamp operation.

So, for a long time applied constant voltage 65 volts. Then it was increased to 110 volts so that two arc lamps could be connected in series at once.

Edison was a fanatical supporter of direct current systems, and Edison's direct current generators initially operated as such, supplying 110 volts of direct current to consumer circuits.

But Edison's direct current technology was very, very expensive, not economically profitable: it was necessary to lay a lot of thick wires, and the transmission from the power plant to the consumer did not exceed a distance of several hundred meters, since transmission losses were enormous.

Later, a three-wire 220-volt DC system (two parallel 110-volt lines) was introduced, but the economics of such transmission did not improve significantly.

Later he developed his own, completely innovative alternating current generators, and introduced economically more effective system transmission of electricity at high voltages of several thousand volts, and electricity could be transmitted over thousands of meters, transmission losses decreased tens of times. D.C Edison could not compete with Tesla's alternating current.

Transformers on iron were reduced high voltage up to 127 volts on each of the three phases, supplying it to the consumer in the form of alternating current. When operating alternating current generators driven by steam or falling water, their rotors rotated at a frequency of 3000 revolutions per minute or even more. This allowed the lamps not to flicker, asynchronous motors work normally, maintaining rated speed, and transformers are able to convert electricity, increase and decrease voltage.

Meanwhile, in the USSR, the network voltage remained at 127 volts until the 60s, then, with the growth of production capacity, it was raised to the now familiar 220 volts.

Dolivo-Dobrovolsky, like Tesla, who explored the possibilities of alternating current, proposed using it for transmission of electricity. sinusoidal current, and suggested setting the frequency in the range from 30 to 40 hertz. Later they agreed on 50 hertz in the USSR and 60 hertz in the USA. These frequencies were optimal for AC equipment, which was in full operation in many factories.

The rotation frequency of a two-pole alternating current generator is 3000 or a maximum of 3600 revolutions per minute, and gives just 50 and 60 Hz frequencies during generation. For normal operation of the alternator, the frequency must be at least 50-60 Hz. Industrial transformers easily convert alternating current of a given frequency.

Today, it is fundamentally possible to increase the frequency of electricity transmission to many kilohertz, and thus save on conductor materials in power lines, but the infrastructure remains adapted specifically for current with a frequency of 50 Hz, it was originally designed this way around the world, generators at nuclear power plants rotate with the same with a frequency of 3000 rpm, they still have the same pair of poles. Therefore, modification of power generation, transmission and distribution systems is a matter of the distant future. That is why 220 volts 50 hertz remains our standard for now.

The movement of electrons in a wire, first in one direction and then in the other, is called one alternating current oscillation. The first oscillation is followed by a second, then a third, etc. When the current oscillates in the wire around it, a corresponding oscillation of the magnetic field occurs.

The time of one oscillation is called a period and is designated by the letter T. The period is expressed in seconds or in units of fractions of a second. These include: a thousandth of a second - a millisecond (ms), equal to 10 -3 s, a millionth of a second - a microsecond (μs), equal to 10 -6 s, and a billionth of a second - a nanosecond (ns), equal to 10 -9 s.

An important quantity characterizing is frequency. It represents the number of oscillations or the number of periods per second and is denoted by the letter f or F. The unit of frequency is the hertz, named after the German scientist G. Hertz and abbreviated as Hz (or Hz). If one complete oscillation occurs in one second, then the frequency is equal to one hertz. When ten oscillations occur within a second, the frequency is 10 Hz. Frequency and period are reciprocals:


At a frequency of 10 Hz, the period is 0.1 s. And if the period is 0.01 s, then the frequency is 100 Hz

IN electrical network AC frequency is 50 Hz. The current flows fifty times per second in one direction and fifty times in the opposite direction. One hundred times per second it reaches an amplitude value and one hundred times becomes equal to zero, that is, it changes its direction one hundred times when passing through the zero value. Lamps connected to the network dim a hundred times a second and flash brighter the same number of times, but the eye does not notice this, thanks to visual inertia, i.e. the ability to retain the impressions received for about 0.1 s.

When calculating with alternating currents, the angular frequency ω is also used; it is equal to 2πf or 6.28f. It should be expressed not in hertz, but in radians per second (a radian is an angle 2π times smaller than 360 o).

Alternating currents are usually divided by frequency. Currents with a frequency of less than 10,000 Hz are called low frequency currents (LF currents). These currents have a frequency corresponding to the frequency of various sounds of the human voice or musical instruments, and are therefore otherwise called audio frequency currents (except for currents with a frequency below 20 Hz, which do not correspond to audio frequencies). In radio engineering, LF currents are widely used, especially in radiotelephone transmission.

However, the main role in radio communications is played by alternating currents with a frequency of more than 10,000 Hz, called high-frequency currents, or radio frequencies (RF currents). The units used to measure the frequency of these currents are kilohertz (kHz), equal to a thousand hertz, megahertz (MHz), equal to a million hertz, and gigahertz (GHz), equal to a billion hertz. Otherwise, kilohertz, megahertz and gigahertz are denoted by kHz, MHz, GHz. Currents with a frequency of hundreds of megahertz and higher are called ultra-high or ultra-high frequency currents (microwave and UHF).

Radio stations operate using alternating HF currents with a frequency of hundreds of kilohertz and higher. In modern radio engineering, currents with a frequency of billions of hertz are used for special purposes, and there are instruments that make it possible to accurately measure such ultrahigh frequencies.